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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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If I might offer an opinion on Defend chapters, I will do so.

Sometimes (Chapter 17/18 of FE7 comes to mind), you can end those types of chapters early by killing the boss or routing the enemies. Therefore, it seems prudent to reward a draft player with those turns that are saved. He or she went above and beyond expectations.

In Radiant Dawn, however, it seems arbitrary, but I would encourage the additional turn to be added, simply for compatibility (and to avoid confusion about when to add in an extra turn for defend chapters) with the games where it is possible to end defend chapters early.

I don't think thats at all possible in every defend map of RD. I mean 1-5, you don't have enough good units with 2 range. In 2-P it migth be possible but i wouldn't really hope on it. In 3-7 its literally impossible because Blakc Knight + swamp + not enough units on draft that can effectively reach everything in less than 12 turns.

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Yes, that's why I said in RD it's arbitrary. It's just one of those conventions that, I think, is best applied consistently because it does make a slight difference in some of the games. Perhaps the best thing to do is to just mention in the OP how defend chapters are counted.

Anyway, back to banning Haar. Let's see some more logs!

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If I might offer an opinion on Defend chapters, I will do so.

Sometimes (Chapter 17/18 of FE7 comes to mind), you can end those types of chapters early by killing the boss or routing the enemies. Therefore, it seems prudent to reward a draft player with those turns that are saved. He or she went above and beyond expectations.

In Radiant Dawn, however, it seems arbitrary, but I would encourage the additional turn to be added, simply for compatibility (and to avoid confusion about when to add in an extra turn for defend chapters) with the games where it is possible to end defend chapters early.

We're talking about maps that can't be ended early no matter what, so I don't know what you're trying to say here. Obviously if a player ends one early, they ended it early and don't get the full count. This happens in 2-E, 3-5, and 3-13 all the time.

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I couldnt recover the post :(. Im at 3-E. I guess ill write bits then another bit so i dont have to retype a lot if its lost.Edit:Part 1

1-P 5/5Micaiah gets fed kills. Eddie procs a wrath crit on ep 5.---1-1 6/11nolan and miccy beat stuff. I got the hand axe no boss kill.---1-2 6/17I used fenrir's 6 turn strat. Got the drop and thani. Thanks fenrir.---1-3 7/24rfof strat.---1-4 7/31rfof strat. But since sothe didnt find beastfoe mic had to.---1-5 6/37Volug fights as much as posible. Wrath miccy was amazing. Especially since she doubled most enemies and had a light crit forge. Scary.---1-6-1 4/41Adept sothe heads west. Resolve miccy to the armors on the northeast and tauro volug center.---1-6-2 2/43sothe gets shoved by tauro. Volug fights as much as he can for strike. Sothe adepts boss with his knife forge on ep.---1-7 6/49savior sothe carries mic and volug takes out enemies in the way. Sothe weakens boss and paragon volug takes the kill. Mic seizes---1-8 5+4/58I hate this chapter. Had to use tormod.---1-9 4/6219 as mic + resolve = win!---1-E 6/68miccy gets dropped and she kills the throne room. Bk kills jarod and sothe volug shove mic and she seizes. No wing or treasures.

Unit Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support StrikeMicaiah 1 32 5 21 14 20 25 9 21 A Sothe B light C staffSothe 8 36 22 5 25 26 20 16 11 A Micaiah S knivesVolug 16 50 14 2 15 13 14 11 5 S fang

---Part 2

2-P 8/8nealuchi gets marcias lances.---2-1 6/14Recruited heather neph wrath crits.---2-2 5+4/23lucia penalty. Mordy was my free. Nealuchi trades neph some lances. Lucia and neph make way to the boss. Neph wrath crits armor in front of boss. Leanne vigors she wrath crits boss and lucia seizes.---2-3 5/28Geo gets a bexp level. He orkos boss with brave then seizes.---2-E 1+4/33elincia penalty. She stuns boss after the 300th try. Hate this chapter so much. Neph and calill get all of part 2 bexp. Forgot stats but neph was bexpd to 12 and calill to 10 iirc.

---Part 3

3-P 8/8A lot of battle saving so rolf crit a few key enemies with his killer bow. Ike crits boss in turn 7 but skrimir decides to attack the general that was left. Omfg.---3-1 10/18bexpd rolf to 5.99. He has 23 spd which is more than enough. Mia was my free unit. Ike went south first to beat the generals then to the bushes where mia was blocking. Rolf kills a lot of stuff.---3-2 4/22neph gets celerity and the steel lance forge with 17 mt and 15 crit ilyana ferried. Buy a bunch of stuff. Then sell the card. Neph makes it to the boss then crits in turn 4 with her forge.---3-3 11/33neph goes to boss crates. Ike to the northeastern one. Rolf to the crown one. Gatrie stays in the bottom. Got blossom.---3-4 8/41neph gets bexp to promotion. She was at 20.89 so im not wasting the crown obv. Neph makes way for ike and ranulf. Last turn she impales boss and ike braves the other, opening the way for ranulf to arrive.---3-5 2/43Celerity neph gets vigored and she javelin crits the boss. Rolf got a perfect lvup from blossom.---3-6 9/52Paragon and beastfoe on volug. He obliterates everything to the east while miccy and sothe go north.---3-7 12/64built as much strike as posible for kyza janaff. Kyza had blossom. Recruited lehran.---3-8 6/70celerity neph with max mt max crit javelin forges destroyed everyone. Wildheart adept tear Janaff built strike. Kyza had blossom.--- 3-9 4/74Adept meteord the boss. Last hit was a crit (not rigged). Lucky bastard? Yes xd.--- 3-10 6/80javelin forge celerity neph goes to boss area. Ike rolf kysha janaff beat the generals. Most priests sd'd to neph in turn 2 ep xd. Janaff almost at s strike.---3-11 7/87celerity ike moves nonstop towards boss. Tibarn kills boss, ike equips slim sword ane seizes. Janaff reached S strike mid chapter.---3-12 4/91Bexpd volug to 31 so he capped spd. He has 19 str which is awesome. Tauro helped a lot in his side. Volug had wildheart. He reached ss strike.---3-13 3/94Olivi grass 1st turn. Second turn too and most laguz ignored untransformed volug to climb the ledge and attack sothe because volug had beastfoe. Next turn volug transforms and ORKOs ike. (Pass)---3-E 5/99Straightforward map. Kysha found rescue.

