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[FE11] (H...5?) FE11 Draft the Next


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Haha, my Roger's first level up was the exact same. Is Wolf a General or a Hero?

I'm also contemplating not getting the boots. It's not like Marth will be able to survive anything anyway.

Edited by General_Horace
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Wolf's actually a Warrior right now. General didn't have the reliability to help and I needed Hammertime to spank the first Armor.

EDIT: Plus, Steel Bow was absolutely invaluable in nicking those Dracoknights.

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Chapter 12x was done in 22 or 23 turns. Or something like that. Didn't record it because gaiden. Marth finally doesn't lose AS from a steel sword.

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         09.08   Lord              32   8    8    13   14   8    0   C Sword
Jeigan    ??/07.40   Dracoknight       21   9   12     9    3  13    3   A Lance D Axe (D Sword)
Gordin       08.22   Archer            21   8    7     5    7   9    0   C Bow
Wrys         12.49   Mage              18  13    8     7    9   2    5   D Tome (C Staff)
Barst     16/04.41   Hero              38  18   23    23    9  12    3   A Axe D Sword
Lena         17.34   Cleric            19   7   10    11   16   3   15   A Staff
Roshea       08.01   Cavalier          26   8    8     7    5   7    0   C Lance E Sword
Hardin       16.31   Cavalier          29  13   13    13    6  10    1   A Lance D Sword
Athena       13.11   Myrmidon          27  10   13    15    6   7    0   C Sword
Roger        09.00   Hunter            24   8    6    12    6   6    0   D Bow
Rickard      01.69   Thief             16   4    2     9    0   3    0   E Sword
Tomas        09.29   Archer            23   7    6     6    4   6    0   C Bow

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him
Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage
Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer
Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer



Chapter 13 - 3/112 Turns.

Hardin promoted, and he killed the boss with a newly forged +3 Mt +9 Crit killer lance. Got the Ridersbane, purchased some silver lances and steel swords and bows.

Chapter 14 - 6/118 Turns

It's getting easier now... until the desert. Barst ORKO'd the boss with a regular hammer, after Hardin opened the door with a master key use. Killed off one generic.

Chapter 15 - 5/123 Turns

Hardin, Jeigan, and Barst used pure waters so they would live. Sacrificed generics left, right, and center. Roger is nearing promotion.

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         09.63   Lord              32   8    8    13   14   8    0   C Sword
Jeigan    ??/09.29   Dracoknight       21   9   13     9    4  13    3   A Lance D Axe (D Sword)
Gordin       08.32   Archer            21   8    7     5    7   9    0   C Bow
Wrys         12.79   Mage              18  13    8     7    9   2    5   D Tome (C Staff)
Barst     16/06.68   Hero              40  18   23    23   10  13    3   A Axe D Sword
Lena         19.21   Cleric            19   8   11    12   17   3   15   A Staff
Roshea       08.51   Cavalier          26   8    8     7    5   7    0   C Lance E Sword
Hardin    16/03.22   Dracoknight       31  17   17    15    8  14    4   A Lance D Sword
Athena       13.95   Myrmidon          27  10   13    15    6   7    0   C Sword
Roger        09.83   Hunter            24   8    6    12    6   6    0   D Bow
Rickard      01.69   Thief             16   4    2     9    0   3    0   E Sword
Tomas        09.39   Archer            23   7    6     6    4   6    0   C Bow

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him
Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage
Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer
Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :(

Edited by General_Horace
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C10: 23 turns clear = 162 turns total

I wanted to make this better. I really did. But I couldn't. Marth being one of my top combatants, he had to PERSONALLY fight half the reinforcements AND he was one of two units who wasn't doubled and 1RKOd or simply 1HKOd by the Hero. I sob.


Cain, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Abel, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Bord, Chapter 2: Thief and a Hunter.

Darros, Chapter 2: Same Thief and Hunter.

Gordin, Chapter 2: Total accident got him oneshotted by a Pirate.

Draug, Chapter 2: Valiant sacrifice to save Caeda and let her recruit Castor AFTER HE SHOT HER.

Unil I, Chapter 4: Took two Cavaliers off of Marth to let him reach a Fort.

Dua I, Chapter 4: Took a Pirate off of Ogma and got crit in the face.

Matthis, Chapter 4: Met Marth's Rapier. Or, in this instance, Rapiim.

Navarre, Chapter 4: Oops. Dammit. Accidentally aggroed two Archers with him instead of one.

