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ITT: Integrity Does What Soul Did But Better

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Uh-huh. Lay 'em on me. Let's do this.

EDIT: Also, this will get bulk-updated in like four hours because school and formatting stuff on Lappy the Laptop is a pain in the dick.

EDIT2: ALSO, to prevent prejudice (i liek girls) men and women are going to be segregated into two lists.


!10: Ronan, Geoffrey, Ephraim, Celice

9.5: Tibarn, Volug, Seth

9.0: Othin, Volke, Pent, Boyd

8.5: Levail, Leonardo, Sleuf, Lloyd, Cuan, Legault

8.0: Canas, Innes, Zelgius, Astram, Noish, Grey, Cain, Sigurd

7.5: Forde, Alan, Kent, Oscar

7.0: Franz, Wil, Pelleas, Naesala, Largo, Camus, Hector, Luke

6.5: Ranulf, Kieran, Oswin

6.0: Samson, Azel, Rolf, Lex

5.5: Tauroneo, Lester

5.0: Alba

4.5: Alec

4.0: Ogma, Jamka

3.5: Force, Dagda, Caineghis

3.0: Saber, Halvan, Ralph, Asaello

2.5: Python

2.0: Dheginsea

1.5: Marty




!10: Farina, Jill(RD)

9.5: Marcia(RD), Echidna, Tanith, Matilda, Louise

9.0: Lyre, Rebecca, Miranda, Sigrun, Elincia(RD), Catria, Palla, Ethlin, Olwen, Syrene, Isadora, Titania

8.5: Eirika, Tanya, Tethys, Elincia(PoR), Ellen, Nailah, Juno, Eda, Karla

8.0: Tana, Lucia, Igrene, Minerva, Nephenee, Brunya

7.5: Calill, Lakche

7.0: Mallesia, Leen, Laylea, Selfina, Celica, Ayra, Mareeta

6.5: Altenna(FE5), Briggid

6.0: Lara, Sylvia, Jill(PoR)

5.5: Amalda

5.0: Marcia(PoR)


4.0: Aideen


3.0: Altenna(FE4)

2.5: Meg


1.5: Petrine





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Laylea (that IS the substitute dancer's name, right?)


























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Oliver: Top of his class, IMO. 10/10.

Gheb: Nah, not my speed. He gets nothing.


Canas: A simple portrait hides a fierce sexual beast. 8.0.

Eirika: Really remarkably cute, but not one of the Sexpots of Forever. 8.5.

Franz: D'aww. A little young, but has potential. 7.0.

Innes: Just LOOK at that snark. 8.0.

Marcia, PoR: Not particularly appealing, but not technically wrong. 5.0.

Marcia, RD: Mm-mm baby. Delicious. 9.5.

Zelgius: Sharp, certainly. Attractive, yes. Spectacular? No. 8.0.

Levail: What a man! However, what applies to Zelgius applies here, except Levail has a more "honest" look that appeals to me more. 8.5.

Lyre: What a babe. 9.0.


Tibarn: omfg. 9.5.


Nailah: Quite a sexy thing, to be true. 9.0.

Volug: Yes please. 9.5.


Mallesia: Echo Franz's commentary. She's cute, but looks a little young. 7.0.

Sara: I shall ignore the fact that she scares me tremendously and be honest: she's *way* too young looking for the Sexy list.

Tana: Stacked as hell and fairly reminiscent of a squirrel. 8.0.

Lara: Cute enough, I suppose. 6.0.

Calill: I don't have Kitty's hard on for her. She's still modestly delicious, to be true. 7.5.

Rebecca: She's my sign-in picture for Windows, actually. Quite the young woman, and certainly willing to please. 9.0.

Tauroneo: Hm. Epic chops moves him up in my esteem by at least two points. 5.5.

Othin: WHAT A MAN. 9.0.

Halvan: Personally, I'll take a pass on him. He looks like he's made of wood. 4.0.

Leen: A little too slim, but she's still cute. 7.0.

Sylvia: Honestly, don't find her too appealing. On the other hand, don't find her too *un*appealing. 6.0.


Lucia: Tittalicious. 8.0.


Laylea: Hng. She's not the best, but she'll do. 7.0.

Tanya: Sits in the same boat as Rebecca, if a little bit lower. 8.5.

Selfina: As proto-Isadora, she's alright. 7.0.

Celica: Sexy in battle, but her face is a little pudgy. We'll adjust for NES sprites, here. 7.5.

Tethys: Graceful and slender, yes, but striking. 8.5.

Echidna: holy shit. 9.5.