Unit Lv Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res StrikeIke 1 54 29 6 32 30 15 28 11Micaiah 7 35 6 25 15 23 31 11 26Sothe 11 37 22 6 26 28 23 16 12Volug 33 65 19 5 18 18 29 13 10 SSCalill 4 45 16 29 26 30 30 19 27Nephenee 9 55 30 15 35 34 28 32 28Kyza 24 61 15 3 14 15 19 14 9 ATauroneo 19 42 25 12 25 23 19 24 17Janaff 30 58 17 2 20 17 30 12 8 SRolf 4 52 29 9 33 29 25 28 19

---Part 4 team distribution:

Silver: Micaiah Sothe Calill VolugGreil: Ike Nephenee KyzaHawk: Janaff Tauroneo Rolf


Dracoshield: VolugEnergy Drop: VolugSeraph Robe: MicaiahSeraph Robe: NepheneeSeraph Robe: CalillDracoshield: Nephenee

Added 3-E and my part 4 team distribution. Do u guys think its alright or should rolf switch places with kyza?

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Added 3-E and my part 4 team distribution. Do u guys think its alright or should rolf switch places with kyza?

Rolf is perfectly fine where he is, have him go behind Janaff to cover for 2 rangers while Tauro solos some side. A 7 turner could be possible with that team... I had Tibarn though...

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I should stop being lazy and actually post this.

1-P: 5/5

For some reason I had a difficult time pulling off 5 turns this time when before it always just came naturally. Oh well, I got it.

MVP: Micaiah

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		2	16	2	8	8	8	11	2	5	A Sothe

1-1: 4/9

Having Edward and Nolan together is pretty amazing. I think this was only possible because of a lucky dodge for Micaiah, but that's okay.

MVP: Nolan

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		3	16	2	9	8	9	12	3	6	A Sothe
Nolan		9	29	12	0	11	10	7	9	3

1-2: 6/15

Sent Nolan and Micaiah straight up while Edward handled the south. Was able to maneuver such that I could get the Energy Drop and Thani. Somehow I think it could have gone better, but it worked.

MVP: Sothe

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		4	16	3	10	8	10	13	4	7	A Sothe
Sothe		1	35	18	4	20	20	15	14	9	A Micaiah
Nolan		10	30	12	1	12	11	8	10	4

1-3: 6/21

Altered my strategy a bit with Nolan to shave off a turn.

MVP: Sothe

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		6	16	5	12	10	11	15	5	9	A Sothe
Sothe		1	35	18	4	20	20	15	14	9	A Micaiah
Nolan		11	31	13	1	13	12	9	10	4

1-4: 6/27

This was kind of annoying. Sothe ended up going west while Nolan and Micaiah took east. Nolan wasn't strong enough to handle too much and it prolonged the map. Got the 3,000 Gold, but missed the Robe.

MVP: Sothe

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		8	18	5	14	12	12	17	6	11	A Sothe
Sothe		3	36	20	4	21	21	17	15	10	A Micaiah
Nolan		14	34	14	2	16	15	10	12	5

1-5: 6/33


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - (Guard)

Nolan - (Nihil), Cancel

Got Nolan a ton of experience. Routed the map except for two enemies, one being a healer and the other a Soldier.

MVP: Nolan

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		8	18	5	14	12	12	17	6	11	A Sothe
Sothe		3	36	20	4	21	21	17	15	10	A Micaiah
Nolan		17	37	17	3	19	17	11	15	5

1-6: 4 & 2/39


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - (Guard), Adept, Cancel

Nolan - (Nihil)

1 - Sothe west, Nolan north, Micaiah middle-ish. Required some skill proccing a bit of luck but was not very hard.

2 - Nolan Shoves Sothe. Sothe kills boss.

MVP: Sothe

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		11	19	6	17	13	15	19	7	13	A Sothe
Sothe		5	36	22	5	23	22	19	16	12	A Micaiah
Nolan		19	39	18	3	20	19	11	16	7

1-7: 5/44


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - (Guard), Adept, Cancel

Nolan - (Nihil), Paragon, Savior

Promote Nolan.

Took a bit of doing but was easy in the end. Sothe Rescued Micaiah on turn 2 and gave her to Nolan on turn 3. Nolan dropped her two spaces away from the Armor, whom she killed. Sothe then killed the Longbow Archer, Micaiah moved, and Nolan Shoved Micaiah. Sothe was just able to weaken the boss enough for Nolan to get in a OHKO and let Micaiah Seize.

MVP: Nolan

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		12	20	6	18	13	16	20	7	14	A Sothe
Sothe		5	36	22	5	23	22	19	16	12	A Micaiah
Nolan		3	44	21	5	23	23	14	17	11

1-8: 4/48


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - (Guard), Adept, Cancel

Nolan - (Nihil), Savior, Celerity

Rafiel - (Blessing), Paragon

Sothe took east, Micaiah took south, Nolan took west. I don't need to draft those LEAs to make use of them. Vika and Muarim were used to Rescue NPCs in need and Tormod, with Nailah and Volug, moved in such a way so that that stupid Dracoknight would end up in a position where he could attack Micaiah at the end and not any of the Prisoners, causing a suicide.

Unfortunately Nolan needed Celerity to get the west area done (Rafiel with Celerity did not work), so he could not use Paragon.

MVP: Sothe

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		13	21	7	19	13	16	21	7	15	A Sothe
Sothe		6	37	22	6	24	23	19	16	13	A Micaiah
Nolan		3	44	21	5	23	23	14	17	11

1-9: 4/52


Micaiah - Resolve

My standard 4 turns.

MVP: Micaiah

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		15	21	7	20	15	18	23	7	17	A Sothe

1-E: 7/59


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - (Guard), Adept, Cancel

Nolan - (Nihil), Savior, Paragon

Rafiel - (Blessing)

Ilyana transfers: (Shade), Pass, Celerity, Brave Sword, Killing Edge, Blue Gem, Shriek, Speedwing.

I was expecting 8 at best, 9 realistically, so this 7 turns I think is pretty awesome. Ironically, the Black Knight didn't even do much; he just couldn't keep up. Rafiel got the team advancing fast and Sothe, Micaiah, and Nolan ran up killing everything. Watching Micaiah single-handedly clear out all the enemies that came up to her at the top was pretty satisfying, and she made it to level 20. Micaiah needed a Shove (given by BK) on the last turn for the Seize and Sothe and Nolan teamed up for the Jarod kill, though either could have killed him alone, Sothe with an Adept proc (for an exact 3HKO) and Nolan with a powerful Steel forge.

MVP: Micaiah

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		1	26	11	21	19	21	26	10	21	A Sothe
Sothe		7	38	22	6	25	23	19	17	13	A Micaiah
Nolan		5	46	23	5	24	24	16	19	11

2-P: 8/8

This is almost a cutscene as far as drafts go. Marcia killed every enemy, even the boss. No, I didn't use Haar.

MVP: Marcia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Marcia		7	36	18	6	19	22	13	16	15	

2-1: 5/13

My plan was ruined by...Nephenee critting the first Armor with her 3 crit. As such, I was able to get through quite fast. Nephenee went to recruit Heather while Brom chipped away at Yeardley until Yeardley was defeated on the turn Heather was recruited.

