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[FE11] (H...5?) FE11 Draft the Next


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(is not in this draft, but is enjoying it thoroughly)

Due to the silliness of this draft, I'd allow it. . .or shopping on Chapter 21's gonna seriously suck.

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(is not in this draft, but is enjoying it thoroughly)

Due to the silliness of this draft, I'd allow it. . .or shopping on Chapter 21's gonna seriously suck.


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Okay, official update.

Chapter 1, already posted.

14 Turns

MIA: Gordin, Abel

Name:       L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:      2.40 19  5  0  3  7  8  7  0   D  -  -  -  -  - C From Sheeda
Sheeda:     1.81 16  4  1  6 12  9  7  6   -  D  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Cain:       2.90 21  7  0  5  7  3  8  0   D  E  -  -  -  - 
Draug:      1.71 20  7  0  3  3  1 11  0   -  D  -  -  -  - 
Jagen:      2.33 23  7  1 10  8  1  9  6   D  B  -  -  -  - 
Wrys:       1.51 16  0  2  5  6  2  3  6   -  -  -  -  -  E

Chapter 2, in

. The critical hit on the boss was unplanned, but fuck if I tried to redo it just to get a normal hit/dodge combination. Especially with growing Speed being basically required. I would be willing to accept some sort of compensation penalty for ridiculous good luck if other competitors feel it is in order, both for here and for Ch1's SL crit.

17 turns.

MIA: Darros, Castor, Cord

Name:       L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:      3.50 20  5  0  3  7  9  8  0   D  -  -  -  -  - C From Sheeda
Sheeda:     2.41 17  4  1  7 13 10  8  6   -  D  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Cain:       5.84 24  9  0  7  9  4  9  0   D  D  -  -  -  - 
Draug:      2.71 21  8  0  4  4  1 11  0   -  D  -  -  -  - 
Jagen:      2.92 23  7  1 10  8  1  9  6   D  B  -  -  -  - 
Wrys:       3.21 16  0  2  6  7  2  3  7   -  -  -  -  -  E 
Bord:       3.10 21  9  0  4  7  1  5  0   -  -  C  -  -  -

Chapter 3. The boss was a walk in the park compared to the previous chapter. Getting to him alive took the effort this time. All in all, not too shabby here, I don't think.

20 turns.

MIA: Navarre

Name:       L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:      4.30 20  6  0  3  8 10  8  0   D  -  -  -  -  - C From Sheeda
Sheeda:     3.31 17  4  1  7 14 11  8  6   -  D  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Cain:       8.66 27 10  0  8 12  5 10  0   C  D  -  -  -  - 
Draug[AK]:  2.91 21  8  0  4  4  1 11  0   -  C  -  -  -  - 
Draug[HN]:  2.91 21  8  0  6 10  1  3  0   -  -  -  E  -  - 
Jagen:      3.23 23  7  1 11  8  1 10  6   D  B  -  -  -  - 
Wrys:       3.72 16  0  2  6  7  2  3  7   -  -  -  -  -  D 
Bord:       5.00 22 11  0  6  8  2  5  0   -  -  C  -  -  -

Chapter 4. In the base menu I reclass Draug to Hunter and Lena to Pegasus. I also forge +3 MT to the Win Spear. All of these play very important roles in the easy completion of this chapter. I don't think I actually needed those map saves.

7 turns.

MIA: Lena, Ogma, Barst, Unil, Dua, Trim, Merric

Name:       L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:      5.25 21  7  0  3  9 11  8  0   D  -  -  -  -  - C From Sheeda
Sheeda:     5.38 19  5  1  9 16 11  8  6   -  C  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Cain:       8.95 27 10  0  8 12  5 10  0   C  D  -  -  -  - 
Draug[HN]:  4.04 23  8  0  8 12  2  3  0   - (C) -  E  -  - 
Jagen[PL]:  3.54 23  7  1 11  8  1 10  6   D  A  -  -  -  - 
Jagen[DK]:  3.54 21  8  1 11  8  1 12  3   -  A  E  -  -  - 
Wrys:       4.45 17  0  2  6  8  3  3  8   -  -  -  -  -  D 
Bord:       5.78 22 11  0  6  8  2  5  0   -  -  B  -  -  -
Matthis:    2.50 20  5  0  2  6  0  7  0   E  D  -  -  -  -
Quatro[MY]: 6.00 20  3  0 11 12  0  4  0   E  -  -  -  -  -
Quatro[MG]: 6.00 20  0  3  3  4  0  2  3   -  -  -  -  E  -

