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(FE7) Draft Quicky: Lyn Hard Mode

Vicious Sal

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Can't wii draft without a wii... SO YAY LYN MODE! 8D


- No Eliwood Mode Or Hector Mode

- Free characters: Lyndis

- 4 Players (3 + Me) will each draft three characters through an auction to complete Lyn Mode with. Yes, everyone will have only 4 characters.

- Undrafted units may not: rescue drafted units, meatshield, break walls and snags, shop, support, visit villages, open doors. Exceptions are below.

- However, Matthew may open the doors in his starting chapter.

- One Undrafed unit may be used to meatshield in chapter 4.

- Undrafted units may: trade with anyone, rescue other undrafted units, recruit other characters.

- Penalty incurred is 3 turns.

Unit List:













Tier list?:

Why are there only two of these:















You are late, and don't move



Vicious Sal


Ring Wraith

General Horace

Auction round starters:

1st Unit: Clipseykitty - Vicious Sal Drafts Sain for 13 Turns

2nd Unit: General Horace - Vicious Sal Drafts Wil for 5 Turns

3rd Unit: Vicious Sal - Ring Wraith Drafts Dorcas for 5 Turns

4th: General Horace - Clipseykitty Drafts Nils for 4 Turns

5th: General Horace - Clipseykitty Drafts Serra for 3 Turns

6th: Ring Wraith - Ring Wraith Drafts Erk for 5 Turns

7th: Clipseykitty - General Horace Drafts Matthew for 3 Turns

8th: Vicious Sal - General Horace Drafts Kent for 8 Turns

9th: Ring Wraith - Ring Wraith drafts Wallace for 1 Turn

10th: Ring Wraith - Vicious Sal Drafts Florina for 20 Turns

11th: General Horace - Clipseykitty drafts Rath for 4 Turns

12th: Clipseykitty - General Horace Drafts Lucius for 1 turn

How it works:

The starter of the bidding will state an opening bid, and which character the bid is on. So... Clipseykitty would start with the first bid, let's say... I bid 1 Turn on Florina. (The starting bid will probably always be 1 turns 8D), after that everyone may keep bidding. At some point I will find the turns to high for a good reward, let's say, 44 turn for florina. So I say: "I'm Out" or something like that. Once everyone says I'm out, the last bid wins, and that character, and the turns are for that person.

There is a maximum of 3 units (and Lyn, she's free) for everyone. If the starter of a bid Let's say Ring Wraith has Kent, Wallace & Nils, and he should start a bid (10th character) he may only state which character should be auctioned, he may not raise a bid, since he has three characters already.

I hope i'm not really vague here. =/

Sal (38)

Sain 13

Will 5

Florina 20

Wraith (11)

Dorcas 5

Erk 5

Wallace 1

eclipse (11)

Nils 4

Serra 3

Rath 4

Horace (12)

Matthew 3

Kent 8

Lucius 1

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You should ban Florina and make it 5 players leaving Wallace (or whoever) undrafted.


Florina has chapter 7 where she shines, as it is a defeat boss chapter, the rest is rout, defend & seize. Chapter 8 has the ballista.'And when going for seize, she probably can't rescue Lyn & survive.

I am not going to leave one unit out. It's a short draft to begin with.

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Well, then whoever drafts Florina wins.

I've so far found one draft where there will be declared a winner. A RD draft. It's a short, fun, and easy draft. With so little units, starting to ban doesn't help. =/

People with Kent, Sain, Florina will probably end up with Wallace, Serra and Lucius? Units that do not contribute a lot. It's just for fun.

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The picks should go like this:

1: Florina, Serra

2: Kent, Matt

3: Sain, Nils

4: Dorcas, Wil

5: Erk, Wallace

6: Rath, Lucius

Why would anyone want to play with those teams?

Not to mention that both Kent and Sain will promote, but everyone else won't. That almost makes the worth being the first two. Actually, it probably does.

You also have the issue that at least one of these teams probably can't kill Lundgren.

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You can just check out my draft where LM characters were drafted first.

Team Florina and Lucius, finished in 63 turns.

Team Matthew and Erk finished in 106 turns.

Team Dorcas and Serra finished in 99 turns.

Team Kent and Rath finished in 90 turns.

Team Sain and Wil apparently took 124 turns.

Now only Soul was an experienced player I'd say, and he had Florina, but even still that's a huge difference from 1st to 2nd.

All that said, if you don't want to learn from my mistakes, then feel free to do it however you want.

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I don't think that it's a terrible idea, it's a fast and fun draft and everyone is likely to finish. There are just some glaring holes in the issue of balance, but if that's not a big concern to those involved, then that's fine.

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Florina, Sain and Kent will rape this draft to hell.

Aka this is a fucking stupid idea.

Oh wow, are you suffering from a syndrom that makes you this blunt and aggresive?