I'm pretty sure I also managed to get all the Volunteer BEXP.

MVP: Nephenee

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Brom		3	37	20	4	18	17	14	22	9	

2-2: 6/19

I love using non-drafted units in ways that don't get a penalty! My free unit was Heather for Pass and ability to usually combine with Lethe/Brom for KOs. Brom and Lethe did most of the fighting while Lucia defended Leanne from enemies with her aura. Took some figuring out to get 6 turns, but taking advantage of enemy AI (specifically, knowing when that Halberdier would run off to heal himself) got this done with very little luck manipulation. Lethe got the the boss kill.

MVP: Lethe

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Brom		4	38	21	4	18	18	15	22	10
Lethe		21	51	9	6	13	12	18	9	10	

2-3: 5/24

Allies and Kieran escorted Astrid. Made sure to get the Speedwing with Marcia, then Marcia and Astrid teamed up for a boss kill as Geoffrey Seized.

MVP: Marcia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Geoffrey	16	37	25	9	24	21	19	18	15
Marcia		8	37	19	6	20	23	14	16	15	
Astrid		4	35	15	8	17	16	19	11	15

2-E: 1/25

Elincia and Haar? Psh. How overrated. Once again I pull off the Marcia + Brom duo kill of Ludveck, this time one turn faster, courtesy of Leanne. Lethe got some BEXP so she could level up before the death blow.

I wish Brom could have gotten more Str on his levels, though it is funny seeing him with 4 22s. The Speedwing from 2-3 was for him.

MVP: Brom

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Brom		13	45	22	4	22	22	22	27	11
Lethe		22	52	10	6	14	13	18	10	10	
Marcia		8	37	19	6	20	23	14	16	15	

Part 1 + 2 total: 84

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I should stop being lazy too :lol:

[spoiler=Part 1]

Chapter 1-P: 5 turns

Miccy was in 2.87 at the end of the chapter but I didnt check her stats.

Chapter 1-1: 6 turns

Nolan is my free units, him and Miccy make their way upwards. Micaiah had to eat the shield.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah         4.58    18      2       10      10      10      11      4       7      A Sothe

Chapter 1-2: 6 turns

Eddie holds the door and Miccy goes for the Thani. Sothe gets energy drop for Vika.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah         5.48    18      2       11      11      10      11      4       8      A Sothe
Laura           1.44    16      3        8       3       5      8       2       10 

Chapter 1-3: 7 turns

I follow RFOF's method and recruit Aran, I managed to feed him some kills. I didn't get to snatch the discipline skill :(:

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah         6.74    19      2       12      12      11      12      5       9      A Sothe
Laura           1.88    16      3        8       3       5      8       2       10 
Aran            7.68    24      10       0      12      10      6       11       2
Sothe           2.23    36      19       4      21      21      15      14       9     A Micaiah   

Chapter 1-4: 4 turns

Skills and Forges:

Aran- Cancel, Micaiah- Wrath, Laura- Shade


Iron Lance- MAX MT+ MAX CRIT+ 90HIT

I depended on some critkills. Sothe goes up and then right iirc. Aran Miccy and Laura go south.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah         8.39    20      2       14      12      12      13      5       11     A Sothe
Laura           2.36    16      4        9       4       6      8       2       10 
Aran            9.59    25      11       1      14      10      8       12       2
Sothe           4.18    37      20       4      23      23      16      14      10     A Micaiah   

Chapter 1-5: 6 turns

Skills and Forges:

Aran- Cancel, Micaiah- Wrath, Laura- Shade

After clearing the starting enemies I go up the ledge to feed my units some kills. Sothe steals the master seal.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah        10.31    21      2       16      12      13      15      5       13     A Sothe
Laura           3.59    16      4       10       5       6      9       2       11 
Aran           11.78    26      12       1      16      11      8       13       2
Sothe           4.59    37      20       4      23      23      16      14      10     A Micaiah   

Chapter 1-6: 6 turns (4/2)

Skills and Forges:

Aran- Cancel, Micaiah- Resolve, Laura- Shade, Sothe Adept

Bronze Knife- MAX MT+ MAX CRIT

This one was easy, Sothe takes care of west and Miccy and Aran take care of the middle and north. For Part 2 I shove Sothe so he can kill the boss.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah        12.53    22      2       18      13      13      17      5       15     A Sothe
Laura           3.??    16      4       10       5       6      9       2       11     C Aran
Aran           13.90    26      14       2      17      13      8       13       2     C Laura
Sothe           6.14    38      22       5      24      23      17      14      11     A Micaiah   

Chapter 1-7: 6 turns

Skills and Forges:

Aran- Cancel, Micaiah- Resolve, Laura- Paragon, Sothe Adept

I BEXP Laura and seal her because she capped Speed although I should of given her more BEXP levels because she was having durability issues. Instead of going the regular way I went right and then upwards. Vika finds the master seal.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah        13.15    22      2       19      14      13      18      5       16     A Sothe
Laura           2.62    24      7       19      13      17      12      7       12     C Aran
Vika           13.07    38      9        5      13      15      14      7        7
Aran           16.59    27      15       3      20      15      9       16       2     C Laura
Sothe           6.36    38      22       5      24      23      17      14      11     A Micaiah   

Chapter 1-8: 4 turns

Skills and Forges:

Aran- Celerity&Cancel, Micaiah- Resolve, Laura- Paragon, Sothe Adept

Bronze Knife- MAX MT

This one required some luck, I needed Laura to dodge or critkill some enemies so she could survive long enough and I depended on Aran activating critkills on the enemies, javelin helped against 2 ranged enemies, it was convenient he had a 2 use javelin which allowed him to use it on the javelin soldier on EP ad it broke allowing him to use his forge on the bandits and luckily he critkills 2 of them, the last one suicided on the next EP.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah        14.47    22      3       20      15      13      19      6       17     A Sothe
Laura           3.42    31      7       20      13      18      12      7       12     C Aran
Vika           13.43    38      11       5      13      15      14      7        7
Aran            2.02    30      18       5      21      18      10      20       4     C Laura
Sothe           7.03    39      22       5      25      24      17      14      12     A Micaiah   

Chapter 1-9: 4 turns

Skills and Forges:

Miccy- Resolve

I followed RFOF's method, but I made sure Miccy gained speed on the first level up.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah        16.95    24      3       20      15      14      21      6       19     A Sothe

Chapter 1-E: 7 turns

Skills and Forges:

Laura- Paragon, Aran- Cancel, Micaiah- Resolve, Sothe- Imbue

Steel Lance: MAX CRIT+ MAX MT

Bronze Knife: MAX MT+ MAX CRIT

*Found Speedwing and Parity

I have BK clear out the ledge to keep my team safe from the mages, afterwards everyone gathered upwards and cleared on turn 7. Vika ferried Rafiel up helping BK keep up. Sothe cleared the path to keep my team members safe. Laura stayed behind to gain CEXP.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Micaiah        17.50    24      3       20      15      14      22      6       20     A Sothe
Laura           6.93    32      7       22      15      19      15      9       13     C Aran
Vika           13.64    38      11       5      13      15      14      7        7
Aran            4.39    31      18       5      22      18      10      22       5     C Laura
Sothe           7.43    39      22       5      25      24      17      14      12     A Micaiah   

P1: 61 Turns

I'll post Part 2 later

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Corona is pretty useless as in it doesn't help durability I wish Rhys/Laura/Mic had flare or at least Nosferatu tomes being less rare and sucks for me I forgot to bring Rhys a forged tome :dry:

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Corona is pretty useless as in it doesn't help durability I wish Rhys/Laura/Mic had flare or at least Nosferatu tomes being less rare.

