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Ok, It looks good enough to be approved.

Only mistakes left is the ability 'Charge' and all other abilities actually cost 3 stat points to learn, not 1 so you'll be needing to remove 2 more stat points from Rine to have Charge.

and Hp is 10 + (Vitx2) so Rine's Hp should be 22, his Eva should be (Spd+luk)=(5+3)=8 while his Crit is (Ski+Luk)/2=(5+3)/2=4. You'll be needing to make these changes.

Sorry for the inconvenience...

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Ok, It looks good enough to be approved.

Only mistakes left is the ability 'Charge' and all other abilities actually cost 3 stat points to learn, not 1 so you'll be needing to remove 2 more stat points from Rine to have Charge.

and Hp is 10 + (Vitx2) so Rine's Hp should be 22, his Eva should be (Spd+luk)=(5+3)=8 while his Crit is (Ski+Luk)/2=(5+3)/2=4. You'll be needing to make these changes.

Sorry for the inconvenience...

But I fixed it. I had 5 def, 6 speed and 7 Str. I changed it to 4 def, 6 str and 5 speed.

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Vit: 6|Str: 7|Mag: 0|Ski: 5|Spd: 5|Luk: 3|Def: 5|Res: 0| These are the stats I see on Rine as I'm making this post.

Notice that class bonus gives you a total of 4 stat points(2+1+1), Trait gives you a net bonus of 1 Stat point(2-1-1+1), you start off with 27 Stat points to spend on starting stats. But since You learned the 'Charge' ability, you would have spent 3 stat points on it.

So effectively you have (4+1+27-3) = 29 if I add all the value of Rine's stats together

Now Rine's stats total are (6+7+5+5+3+5) = 31, 2 points above the total he should theoratically have...

...I'm think you might not have realised that learning an ability costs 3 stat points, not 1. Just a guess here. You appear to have spent 1 point on Charge, but it actually needed 3.

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I didn't think I should count Trait, that's why it became a big mess (in the end, it was just a miscalculation of my part). Fixed.

Edited by Lorddomu
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  • 1 month later...

Name(Race, Nationality): Jarrod (Human, Nialp)

RPer: 13th Shadow

Age: 24

Spirit Self: (Mainly for Spellcasters, also for 'magical' effects of weapons such as Lightbrand...etc.) A hawk, formed from moisture in the air.

Appearance: Standing at 182 cm (or 6 ft) tall, he's a stronger fellow. But he's rather slim, with tanned skin caused by the sun in his sun-baked plains he loves. His green eyes shine bright, and his blond hair falls into his face at times. He has a scar down his right arm from a bandit attack.

Backstory: Jarrod Riyan Colaine was born to a travel troupe, his parents both musicians. He learned from his uncle how to fight with a bow. When the Nialpian league attacked Tsae farms, his parents were also there at one of the farms, and they were killed. It was altered to look like a Tsae killing. He swore vengeance on the Tsae that day. He traveled to Tsae to fight them, but he was chased out by the Wyverns. So he began training in distant lands, spcifically Emocni.

Mount: Yes. Raven, a horse.


Weapon Ranks: C Bow

Level: (What is the current sign-up level? 1?)

Traits: Horse

Stats: Vit:5|Str:3|Mag:0|Ski:6|Spd:6|Luk:4|Def:3|Res:1|

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped): Hp:20|Atk:3/0 |Hit: |AS: 6 |Eva: 10 |Crit:5|CEva:4|Def:4|Res:1|


Gold: 0


1) Item equiped: Longbow: 6 mt, 13 Hit, 0 crit, 4 wt, Range and Siege

2) Item: Iron Bow: 4 Mt, 15 Hiy, 0 Crit, 2 Wt, Range

3) Item: Vulnerary 3/3

4) Item

5) Item

Mount Entry: Raven

Edited by 13thshadow
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Blond eh? Probably Rekamite ancestery, which goes with the name...heh.

Add 1 point to his Def due to trait bonus of Horse(Which apply while mounted, which I assume is most combat). The Longbow should have 1 less Mt.