Igrene: A damn fine lady. Sorta surprised she came from Hawkeye, though. 8.0.

Minerva: Minerva~. 9.0.

Tanith: holy shit. 9.5.

Farina: YES. 10.

Juno: I admit it, I have a little bit of a thing for Juno. 9.0.

Miranda: Never saw her before today, but hell yes. 9.0.

Astram: All aboard the ass-tram! 8.0.

Samson: Like Zelgius, but worse. 6.0.

Leonardo: Bro. He epitomizes the potential I see Franz attaining. 8.5.

Wil: He's good? 7.0.

Alec: His turban is awesome, but the guy ...isn't too great. 4.5.

Noish: This dude, now, is pretty sexy. 8.0.

Forde: Like Noish but a little less pretty. On the other hand, he has that ponytail. 7.5.

Ronan: I'll take two. 9.0.

Dagda: Uh. Like Tauroneo but minus awesome chops. He still looks like a great dad, though. 5.0.

Grey: Quite the guy, accounting for NES sprites. 8.0.

Python: Like Draug, but worse. Wait, what? 2.5.

Force: Like Wolf, but even worser. 3.5.

Sabre: The only thing going for him is his eyepatch. 3.0.


Sigrun: Doesn't matter the game, pure sexy. 9.0.

Elincia, PoR: She's pretty damn cute. Like, Eirika cute. 8.5.

Elincia, RD: Deserves a separate mention for a half point bump in sex appeal. Only detractor (and she'd be a nine five with) is that she's missing her orange dress. 9.0.


Catria: I don't have the megaboner I used to have for her, but she's still up in my esteem. 9.0.

Palla: Catria's claimed megaboner has sorta transferred here lately and brought the two together. 9.0.

Volke: Sweet Jesus. 9.0.

Ogma: I don't particularly like Ogma. Maybe it's because his FEDS portrait looks like Iolaus from the '90s Hercules show. 4.0.

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Your rankings are fair, friend, though I would like to remind you Miranda was like one of your mainstay fighters in your FE2 LP.

...Assuming there's only one Miranda and it's the Valencian paladin.

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. . .


In that case, Matilda, and for good measure Amalda, Olwen and Sleuf.

...And like, Ralph and Marty.

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Good morning, gentlemen.


Pelleas: Missed him. He's kinda ...genericute, I guess. 7.0.


Aideen: Not particularly fond of her. She's too ...mannish in half her pictures and little girl-ish in the other half. 4.0.


Jamka: That bindi ruins it for me, but he still has a fairly masculine face. 4.0.

Azel: Eh. 6.0.

Lester: Like Lex except less good looking and still with stupid hair. 5.5.

Lakche: Pretty cute. 7.5.

Ellen: Why's there ONE FE6 in the sea of FE4? Why not after? Whatever. I like Ellen. 8.5.

Laylea: Don't they have READING in Canada?


Caineghis?: I'm assuming considering the rest you didn't mean Cain. Caineghis is super meh. 3.5.

Dheginsia: lol. 2.0.

Ranulf: Personally, he irritates me to look upon. He's still not technically a bad looking fellow, though. 6.5.

Naesala: Ain't no Tibarn, that's for sure. 7.0.

Meg: Haters gonna hate. She looks like she could turn out fine in a few years. 3.5.


Matilda: Tilde! She has the (very) rare distinction of not needing the NES Sprite Adjustment to look good. BUT LET'S DO IT ANYWAY. 9.5.

Amalda: Love her as I do, she ain't much of a looker. 5.5.

Olwen: gnnnnfghnnn. 9.0.

Sleuf: Looks like a stand-up fellow. Like if Corple weren't stupid and dumb or Sharlow weren't all these things and fat. 8.5.

Ralph: WHAT A JAW. 3.0.



Kieran: Amusing, but not particularly good-looking. 6.5.

Cain: I'm rating his FE12 portrait because asdf. 8.0.

Pent: Holy SHIT Lord Pent is good-looking. 9.0.

Geoffrey: I'll take three and one to go. 10.

Syrene: Syrene is essentially Palla, so I see no reason for her to dip below 9.0.

Louise: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. 9.5.


Ronan from 9 to 10.

Halvan from 4 to 3.

Minerva from 9 to 8. Justification: I actually tiered her thinking she was Miredy.

Celica from 7.5 to 7.0.

Dagda from a 5 to a 3.5.

Nailah from a 9 to an 8.5.

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OH YES! Geoff's on top material!

I'll be a crazy person and ask for Alan, Alva and Kent.

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