I actually prefer Corona in certain situations. Often the Mages, Micaiah in particular, will need Resolve active to double and ORKO enemies, and Flare obviously removes that. I had some problems with that in the Transfer Draft because Calill could only double about half the desert enemies without either Resolve or Rexflame.

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Hey look, the "Manage Notes" option is actually useful:

[spoiler=Part 1]


The key to 4-turning this is having Micaiah critical the first Brigand. Edward does the rest of his job normally. Leonardo arrives late for the party.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    2.10 16  2   8   8   8   11  2   5    A Sothe

4 turns.


Had Edward lead the way this time. Leonardo and Micaiah follwed with kills behind. Micaiah later weakened kills for Leonardo there.

Could've taken one turn less, but Leonardo really wanted that last kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    3.64 16  2   9   8   9  11   2   6    A Sothe
Lolnardo   5.86 17  9   0  13  11   6   5   5

5 turns.


Edward goes up the ledge and weakens up the Fighter on the first turn. Leonardo kills him. Micaiah tanks some shots and Leonardo snipes the kills. Sothe arrived, did his job at scorting Laura to the exit and later snatched the Energy Drop.

Coudn't get Thani nor the Wind Edge. :(:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.30 16  2  10   8  10  12   3   7    A Sothe
Lolnardo   7.01 19 10   0  15  13   6   6   6

5 turns.


I have the guys who through the RHS. Micaiah and Leonardo break the door, shaving a turn in general. Sothe does his usual roflstomp and Micaiah and Leonardo help a bit.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    4.66 16  2  10   8  10  12   3   7    A Sothe
Lolnardo   7.76 19 10   0  15  13   6   6   6
Sothe      1.57 35 18   4  20  20  15  14   9    A Micaiah

6 turns.


Battle preparations

Sold off unndeeded equipment to raise my funds and bought a Beastkiller and a Max Mt/Crit Iron Bow for Leonardo. I named it "Double Bro".


Micaiah - Wrath

Leonardo - (Cancel)


I went with Sho's strategy, having Sothe use a Kard, for most of it. Leonardo could eventually start nabbing his own kills. Micaiah with Wrath did the same, but barely got the chance, thanks to her Mov.

I got the Angelic Robe and Beastfoe. Incredibly enough, I didn't even have to reset-abuse for Leonardo to find it.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    5.35 16  2  11   9  11  13   3   7    A Sothe
Lolnardo   9.89 21 11   2  17  14   8   8   7
Sothe      4.06 37 19   4  23  22  18  14  10    A Micaiah

7 turns.


Battle preparations


Leonardo - 99 Exp


Micaiah - Wrath

Leonardo - (Cancel)


Sothe first clears most of the enemies at the center, incuding some that were on the ledges. I fed the left-overs to Leonardo. In the end, Sothe and Leonardo sniped the enemies below. Micaiah only got a kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    5.57 16  2  11   9  11  13   3   7    A Sothe
Lolnardo  11.12 23 13   3  19  15  10   9   7
Sothe      4.54 37 19   4  23  22  18  14  10    A Micaiah

6 turns.


Battle preparations

I start with selling some incoming weapons from Jill and Tauroneo. Sothe gets three Max Mt Iron knife forges. Micaiah gets a Max Mt Light tome.

Micaiah takes the Angelic Robe so she can actually take a hit.


Leonardo - 99 Exp


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept

Zihark - Wrath


Sothe goes West, as usual. Zihark and Leonardo help him sweep the center a bit, then get back to assist Micaiah with the trash cans at the North, then they try to stay out of the Peggie's range. Leonardo only stayed at one's 2-range so it suicided into him.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    7.43 24  3  13  10  12  15   3   9    A Sothe
Lolnardo  12.94 23 13   4  20  16  11  10   8
Sothe      5.42 38 19   4  24  23  19  14  10    A Micaiah

4 turns.


Sothe and Zihark block the bridge, Micaiah stays at Sothe's support-rane on the first turn while Leonardo takes a kill. On the second turn, Zihark Shoves Sothe into Laverton's range. Sothe actually got lucky, and pulled a critical, which ended it on Turn 2 of Enemy Phase.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    7.44 24  3  13  10  12  15   3   9    A Sothe
Lolnardo  13.21 24 14   4  20  17  12  11   9
Sothe      6.22 38 20   4  25  24  19  14  11    A Micaiah
Zihark     3.14 30 17   6  22  23  11  13  11

2 turns.


Battle preparations

Yay, BEXP abundance.

I buy the Secret Book at the Shop, for later use. A Wind Edge for Zihark, as well.


Leonardo - Lvl 20. SEAL.


Micaiah - Resolve

Leonardo - Imbue

Sothe - Savior + Wrath

Zihark - Paragon


Zihark and Leonardo go through the upper platform to gather CEXP and make their way up to the boss. Micaiah kills the two Armour knights before being Rescued by Sothe and dropped at Seizing range. On the last turn, Zihark kills the boss. Micaiah seizes.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    8.08 25  3  14  10  13  16   3  10    A Sothe
Leonardo   1.55 31 20   7  21  20  18  13  12
Sothe      6.45 38 20   4  25  24  19  14  11    A Micaiah
Zihark     4.80 31 18   6  23  23  11  13  12

6 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy another Wind Edge at the Shop. I forge a Max Mt/Crit Iron knife for Sothe.


Micaiah - 99 Exp


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Celerity + Savior

Leonardo - Imbue

Zihark - Adept


Built Zihark x Leonardo C support.


Sothe takes the RHS, Micaiah goes North and makes her way to the West. Zihark and Leonardo go South, and later assist Micaiah to the LHS. Leonardo kills those annoyng flying lizards.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   11.23 26  5  16  12  14  19   5  13    A Sothe
Leonardo   1.86 31 20   7  21  20  18  13  12    C Zihark
Sothe      7.55 38 20   4  25  25  20  15  11    A Micaiah
Zihark     5.52 31 19   6  24  24  11  14  12    C Leonardo

4 turns.