Other than the two things mentioned, I see no problem with your sign up. Fix them and we can start discussing about how this nomad would fit in.

Edited by Rothene
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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I'll give this a try... I think I got everything right, but I'm not sure.

Name(Race, Nationality): Alyssia Desmares (Human, Rekam)

RPer: Kay

Age: 18

Spirit Self: A Siberian Ibex with a broken horn

Appearance: Alyssia.png

Backstory: Born to a very minor noble family, most of Alyssia's life was spent watching over her younger sister in place of their mother, who had died of illness. Her father was frequently thought to have become delusional, teaching Alyssia to wield a sword as if she were the son his name would be lost for lack of. She never said a word about it for fear of losing the opportunity to become more than just a simple housewife.

Once her sister left home, Alyssia's father began acting even more odd, and eventually left in the dark of night, muttering about old legends. He never returned; soldiers from the Heirophants' army came instead, intent on searching the keep for something. Alyssia didn't stay long enough to find out what it was. Fearing that her father had done something to cause suspicion that they were heretics, she stole the equipment of one of their guards, and ran, bringing only a scant few possessions. Abandoning her title and lands, she began a new life as a common mercenary.

She wandered around southeastern Rekam for a few weeks, unable to find work, then traveled to Emocni as her money started to run out.

Mount: None

Class: Mercenary

Weapon Ranks: Sword D, Axe E

Level: 1

Traits: Foot

Stats: Vit: 5|Str: 5|Mag: 0|Ski: 4|Spd: 8|Luk: 4|Def: 2|Res: 2|

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equipped): HP: 20|Atk: 5|Hit: 8|AS: 8|Eva: 12|Crit: 4|CEva: 4|Def: 2|Res: 2|

Abilities: Wrath

Gold: 75


1) Slim Sword

2) Throwing Knife

3) Vulnerary

4) Heavy Sword

5) Item

Edited by Centurion
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Welcome aboard Kay! :XD:

Also, adding 25 to the starting gold for any characters joining as of now. So Jarrod and Alyssa has 25 more starting gold. Both of these characters may make adjustments to their starting items due to this change in gold before they make an appearance in the RP. Although i recommend just saving up in case when new items appear with prices, you feel like spending on them instead.

Edited by Rothene
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  • 2 weeks later...

Earlier, Rothene talked to me on IRC about this RP, and asked if I could try make a character that is as broken as possible with his current rules.

I have complied.

Ask and ye shall receive, Roth. Now you reap what you sow. :3:


While I do intend to RP this character seriously, know that this character is build for one express purpose stat-wise: To be able to ORKO enemies as efficiently as possible. On the other hand, her stats in a way is justified considering what she is.

Name(Race, Nationality): Salicia Yveers (Human, Rekam).

RPer: Kopfjager.

Age: 28

Spirit Self: Unknown. I don't think she'll ever have one.


Height: 5'9.

Weight: 174 lbs.



Born in a small village on the outskirts of one of the smaller nations in Rekam, Salicia's childhood was harsh, yet bearable at first. Everything changed when one day, a Laynian priest visited the village and accused her mother of being a heretic - and it was no false accusation, for her mother had once been a shaman who had laid low and lived the life of a simple woman for the past decade. It changed nothing, and the eight-year-old Salicia had to watch as the superstitious villagers - led by that same priest - burned her mother at the stake. It was all her father could do to save her, for the villagers had wanted to burn the "Heretic's child" as well. It was under these circumstances that she forever left the village of her birth and ended up eking out a living with her father in the middle of nowhere.

Having to live independently with no other people around them depended mostly on their ability to forage for food. Salicia's father was a hunter, and he taught her to hunt as soon as she could draw a bow. Their life was a simple one, yet full of unease. Her father was apparently traumatized worse by the death of Salicia's mother - probably by the combination of his wife's secret identity and the fact that the villagers, many of which were his childhood friends, were capable of such an act. He was never the same man, and one day, when Salicia was fifteen years old, she woke up to find that her father had taken his own life.

