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(FE7) Draft Quicky: Lyn Hard Mode

Vicious Sal

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Sal counted Chapter 4 as 7 turns, just so you know, Horace.

Thanks, I found an adding error as well, changed to 7 turns.

Chapter 8 - 5/64 Turns

Kent rushed, 0RKO'd things, and uh, yeah. He killed the boss on turn 5 EP. Lucius got the Lancereaver, and Lyn almost broke the Mani Katti.

Lyndis   10.62       22   4   11    12   9    7    2    A Sword
Kent     11.19       30   8   10    13   4   10    5    C Sword C Lance
Matthew  02.47       18   4    4    11   2    3    0    D Sword
Lucius   04.90       19   8    7    10   2    1    7    D Light

Edited by General_Horace
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Undraftees may not stand on switches, that'd be something like setting nasir & gareth next to you draftees for the skill bonus even though you did not draft them.

That's what I figured, I so I didn't do it.

Chapter 9 - 5/69 Turns

Kent Promoted, and made a beeline for Eagler, whom he hit a couple times with a Lancreaver, one of which was a lucky crit (this was on turn 3), and Lyn could get to the space in front of him but not seize by turn 4, so she could have Mani Katti'd him. Matt and Lucius rescued chained Lyn (lol) at the start to get her closer because of her shitty starting location.

Lyndis     10.69       22   4   11    12   9    7    2    A Sword
Kent    11/01.85       32   9   11    14   4   12    6    B Sword C Lance E Axe
Matthew    05.37       20   5    4    13   3    4    1    D Sword
Lucius     05.76       20   9    7    10   2    1    6    D Light

Chapter 10 - 6+3/78 Turns

Florina ferried Kent over so he could frantically start working on his axe rank, then returned for Lyn. Matt and Lucius both ended up breaking their weapons, and sat around. Once Kent got to Lundgren, he chipped him twice with and hand axe on turn 5, twice more on the EP, then finished him by doubling him with the Hammer with his shiny new D in axes. Lyn then seized.


Hello strength screwed defence blessed Lyn. You still one rounded most stuff with the Mani Katti, which was kind of sad.


He was strength screwed by almost 2 points, but had tons of defence and above average speed.


He was actually pretty helpful, but I would have preferred Rath.


He was pretty useless, but base Florina would not have been able to ferry Kent and Lyn without the angelic robe, so thanks bro.

Turncount was = 12 turns for units + 6 Turns for Florina useage + 60 Actual Turns.

Eclipse, if you get my Lyn, you're screwed for Lundgren.

Edited by General_Horace
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Prologue: 5 Turns

Chapter 1: 5 Turns

Chapter 2: 6 Turns

Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skll	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Lyn		6.37	21	8	11	12	7	3	2

Much better Lyn. Much better.

Chapter 3: 6 + 3

Chapter 4: 7

Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Lyn		9.63	23	10	12	12	10	3	2
Dorcas		4.34	31	8	8	6	4	4	0

Awww yeah, Lyn.

Chapter 5: 5 turns. Woot. Got Erk. Probably could have 4 turned this, but all of my good units were stuck in trees.

Chapter 6: 6 turns.

Chapter 7: 2 + 3 Turns. Florina dropped Lyn in front of the boss on the second turn.

Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Lyn		10.51	23	10	14	14	11	3	3
Dorcas		6.15	33	9	9	7	6	4	1
Erk		3.90	18	6	6	7	5	2	5

I think I had Lyn's level wrong after Chapter 4, since she's definitely gained a level since, and the stats don't match up.

Chapter 7x: 6 turns. Stupid 5 mov units...

Chapter 8: 7 turns. Dorcas couldn't take the boss, so I had to adjust my strategy so Lyn could get up there.

Chapter 9: 7 turns.

Unit		Lvl	HP	Str	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Lyn		13.59	26	13	15	16	12	4	3
Dorcas		8.64	35	11	11	7	7	4	1
Erk		6.28	20	8	7	7	5	3	6
Walolace	1.46	34	15	9	8	10	17	5

Chapter 10: 5 + 3 turns.

9 Florina uses, 67 actual turns, 11 auctioned. Total of 87 turns. It's late, so I might have added wrong...

Edited by Ring Wraith
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Here I go! I had to bum a save file off of someone, because my cartridge died.