Chapter 5. Received Quatro, a myrmidon with shitty stats. Reclass to Quatro, a mage with usable stats. Reclass Jagen to Dracoknight. Forge +3 MT, +15 Hit to Can-Opener (Hammer).

7 turns.

MIA: Vyland, Hardin, Wolf, Sedgar

Name:       L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:      5.27 21  7  0  3  9 11  8  0   D  -  -  -  -  - C From Sheeda
Sheeda:     6.29 20  5  1 10 17 12  8  6   -  C  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Cain:      10.38 28 10  0  9 13  5 11  0   C  D  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Draug[HN]:  4.84 23  8  0  8 12  2  3  0   - (C) -  E  -  - C From Marth
Jagen[DK]:  4.18 21  8  1 12  8  1 12  3  (D) A  E  -  -  - C From Marth
Wrys:       5.40 18  0  2  6  8  3  3  8   -  -  -  -  -  D C From Marth, C From Sheeda
Bord:       6.80 23 12  0  6  8  3  6  0   -  -  B  -  -  -
Matthis:    3.20 20  6  0  3  6  0  8  0   E  D  -  -  -  -
Quatro[MG]: 6.29 20  0  3  3  4  0  2  3  (E) -  -  -  E  -

Edited by Balcerzak
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...Skype thinks that Bord's stats are a Senegalese phone number


Also, going to do this on cartridge because I'm suicidal. I will start shortly.

I WILL FINISH EVEN IF I HAVE TO TAKE A PENALTY FOR USING UNDRAFTED UNITS (only after failing a map like eighteen times with no chance of improvement, though)

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Chapter 2 was completed in 15 turns, I have the video, don't feel like uploading it now. It'll be here once I upload it (i'm pretty busy next couple days, so don't expect until, say, Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.) I used a trick so the hunter and the two thieves would get blocked by Draug, (they were unable to attack him due to stupid AI), and Shiida blicking the cavs with her win spear. Jeigan got a good levelup (Str, Skl, Def) and the boss was killed by Barst hitting two 46's, Jeigan dodging like, 4/5 50 something percents, and Marth chipping.

Stats in a sec, comp is losing battery power.

Marf      03.62     Lord         19   5    4    9    9    7    0   D Sword
Jeigan    03.08     Pally        22   8   11    8    1   11    6   B Lance D Sword
Gordin    02.74     Archer       19   5    4    4    5    6    0   D Bow
Shiida    04.01     Peg. Knight  18   4    8   15   12    8    6   D Lance
Barts     05.28     Fighter      26  11    7    9    5    6    0   D Axe

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 2: 20 turns clear = 50 turns total

Ogma's pretty good. Marth's actually pretty damn good at fighting - he outstrongs Jags already.


Cain, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Abel, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Bord, Chapter 2: Thief and a Hunter.

Darros, Chapter 2: Same Thief and Hunter.

Gordin, Chapter 2: Total accident got him oneshotted by a Pirate.

Draug, Chapter 2: Valiant sacrifice to save Caeda and let her recruit Castor AFTER HE SHOT HER.

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Just imagine, I'm stuck in Chapter 1 HM2 because I've got no good level ups. :dry: However, I beat the chapter in 17-22 turns. Well, I take my time to have Gordin, Jagen and Draug killed.

Jeigan and Draug range from extremely clutch to above average during earlygame, why would you kill them off?

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Gentlemen. Kitty let me shanghai her computer for a last-minute update.

