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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 101


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Best: Marcia to Makalov FE9

Worst: Marth to Wrys FE11

Edit: forgot to list the games they're from cause derp, multiple-game characters.

Edited by Mercakete
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Best: Caeda->Navarre in FE11 (I dunno why, but Navarre is one of my fav characters. Sadly, he is also crap compared to Ogma and Marth and any of the Altean Cavs)

Worst: Wrys. Easily. Also FE11

Nominate best/worst Prologue

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Best/Worst Epilogue?

Best/Worst Use of the Fire Emblem in the story?


Actually, I like that idea. Best/Worst Use of the Fire Emblem in the story.

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I hate most of them but FE9's early one is really good.

It's a shame it's only played what, twice, in the entire game? And what other games besides FE6 and FE7 (which are practically the same) have them?

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I hate all of them ;/

No-one is forcing you to post...

FE6-9 has them, not sure if any other FE's have them. :/

Well, there's not really much point then, is there...

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FE6-9 has them, not sure if any other FE's have them. :/

I don't know about FE1.

FE2 doesn't.

FE3 both books does.

FE4 does.

FE5 does.

FE6 does.

FE7 does.

FE8 does.

FE9 does.

Not FE10.

FE11 does.

FE12 does.

SSBB one might count.

Edited by Spykitty
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