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I want Nu to shove her sword through my mouth >W<

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I don't really agree with that. I have great faith in humanity, so I don't think everyone sucks, assuming you mean it in a negative manner in which someone isn't really that good or positive. If you mean the physical action of sucking, probably not everyone, but most people use straws from time to time.

And of course I did. That's... just how I am. I analyze things to try and reach a definitive conclusion, but at the same time I'm extremely motivated by my emotions, so it comes out... odd. But no, I take things seriously. If you take things seriously, can cause you to look at things in a new way, and give you thoughts you might not have gotten otherwise. Like a loved one coming at me to kill me. That's... not really something I normally think about, so I had to see how I felt about it. But I can't see it going over in any positive way. At least if it's a random stranger then there is no way it can go badly. I can defend myself (something I'd have a harder time doing with a loved one), if I die they can get caught (if they're still themselves and it was a mind control-like thing, I don't want them in jail), and the person who killed me is unlikely to have any guilt over my death anyways (whereas a loved one, assuming they do love me, will feel that guilt. Could even be a sudden snap loss of sanity, and then it's even worse in it's own way than sheer mind control, since at least that they might be able to rationalize away with time).

And I'm not sure it's abuse if you want it. And being somewhat masochistic myself, or at least more submissive, I can understand that. It's, again, the extent to which yours extends that baffles me, and thus I try and understand. But guro/gore and extensions of that genre of sexual interest have always been... bizarre to me. I can only assume the fantasy seems far more appealing than the reality, and then people get lost in said fantasy. But that's just me, at least, and how I think of things. Also goes for vore or any sexual interest where death and/or immense pain/mutilation are involved.

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I'm not really into bleeding. Just abuse. Or being stabbed by a loved one right before merging with said person. (Fictional scenario. Play Ragna or Nu's story in blazblue CT for more info) I mean, a blood sacrifice is required for that.

But for more realistic scenarios with fictional characters (Well, character. Not plural), or any real person I would happen to like, Just abuse. Like being chained down and well.. lets leave it at that.

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Well, still think the merging one is kind of... violent. But again, just difference in people. As well, prefer being separate from individuals, so I can interact with more people. In fact. hive mind or things of a similar nature are probably one of my worst nightmares.

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Depends on what constitutes abuse in my case, I suppose. But I'd rather talk about that in PM or email, not on a public forum. :P Not that I care who knows, but not really the right place to discuss such things, already close to crossing a line. But yes, I realize they're different, just the two are normally intertwined.

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Maybe, but I'd still like to control who knows what when it comes to me. :P I have a reputation to uphold. Hence why PM's and such work better. :P Don't mind being somewhat open, but I do have limits to how much I'll talk about in public. And I do think anything beyond somewhat vague sexual discussions would get quickly moderated, even here. :P

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you should see the S&M threads between RFOF and Tangy a few months back. And I'm always vague, or at least, if I'm being obvious, I'm at least indirrect about sexual discussions/fantasies/S&M ideas.

But yeah, worrying about rep is important, unless people KNOW you are joking around. (in the case of masochism, or nu fanboyism, I'm not, but otherwise in FFtF, I usually am)

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I never joke really. At least without making it very obvious. As you saw I put plenty of detail into a random silly comment (well, not silly per say, but probably a casual comment) that Loki made. And I prefer to be direct. :P I'm like fire in that case, and actually like my Zodiac sign. Always used to think it had no relation to me, at least relative to the other aspects of me, but seeing it more as I get older. So I like to be direct and explain myself completely, which I have no desire to do here on a subject like this. :P Or rather, I have a desire, but I'm going to restrain myself as opposed to just blather on about things that people shouldn't know about me.

Who is RFOF? Sounds kind of familiar.

As for my reputation, I just don't like to share everything with everyone all at once. Means I don't run the risk of being hurt by revealing something I wasn't ready to share. If I get a chance to know them I can control the backlash potentially, but... not so much if I post things publicly.

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Wait, revenge? *confused* :P I just mean using my personal information to mock me, or force me to defend myself, things like that happen often enough due to being gay, or my beliefs in general. Would rather avoid potential issues like that if I can. And think I've see Red Fox... not sure.

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I'm pretty sure no one mocks anyone for being gay. I don't mock any gays anyways. I just bash on one when one try to drag me into being with him. (happens once a while, and I come off as a complete asshole) but the thing is, I don't have a problem with gays, I'm just not into that stuff myself..

