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Red Fox's index of draft strategies for Radiant Dawn


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Due to popular demand, the 4 turn strategy for 1-9 has been included and topic title changed accordingly. If enough people request it I will add the 7 turn strategy with recruited Aran for 1-3 as well, though I'm not sure how many people need that.

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I wouldn't mind seeing the strategy for 1-3, since I don't think I've ever been able to get 7 turns there (I'd have to double check, though).


Also, due to how some of the maps look, I realize it might be difficult to see exactly where the positions are, so if people want me to do a text version (stuff like one right, one up), I can get to that as well.

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Red Fox, I love you. Just 4-turned 1-9, thanks! NewYearsEmoticon.gif

EDIT: The 7-turn+Aran would be really helpful, although I already missed recruiting him in my current draft... got the 7-turn though~

Edited by GreenOyster
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Added 1-3.

Any requests for more? Not saying I can do just anything, but early part 1 maps are easy enough to figure out since none of them take long to get to for testing.

I wonder how this will affect drafting in the future.

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I feel like there has to be something for 1-6 that's possible.

Maybe 1-8 with minor penalties too.

1-6 (both parts) would definitely require a third unit, but is possible in 4 + 2, and for 1-6-2 the third unit needs to be able to either Shove or Rescue/Drop Sothe (aka Jill). Considering there are enough extra units to go around at this point, it might be worth trying. Edward, Nolan, Aran, Meg, Volug, Zihark, Tauroneo, Jill, and Ilyana should all be able to pull off 1-6-1 if strong enough, and only unpromoted Ilyana should be incapable of getting 1-6-2 done, if my calculations are correct.

Actually, since one of the turn 4 peg reinforcements has a Javelin, Volug wouldn't be able to get his part of 1-6-1 done without Micaiah's help. We'll see if I get to trying that one, though.

1-8 probably isn't worth trying because of how many units are available by then, and rule sets keep changing that anyway. Sometimes Herons are free and we may even see one forced unit being free for the map in future drafts. The best I could do is show how Sothe can clear out the entire right side in 4 turns, but that's almost too simple since it's pretty much down to always sending him as far as he can go.

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I think 3-2 is a really easy 3 turn if you use Haar or Shinon or some sort of ranged unit that can easily proc a critical against the boss (not Soren, they need like 7 move, but Haar can Rescue Soren I guess and Soren can proc a critical from a Thunder tome -- the boss always moves first when someone's in range after all); I did it by sending Shinon and Ike straight south and having Ike shove Shinon when he's literally one space away from being at the tip of the boss' range. I actually can't really do that until the very end because Ike needs to get some of the heat from enemies to make sure Shinon isn't being gangbanged by an enemy pack.

Also, apparently there's a Nolan/Micaiah strategy for 6-turning 1-1? What about a basic Nolan/Sothe/Micaiah strat for 6-turning 1-2 with getting every treasure (even the Energy Drop because I realized an inefficiency behind my original plan that, if I were to plow past it, could get me the Energy Drop, but I can't play the Wii for the next week and a half due to busy-ness so I can't exactly play it out).

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I think 3-2 is a really easy 3 turn if you use Haar or Shinon or some sort of ranged unit that can easily proc a critical against the boss (not Soren); I did it by sending Shinon and Ike straight south and having Ike shove Shinon when he's literally two spaces away from being at the tip of the boss' range.

That one really doesn't need a guide. You pretty much slap Celerity on the right unit and move them in.

Also, apparently there's a Nolan/Micaiah strategy for 6-turning 1-1? What about a basic Nolan/Sothe/Micaiah strat for 6-turning 1-2 with getting every treasure (even the Energy Drop because I realized an inefficiency behind my original plan that, if I were to plow past it, could get me the Energy Drop, but I can't play the Wii for the next week and a half due to busy-ness so I can't exactly play it out).

I've done both, though my 6 turn for 1-2 required Micaiah to take a hit/dodge from a 19 atk Fighter and I didn't get the Wind Edge. It's possible in 7 without Micaiah taking the hit, though.

I almost want to say 1-1 is possible in 5 turns, though I shouldn't be too hasty on that one.

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My six turn strategy, Nolan/Sothe/Micaiah (RNG proof but you need to get lucky with a couple things -- easy with better biorhythm than I had with Nolan. You may need extra Def or HP on a level up, because base Nolan takes 10 damage from those Fighters in NM and he needs to have enough HP left to take 5 hits after one use of a vulnerary).

