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Low-Tier Playlog

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That only happens in the prologue if you have just booted up the copy, so the RNG is only fixed in the Prologue in the sense that the RNG will always spit out the same string of RNs upon starting the game. By that logic, every chapter in FE6, 7, and 8 has a fixed RNG, since performing the same actions will always produce the same results if that is the first chapter you play. It is perfectly possible to get a different set of results just by loading up any given chapter, suspending the game, and then starting a new game from the main menu.

Great. I don't know why you're arguing, then, because this confirms that all maps can be made predictable with a simple soft reset.

And you can 2 turn the prologue as an Eirika solo as long as you rig a crit on O'Neill.

Edited by dondon151
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Great. I don't know why you're arguing, then, because this confirms that all maps can be made predictable with a simple soft reset.

And you can 2 turn the prologue as an Eirika solo as long as you rig a crit on O'Neill.

He wasn't arguing, he was just saying that it's not only prologue. And I'm now taking measures to see if it works from a suspend too...

Edit: And it really doesn't matter much if the RN string is the same every time the game is opened. In most maps, no enemies are close enough at the beginning for that to matter.

You should know, that you can recruit Marisa just by having her survive to the end of the chapter. There's no need to mess around with Ewan and his hideous 4 move. So you could probably have saved some turns there.

I didn't know this, but it's in the past now. Thanks for the tip.

Edited by StinDuh
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Actually, she can't. The best you can get that way is a 3-turn.

She can.

Turn 1: Move eirika R4. Attack. (fighter critkilled). burn 4-5 RN's with Seth

EP: fighter misses and is critkilled.

Turn 2: Move Eirika to forest R1 D1.

EP:Boss misses and is critkilled.

Eirika's level up: Str, Spd, Lck

I have accomplished this in another way, but I haven't been able to duplicate it.

Edited by Excelkitty
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Great. I don't know why you're arguing, then, because this confirms that all maps can be made predictable with a simple soft reset.

The way you described it was confusing. You said that if you start a new game on Hard, Eirika will always critical the Fighter she attacks, like the game forces it to happen.

She can.

Turn 1: Move eirika R4. Attack. (fighter critkilled). burn 4-5 RN's with Seth

EP: fighter misses and is critkilled.

Turn 2: Move Eirika to forest R1 D1.

EP:Boss misses and is critkilled.

Eirika's level up: Str, Spd, Lck

I have accomplished this in another way, but I haven't been able to duplicate it.

I was thinking without deliberately burning RNs.

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Why does trading affect RNs anyway? IS is dumb.

I knew it affected the "other" RNG (the one that finds desert items), but I didn't realise it affected the combat and movement RNG.

This other way I talked about was by having Seth trade his vulnerary and steel sword to Eirika and then moving over the bridge.

Explain to me how that isn't deliberately burning RNs, albeit by a different method.

Edited by Anouleth
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I knew it affected the "other" RNG (the one that finds desert items), but I didn't realise it affected the combat and movement RNG.

It doesn't affect the combat and movement RNG. You can test this out for yourself.

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I decided that Amelia and Ewan were just going to be a liability and of no help at all if I didn't train them some before the next chapter. I'm abusing using the tower to level them up to trainee(2).


Name    Lv Class        HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Amelia: 1  Recruit(2)   25  6   6   9   11  7   5   Lance: D
Ewan    1  Pupil(2)     23  5   6   8   9   3   8   Anima: C

Well... At least Amelia has somewhat good speed....

Chapter 13

Units: Amelia, Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Marisa, Ewan, Ephraim, Gerik, Tethys

Turns: Not even gunna... way too high

Yeah this chapter was really boring. I trained Marisa a little bit, but not significantly enough to make anything easier. Yeah uh... sent everyone down the eastern path... Didn't make it to either village before they were destroyed. There wasn't much that happened in this chapter.... Oh the pegasus knights sorta gave me trouble... Amelia killed Selena(not by herself, of course. Neimi did the dirty work and Amelia delivered the final blow). Alright here are the stats....

