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Would like some advice for Lunatic please

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Okay, I just started it and I'm on prologue 5, MU is an Armor Knight whose name is Almgee_wiz_emoticon.gif(cause I can!) and he kinda looks like him or I did the best I could. Anyway, I would like to know what characters I should use, I already have five characters in mind, Marth, Alm, Catria as a Sniper(I put her as Sniper in SD and she was a beast), Palla(Falco Knight), and Sirius(as whatever is the best for him).

I already beat hard, so I put Alm as a Swordmaster if I needed to. And do I need to abuse the Arena to get tons and tons of Gold so I forge the Brave weapons? I have a few more guestions but can't remember them at the moment.

Oh yeah, character loans would be excellent!

Edited by Big FE fan
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As I mentioned to luigi bros, I have some loans on my Friend Code: 395444685035. You'll have to give me your Friend Code as well before you can use them though.

Those five characters should be good, but I recommend expanding your army quite a bit (there are recommendations in the linked thread), because five isn't really enough for such a difficult mode. Unless you're playing Casual, but I still think you'd have troubles even then.

Arena abuse isn't really needed, but it might be helpful. I can't remember if the Lunatic arena is tougher than usual though, since I barely used it.

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Well I can tell you I tried the arena abuse in lunatic... It is possible to get 10,000 of gold for each savepoint but no mor than that.

The reason is... IS get smart and they noticed how easy was to arena abuse in FE:SD (I got 400,000 more than enough to kill H5 :D).

the result they made enemies in the arena capable of capping stats in normal mode at least the important ones. But that is not the best part... They gave luck to the enemies... 4-6 luck in normal mode and up to 20 in luck in Lunatic. BTW I do not know about other difficulties I only beaten the game twice Normal and Lunatic.

And let me include enemies with max HP, Str, Spd, Def... and their precious silver weapons, wich do more damage than a max str berzerker with Iron axe.

Swordmasters who cannot del decent damage damage a paladin or even scrach general armors.

Oh and you can´t boss abuse remember that, they don´t give you Cexp or Wexp for trying boss abuse.

My best recomendation is to buy the three longbows from wi-fi. So Ryan can use ONE at the beggining, and by the chp 17 to 20 you can break the other two.

I wish the best luck to your playthrough.

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Anyway, I would like to know what characters I should use, I already have five characters in mind, Marth, Alm, Catria as a Sniper(I put her as Sniper in SD and she was a beast), Palla(Falco Knight), and Sirius(as whatever is the best for him).

You must use (as long term combat units):

MU, Catria, Palla, Sirius

You should use (as long term combat units):

Caeda and one of Luke, Cecile, Rody

You should also use (as auxiliary units):

Feena, Malliesia

A lot of efficient strategies also use other auxiliary units like Ryan, Wendell, Jeorge, Etzel, etc., but they're not generally required to beat maps. Use Arran liberally until he stops being good (after chapter 8) and don't be afraid to liberally use weapons that you would normally hoard.

I already beat hard, so I put Alm as a Swordmaster if I needed to. And do I need to abuse the Arena to get tons and tons of Gold so I forge the Brave weapons? I have a few more guestions but can't remember them at the moment.

No, you do not need to arena abuse, access the wi-fi shop, use in-base stat boosters, etc. to beat Lunatic.

Edited by dondon151
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I think I should make another file on Maniac now that I beat hard, I'll keep Lunatic on and attempt it whenever I get annoyed by a chapter in Maniac(Kinda like doing two files at once). I'm not giving up here I just would like to do Maniac at the same time so I can get a good feel on the hardness. I bet you get nothing special for completing Maniac.

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