Prologue - 5/5

Standard/10. Lyn gained Strength, so WHEE!!

Chapter 1 - 6/11

Lyn gained Strength again. 'Nuff said.

Chapter 2 - 7/18

Lyn knows the run's gonna be all her, because she's cooperating nicely. Her stats so far:

Name   HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Lyn    20   7   10   13    8    4    1

Chapter 3 - uh, oops. . .

Lyn continues to grow well. A slightly more durable axe dude makes this a turn longer than it should be.

Chapter 4 - 7

Killed Dorcas, then used Lyn as bait for mostly everything. Sain did my meatshielding.

Chapter 5

Lyn ran around making sure Serra wasn't targeted all that much. Erk fired at stuff while green. That's all, really.

Chapter 6 - 7

Part 1: Serra gets the door key, then hits the north switch (after Matthew opens the room)

Part 2: Rath blicks a couple bad guys, then steps on the switch.

Part 3: Lyn criticals the boss, Serra uses herself as bait, and I end the map.

Chapter 7 - 2 + 3 (Florina)

Turn 1: Rath pokes at nearby Shaman, Lyn kills it, Serra heals, Florina rescues, Nils is Nils, and Florina drops Lyn in a forest.

Turn 1E: Everyone misses Lyn.

Turn 2: Rath kills a bandit for giggles, Lyn walks in front of the boss, criticals, and is now at 11 Strength (at level 10-ish?)

Chapter 7x - 8

Nils is quite helpful, though I forgot it was a Rout chapter. . .anyway, Lyn is currently level 13 with 12 Strength, so I'm not redoing it.

Chapter 8 - 8

Yet another horrid turn count, but I have my Lancereaver and 13 Strength to back it up. BRING IT!

Chapter 9 - 4

Florina runs off with Wallace, while Rath carries Lyn to Eagler. One Mani Katti later, and I seize.

Chapter 10 - 6 + 3 (Florina again)

Had Florina cart Lyn over the mountains, where her godly Strength beat the crap outta her grand-uncle. (I believe she was at 14 Strength at this point).

UNFORTUNATELY, I missed a couple turn counts, which means. . .I need to go stomp through Eliwood Mode to get them. I'll update with my final turns later.

Since I need to go and bust heads in Eliwood Normal Mode, you guys have any funny suggestions for a team? I will continue to use Nils, Serra, and Rath, but I'm game for, say, five more suggestions.

UPDATE: Thanks to Core and Kaoz in chat, my team is the lords, Ninils, Serra, Rath, Marcus, Lowen, Raven, Pent, and Hawkeye. Tee-hee~!

Edited by Clipseykitty
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NP Clipsey.


Chapter 6: 5 Turns

Sain & Florina hover all over the place, while lyn goes for the boss. Mat opened the door. Sain stood on the last trigger.

Chapter 7: 2 Turns

Florina drops Lyn, Lyn crits.

Chapter 7x: 6 turns

Florina & Sain kill everything up top, wil & Lyn take the square room.

Chapter 8: 6 Turns

Wil takes east, Florina Ballista, then east for bandits. Sain boss. Lyn reinforcements.

Chapter 9: 4 Turns

Florina rescues Lyn, Sain takes north, Wil stands behind him. Lyn Drops turn 2, and kills turn 3 EP. Seize turn 4.

Chapter 10: 6 turns

Florina rescues, drops, Lyn dodges 1 attack, left with 1 Hp btw, and deals 1 crit, and 3 attacks. Seize next turn. Stupid RAIN!

Unit	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Lyn	12	5	24	8	12	16	11	5	2
Sain	1	17	26	15	6	13	7	11	3
Florina	7	11	21	10	9	13	9	5	5
Wil	5	35	22	7	5	5	7	6	2

Total Turns: 38(Auction) + 59 = 97 Turns! Yay, I stayed under 100!


Lyn: Very nice, had some STR, and just enough Def & HP to survive 1 of lundgren's attacks. Great Girl!

Florina: Very handy, flight, got speed to double, she's cute to boot.

Sain: Promoting him did nothing. He already ORKO'd when level 10.82, and he didn't help against ludgren, he didn't even battle in chapter 10. Rest of the draft: AWSM!

Wil: Great chipping, and he helped at places with little space or like chapter 8, two enemies in a rout chapter, when those are way off.

So... Ty guys, was fun!

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