The above post shows that the person who drafted Sain ended up last btw.

Anyway. I'll try to think of something else to do with it which should even it out. But I am not going to ban units, there are just so few. Maybe knight's crest should be sold. Since promoted unis do rape more indeed. I am not going to Ban units though, period. It's just for fun. Although certain people have a job at spoiling fun, right JBWCkitty? Seriously, grow a nice personality. >___>

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Fun. I'll do it.

To make it more interesting, you could do a point system, so if you get Kent/Sain/Florina, you don't get another unit. Tier list was a bit strange (personally, I'm not sure I'd have Wallace and Nils in Low. 10 point maximum for a team.

10 Points:




8 Points:



6 Points:



2 Points






Edited by Ring Wraith
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You might want to consider an auction draft. With so few units, it should actually work - as if you say, take Florina/Kent/Sain, they might well be your only unit...

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Might very well work, though i'd think bidding with turn would work here quite well. Since there isn't much of a choice, and you want high tiers. With a maximum of drafting two units. I think that'll work. Thanks guys :) And yeaqh, the tier list has a question mark besides it, because I do not know much of the tier lists here, i'm mainly in RD. :)

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I don't think a character maximum is necessary. If someone is stupid enough to draft enough characters that someone else gets none, well, that person can just take ~40 turns of penalty (4 turns per chapter per undrafted character is normal, right?) and use Florina as though they'd drafted her. Of course, the person drafting everyone has probably spent enough turns on drafting they'll simply lose.

If you do have a maximum, it shouldn't be two. 4 is probably fine, as if someone thinks it's worth spending extra turns to have a large team, well, let them.

The advantages of drafting in turns is, firstly, it's something we know the value of, and secondly, there's no upper limit. I think I prefer that to points.

Anyway I don't do drafts but I'd strongly advocate trying a turns auction.

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Another option (if more people don't sign up...) is to do a double playthrough, with the three of us drafting two teams each, and combining the turncounts between the two. Each person would get a Florina/Kent/Sain (if they're smart drafters), and yet the other team of theirs would struggle a bit more.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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You don't fucking tell people to grow a nice personality, and you have no right to judge me for that. Having a draft of a game with 10 characters and having one particular character trivialise it reeks of stupid.

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You don't fucking tell people to grow a nice personality, and you have no right to judge me for that. Having a draft of a game with 10 characters and having one particular character trivialise it reeks of stupid.

Well, you could start being charismatic to avoid people from judging you like that. Just sayin'.

It's true that Kent, Sain and Florina are amazing draftees. But that doesn't mean they're auto-win. They just afford you that certain potential, but in the end, it's all up to the skill of the player...and even some small share of luck.

Florina is gr9mazing.

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I'll join just because I want to see how many turns Florina actually saves. Random Draft order, yes?

I'll add you to the list. And with an auction, I only randomize the order of bidding, who starts that is. After that, everyone can bid as much as they want.

*Guess I'll start just because I have to finish this before saturday. And people enough.*

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I wouldn't actually consider Dorcas to be better than Lucius. Lucius 1RKO's off the bat at 2-rane with flawless Hit. Dorcas can survive 3-4 rounds of combat, but isn't actually all that helpful. His only source of 2-range, Hand axes, have Hit issues.

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Are we using Ring Wraith's 10 point maximum then? Also, just read in the OP, the gaiden isn't mandatory, but all you need to do is complete the previous chapter in 15 turns, which is simple. Personally, I think it should be mandatory.

Edited by General_Horace
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As I said, that tier list sucks, cause I dunno this fire emblem tier list all that well. Anyway:

EDIT: And good point on the gaiden. I'll scrap that rule.


Vicious Sal


Ring Wraith

General Horace

Auction round starters:

1st Unit: Clipseykitty

2nd Unit: General Horace

3rd Unit: Vicious Sal

4th: General Horace

5th: General Horace

6th: Ring Wraith

7th: Clipseykitty

8th: Vicious Sal

9th: Ring Wraith

10th: Ring Wraith

11th: General Horace

12th: Clipseykitty

How it works:

The starter of the bidding will state an opening bid, and which character the bid is on. So... Clipseykitty would start with the first bid, let's say... I bid 1 Turn on Florina. (The starting bid will probably always be 1 turns 8D), after that everyone may keep bidding. At some point I will find the turns to high for a good reward, let's say, 44 turn for florina. So I say: "I'm Out" or something like that. Once everyone says I'm out, the last bid wins, and that character, and the turns are for that person.

There is a maximum of 3 units (and Lyn, she's free) for everyone. If the starter of a bid Let's say Ring Wraith has Kent, Wallace & Nils, and he should start a bid (10th character) he may only state which character should be auctioned, he may not raise a bid, since he has three characters already.

I hope i'm not really vague here. =/

Clipseykitty! What is your opening, Character and starting Bid please! =D

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