Thank you, RedFox.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   13.75 27  5  18  13  16  20   6  14    A Sothe

4 turns.


Battle preparations

I forge a Max Mt/Crit Steel sword for Zihark I named "Caladbolg II". Zihark also takes the left-over Angelic Robe and the Secret Book.

Ilyana packs the following :Ilyana: :

Blue Gem

Brave sword







I'm probably forgetting something, but that's most of it.


Zihark - Lvl 10.


Micaiah - Resolve

Leonardo - Paragon

Zihark - Wrath

Ilyana - Savior


Zihark and Leonardo go up the ledges, while BK (Rescuing Micaiah), Rafiel and Sothe go up the stairs. Leonardo later stays behind to deal with the reinforcements. Sothe opens the door to Jarod's lair, then Micaiah takes out all the Knights blocking her path. BK Shoves Zihark so he can reach Jarod. Zihark takes out Jarod. Sothe nabs the Speedwings from the chest. Micaiah seizes.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    1.00 29  8  20  14  18  22   9  17    A Sothe
Leonardo   4.98 34 22   7  24  22  20  13  13
Sothe      7.76 38 20   4  25  25  20  15  11
Zihark    10.85 40 21   6  30  26  12  16  14

7 turns.


[spoiler=Part 2]


This has to be the most boring chapter ever. I'm not even going to bother explaining.

8 turns


Brom tanks the Javelin!Knight while Nephenee goes get his Steel axe. Nephenee gives Brom his Steel axe so he can kill that Knight. Nephenee then gets over the wall, and moves down the stairs to meet up with Heather. They chat a bit. Heather hits on Nephenee- Heather is recruited. Brom deals with the boss himself, like a baws.

5 turns.


Battle preparations

I send the Talisman to the Convoy.


Heather - 99 Exp


I choose Nealuchi as my free unit. I also take the Lucia penalty.

Lucia and Heather go through the narrow path, getting Vigor'd by Leanne to reach the exit quickly. Nealuchi goes through the main path, and just dodges bullets to fill his gauge up. On the last turn, Nealuchi weakens Maraj up, Heather steals the Secret Book, then Leanne refreshes Lucia and Heather. Heather kills Maraj and Lucia Arrives.

4 (+4) turns


Battle preparations

I buy a Hammer and a Killer Bow at the Shop for Marcia to pack and later ship to the GMs. Geoffrey gets an extra Javelin, and Danved takes the Short Spear.


Danved - 99 exp.


There's not much to explain. I go with the usual pacifist strategy. Instead of taking an extra turn on getting the Speedwings, I give Danved the boss kill.

5 turns.


Battle preparations

I pack a few useless items on Nephenee, Brom and Lethe for them to sell when they arrive at Part 3. I also buy a Steel dagger for Heather. Heather takes the Secret Book and the Talisman.


Heather - Lvl 19.


Elincia moves a little bit forward, Leanne Vigors her, Elincia re-moves and kills the Sniper in the way. Ludveck suicides to Elincia on Enemy Phase.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Heather   19.03 39  21 12  25  30  26   15 17   

1 (+4) turns.


[spoiler=Part 3]


Battle preparations

Ike takes Mia's swords. Titania takes Boyd's axes.


Titania - Adept + Miracle


Ike and Titania plow through enemies. All the enemies go towards Titania, thinking she won't 1RKO them because she can't double yet...it's funny how she kept activating Adept on them. She could even cleanly 1RKO Lance Generals. Skrimir isn't a dumbass as he usually is, and actually helps me out. Titania activates Adept and kills the boss from range.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       11.81 44  24  2  28  23  14   21  7
Titania   18.07 36  26 10  23  23  20   21 15   

7 turns.



Titania - Promotion


Ike - Adept + Miracle



I take Shinon as my free, 7-Mov unit. Him and Ike kill most of the enemies up the North. Titania starts out the massacre at the dark alley where the Generals are, then heads up North and deals with the remaining reinforcements. Ike and Shinon kills with the two Halberdiers that spawn at the South entrance.


I got the Angelic Robe and another Blue Gem. 8]

Shinon is amazing.

Titania is lol.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       13.87 46  26  2  30  25  16   22  8
Titania    1.38 42  29 14  27  27  20   24 19   

5 turns.


Battle preparations

Yay, coupo- Er...Silver card!

I take this once-in-a-lifetime chance and buy weapons and sell more crap, including the Silver card. Among those things I bought, it's important to note I bought a Wyrmslayer and two Max Mt Steel knives for Heather.


Heather - Lvl 20.


Titania - Celerity

Heather - Adept


Built Ike x Titania C support.


Ike goes gather some CEXP at the North-East. Heather does the same, but to the South instead. Titania goes for Istvan. You know, I don't really understand how you guys have the patience to RNG abuse for a 7%. Instead of reset-abusing like an idiot only to save a turn, I take the apparent long path and kill him on the next Player Phase of Turn 3. None of this "lucky" criticals crap in this soldier's army.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       14.85 46  27  2  30  25  17   23  8    C Titania
Titania    2.13 43  30 14  28  27  20   24 20    C Ike
Heather   20.23 40  21 12  25  30  27   16 17 

3 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy the Dracoshield at the Shop.

I pick Gatrie as my free, 6-Mov unit. I give him a Steel Greatlance and a Hand axe.


Ike - Lvl 15.

Heather - Promotion.


Ike - Adept

Titania - Pass

Heather -(Pass) + Celerity


Gatrie breaks the down the Door, then Titania and Heather take full of advantage of their Mov. Heather takes the East and goes up the North, through the bushes. Titania and Ike go through the narrow path to the West. Gatrie stays at the South and burns up two of the enemy equipments there. Heather runs circles around the enemies while flaming the place, eventually killing the boss on the way. I felt like getting the Master Seal for Sigrun/Tanith to use it later, despite there being enough BEXP to go around.

I got the White Gem and the Goddess Icon. No Blossom this time, though. :(:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.13 47  27  2  30  27  19   23  8    C Titania
Titania    2.67 43  30 14  28  27  20   24 20    C Ike
Heather    2.20 45  24 16  28  33  28   19 22 

8 turns.


Battle preparations

I sell off the Gems and the Goddess Icon. Titania buys an Iron Blade.


Ike - Celerity

Titania - Savior

Heather - Adept

Randulf - Pass


Titania ferries Ike and drops him close to the legde. Heather snipes a Sage on the way for Ike to go through. Ike kills the enemies on the highest ledge of the mountain, then he kills and the enemy next to him for Randulf to Arrive. Titania stayed behind, killing enemies and raising her Sword rank.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       17.86 48  27  2  30  27  20   23  9    C Titania
Titania    3.06 43  31 14  28  28  20   24 20    C Ike
Heather    2.76 45  24 16  28  33  28   19 22 

7 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy another Secret Book at the Shop. Heather forges a Max Mt Steel knife forge. Titania takes more Hand axes from the Convoy.