Merric, Chapter 5: Distracted a Pegasus away from Jagen.

Roshea, Chapter 5: Deliberately suicided to start to make progress towards Duadexa.

Hardin, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Vyland, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Cord, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Lena, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Barst, Chapter 6: Pulled the final Knight + Archer in the throne room out.

Quatro I, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to make progress towards Duadexa.

Athena, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to raise the party's average level. For Duadexa.

Roger, Chapter 9: Died in the spawn to the first two pirates. He sucked anyway.

Penvo, Chapter 10: Distracted the Hero for a critical single turn.

Rickard, Chapter 11: Pointlessly suicided in the spawn to the first Ballista to improve my average.

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Make him a warrior or a hero?

Then he can't cross the water and distract most of the enemy away from Marth, who is 2HKO'd, and Hardin, who is 3HKO'd. And he can't keep up to Marth in any other class to protect him.


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I guess chapter 10 will be one of your harder chapters. After chapter 16, I think it'll be easy for me as well, but chapter 20 will be tough for us all, because of Camus + ballista + Brave Weapon cavs one after the other (er, I think they have braves anyway)

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C11: 15 turns clear = 177 turns total

My turncount is going to be ABYSMAL, but there you have it.

C12: 20 turns clear = 197 turns total

Marth had to sit behind to fight reinforcements while Wolf RAN TO THE BOSS. Oh well. Got the Boots.


Cain, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Abel, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Bord, Chapter 2: Thief and a Hunter.

Darros, Chapter 2: Same Thief and Hunter.

Gordin, Chapter 2: Total accident got him oneshotted by a Pirate.

Draug, Chapter 2: Valiant sacrifice to save Caeda and let her recruit Castor AFTER HE SHOT HER.

Unil I, Chapter 4: Took two Cavaliers off of Marth to let him reach a Fort.

Dua I, Chapter 4: Took a Pirate off of Ogma and got crit in the face.

Matthis, Chapter 4: Met Marth's Rapier. Or, in this instance, Rapiim.

Navarre, Chapter 4: Oops. Dammit. Accidentally aggroed two Archers with him instead of one.

Merric, Chapter 5: Distracted a Pegasus away from Jagen.

Roshea, Chapter 5: Deliberately suicided to start to make progress towards Duadexa.

Hardin, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Vyland, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Cord, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Lena, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Barst, Chapter 6: Pulled the final Knight + Archer in the throne room out.

Quatro I, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to make progress towards Duadexa.

Athena, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to raise the party's average level. For Duadexa.

Roger, Chapter 9: Died in the spawn to the first two pirates. He sucked anyway.

Penvo, Chapter 10: Distracted the Hero for a critical single turn.

Rickard, Chapter 11: Pointlessly suicided in the spawn to the first Ballista to improve my average.

Tomas, Chapter 12: Mmhmm.

Dolph, Chapter 12: Yeah.

Boah, Chapter 12: Yep.

Midia, Chapter 12: :(

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Hmmm. . .why did Midia have to kick the bucket? :(:

Probably to get closer to the next drafted generic. Although she would have kept the level average up.


Chapter 16 - 8/131 Turns

Marth was one square away from a 7 turn seize, but he ended up with the bosskill and a perfect level up (without res), so I'm not complaining. Barst ate a speedwing and crossed the water and killed all the horseman, a general, a couple cavaliers, and a paladin. It was pretty amazing. His level ups were awful though.

I still have all the videos, but I'm gonna mass upload them all in one day, then I'll post them here.

Recruited Xane.

Chapter 17 should be 3 turns, but you never know.

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         10.56   Lord              33   9    9    14   15   9    0   C Sword
Jeigan    ??/09.51   Dracoknight       21   9   13     9    4  13    3   A Lance D Axe (D Sword)
Gordin       08.46   Archer            21   8    7     5    7   9    0   C Bow
Wrys         12.92   Mage              18  13    8     7    9   2    5   D Tome (C Staff)
Barst     16/09.30   Hero              42  19   24    26   11  13    3   A Axe D Sword
Lena      19/01.41   Sage              25  11   12    13   17   3   12   A Staff D Tome
Roshea       08.51   Cavalier          26   8    8     7    5   7    0   C Lance E Sword
Hardin    16/04.44   Dracoknight       32  17   18    16    9  14    4   A Lance D Sword
Athena    14/01.00   Swordmaster       34  13   15    18    7   9    0   A Sword
Roger        10.52   Hunter            25   9    6    12    7   6    0   D Bow
Rickard      01.69   Thief             16   4    2     9    0   3    0   E Sword
Tomas        09.53   Archer            23   7    6     6    4   6    0   C Bow
Xane         Nobody Cares

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him
Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage
Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer
Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :(

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Actually, to be true, my Marth is pretty spot-on average now. He was just blessed for some critical early levels.

