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Aran HM

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Hi there,

for historic background, I'm speaking of my 2nd HM PT.

On my 1st PT(normal), I didn't used Aran because I've killed him on his recruit map, and in my 1st HM run, he wasn't great at all, to much lack of speed so he was doubled by anyone on every map.

I generally prefer to baby under leveled characters instead of using over powered ones, I think it's more "satisfaying-full"

So whatever ! on my new and second HM PT, I was thinking of a couples of changes, for exemple benching Edward who did nothing good in my last PT for Zihark. and giving a second chance to Aran.

I was thinking too of a different use of bexp, last PT, I was using it on characters (capped or not) who had 70+ exp, and I think it's not the best way to use it on FE 10.

I just finished chapter I (the DB chapters), and Aran became my team's finest and strongest character.

He was the 1st (and only one for the moment) to be promoted.

Does Aran generally end good in HM ? or will his blatent lack of speed will be catched at a moment of the game ?

(In this run I was pretty desapointed by Nolan, who, for the moment, can't hit well, and can not take 2 hits (lv 18, 33 HP, 9(!) def, 15 or 16 spd)

Can I even think of benching Nephenie for Aran in the final maps ?

(Transfered Data PT HM - Nephenie came with str, skl, spd, def)


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Aran is slow, Nephenee is God, with transfer even more, which makes up for her mediocre STr growth, I like using both. Aran is generally worse, because his 35 % Speed growth is worse than Neph's 35 % STR, because speed is really important. So, Use both imo. Zihark is Gr9mazing. Use him! Support him with an Earth or Thunder affinity unit, and he's nigh unhittable. Edward beats him on growths, but Edward can't get there as easily on HM.

So, Use Aran, Neph and Zihark ;o

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(In this run I was pretty desapointed by Nolan, who, for the moment, can't hit well, and can not take 2 hits (lv 18, 33 HP, 9(!) def, 15 or 16 spd)

Nolan's starting stats: 29hp, 9def. He screw'd, boi

Edited by Excelkitty
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Satisfiable or satisfactory would work.

Aran is the most overrated underrated character. He's good for Part I and Part III since he has good defense, but he's really unneeded in the long run. Neph>Aran. Although there isn't too many good lance users, so sometimes it's nice to have an extra. I usually use Gatrie, a winged unit, and a Cav (Oscar, usually, but there was a PT he died, causeing me to use Geoffrey) though.

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Lance users really got screwed over in this game.

Aran is one of more useable ones since he does well in part 1 and 3. He's heavily reliant on speed procs. If he doesn't reach 15 speed before 3-6 he's not going to survive even with his monster Def.

On Part 4 he's most likely too slow to be able to keep up. And not getting that magical 34 speed ever (cap 33) means he won't be the most valid character for endgame.

Not that there are too many valid characters for the Wishblade in endgame.

Fiona - Lol too much babying.

Nephenee - Less babying then Fiona but her Part 2 is lulz and in part 3 she's underleveled. Still one of the better choices.

Marcia - Too littel screentime to get leveled for her joining of the GM in 3-11.

Sigrun - Fail bases even though she has a good base level to get going right away.

Tanith - Best choice by far, strong, fast with good bases and growths. 1 Speedwing and she's ready to go (screw Skrimir for 3th wing)

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Nephenee - Less babying then Fiona but her Part 2 is lulz and in part 3 she's underleveled. Still one of the better choices.

Marcia - Too littel screentime to get leveled for her joining of the GM in 3-11.

Tanith - Best choice by far, strong, fast with good bases and growths. 1 Speedwing and she's ready to go (screw Skrimir for 3th wing)

In light of Marcia and Nephenee, both better units, Tanith is most certainly not "by far" the best.

Lance users really got screwed over in this game.

You must be thinking of magic users.

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I'm using Aran (alongside Micaiah, BK, Tauroneo and Sothe in P1) in a draft and imo, he's not that good. Low spd is a pretty big problem and I find there's not really enough EXP to level him much although I guess I am trying to rush through the maps.