Titania - Adept

Heather - Savior + Wrath

Reyson - Celerity


Titania kills one of the Generals at the front, then gets Vigor'd by Reyson. Titania kills the other General, then heads to the Center of the map. Heather rescues Reyson. On the next Player Phase, Titania critikills the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       18.00 49  27  2  30  28  20   24  9    C Titania
Titania    4.16 43  32 14  28  29  20   24 20    C Ike
Heather    2.84 45  24 16  28  33  28   19 22 

2 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy a Physic and a Storm sword at the Shop. Leonardo gets two, brand new Crossbows.


Zihark - Lvl 13.


Micaiah - Resolve

Leonardo - Beastfoe

Zihark - Paragon


Zihark and Leonardo go North, then they spread. Zihark stays at the North-West corner while Leonardo goes the opposite way, eventually meeting up with Lethe. I also met Mordecai one, but ended up being killed due to enemy density. He's strong enough to get 2HKO'd by an effective 84 Mt weapon. Wow. Anyway, Micaiah and Sothe take the East, but Micaiah ends up solo'ing most of it. BK arrives when he is less needed, as always.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    6.89 32  9  25  17  21  27   9  22    A Sothe
Leonardo   9.35 36 25   9  29  26  24  15  16
Sothe      9.32 38 22   5  26  25  22  15  12
Zihark     5.02 46 27  11  34  34  17  20  19

7 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy a Max Mt Steel knife forge and a Steel dagger for Heather. Reyson packs an Olivi Grass.


Ike - Savior

Heather - Adept + Vantage

Reyson - Celerity


Increased Ike x Titania to a B.


Basically, I used this chapter for Heather to build up her record kills. She kills Zihark, Jill, Edward, Leonardo, Fiona, Sothe and Volug. She even fought BK twice. Micaiah bothered attacking her. Reyson Vigor'd here and there.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       18.82 49  27  2  30  28  20   24  9    B Titania
Titania    4.23 43  32 14  28  29  20   24 20    B Ike
Heather    4.69 45  26 16  29  34  30   21 24 

12 turns.


Battle preparations

Yay, Hand axe forges are available. I take this oppotunity and forge two Max Mt Hand axes for Titania.


Ike - Lvl 19.


Titania - Celerity

Heather - Adept + Vantage

Reyson - Pass


Titania goes South, then makes her way to where most of the Generals are and massacres them. Heather takes the North-Eastern side, then goes South and finish Titania's left-overs.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50  27  2  30  29  20   26  9    B Titania
Titania    6.13 45  34 14  28  31  21   24 21    B Ike
Heather    5.07 45  27 16  30  35  31   21 24 

4 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy Adept at the Shop. Danved gets a Steel Greatlance. Geoffrey gets an Iron Longbow.


Danved - 11.99

Geoffrey - Lvl 17. (SEAL)


Danved - Paragon


Danved goes up the first ledge, kills the first few enemies. Geoffrey hits the Generals in the narrow passage way and Danved finishes him off. Unpexpectedly, after asking RedFox if Silver Knights can proc Sol with Longbows...guess what? He does it! In one try! Geoffrey 1HKO's the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Danved    14.09 44 22   9  24  24   21  19 12

5 turns.


Battle preparations

Titania gets two more Max Mt Hand axe forges. Heather gets two Max Mt Steel knives.


Titania - Celerity

Heather - Adept + Vantage

Reyson - Pass


Titania goes through the Center of the map, up to the North-East, obliterating everything on the way there. Ike and Heather (with Reyson's assistance) kill the South portion of the map. The CRKs killed off Titania's left-overs.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 50  27  2  30  29  20   26  9
Titania    7 49 46  34 14  29  32  21   24 21 
Heather    5.75 45  27 16  30  35  31   21 24 

5 turns.


Battle preparations

Yay, the conjoined Convoys. Tanith and Sigrun take a Secret Book and an Angelic robe, respectively.


Tanith - Lvl 20 (SEAL) 99 Exp.

Sigrun - Lvl 20 (SEAL) 99 Exp.

Danved - Promotion.


Ike - Celerity

Heather - Adept + Vantage

Tanith - Paragon + Savior

Sigrun - Daunt + Paragon


Tanith and Sigrun carry Ike through the bridge and drop him off at Seizing-range by Turn 4. Tanith kills Goran.

The rest of the group stayed behind for some delicious CEXP.

5 turns.


Battle preparations

I bought a Taksh and a Storm sword at the Shop.


Leonardo - Lvl 20 (SEAL).


Micaiah - Paragon

Leonardo - Wrath

Zihark - Resolve


Zihark solo'd the South portion of the map. Micaiah and Leonardo sniped enemies from the ledges. On the last Turn, I let enemies Roam so they could kill the remaining enemies on Enemy Phase.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah    8.23 33  9  27  18  23  29   9  24    A Sothe
Leonardo   1.53 41 29  13  32  28  27  19  20
Sothe      9.53 38 22   5  26  25  22  15  12
Zihark     5.38 46 27  11  34  34  17  20  19

3 turns.


This happened:

My efforts were not wasted. :awesome:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Bronardo   2.33 42 30  13  32  29  28  19  20

2 turns.


Battle preparations

I buy a ton of Max Mt/Crit Javelins and Steel knife forges.


Titania - Celerity

Heather - Adept

Sigrun - Daunt + Paragon

Danved - Paragon


Titania, Tanith and Sigrun took care of most of the enemies that were in the center of the map and to the North-East. Danved and the Laguz killed the Paladins up at the North. Heather helped the Hawks at the East.

4 turns.


Edited by Soul
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The first half of Part 3 is done. Seeing Micaiah have more Speed than Resistance is hilarious.

[spoiler=Through 3-6]Prologue - 8/94

Ike gets Adept, Vantage and Mia's swords. Ike moves toward the boss as quickly as he can while the laguz do their usual nonsense. Ike killed a General in front of the boss so Skrimir could stand in front of him and kill him, Arriving on the Other Phase. Interestingly, one of the Cats that was damaged ran to the west to heal, and followed Ike north until it untransformed, getting killed by a Swordmaster.

Chapter 1 - 7/101

I give Boyd Titania's axes and all of my BEXP, getting him 3 points of Speed and close to another level.


Ike - Vantage, Counter, Miracle

Boyd - Adept, Provoke

This is something I would never try to do in any other draft, due to the amount of resets required for Boyd to A: Survive all of the enemies that attacked him on turn 2 EP and B: Get Adept and Speed procs where he needed them (why does he have the same base Speed as Soren?).