Alone and having nobody to depend on, she at first continued living on her own for a year or so, but then, a fluke accident forced her out of this isolation. A forest fire had engulfed the area she had stayed in, and she only barely escaped with her life. Tired, singed, blinded in one eye, and hungry, she stumbled upon a nearby village - one where people never even heard of her or her mother - and was nursed back to health there.

She lived there for but a few scant weeks, and surprised the villagers when they saw how good she was with a bow. Amongst one of the people who had watched her during the hunt was a visitor to the village who later visited the place she was lodging in, and offered her a chance to use her talent in a more... productive manner. Not exactly familiar with how things go in the world, she accepted his offer and travelled with him to a nearby town.

What the man wanted her to do was something she did not expect. He wanted her to shoot - and kill - a person. She was hesitant, and was about to refuse until the target walked into sight. In a twist of fate, the target the man had wanted to kill was a Laynian priest - the very same man who had caused Salicia's mother to be burned at a stake many years ago, now a high-ranking member of the local clergy. Her protest and refusal died out in her throat the moment her eyes laid on the man, and before she knew it - almost as if she was acting subconsiously - she had nocked and arrow, drawn the bow, took aim, and loosed in one swift motion, sending an arrow right into the open mouth of the priest with enough force to punch through the back of his head, killing him on the spot.

That was the first time she killed another person, and the start of her path into becoming one of the most notorious assassin-for-hire in the whole of Rekam. Not many know of her true identity, and most only know her by the nicknames people have given her, "Black Arrow" - from her habit of using an arrow with a shaft carved from ebony wood and fletched with black feathers when she kills people. She found that humans were not much different than the animals that had been the only other living things around her during her life in isolation - the strong prey on the weak, and death is but part of the cycle.

It was her most recent hit that forced her to temporarily leave Rekam. It was also one of her highest-paying jobs ever. She had been hired to kill the king of one of the smaller nations that make up Rekam - by his own son no less - and did the job flawlessly. However, what she did not suspect was that shortly after she killed the king a woman rushed to his side and tried to revive him - and she was apparently well-versed in healing magic to boot. Not wanting to take any chances, she took out the woman too. Only later did she find out that the woman was a very high-ranking member of the Hieropants of Laynia, and her being found dead next to the king, in the king's bedroom, sans clothing, led to a massive scandal that had led to what is practically a witch hunt for anyone even remotely related to the matter. Figuring that it's safer to make herself scarce for a while, she packed up, stashed her savings in a safe place, and left town.

Mount: Nightmare, a black Stallion. (Used for travel, not for combat... yet.)

Class: Archer

Weapon Ranks: Bow C

Level: 1

Traits: Foot.

Stats: Vit:2|Str:6|Mag:0|Ski:6|Spd:7|Luk:0|Def:1|Res:0|

Simplified(Not inclusive of Weapons equiped): Hp:14|Atk:6/0|Hit:13|AS:7|Eva:7|Crit:3|CEva:0|Def:1|Res:0|

Abilities: Power Attack, Charge, Bloodlust

Gold: 25


1) Longbow, 6Mt, 13Hit, 0Crit, 4Wt, Range & Siege (Equipped)

2) Iron Bow, 4Mt, 15Hit, 0Crit, 2Wt, Range

3) Vulnerary 3/3

4) -

5) -

Edited by Kopfjager
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Name: Rakael

RPer: Furetchen

Age: 28

Spirit Self: Magic is for those too weak to die with steel in their fists.

Appearance: A proud, strongly built woman with a constant smirk. Straight auburn hair halfway down the neck, brown eyes.

Backstory: "You want to know about me? Lemme tell you a little something about me. Rakael ain't just some riverside whore whose so fuckin' willing to tell you about her life story for a tip. I am a MURDERER. That is my PROFESSION. I make money by being SMASHED IN THE FACE, and NOT EVEN GIVIN' A SHIT. So maybe go and think a little harder before you ask a fuckin' mercenary about their fuckin' 'life story' or some shit, you got that?"