And revenge= Lashing back in any way shape or form. But if you are only defending yourself I guess thats not revenge.

Ah I probably misread your above post. School-brainness is off for me due to it being summer.

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No problem. :P But yeah, backlash as in... let's assume I don't tell everyone I'm gay. I tell someone I'm gay then, and then suddenly they become aggressive/confrontational with me. That's what I worry about. I don't want to lose friends because I moved too fast in talking about myself, so I'm guarded with what I'll share.

And yeah, only had issues with it very briefly. Probably could have came out in high school, but wasn't too much big a deal, since not like I'd have gotten a date there anyways, which is the only reason I'd have had to come out. :P

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I don't see how you can lose a friend by saying you are gay, as long as you make it CLEAR you aren't gay for him yet.

If someone is mean to you or discriminates you because of your beliefs, maybe that person shouldn't be one of your friends, you know?

I (and almost all of my friends) would never hate anyone for being gay, unless being chased by one(and even then, some of them just try to clear up the situation. One of my friends made a joke about it saying that running makes em take it as a challange, instead of being an asshole. The said person and the other guy are really good friends now after that joke)

Sorry if its hard to understand me. Being out of school is doing quite a number on me.

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I don't really agree with that. I have great faith in humanity, so I don't think everyone sucks, assuming you mean it in a negative manner in which someone isn't really that good or positive. If you mean the physical action of sucking, probably not everyone, but most people use straws from time to time.

And of course I did. That's... just how I am. I analyze things to try and reach a definitive conclusion, but at the same time I'm extremely motivated by my emotions, so it comes out... odd. But no, I take things seriously. If you take things seriously, can cause you to look at things in a new way, and give you thoughts you might not have gotten otherwise. Like a loved one coming at me to kill me. That's... not really something I normally think about, so I had to see how I felt about it. But I can't see it going over in any positive way. At least if it's a random stranger then there is no way it can go badly. I can defend myself (something I'd have a harder time doing with a loved one), if I die they can get caught (if they're still themselves and it was a mind control-like thing, I don't want them in jail), and the person who killed me is unlikely to have any guilt over my death anyways (whereas a loved one, assuming they do love me, will feel that guilt. Could even be a sudden snap loss of sanity, and then it's even worse in it's own way than sheer mind control, since at least that they might be able to rationalize away with time).

And I'm not sure it's abuse if you want it. And being somewhat masochistic myself, or at least more submissive, I can understand that. It's, again, the extent to which yours extends that baffles me, and thus I try and understand. But guro/gore and extensions of that genre of sexual interest have always been... bizarre to me. I can only assume the fantasy seems far more appealing than the reality, and then people get lost in said fantasy. But that's just me, at least, and how I think of things. Also goes for vore or any sexual interest where death and/or immense pain/mutilation are involved.

its just one'a those days where you dont wanna wake up, everything is fucked. EVERYBODY SUCKS!!

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Not sure I understand that.

When I was just realizing I myself was gay... I was still very fragile when it came to it. I was telling people, just a couple at a time. Wound up telling a friend... and he wound up acting markedly differently compared to how he had before, then completely cut off all contact with me. It was an online friend, but... still, I have lost friends due to it. So yeah, I have had issues with it, so I try and clear it up before hand, lest it happen again.

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Eh, at least you aren't a straight effeminate masochistic nearly-half-blind anomaly that crossdresses to the anime conventions he goes to.....

I think I have it worse...


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I mean like. My right eye is terrible to a point where I see better when I close it or cover it with an eyepatch. (Though no complaints since I get to wear a mimicry of Nu-13's eyepatch)

and no it wasnt an outcome of one of my S&M things....

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Oh... took me a bit to figure out what you meant. :P I thought I said something else, and that's what you were replying to. No, I wouldn't think that's something relating to that. Mostly because the only thing that would cause that would be chemicals, or an odd physical blow, but it's likely just a biological thing.

Oh, is your left eye perfectly good? If so, then you can... go with a monocle!

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Would you still like it if Nu-13 was made of Grey Goo?

Would you? Could in a box?

Would you, Could you with a fox?

It's part of a limp bizkit song!

ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' (Its all the Limp Bizkit I know)

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