Name    Lv Class        HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Gilliam 5  Great Knight 44  17  12  8   12  20  9   Lance: S, Axe: D, Sword: E
Ross    7  Journey(3)   43  18  18  15  24  13  15  Axe:   S
Neimi   6  Sniper       31  19  20  23  16  8   5   Bow:   S
Amelia: 7  Recruit(2)   28  7   9   12  13  9   7   Lance: C
Ewan    5  Pupil(2)     25  6   8   8   11  4   9   Anima: C
Marisa  10 Myrmidon     26  7   14  16  10  5   3   Sword: C

Note:...Marisa didn't get any more Str...ajkdfklasdhf

Edited by StinDuh
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This playthrough has been fairly interesting and entertaining due to the mass amount of pain it must cause. Some of the other posts kinda detract from the enjoyment but I eventually just skipped over them. I know I wouldn't have the patience to do this at all.

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Explain to me how that isn't deliberately burning RNs, albeit by a different method.

The first made sense because I was going to Eirika solo for a while so giving her Seth's steel sword and vulnerary made good sense to me. The second is something I habitually do when Eirikia soloing P.

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This playthrough has been fairly interesting and entertaining due to the mass amount of pain it must cause. Some of the other posts kinda detract from the enjoyment but I eventually just skipped over them. I know I wouldn't have the patience to do this at all.

Thanks. It's nice seeing a post that isn't either "wow this is stupid" or "wow you suck". Thanks for appreciating it.

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RNG does seed the same way each time you start up the game. All three GBA games start with the same seed incidentally. For FE8, Eirika has a free crit as long as you shift no RNs on the first turn.

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Eirika pulls off 3 crits in a row by trading something to Eirika and burning 1 RN, I believe.

FWIW, you need to burn an RN with Seth after Eirika moves on turn 1 AND on turn 2.

Edited by Janissary
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Hey, I just want everyone to know that I will still be working on this PT. The past couple days I've been helping my brother and sister move into a new apartment, so I haven't had any time to play. I'll try to get a couple chapters done this weekend, but starting next week I have Marching Band every day for most of the day. I might get a chapter or two in every couple of days, but it'll be scarce. So yeah, I just didn't want anyone to think I've given up(or RAGEQUIT as a couple people put it). I appreciate anyone who's still at least mildly interested in the PT. Thanks for checking in and everything.

Edit: So here is Chapter 14:

Units out: Ephraim, Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Ewan, Amelia, Rennac

Turns: 31

Marisa was not brought into the chapter because of the way the units are set up at the beginning. I would have had to split my team, and it just wasn't plausible to do so. Anyway, my team was sent up the eastern side. I had to get through the door by about turn 4 or Rennac would have not been recruitable. With a little luck, some savestates, and some really random RN wasting, I managed to recruit Rennac(with Ephraim) and not have someone put to sleep, or beserked into killing my own guys. Ross did get beserked later on, but my units were far enough away. Ross practically soloed the top half of the map anyway. Neimi, Ewan, Amelia, and Rennac were sent to the center treasure room while Ross and Gilliam took the throne room. Ross killed Vigarde with a hammer. The Angelic Robe Chest was not opened, but all others were. And the secret shop was also not touched. Stats:

Name     Lv  Class        HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Gilliam  6   Great Knight 45  17  12  8   12  20  9   Lance: S, Axe: D, Sword: E
Ross     10  Journey(3)   46  19  18  16  24  13  17  Axe:   S
Neimi    7   Sniper       32  20  20  24  16  8   5   Bow:   S
Amelia:  10  Recruit(2)   30  8   9   13  13  9   8   Lance: C
Ewan     8   Pupil(2)     27  7   10  8   11  4   10  Anima: C
Marisa   10  Myrmidon     26  7   14  16  10  5   3   Sword: C
Rennac   1   Rogue        28  10  16  17  5   9   11  Sword: B
Knoll    10  Shaman       21  12  9   8   0   2   10  Dark:  C

Edited by StinDuh
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This is quite interesting, and I'd like to see which units you'll use to kill the final boss. I had troubles with the final boss on my first run since all my units were under leveled (highest unit was like 20/10 or something T.T). I hope you have fun doing this. :P

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Hey everyone, just so this isn't taken as "this guy just up and quit", I haven't been working on my playthrough because I've had Marching Band camp the past two weeks. Next week I have a lighter load, so hopefully I can get a chapter or two in sometime soon.

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