Boyd heads through the middle and around the north while Ike handles the eastern Generals and the southwestern reinforcements. I'm able to get the Blue Gem but miss out on the Seraph Robe. At least now I have Haar.

Chapter 2 - 2/103

After selling off a ton of stuff I transfered, I forged a Steel Sword and Steel Axe, and bought the Wyrmslayer and Arms Scroll (in case I need Ilyana to Meteor something before she can get C rank). Ilyana gets two levels of BEXP, so she's not OHKO'd by Istavan, and uses the Arms Scroll I found in 2-3.


Ike - Adept, Vantage

Ilyana - Shade, Miracle, Wrath

Haar - Cancel, Celerity

Haar air-drops Ilyana in range of the boss, and she Wrath-crits him after surviving his attack with one HP remaining. Ike heads south to attract enemies away from Haar and get some CEXP.

Chapter 3 - 6/109

I BEXP Haar to level 20, and Ilyana 2 levels before giving her the 1-E Speedwing. I also buy the Dracoshield, although I don't know who I'll be using it on yet.


Ike - Pass, Provoke

Ilyana - Shade, Miracle, Wrath

Haar - Cancel, Celerity

Gatrie - Adept, Savior

Haar flies around torching the place while Ike and Ilyana burn two supplies he couldn't get to first. Ilyana grabs Blossom since she had nothing better to do at the time.

Chapter 4 - 5/114

Haar promotes, Ike gets a level of BEXP, then I give the rest to Ilyana. I also buy the Olivi Grasses in Bargains.


Ike - Blossom

Ilyana - Shade, Miracle, Wrath

Haar - Cancel, Celerity, Savior

Ranulf - Pass

Haar grabs Ike and heads for the top while Ranulf and Ilyana trek up the west. Haar drops Ike at the top on turn 3 before going back for Ranulf. On turn 4, Ike kills the boss and Ranulf Reverts so Haar can ferry him the rest of the way. Then Haar kills the other General guarding the Arrive points and takes his spot (still carrying Ranulf), allowing Ike to take the Boss' spot and Arrive.

Chapter 5 - 1/115

Haar gets a BEXP level for Speed so he can double Lombroso, Ike gets another level and Ilyana gets three.


Ike - Blossom

Ilyana - Shade, Miracle, Wrath

Haar - Cancel, Celerity, Savior

Reyson allows Haar to fly down and land a critical on Lombroso (after all of that resetting for Speed...), saving me a use of the Tomahawk. This is also the first Part 3 chapter where Haar was MVP, oddly enough.

Chapter 6 - 8/123

I sell off a bunch of things I won't need, and buy the Beastkiller, Physic, Storm Sword, Short Axe and Silver Dagger. Meg gets BEXP to .99.


Micaiah - Paragon

Sothe - Resolve

Meg - Cancel, Beastfoe

Meg handles the east side while Sothe and Micaiah go north. The Allies get in a few kills and the Black Knight does nothing like usual.

Name		Level  	HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike:		--/18/--  49  27  03  30  27  17  24  07  | 
Micaiah:	15/03/--  30^ 07  21  16  16  20  08  15  | A Sothe
Sothe:		--/13/--  39  22  06  26  24  21  16  10  | A Micaiah
Meg:		20/10/--  37  23^ 03  16  22  28  23^ 19  | 
Ilyana:		20/14/--  40  15  26^ 23  21^ 12  10  21  | C Haar
Haar:		--/20/02  54  32  07  29  27  20  28  14  | C Ilyana
Ranulf:		Laguz 26  55  14  06  16  15  23  13  10  |

Part 1 total: 62 turns

Part 2 total: 24 turns

Part 3 so far: 37 turns

Overall so far: 123 turns

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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[spoiler=Part 3]3-P: 8/8


Ike - Adept, Provoke

Mia - (Vantage), Miracle

Some luck manipulation for the Laguz and plenty of resets to get the exact positioning down gives me 7 turns...or it should have, if Skrimir wasn't a total asshole who decides to kill a healer instead of taking the clear path to arrive and end the map. Stupid AI reliant chapter. At least I got an extra level out of Mia for it.

MVP: Ike

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		12	45	25	2	29	24	14	21	8
Mia		9	36	19	5	26	30	20	14	8

3-1: 7/15


Ike - Adept, Provoke

Mia - (Vantage), Miracle

Boyd - Counter

Boyd was my free unit.

...In the end I'm not even entirely sure how I went about clearing. I tried so many different ways. Boyd went south to the armors, Mia went east, Ike went north and west. Everyone had their job done by turn 7, so the reinforcements didn't technically slow me down. That Warrior caused me a lot of problems and made me use exact positioning to be able to reveal him and have the remaining enemies suicide on Boyd.

MVP: Ike

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		15	47	27	2	30	26	16	24	8
Mia		11	38	21	5	27	30	21	16	9

3-2: 4/19


Ike - Provoke, Pass

Mia - (Vantage), Celerity, Cancel

Brom - (Disarm), Pass

Charge boss. Kill him. If only Brom had a higher weapon level I think I could have saved a turn by getting a turn 3 crit with Tomahawk. Ugh.

MVP: Ike

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		16	47	27	2	30	26	17	25	9
Mia		13	40	23	5	28	30	21	17	9
Brom		14	45	23	4	22	22	23	28	11

3-3: 9/28


Ike - Provoke, Pass

Mia - (Vantage), Celerity, Cancel

Brom - (Disarm), Pass

Gatrie - Adept

The plan: clear enemies from Mia's path. Gatrie stayed behind, Brom handled the stuff in the middle, Ike went to the top right, Mia got through the boss area. Got Blossom and Master Crown.

MVP: Mia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		18	48	27	2	30	27	18	25	10
Mia		16	40	23	5	30	30	22	20	9
Brom		16	45	25	4	24	22	25	29	11

3-4: 7/35


Ike - Celerity, Counter

Mia - (Vantage), Cancel, Pass

Brom - (Disarm), Adept, Provoke

Lethe - Smite, Pass

Charge up the mountain, yeah. Not so tough here.

MVP: Ike

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		19	49	27	2	30	28	18	26	10	C Mia
Mia		1	44	26	9	32	32	24	25	15	C Ike
Brom		17	45	26	4	25	22	26	29	11
Lethe		23	53	11	6	14	13	19	11	11	

3-5: 2/37


Ike - Counter

Mia - (Vantage), Cancel, Pass

Brom - (Disarm), Adept, Provoke

Lethe - Smite, Pass

Reyson - (Blessing), Celerity, Miracle

Mia runs to the boss and critkills him with Reyson's help.