Turn 1: Micaiah blocks the chokepoint to the east, unequipped, Laura goes one left of the tiles below the cliff and Leonardo rescues her. Edward goes to the right of Leonardo to block the cliff from enemies. Nolan attacks the northern fighter.

Turn 1 EP: Nolan gets attacked twice by a fighter to the east and the west.

Turn 2: Nolan goes west above the Javelin Soldier and equips the Hand Axe, then uses a Vulnerary. Micaiah uses an Herb.

Turn 2 EP: Nolan gets attacked twice and survives most likely with like 4 HP left, and the Soldier will attack him with a Javelin and have like less than 10% hitrate. Nolan will counter with a hand axe double.

Turn 3 is where it gets odd. Move Nolan below the cliff and in the square so no one can get him. Equip Steel Axe and use a Vulnerary. Battle Save. Move Sothe to the edge of every single enemy's range, but also be as far east as you can be; at this point, I'm actually not sure at all if an Energy Drop is likely. Make sure you equip Kard unless the Soldiers ALL have 8 Def (or 9 Def/22 HP); he'll one round the Fighters easily but the Soldiers are iffy. If they do have 9 Def/22 HP or 8 Def/23 HP, then the Bronze Dagger will OHKO very easily. If not, then Kard will be needed. Micaiah uses a vulnerary.

Turn 3 EP: MAKE SURE NOLAN HITS THE MYRMIDON! All other enemies can't hit Nolan so they suicide onto Sothe.

Turn 4: Kill the Myrmidon with Nolan, kill the Archer with Sothe (DEFINITELY use Kard here). Move Leonardo as far up as he can get, and have Edward do the save then Shove Leonardo. Micaiah uses an Herb.

Turn 4 EP: Nothing of note that I could recall, this is different from my actual strategy because I moved Sothe south as opposed to east. Turns wise, it only matters if you want an Energy Drop, but overall you can six turn it either way. If Nolan misses the Myrmidon earlier, then make sure the Myrmidon is dead at this point.

Turn 5: Kill the eastern Soldier I think, move Leonardo up (if you want you can shove once with Edward again for good measure) and drop Laura as far east as possible. Micaiah uses a Vulnerary.

Turn 5 EP: Nothing of note?

Turn 6: Grab the energy drop from the chest. Laura Arrives. If you equipped Micaiah at the start and hit 2 times out of the 3 needed for a KO (on a counterattack, mind you), then I recommend you kill that Soldier now for the EXP before Laura Arrives.

You pretty much slap Celerity on the right unit and move them in.
I put Celerity on Sothe, but given Shinon a Crossbow or Bowgun for that chapter for enemy counter attacks and having Wind Edge/Ettard Ike in that case could easily net a 3 turn. It requires Ike to kill the Swordmaster directly south so Shinon can go as far south as possible, then you go as far southeast as possible on Turn 2 and you have to proc a critical with a Bowgun or Crossbow (making sure Shinon has Adept too) so something dies and doesn't get in Ike's way of shoving Shinon on Turn 3, so Shinon can wait at the edge of the Boss' range with a forged max Mt max Crit Steel Bow and Adept for a very good chance of an ORKO. I don't have the numbers worked out but I'm guessing 28% critical and like 24% Adept with a double attack?

One turning 2-E with Haar/Elincia's something good to mention, but with either of them it either requires procing speed with BEXP or making sure Elincia stuns Ludveck. (Attack the Steel Longbow Archer, fyi).

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Wow, I don't know why I never though of Rescuing Laura with Edward or Leonardo. I guess since I needed her to do something specific it never clicked with me that she was still an undrafted unit and could be ferried by anyone. I'll try out your strategy sometime and see if I can't improve on it, though it looks fairly solid as it is.

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And the Micaiah using Herb/Vulnerary is extremely dependent on the situation, because the Soldier hits for 11 sometimes and 12 other times. I'm assuming worst case scenario; 15 HP Micaiah being hit for 12 every turn.

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My six turn strategy, Nolan/Sothe/Micaiah (RNG proof but you need to get lucky with a couple things -- easy with better biorhythm than I had with Nolan. You may need extra Def or HP on a level up, because base Nolan takes 10 damage from those Fighters in NM and he needs to have enough HP left to take 5 hits after one use of a vulnerary).

Turn 1: Micaiah blocks the chokepoint to the east, unequipped, Laura goes one left of the tiles below the cliff and Leonardo rescues her. Edward goes to the right of Leonardo to block the cliff from enemies. Nolan attacks the northern fighter.

Turn 1 EP: Nolan gets attacked twice by a fighter to the east and the west.

