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How to play Soul Calibur on the mixed philosophy following on how a person chooses to walk their own path in life both honorably and passionately

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As we all know, playing like a man has actually nothing to do with being a man. That's right. There's nothing to do with the dangling parts you may or may not have. Some of the manliest people I know...are actually women.

The question some of you may be asking at this point is, "Why would I wanna play like a man"? This, of course, is a stupid question and you should feel bad for asking it. I'll answer it anyway...

Let's take the example of the casual gamer and the hardcore gamer. The casual gamer, takes a game home, beats it and then abandons it thinking there's nothing left to it. The hardcore gamer, pushes his play to the furthest limit but he quickly finds his competetive spirit that leads to hurt feelings and strained relationships with his friends. Playing like a man seeks the middle-ground between these two. A follower of the way practices restraint while pushing his skills. By practicing these restraints, the gamer manages to keep this simple innocence the casual gamer enjoys while keeping the thrill of the competetive spirit. When you lose to a manly gamer, there are no hard feelings, only laughter and fun.

Like everything, man-fighting has rules:

The 12 rules + 1

1. Finish with a bang.

- No matter the skill of your opponent, they deserve to be finished in a cool way. This means to do risky acts on the edge of the ring when it could mean risking your own ring out just to get a win. Letting your opponent die with a cheap ring out is to dishonor them. However, a ring out off of an incredibly manly move or throw is permitted, such as nightmare's rising b throw.

2. Manliness before victory.

- This is the most important aspect of your play. Even more important than victory. As such, it logically follows that self-destructing to kill an opponent in a cool way is more important than actually winning the match. The second you concentrate on winning rather than manliness is the second you lose the match.

3. Repeat, don't spam.

- A manly player will immediately identify it's character's manliest move. Make note to use them often. It's not unusual to see a manly player Mitsurugi's Forced God Divide 2 or 3 times in a matter of 10 seconds. However, a manly player does NOT spam. Using the rapier rapid thrust attack 5 times in ten seconds (the rapier is not a manly weapon) is spamming and is therefore not manly.

4. Melee over Range.

- Hitting an opponent with melee over range is always manlier. Except Cervante's pistol. Unblockable is always manly.

5. Never attack during a taunt.

- Men don't attack during an opponent's taunt. To do so is to give power to the taunt. You may, however, attack during a soul charge.

6. Fight your own battles.

easy because it's one on one.

7. No Johns.

- A real man makes no excuse for being a man. When you lose a fight like a man, you lose. You do not lose BECAUSE of fighting like a man.

8. Don't take unfair advantages.

- A real man fights with skill. He will not use his skill to take an unfair advantage on his opponent. Doing so is not manly. This is why attacking during a soul charge is permitted.

9. Don't touch the little girls.

-Don't grab Talim or Amy. seriously, that's just pedo. Honestly.

10. Violations mean death.

- Violating a man-rule intentionally or unintentionally requires the player to self-destruct (See Rule #12), for only then, honor can be regained.

11. Find your own path.

- No too-manly players play alike. In order to be a true man, one must find his own way of playing. Don't copy others, a world without vary is unmanly.

12. No Raphael.

- This one needs no real explanation- Just NO Raphael.

13. Utter pulverization

-If you have the opportunity to do the most amazing set of moves and achieve a perfect victory, do so. Wowing the crowd is just as important as having fun in this special case. Soul Calibur is not just a fun game for the faint of heart. Noobs need to learn the greater aspects of a true master of Soul Calibur. Otherwise, If you attempt this and cannot achieve a perfect, you must Self-destruct.

Knowing the rules in no way makes you a manly player. But by taking the spirit and not just a word of these rules to heart, you can eventually reach that play. There are, however, exceptions to these basic 12 rules. Except 12#- Seriously, no Raphael. Keep practicing and one day you too will be able to play like a man.

13 is for masters of manliness. Attempt only under pain of destruction.

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>Pick Talim


game aver

is it paedophilalia if Talim is grabbing or is grabbed by Amy (whoever that is)?

Edited by Obviam
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Kilik megapokespam. (Or Phoenix Rage Thrust, if you prefer.) Winrar.

Yoshimitsu's Deathcopter trick is quite useful for getting round that.

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