MVP: Mia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	29	19	26	10	C Mia
Mia		2	45	27	10	33	33	24	25	15	C Ike
Brom		18	45	27	4	25	22	27	30	11	C Lethe
Lethe		23	53	11	6	14	13	19	11	11	C Brom

3-6: 7/44


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - (Guard), Cancel, Beastfoe

Nolan - (Nihil), Paragon

This was easy enough for the most part, until the end where I was constantly coming up one enemy short. I found a way, though, and Nolan's doing pretty well for himself considering only Lck isn't capped. Sothe, on the other hand, got three level ups that all gave him +1. What the hell.

MVP: Nolan

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		6	30	12	26	19	24	30	10	26	A Sothe
Sothe		10	38	22	6	26	24	22	17	14	A Micaiah
Nolan		17	53	30	5	26	27	21	23	13

3-7: 12/56


Ike - Pass, Shade

Mia - (Vantage), Cancel, Celerity

Brom - (Disarm), Adept, Provoke

Lethe - Blossom, Counter

Reyson - (Blessing), Miracle, Pass

BEXP'd Lethe to 99 so she could level with Blossom, then got her all the Strike I could. She got to S and a bit more. Recruited Jill for some items.

MVP: Mia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	29	19	26	10	C Mia
Mia		3	45	28	10	34	33	24	25	15	C Ike
Brom		20	45	28	5	25	22	29	30	13	C Lethe
Lethe(S)	24	54	12	6	14	14	20	12	11	C Brom

3-8: 5/61


Ike - Pass, Shade

Mia - (Vantage), Cancel, Celerity

Brom - (Disarm), Adept, Provoke

Lethe - Blossom, Wildheart

Reyson - (Blessing), Miracle, Pass

Gave Lethe the Energy Drop that Jill brought over. Killed stuff. Reyson helped.

MVP: Mia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	29	19	26	10	C Mia
Mia		5	47	29	11	36	35	25	25	15	C Ike
Brom		1	49	30	9	27	24	29	32	17	C Lethe
Lethe(S)	25	55	15	6	14	15	21	13	11	C Brom

3-9: 3/64


Marcia - Paragon

Astrid - (Paragon), Adept

Made sure Marcia would be capable of killing the boss in one round. Even got lucky and found the Spirit Dust.

MVP: Marcia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Marcia		13	38	23	7	21	27	18	19	16	
Astrid		6	36	16	9	18	18	21	13	17

3-10: 5/69


Ike - Shade, Daunt

Mia - (Vantage), Celerity, Provoke

Brom - (Disarm), Pass, Cancel

Lethe - Blossom, Wildheart

Reyson - (Blessing), Miracle, Pass

Brom went south, everyone else went north. After some experimentation, 5 turns was actually easier than I expected and I had an extra move to use on any of my three units up there, which I used to get Lethe more Strike.

MVP: Mia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	29	19	26	10	B Mia
Mia		6	48	30	11	37	36	25	25	15	B Ike
Brom		3	50	32	9	29	25	30	33	17	C Lethe
Lethe(S)	26	56	16	6	14	16	21	14	11	C Brom

3-11: 4/73


Ike - Shade, Pass

Mia - (Vantage), Provoke, Daunt

Brom - (Disarm), Cancel, Paragon

Lethe - Wildheart, Smite

Marcia - Savior, Celerity

Astrid - (Paragon), Blossom

Marcia carries Ike. Leanne made it a turn quicker than usual. I have underestimated Wildheart in the past; it helped Lethe get some great Strike. If I'm lucky, she may reach SS before 4-2 is over.

MVP: Marcia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	29	19	26	10	B Mia
Mia		6	48	30	11	37	36	25	25	15	B Ike
Brom		3	50	32	9	29	25	30	33	17	B Lethe
Lethe(S)	26	56	16	6	14	16	21	14	11	B Brom
Marcia		3	44	28	14	27	30	26	26	25	
Astrid		8	38	18	10	20	20	23	15	18

3-12: 4/77


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - (Guard), Cancel, Adept

Nolan - (Nihil), Paragon, Imbue

I experimented with 3, and even though it was fairly close (5-7 kills, I believe), it couldn't happen. But 4 turns is still pretty good.

Nolan did everything south, Sothe helped Micaiah go west. Allies didn't move until turn 3.

MVP: Nolan

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		8	31	12	28	19	25	32	11	28	A Sothe
Sothe		16	40	22	6	26	30	28	20	15	A Micaiah
Nolan		2	57	33	10	29	30	22	25	17

3-13: 3/80


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - (Guard), Cancel, Adept

Nolan - (Nihil), Paragon, Imbue

I was experimenting with how to get Nolan to Ike in 3 turns but when everything worked out fine I just took it. Sothe cleared Nolan's path, Nolan went Colossus on Ike. Funny thing is that if I'd bothered to get Nolan the Spd to double Ike (33, which I easily could have with BEXP), Nolan would have naturally ORKO'd Ike at 91 displayed hit. Awesome.

MVP: Nolan

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		9	31	13	29	20	25	33	11	29	A Sothe
Sothe		16	40	22	6	26	30	28	20	15	A Micaiah
Nolan		4	58	35	10	30	30	23	27	18

3-E: 4/84


Ike - Shade, Pass

Mia - (Vantage), Daunt, Adept

Brom - (Disarm), Cancel, Paragon

Lethe - Wildheart, Smite

Marcia - Savior, Celerity

Astrid - (Paragon), Blossom

Reyson - (Blessing), Miracle

I knew 4 turns was possible, but all of my attempts kept getting me 5-10 kills short. I'm not really sure what I did in the end that made it work, but one specific difference was sending Astrid up with the Beast Laguz and letting the Hawks handle stuff alone. I also had to beat Nolan with Mia.

Lethe got less Strike than in some of the previous attempts, but she's close enough that she'll probably reach SS by the end of 4-2 anyway.

MVP: Marcia

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike		20	50	27	2	30	29	19	26	10	B Mia
Mia		7	49	31	11	37	37	26	25	15	B Ike
Brom		3	50	32	9	29	25	30	33	17	B Lethe
Lethe(S)	30	65	18	6	17	19	23	14	11	B Brom
Marcia		5	45	30	14	27	30	27	27	27	C Astrid	
Astrid		2	45	27	17	30	29	30	24	24	C Marcia

Part 3 total: 84

Overall total: 169

Part 4 distribution:

Silver		Greil		Hawk

Micaiah		Ike		Reyson
Sothe		Rafiel		Lethe
Leanne		Brom		Mia
Skrimir		Nolan		Astrid

I feel like my supports are always split up for part 4. I originally had Nolan and Mia switched but Lethe can't Shove Nolan, and I'll need her to Shove/Smite a foot Beorc for a fast clear of 4-5.

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Sothe - "You should run. I'm not the weak child you remember." *Throws forged Iron Knife at Haar* *Does no damage*

This is after Haar killed Micaiah because she was wasting my Physic staff, while the Black Knight was busy smacking Ike around on the center island. 3-7's hilarious.

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