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Various Spritey Requests

Crimson Red

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Looks good, though the mouth could probably do better without that little gappish thing in there, and I don't think chibis have chins. Otherwise it's awesome, do you think you could do the rest for ol' Blazer? And what do I credit you as (name)?

@deranger I'm afraid I can't help there, but thanks for the offer. Hmm, unless there are other methods of chibi-making, I guess the only ways to do this would be to 1) full custom it or 2) shrink it... with #2 being the better option I think...

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Sure, I'll do the others. And here is the finalized product:


Turns out chibis are supposed to have chins, but they should be somewhat light. I also didn't realize that chibis shouldn't have too much shading on their faces.

And here is the crediting information:

You can either credit me as ThatGuyDownTheStreet or Hithere1.

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  • 5 months later...

Major bump, I know, I have another weapon icon request and don't feel one icon is worth an entire topic.

This time it's a pirate's axe called "Atlas"... Bluish (no yellow/orange/red anyhow), needs to feel simple but clean and something perhaps similar to what a pirate or berserker uses, I dunno. Must use the standard 16 color set etc... thanks.

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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  • 3 weeks later...

Major bump, I know, I have another weapon icon request and don't feel one icon is worth an entire topic.

This time it's a pirate's axe called "Atlas"... Bluish (no yellow/orange/red anyhow), needs to feel simple but clean and something perhaps similar to what a pirate or berserker uses, I dunno. Must use the standard 16 color set etc... thanks.

Unless someone posted an invisible comment saying that they were gonna do this, I'm on it.


Definitely not okay, but say something so I can improve it.

Edited by halfrohp
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The design is kinda meh, but... hey, it's blue!! If you like it but you don't feel it's THAT GREAT, I could try to improve it, of course.


Edited by Akagami
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@halfrohp uh it's not terrible but it doesn't look like an axe because the blade itself is too blue and it looks like... too soft, and not like it's a weapon.

@Akagami that isn't bad either but it's just not, uh, great. Perhaps try to spice up the blade of the axe a bit more or make the bluish parts of it more obvious or something? XP

EDIT: I don't mean to be a jerk, I'm just picky XP

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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it's hard to make anything really blue when there's really only one blue in the palette :(

True XD. Anyway, I'll try it. Because I fightsprite for my friends (?)

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