Mount: A palomino gelding, 'Bastard'

Level: 1

Class: Soldier

Weapon Ranks: Spear C

Traits: Armoured, Badass





Abilities: Charge

Gold: 145


1) Steel Spear: 8Mt, 13Hit, 2Crit, 5Wt, Melee

2) Vulnerary

3) Vulnerary

4) Vulnerary

5) Vulnerary

Edited by Furetchen
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  • 2 weeks later...

Uhhh. . .

1. You'll probably want to start with something with swords. Thieves get better bonuses, if you want to focus on evasion. Mercs get a Strength bonus, if you want to focus on doing damage

2. It's possible to do some decent dodgetanking with a sufficiently fast sword unit. Don't expect to do massive amounts of damage (yet).

3. Alena (my unit) dodges decently, and can take a couple of hits. However, she deals horribly low damage. Alyssia (Kay's unit) dodges better, but is far more frail.

4. See if you can track Roth down.

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Name(Race, Nationality): Sumomo Chi. Human. Tsae

RPer: Snowy_One

Age: 18

Spirit Self: Not magical.

Appearance: Sumomo appears to the common eye as any young woman of Tsaen heritage. A young woman of light brownish skin and black shoulder-length hair adorned with simple hair ornaments and wearing long robes that go down to her feet. It almost seems stereotypical... but there is a reason for this. Under her robes is her weapons, hidden from the public eye. Short swords designed for easy concealment, flashpellets for quick escape, and the like. Her weapons lack any personal designs, instead being simple, generic, and difficult to track.

Backstory: A young woman from Tsae who has headed out into the world to seek a cure for the emperor whom has fallen ill. Born in Tsae, Sumomo practiced hard at the art of making and brewing potions throughout her entire life. Though she does not specialize in the art of healing potions for combat wounds, she has practiced with the art of potions to cure illness. With the emperor fallen ill, she has finally become confident enough in her skill to head out into the world beyond her nation, seeking to find the right herbs and plants to, hopefully, craft a cure. Her funds are limited, and her swordsmanship weak, forcing her to conceal and act like a common person for fear of attracting attention from bandits and the like.

Mount: None

Class: Thief

Weapon Ranks: Sword C

Level: 4

Traits: Foot

Stats: Vit: 3|Str: 4|Mag: 0|Ski: 3|Spd: 10|Luk: 6|Def: 2|Res:0|

Simplified (Not inclusive of Weapons equipped): Hp: 16 |Atk: 4|Hit: 6 |AS: 10|Eva: 16|Crit: 8|CEva: 6|Def: 2|Res: 0|

Abilities: Item Master, Evasive Maneuver

Gold: (starts with 310)


1) Item equipped: Killer Weapon: 5Mt, 16Hit, 6Crit, 2Wt, Melee

2) Item: Slim Sword: 2Mt, 22Hit, 2Crit, 1Wt, Melee

3) Item: Tsaen flash pellet (3 uses)

4) Item: Pure Water (3 uses)

5) Item:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Alena levels up! She gains Vitality and Strength. . .Vitality because she took her share of blades, and Strength so that she can actually damage things. Maybe.

Stats: Vit:5|Str:5|Mag:0|Ski:5|Spd:6|Luk:3|Def:4|Res:2|

Simplified: Hp:20|Atk:5/0|Hit:10|AS:6|Eva:10|Crit:4|CEva:3|Def:4|Res:2|

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As per a PM I recieved, Jarrod levels up before he even posts. Sweet beans.

He shall take Str and Defense.

Stats: Vit:5|Str:4|Mag:0|Ski:6|Spd:6|Luk:4|Def:4|Res:1|

Simplified: Hp:20|Atk:4/0 |Hit: |AS: 6 |Eva: 10 |Crit:5|CEva:4|Def:5|Res:1|

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Not too late Eail. Although I might not be able to set up a quick join scenario for your character fast enough short of <insert>Generic I stumble upon you guys getting your arse kicked and decided to help you for some reason<insert> Any fancier and it would take a while. Alternately I can set him up somewhere else that the group would head to anyway.

But feel free to make a sign up. Sword and Board guy...I recommend Knight or Mercenary with max out Def.

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