Turn 2: Nolan goes east and equips the Hand Axe, then uses a Vulnerary. Micaiah uses an Herb.

Turn 2 EP: Nolan gets attacked twice and survives most likely with like 4 HP left, and the Soldier will attack him with a Javelin and have like less than 10% hitrate. Nolan will counter with a hand axe double.

Turn 3 is where it gets odd. Move Nolan below the cliff and in the square so no one can get him. Equip Steel Axe and use a Vulnerary. Battle Save. Move Sothe to the edge of every single enemy's range, but also be as far east as you can be; at this point, I'm actually not sure at all if an Energy Drop is likely. Make sure you equip Kard unless the Soldiers ALL have 8 Def (or 9 Def/22 HP); he'll one round the Fighters easily but the Soldiers are iffy. If they do have 9 Def/22 HP or 8 Def/23 HP, then the Bronze Dagger will OHKO very easily. If not, then Kard will be needed. Micaiah uses a vulnerary.

Turn 3 EP: MAKE SURE NOLAN HITS THE MYRMIDON! All other enemies can't hit Nolan so they suicide onto Sothe.

Turn 4: Kill the Myrmidon with Nolan, kill the Archer with Sothe (DEFINITELY use Kard here). Move Leonardo as far up as he can get, and have Edward do the save then Shove Leonardo. Micaiah uses an Herb.

Turn 4 EP: Nothing of note that I could recall, this is different from my actual strategy because I moved Sothe south as opposed to east. Turns wise, it only matters if you want an Energy Drop, but overall you can six turn it either way. If Nolan misses the Myrmidon earlier, then make sure the Myrmidon is dead at this point.

Turn 5: Kill the eastern Soldier I think, move Leonardo up (if you want you can shove once with Edward again for good measure) and drop Laura as far east as possible. Micaiah uses a Vulnerary.

Turn 5 EP: Nothing of note?

Turn 6: Grab the energy drop from the chest. Laura Arrives. If you equipped Micaiah at the start and hit 2 times out of the 3 needed for a KO (on a counterattack, mind you), then I recommend you kill that Soldier now for the EXP before Laura Arrives.

I put Celerity on Sothe, but given Shinon a Crossbow or Bowgun for that chapter for enemy counter attacks and having Wind Edge/Ettard Ike in that case could easily net a 3 turn. It requires Ike to kill the Swordmaster directly south so Shinon can go as far south as possible, then you go as far southeast as possible on Turn 2 and you have to proc a critical with a Bowgun or Crossbow (making sure Shinon has Adept too) so something dies and doesn't get in Ike's way of shoving Shinon on Turn 3, so Shinon can wait at the edge of the Boss' range with a forged max Mt max Crit Steel Bow and Adept for a very good chance of an ORKO. I don't have the numbers worked out but I'm guessing 28% critical and like 24% Adept with a double attack?

One turning 2-E with Haar/Elincia's something good to mention, but with either of them it either requires procing speed with BEXP or making sure Elincia stuns Ludveck. (Attack the Steel Longbow Archer, fyi).

For turn 2 it should read Nolan goes west, on the ledge above the Javelin Soldier, right?

Also, I've never one-turned 2-E, how do you do it?

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There's a certain square you can move Elincia to that forces Ludveck to attack her at 1-range before Mr. Crossbow can move. Elincia can make it there on Turn 1 with Leanne's help.


I'm going to break my usual creed and just follow that to the letter every draft from now on.

Edited by Integrity
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The square is by the longbow archer. It makes no difference if u kill that archer since ludveck is forced to attack at 1 range anyways. Base-Lincy needs to proc stun to 1rko ludveck. But u can give her 3 levels of bexp (make sure to get str in all 3) to make her orko naturally.

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Here's one for the suggestion box: 2-P with only one unit.

Elincia hangs out in the middle equipped with Mend, while the others rescue Leanne and retreat to the northwestern corner. The only difficulty in this chapter is if your only drafted unit is Leanne (or if she's free), since the undrafted units can't rescue her then.

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For turn 2 it should read Nolan goes west, on the ledge above the Javelin Soldier, right?

Also, I've never one-turned 2-E, how do you do it?

Thanks, I'll edit it accordingly.

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As I accidentally discovered in the HM draft, there may actually be a safer way to do 1-3, but it depends on the boss' AI. Although he could double for a kill, he still chose to attack Sothe over Micaiah, but I'm wondering if he would have done the same thing could he have been able to OHKO Micaiah. If he would have, a slight adjustment will get 1-3 done in the same number of turns possibly without Micaiah needing any defensive boost, and she still gets the boss kill.

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