Chapter 3: 17 turns clear = 67 turns total

Everybody went to help Jules survive except Marth. Marth went to the left and tanked all three of the initial pirates with nothing but a Mountain and an Iron Sword. He might be my best combatant at the moment. I can't make this up. He even got the boss kill.


Now I reset at the last map save until Trim comes out a girl. Don't hate.

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Jeigan and Draug range from extremely clutch to above average during earlygame, why would you kill them off?

Because I usually don't make them drain exp, and aside from them I train the cavs. But obviously with Silver Jagen, things will be easier. I'll think it.

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Gentlemen. Kitty let me shanghai her computer for a last-minute update.

Chapter 3: 17 turns clear = 67 turns total

Everybody went to help Jules survive except Marth. Marth went to the left and tanked all three of the initial pirates with nothing but a Mountain and an Iron Sword. He might be my best combatant at the moment. I can't make this up. He even got the boss kill.


Now I reset at the last map save until Trim comes out a girl. Don't hate.

Lol, my Marth gets one rounded by everything on the map with a steel sword equipped.

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Let's post some stats, because I sorta want to compare Marths to you now Horace.

Marth    Lord   9.33  24/ 8/ 0/ 5/13/15/10/ 0  Swords C.85
Caeda    P.Kt   2.52  16/ 4/ 1/ 7/13/ 9/ 7/ 6  Lances D.70
Jagen    Pala / 3.11  22/ 7/ 1/11/ 8/ 2/ 9/ 6  Swords D.15, Lances B.70
Wrys     Cure   3.89  16/ 0/ 2/ 5/ 7/ 3/ 3/ 6  Staves D.05
Ogma     Merc   8.31  26/ 9/ 0/13/13/ 5/ 8/ 0  Swords C.80
Castor   Hunt   4.41  21/ 8/ 0/ 4/ 7/ 3/ 4/ 0  Bows   D.40
Julian   Thf    4.00  18/ 4/ 0/ 6/12/ 8/ 5/ 0  Swords E.10
Trim     Arch   5.00  17/ 5/ 0/ 5/ 4/ 0/ 7/ 0  Bows   E.50

Before reclassing, of course.

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Here comes another official update.

. Reclassed Jagen to Paladin... because archers. Forge +3 MT to SuperLance(Silver Lance). Successfully acquire Bullion (S), Angelic Robe, Armorslayer, Physic, and both Master Keys. Fuck the Killng Edge. Accidentally Quatro in a moment of derp, but who needs him anyway.

8 turns.

73 turns total.

MIA: Roshea, Julius, Quatro, Penvo, Hexo, Xestu.

Name:         L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:        5.55 21  7  0  3  9 11  8  0   D  -  -  -  -  - B From Sheeda
Sheeda:       7.44 21  5  1 10 18 12  8  6   -  C  -  -  -  - B From Marth
Cain:        11.66 29 11  0  9 14  6 11  0   C  D  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Draug[HN]:    6.14 23  9  0  8 14  3  3  0   - (C) -  E  -  - C From Marth
Jagen[PL]:    4.67 23  7  1 12  8  1 10  6   D  A (E) -  -  - 
Jagen[DK]:    4.67 21  8  1 12  8  1 12  3  (D) A  E  -  -  - C From Marth
Wrys:         6.66 18  0  2  6  8  3  3  9   -  -  -  -  -  D C From Marth, C From Sheeda
Bord[FT]:     8.58 25 14  0  8  9  5  7  0   -  -  B  -  -  -
Bord[MC]:     8.58 21 13  0 15 12  5  9  0   E  - (B) -  -  -
Matthis[CV]:  4.50 21  7  0  3  7  0  8  0   E  D  -  -  -  -
Matthis[AR]:  4.50 19  7  0  4  5  0  7  0  (E)(D) -  E  -  -
Rickard:      1.11 16  4  0  2  9  0  3  0   E  -  -  -  -  -

Chapter 6x. Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight. Forge +3 MT to Pinsticker(Rapier). Work on my weapon ranks and underlevelled members.

25 turns.

73 turns total.

MIA: Octu, Naunu, Dexa.