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Marcia can get to lvl 13-15 with paragon in the CRK chapters and thats with rushing. She joins the greil's in a chapter where u have a ton of bexp so she can get going right away. Neph is the best lance user though for sure. She can solo maps once promoted, great 2 range and always doubles. Her str and def arent bad enough to hurt past her first few chapters. Once she gets going shes ridiculously invaluable.

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Neph is the only good lancer, and a large part of it is due to her receiving the P2 BEXP almost by default.

Marcia, Tanith, Oscar say hi.

Neph doesn't get all P2 BEXP. Its called Laguz, and Mordecai certainly likes it. Not everyone uses Neph. Also, Elincia gets some to kill Ludveck. And lets not count Marcia out (even if you have to save it).

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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The biggest reason for Aran's mediocre-ness in HM (at least in my experience) is that it's much harder for him to get the BEXP he needs once he caps his Strength, Skill and Defense in Tier 2 to boost his Speed.

Any CRK should get Paragon in 3-9 if you're planning on using them (except maybe Geoffrey, since he disappears), so Marcia's level disadvantage is mitigated somewhat by that. Also, assuming a level 1 Nephenee in 3-2 is just ridiculous (unless you're not planning on using her anyway).

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I am using Aran in my HM run. And he's god. Really, I got lucky with his speed growth, so he has a few points over the average. I got quite sick of using Nephenee in every run, so I decided to give Aran a try. He really saved me with his awesome defense and the amount of bonuses for the A support with Laura. I think he's worth using, at least. He will easily cap STR, DEF and even SKL in no time, so he may be able to bexp that speed.

I think that it may also depend on how he grows with the early levels. If he keeps getting good level ups... why don't you use him? I got a lot of perfect level ups from him. so he grew up very well, and now he's my strongest member in the DB, along with Edward (that got raped in DEF >_>)

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Oh really, I forgot about that, sorry. :D:

I think she meant that male lance users are slow. :B):

First off, don't double post like this, especially two minutes apart.

Marcia isn't gettign enough levels in the CRK chapters and Nephenee is annoying to level as a Level 1 Halbedier when she returns in chapter 3-2.

Marcia can get to lvl 13-15 with paragon in the CRK chapters and thats with rushing. She joins the greil's in a chapter where u have a ton of bexp so she can get going right away. Neph is the best lance user though for sure. She can solo maps once promoted, great 2 range and always doubles. Her str and def arent bad enough to hurt past her first few chapters. Once she gets going shes ridiculously invaluable.

Expanding on that, level 1 Nephenee in 3-2 is a joke. Level 5 would be accurate for HM. She's not great at first, but passable and won't take too long, especially with smart BEXP, to become very good.

Marcia only needs to get to ~level 12 to start beating Tanith. She might want an Energy Drop, but you already claimed that Tanith can get a Wing. Marcia's availability + that easily makes her a better unit.

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Marcia can get to lvl 13-15 with paragon in the CRK chapters and thats with rushing. She joins the greil's in a chapter where u have a ton of bexp so she can get going right away. Neph is the best lance user though for sure. She can solo maps once promoted, great 2 range and always doubles. Her str and def arent bad enough to hurt past her first few chapters. Once she gets going shes ridiculously invaluable.

Having used Marcia myself, I can say with some certainty that if you are playing for speed, level 13-15 is out of the question (I managed to get her to level 11.99, and she needed transfers to help with her mediocre combat). You might be able to get higher by dumping BEXP into her, but that harms her already problematic strength.

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Neph is the only good lancer, and a large part of it is due to her receiving the P2 BEXP almost by default.

Nephenee doesn't really have an exclusive claim to that BEXP, and I would guess that most players save that BEXP until 3-11 which is better anyways (in the sense that Nephenee is only OK). Besides, Oscar is about as good as Nephenee.

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