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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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I stand by my usual decision of not caring too much whether or not Volug is free here in Normal Mode drafts, and will go with whatever majority decides.

I just found it ironic

So what, 3 people wouldn't take a penalty there? On a Survive map, no less...

Maybe only 1 guy would, maybe every other draft that 1 guy would. But it's still a possibility that Volug can save you those 3 turns if you pick him.

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I just found it ironic

So do I, actually. However, when you're wrong you're wrong.

Maybe only 1 guy would, maybe every other draft that 1 guy would. But it's still a possibility that Volug can save you those 3 turns if you pick him.

No. Volug isn't necessary to save Jill in Normal Mode. Ergo, he does nothing to save you turns. There's no point to making people take a penalty for him.

There's not much point to making him free either honestly, which is why I don't care too much about what's decided. ...What was decided, anyway?

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Oh, I will finish the draft. I spent waay too much time in that thing. This one takes priority though, and my only question is whether I zip through easy, or struggle on through the draft. Really, after the desert it'll be easy mode Ike/Soren/Meg rock and a Tibarn 1 turn (is that possible?) and then endgame, which is fairly simple since it's mostly defeat boss, and at that point I don't care if units die. Plus, I'll have 3 more units than I did before the division (probably wasn't a smart drafting strategy...)

Right now I'm zipping through easy since I don't want to think too hard tonight. Might as well.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. *Glares at FE6*

Even those don't alleviate the frustration of FE6 HM drafts.

Oh come on. FE6 HM draft isn't so... ahahahahahah.... who am I kidding. :wacko:

I'll probably finish it on Normal Mode one of these days. Props to Balcerzak for being the only one to actually finish that draft (and get good turncounts, too).

Thanks. I am nothing if not stubborn.

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Kurthnaga's useless, but at least he lets me bring an undrafted Sword user to Endgame, so he gets my pick. Thoughts:

Haar: Not much to say about Haar, honestly. Let's hope I'm good/patient enough to get low enough turns with him so that he's banned in future drafts.

Ilyana: Her stats are nothing special (actually, they kind of suck...), but her availability should make her a great pick. Also makes early Part 1 pretty easy.

Nailah: And Nailah makes the rest of Part 1 really easy. I still don't understand why people think getting Haar means you're doomed for Part 1. Not to mention she's great for Part 4 as well.

Meg: My Part 3 DB unit, and more than adequate enough to get it done quick, though not as quick as Jill. Her good Speed allows her to double until Endgame despite her bad caps, except for some Swordmasters in Part 4.

Lucia: I didn't have anyone for 2-2 yet, and Lucia is the best choice out of them all. BEXP should allow her to be good in Part 4.

Ranulf: I'm still surprised he lasted this long. He's got great bases and is around for most of Part 3 and Part 4. Cat gauge kind of sucks, though.

Makalov: Another unit that lasted pretty long. Good speed, mount, axes, and being able to go to any Part 4 route is great for the time I picked him.

Volke: He's fun to watch, has great offense, and can double Auras. Not the best, but not bad.

Kurthnaga: I don't know what I'll do with him. Maybe I'll have enough BEXP to make him a decent combat unit.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Thoughts on the competition.

RD: Has Haar. Obviously the man to beat. His Part 4 choices don't have a lot of freedom, with Nailah, Ranulf, and Lucia predecided, but he only has Kurth as tower-exclusive, so he's got a lot of wiggle room. Not a bad situation. Better than mine in all likelihood.

RFOF: Very solid heavy hitters in Skrimir and Giffa will help her tower a lot, and the rest of her team didn't suffer for it. I had Mia and Marcia last time I drafted, and I was unimpressed by them compared to my expectations. Mia mostly because her 2 range options blow, and Marcia because her availability wasn't as great as I had hoped. Still, they will get the job done, and nicely, especially with Brom and Lethe as back-up.

RW: Lack of any flying until Naesala looks painful, but probably isn't as bad as it first seems. Soren actually performs admirably in draft settings, IMO better than Mia, so that's very nice for him, and Gatrie is probably more of the same there.