Name:         L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:        7.57 23  9  0  4 11 12  9  0   C  -  -  -  -  - B From Sheeda
Sheeda:       8.90 21  5  1 11 18 13  8  6   -  B  -  -  -  - B From Marth
Cain:        12.21 29 11  0 10 14  6 11  0   C  C  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Draug[HN]:    8.02 24 10  0  9 15  3  3  0   - (C) -  D  -  - C From Marth
Jagen[DK]:    4.77 21  8  1 12  8  1 12  3  (D) A  E  -  -  - C From Marth
Wrys:         8.74 19  0  2  7  8  5  3  9   -  -  -  -  -  C C From Marth, C From Sheeda
Bord[MC]:    10.28 23 13  0 17 13  5 11  0   E  - (B) -  -  -
Matthis[AR]:  7.43 22  8  0  5  6  0  7  0  (E)(D) -  D  -  -
Rickard:      1.11 16  4  0  2  9  0  3  0   E  -  -  -  -  -

Chapter 7. Forge +3 MT to Horseslayer(Ridersbane). Recruit Bantu ASAP and get the hell out of dodge. Sacrifice generics left and right. Bake you a delicious cake. Receive Auffle in a usable class with passable stats and rejoice.

10 turns.

83 turns total.

MIA: Hendexa, Duadexa, Wymp, Owend, Laim.

Name:         L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:        8.12 24  9  0  4 12 13  9  0   C  -  -  -  -  - B From Sheeda
Sheeda:       9.79 22  6  1 12 19 14  8  6   -  B  -  -  -  - B From Marth
Cain:        13.76 30 12  0 11 15  6 11  0   C  C  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Draug[HN]:   10.41 24 11  0 10 16  4  3  0   - (C) -  C  -  - C From Marth
Jagen[DK]:    5.03 21  8  1 13  9  1 12  3  (D) A  E  -  -  - C From Marth
Wrys:         9.81 19  0  2  7  8  6  3  9   -  -  -  -  -  C C From Marth, C From Sheeda
Bord[FT]:    10.71 27 14  0 10 10  5  9  0  (E) -  B  -  -  -
Matthis[AR]:  8.18 22  8  0  5  6  0  8  0  (E)(D) -  D  -  -
Rickard:      1.11 16  4  0  2  9  0  3  0   E  -  -  -  -  -
Bantu:        1.09 20  2  0  3  4  1  3  1   -  -  -  -  -  -
Auffle[MG]:   9.00 19  0  6  1  5  0  2  4   -  -  -  -  D  -

Also, for your viewing pleasure, a fail montage of several of my screw-ups in Ch7. (P.S. watch until the end, that last one is heartbreaking.)

Edited by Balcerzak
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Chapter 4: 16 turns clear = 83 turns total

If I win, it's going to be because nobody else finished.

Forged the Rapier, brought it down to one use as MARTH tanked the left side (what a guy!). The only thing I fucked up was the handling of the two Horsemen, and I'm not too bitter because I fed Trim one of the kills.


Cain, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Abel, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Bord, Chapter 2: Thief and a Hunter.

Darros, Chapter 2: Same Thief and Hunter.

Gordin, Chapter 2: Total accident got him oneshotted by a Pirate.

Draug, Chapter 2: Valiant sacrifice to save Caeda and let her recruit Castor AFTER HE SHOT HER.

Unil I, Chapter 4: Took two Cavaliers off of Marth to let him reach a Fort.

Dua I, Chapter 4: Took a Pirate off of Ogma and got crit in the face.

Matthis, Chapter 4: Met Marth's Rapier. Or, in this instance, Rapiim.

Navarre, Chapter 4: Oops. Dammit. Accidentally aggroed two Archers with him instead of one.

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If you finish this draft, you have already won. Period. Even if your score may not be as low as any other finisher. It is H5. A winner is you.

Also, your Marth kicks the shit out of my Marth.

Also, also. How did you get specific WEXP numbers for your chart?

Edited by Balcerzak
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I will do this.

I just...have to glare at my Sentimental Value cartridge until it OBEYS me. Or bursts into flame.

Edited by Furetchen
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