As of now, level 22:

37 / 14 / 0 / 7 / 19 / 22 / 11 / 1

+3 / -1 / 0 / -4/ +2 / -1 / 0 / +1


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Chapter 17 - 3/134 Turns

Promoted Athena so she could kill the boss.

Forged a +3 MT Wyrmslayer. Hopefully somebody other than Athena can use it sometime. Although Paladin!Athena can use it, so that's nice. Reclassed Barst to General for the chapter in hopes of getting defence, but it didn't work out. He got strength though, which was nice.

Got the VIP card and Fortify. The next gaiden will be a walk in the park.

Wrys is also 4 points above his Magic average. WRYSSSSSS

I haven't got any generics in a while now :( I want my promoted Generics :(

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         10.69   Lord              33   9    9    14   15   9    0   C Sword
Jeigan    ??/09.51   Dracoknight       21   9   13     9    4  13    3   A Lance D Axe (D Sword)
Gordin       08.46   Archer            21   8    7     5    7   9    0   C Bow
WRYSSSSSS    13.72   Mage              18  14    8     7    9   2    5   D Tome (C Staff)
Barst     16/10.09   Hero              43  20   24    26   11  13    3   A Axe D Sword
Lena      19/01.49   Sage              25  11   12    13   17   3   12   A Staff D Tome
Roshea       08.51   Cavalier          26   8    8     7    5   7    0   C Lance E Sword
Hardin    16/05.02   Dracoknight       32  17   18    16    9  14    4   A Lance D Sword
Athena    14/02.19   Swordmaster       35  13   15    19    7   9    0   A Sword
Roger        10.52   Hunter            25   9    6    12    7   6    0   D Bow
Rickard      01.69   Thief             16   4    2     9    0   3    0   E Sword
Tomas        09.53   Archer            23   7    6     6    4   6    0   C Bow
Xane         Nobody Cares

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him
Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage
Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer
Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :(

Chapter 17x - 21 Turns

Etzel get. Although he might be outclassed once WRYSSS promotes. Barst stayed as a general to handle the paladin reinforcements.

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         12.75   Lord              35  11   10    16   16   9    0   B Sword
Jeigan    ??/09.65   Dracoknight       21   9   13     9    4  13    3   A Lance D Axe (D Sword)
Gordin       08.46   Archer            21   8    7     5    7   9    0   C Bow
WRYSSSSSS    13.92   Mage              18  14    8     7    9   2    5   D Tome (C Staff)
Barst     16/13.59   Hero              44  20   25    26   14  16    3   A Axe D Sword (C Lance)
Lena      19/03.21   Sage              25  13   12    13   19   3   14   A Staff D Tome
Roshea       10.08   Cavalier          28   8    9     8    5   7    0   C Lance E Sword
Hardin    16/06.48   Dracoknight       33  19   19    18   10  14    4   A Lance D Sword
Athena    14/03.48   Swordmaster       35  13   16    19    7   9    0   A Sword
Roger        10.52   Hunter            25   9    6    12    7   6    0   D Bow
Rickard      01.69   Thief             16   4    2     9    0   3    0   E Sword
Tomas        09.53   Archer            23   7    6     6    4   6    0   C Bow
Xane         Nobody Cares
Etzel     ??/06.00   Sorcerer          30  11   14     9    7   7   12   B Tome D Staff

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - Chapter 11, He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him
Dolph - Chapter 12, OHKO'd by enemy mage
Macellan - Chapter 12, ORKO'd by enemy archer
Midia - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Boah - Chapter 12, 2HKO'd by enemy archer
Shiida - Chapter 13, OHKO'd by Arrowspate, because I couldn't use her anymore :(

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C12x: 24 turns clear = 197 turns total


Nobody died. I intended to suicide Caeda but had no real time to.

Incidentally, Hero!Wolf came 1 point from 1RKOing every reinforcement Pirate. XP FOR TRIM AND OGMA AND CASTOR

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