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Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Dubbed Project

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I was thinking that to better promote the project. I could make a trailer for it. However, as far as voices go, I'd need:

The Narrator









And that's all what I can think of off of the top of my head. If you guys like the plan, I'll start writing out a script.

Iirc, you tried for Mist. So you could use your own voice for the trailer if you want.

As for Ike, you could simply ask Hoss for the voice. So far, he's getting it. (So far, as in, people can still apply, I just haven't gotten any)

I'm all for this idea.

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I could use my Mist voice for it if you want to. I'm going to try again for Mist anyway tomorrow (I know I said the beginning of the week, but I have a concert today and totally forgot about it so I didn't want to mess up my voice before the concert), and if you like the new one, I'll put it in the trailer.

I can probably start writing out scripts tomorrow as well. When I finish a draft, I'll post it here so everyone can give their opinion on it and hopefully keep the cheesiness to a minimum, since I know I'll accidentally put some cheese in there >v>

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I have downloaded some -- not all, but quite a lot -- of the audition files for future use. However, looking at some of them, I realize I must point this out again. And then I'll put it in the front post.

I'm using Knuffle's Volke as an example. Here is what it looks like normally:


Now, I'm glad it's titled "Volke," but simply calling it that is...vague. What I mean is, let's say 20 people auditioned for Volke. If I have 20 files that say Volke (1), Volke (2), Volke (3), etc, I won't know who's who.

So I simply ask that you title your auditions and or other things like this:


That way, it makes it easier for me to sort them accordingly. Please and thanks.

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Okie-dokie, I have an extremely rough draft for the trailer finished. I'm posting it here because I want you guys to pick it apart and change it. Some of the quotes may be off by a few words, but that;s because I got them all from memory.

Narrator: On the continent of Tellius, the Beorc and the Laguz rule all. When a war breaks out between Crimea and Daein, two Beorc nations, a single mercenary company is enlisted to stop the fighting by a princess kept hidden since birth.

Narrator: This is an epic tale of the atrocities of war.

Ike: It was barbaric beyond description... There were more laguz corpses than we could count...They had been tortured. Twisted and warped beyond all recognition.

Narrator: Where treachery runs rampant,

Ike: Someone's been giving information to the enemy. Was that you, too?

Narrator: and nobody is safe.

Rhys: Mist and Rolf, they've been taken by bandits!

Narrator: Alliances will be forged.

Sanaki: Begnion now offers its support to Crimea's restoration. However, Prime Minister Sephiran has yet to return, which limits the reinforcements I can provide.

Narrator: Unlikely allies will come together for a common goal.

Tibarn: Grr... It's against my nature, but...we shall aid them! Janaff! Ulki! To me!

Narrator: Trust will be broken.

Ike: Get him out of here! his traitorous face is making me ill!

Narrator: But when Tellius's most important-and dangerous-artifact goes missing,

Mist: Ike! My medallion! It's gone!

Narrator: and falls into the wrong hands,

Ashnard: You... Me... Even this very castle itself...We all radiate various forms of chaotic energy, and the dark god is pure chaos! The light you see is that energy calling out to the chaos around us. That is why some scholars refer to it as the Fire Emblem.

Narrator: everything will be laid on the line in a race against the clock, before an evil god is revived.

Soren: King Goldoa said that a conflict which engulfs the entire continent would free the dark god from the medallion.

Narrator: Through this all, a boy will become a man.

Ike: Because we are a family. So if you don't want to cause your family any grief, then live! Don't drop your guard! Don't turn your back! Use every drop of your strength! Our road has been long, but it ends today! Let's liberate Crimea and free our friends...and our families...from Daein's tyranny! Men of Crimea...Laguz of Tellius...Greil Mercenaries...MOVE OUT!!

Narrator: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

I know that it's kinda wordy, but I wanted the trailer to be around like, 2:30 in length. It'll probably run over that though. Please, feel free to change some quotes and fix up stuff. This is an extremely rough draft as I've said, and I want the input of the people actually in this, so I can make it more to everyone's liking.

Edited by TheTinyImp
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Hmmm. . .just one tweak.

Replace Ashnard's line:

Narrator: Where treachery runs rampant,

Ashnard: The next time you see Ena, stab her in the back.

with this:


Someone's been giving information to the enemy. Was that you, too?

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Narrator: everything will be laid on the line in a race against the clock, before an evil god is revived.

(I need a fitting quote to go here.)

Maybe "Do not fan the flames of strife." "As long as Lehran's medallion exists, you must never begin a war that engulfs the entire continent." or (Soren) "King Goldoa said that a conflict which engulfs the entire continent would free the dark god from the medallion."

Edited by CR-S01
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Maybe "Do not fan the flames of strife." "As long as Lehran's medallion exists, you must never begin a war that engulfs the entire continent." or (Soren) "King Goldoa said that a conflict which engulfs the entire continent would free the dark god from the medallion."

I like the quote you chose for Soren. I'll use that one. Thank you. :)

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Trailer? I like the idea, maybe you should include something about Elincia, can't think of the words you could use bu maybe something along the lines of a how she's a hidden princess?

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Trailer? I like the idea, maybe you should include something about Elincia, can't think of the words you could use bu maybe something along the lines of a how she's a hidden princess?

Narrator: On the continent of Tellius, the Beorc and the Laguz rule all. When a war breaks out between Crimea and Daein, two Beorc nations, a single mercenary company is enlisted to stop the fighting by a princess kept hidden since birth.

Does this sound better?

Edited by TheTinyImp
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