PKL: I'm not gonna lie, his part 3 looks a little weak, and Volug's lack of 2 range option is a serious drawback. He's still a beast, but some supplement would go a long way. I guess that's what Big T is for, but low availability there.

S: Titania is strong, but she can't carry the entire GM on her back. Heather can help... some, but that's going to make things more difficult than I imagine he'd have liked. The swooping in and grabbing the pegs was a nice touch to screw people for the bridge map, and will make his desert very smooth sailing. Zihark and Leo can probably get the job done on their end as well.

QE: Wow... I just realized she loves her some healers. Rhys, Mist, and Laura. I'm not going to lie, but I think this is probably the weakest team, though maybe I'm undervaluing their contributions post-promotion. I will be interested to watch her prove me wrong.

I'll save my thoughts/explanations of my own team for tomorrow, probably.

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Every RD draft I've seen allows undrafted characters to do this, so I don't see why it would be different here.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Oh my god... I had no idea.

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I guess I'll do an intro:

Edward: Well, there's a good reason he's near the top of all the tier lists. So long as he doesn't get strength screwed, he will do excellently.

Gatrie: I picked him for a strong Greil Merc. I chose him over Mia mainly because I already had Edward for a Trueblade, and later I got Stefan, so it's a good thing I didn't.

Elincia: She's a boss. Saves taking a penalty on 2-E and can fly around in 4-5 to kill Izuka and stuff. Brave prf weapon FTW.

Naesala: Great for the desert, and an all around beast of a unit come endgame.

Soren: After I saw how good he was in my other draft, I was a bit surprised to see him still in at this point. He may take a bit of BEXP, but it's not like Gatrie or Ike need too much of that anyway.

Kieran: He's really good...when he's available.

Tormod: I picked him mainly because Sothe/Micaiah/Edward can't do ALL of Part I. 1-8 will be difficult, and he'll be nice to take out those ledge mages in 1-7. I can bexp him up by endgame to make him somewhat useful.

Stefan: I don't really know. I guess I'll find out.

Renning: Great character that's only available for endgame. I've never actually used him, but he'll be nice because he doesn't take any exp.

All together, I'm not liking my availability. Excluding free units, I have 2 units for Part I (should be okay here), 2 for Part II (Kieran might as well not count, and Elincia isn't available for 2-2), and Part III will be a breeze with Gatrie and Soren. Part IV is my trouble, since 3 of the units are recruited in part IV, and 3 of them are locked into their groups. Thankfully, they're all in separate groups.

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His Part 4 choices don't have a lot of freedom, with Nailah, Ranulf, and Lucia predecided

Don't forget Volke. And Haar is essentially locked to the Silver Route as well.

Edward: Well, there's a good reason he's near the top of all the tier lists.

...He is?

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Idk why balcerzak thinks my part 3 is weak. Neph with a crit forge+promotion will make part 3 a walk in the park plus i got rolf as neph backup then janaff comes along. Volug has been proven an excellent and reliable db pick time and again.

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Idk why balcerzak thinks my part 3 is weak. Neph with a crit forge+promotion will make part 3 a walk in the park plus i got rolf as neph backup then janaff comes along. Volug has been proven an excellent and reliable db pick time and again.

Nephenee is your only Part 3 unit with good 1-2 range, and gauge ruins Volug's fun in 3-12 (and possibly 3-13 as well). Also, having no mounts is a hindrance as well.

It's not bad, but could be better.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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The only problem is the desert stage will be difficult since alot of his units are forced to a route.

Not a whole lot more difficult than most other players actually. Since Battle save abuse is allowed, then his micaiah can be perfect for taking the middle while Naesala takes sothe for a stroll through the eastern edge of the map.

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...He is?

Referring to the draft tier lists, found here and here. Near the top on the first one (especially excluding Ike and Sothe, since they're free). The second one I mostly disagree with anyway...there are units (Tibarn...) that have awful availability that are really high up.

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