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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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Does anyone have any objections to me redoing my run?

A maximum abuse run from everybody would be great, even though nobody is going to beat RFOF and RD's turncounts.. I hope to keep the file I have from Part 3 Chapter 1 in case I need to restart (pretty sure my part 1 was as abusive as possible, part 2 probably could have been 1 or 2 turns better).

Edited by Ring Wraith
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EDIT: Sorry for the double post. Didn't realize I was the last to post. It's a change of subject though, so whatever.

3-8: 5 Turns.

Han Soren...er...Soren Solo...gave him Celerity and Counter, he runs forward, Ike punches Reyson, Soren gets vigor'd and runs some more. Gatrie goes east. Soren gets blissed, tanks a bunch of dudes. Ike comes down to look cool, and Gatrie keeps going. Reyson gets severely hit, but thankfully dodged a sniper. Soren then goes down and uses a concoction, Gatrie and Ike meet and both get vigor'd, Gatrie finishes off the other guy who were trying to kill Reyson, while Ike goes to fight that pesky armor dude who doesn't move. Soren tanks everybody. Attacks the healer, gets vigor'd, gets a lucky flare against the halberdier, dodges a couple of hits and killed the rest. Really happy with this one, considering my 2 6 move and a 7 move unit.

3-9: 5 Turns.

Straightforward. Promoted Geoffrey and BexP'd Kieran up a few levels so he could get some speed for doubling. Kieran killed the guy with the speed wing, so looks like he'll be bringing that over to Ike and company. Not that any of them need it...

3-10: 6 Turns.

I think I might have been able to get 5, but that stupid Dragonrider wouldn't attack Soren last turn even with a Provoke, and I'm sick of this chapter, and 6 turns is pretty good. Gatrie went south, Soren sped up to the north east, and Ike kinda hung around in the middle with Reyson vigoring him so that I could kill all of the stupid healbots in time.

Edited by Stormageddon
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Didn't expect it to last a full day, much less a week. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check my..."logs" below.


Notice some details:

1. No edit time stamp.

2. I never edited the turn count into the OP.

3. I never had Integrity record my turn count in his topic (someone else mentioned it, though, and he ended up getting it).

Aren't I amazing?

And a memento to remember this glorious event by:


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RFoF: I award you this honorary master troll badge:

[spoiler=large image]b47249272100ac7547d659e25b23d09d.jpg

But seriously, nice trolling. If I was more aware of typical LTCs I would have been more impressed, but even I realised that sub-200 was impressive.

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4-E-1: 3 Turns

This one was pretty simple I sent the pallies to each side and everyone else through the center. I know I sent someone to back up Geoffrey and another to back up Oscar but I forgot who it was. The birds were the superstars in this chapter. Miccy was also great here.

4-E-2: 1 Turn

Easy chapter, I had Vika center around enemies to raise her strike.

4-E-3: 2 Turns

This one was a bit hard because my team lacked force to 1 turn it. If I had Ena this would be possible for my team to 1 turn it.

4-E-4: 2 Turns

This chapter was also hard and I know why, Ena or Gareth would of really shaved a turn here. I had my team form a diamond to keep Rafiel safe.

4-E-5: 3 Turns

The mages + Laguz were amazing here! Breaking 2 auras on turn 1 and breaking 3 on the following turns. Rafiel was very helpful as well as Lehran, the only sucky one here was Ike. Oscar+Mist backed up each other on Spirits, because if Oscar didn't activate adept Mist was around. Geoffrey took care of the other spirits. Vika reached S strike on turn 1 and that really helped alot :lol:. Rhys was the adequate Fortify staffer because he had the least magic.

Total: 202+ 11 = 213 QQ

Stats after finishing 4-E-5:(Rated from Best to Worst in 4-E-5)

Unit            Lvl  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Skills 
Ulki          36.20  64   19  5  19  21  27  12  11  Celerity, Tear, Parity 
Nealuchi      40.--  60   16  8  18  23  30  13  17  Nihil..? Didn't keep track of other skills
Aran          20.--  54   35 12  35  33  18  34  17  I think he had Nihil
Vika          33.43  48   16 10  19  23  30   7  18  Adept..? Didn't keep track
Sothe         20.--  50   28 14  38  39  35  20  25  Nihil
Laura         15.03  44   15 38  30  31  25  21  21  ?
Micaiah        5.64  38   16 37  26  30  40  20  36  ?
Rhys          18.44  44   18 36  26  30  35  19  40  ?
Lyre          33.84  54   18  6  20  20  24   8  11  ?
Rafiel        18.79  35    1  8   1   7  35   3  16  
Geoffrey      12.66  51   34 12  34  32  29  25  25  Adept 
Oscar         Didn't keep track of him but he was near identical to Geoffrey with more capped stats iirc
Mist          18.23  45  24  34  35  34  35  22  36  ?
Ike           20.--  65  37   9  40  37  22  32  16  ?

Why does Ike always have bad hit rates in 4-E-5, even though he capped Skill? He's never useful in this chapter for me!


29th: Lehran- 1 Kill :lol:


13th: Geoffrey- 37 kills

12th: Vika- 38 kills

11th: Lyre- 41 Kills

10th: Nealuchi- 41 Kills

9th: Mist- 58 Kills

8th: Laura- 69 Kills

7th: Micaiah- 88 Kills

6th: Aran- 92 Kills

5th: Ulki- 97 Kills

4th: Sothe- 107 Kills

3rd: Ike- 115 Kills

2nd: Oscar- 133 Kills

1st: Rhys- 158 Kills

[spoiler=Character Comments: ^^']

Rhys-Definitely the best in my team. He may seem weak but after funneling BEXP on him he definitely payed it back, I love Resolve on him he's untouchable!

Oscar-His high move makes him one of the next best choices after Titania. Oscar was very helpful although I found his str lacking at times.

Ike-A great character of course but never really had the spotlight other characters had (like Miccy, Sothe, Laura, Rhys soloing chapters)

Sothe-Imo he's better than Ike, Ike is just another fighter but Sothe is a main fighter. He shaves so many turns in Part 1.

Ulki-He's a great character, one of the best in my team. In endgame he was definitely the best! He lacks 2 range but he has high move and flight and he's very cheap too (2 levels of BEXP and give him Tear or more skills). I used his high capacity to give him more skills for chapters like 3-11.

Aran-I was surprised with Aran, I thought Meg was better but after using him I can't really tell who is better. Although she has hammer, his higher move was very helpful and he also had excellent defense although he lacked luck and resistance for a while. So I gave him the res boost iirc.

Micaiah-Very helpful as always, its better to raise her than to not raise her.

Laura-A wonderful character, she shaves a lot of turns too. I find her extremely useful during Part 3 especially because she can use sleep staff and if she has resolve she can 2 turn 3-13. My Laura became a fighter in 1-7.

Mist-She definitely took the longest of my team to get solid. She can't face many enemies for a long time because she can get killed easily, I find it better for her to get raised by BEXP+Blossom. She needed the Brave sword to perform adequately in Part 4.

Nealuchi-He's helpful from start to end, after Haar and Lincy Nealuchi is the next best pick for 2-E because he can 2 turn it. He got SS strike during 4-3 and he was easily one of the best in endgame. Flight is great but a few of his cons are his availability, str cap, and his skill got into the way in endgame but thats easily fixable with BEXP.

Lyre- Since I had Rhys to focus on I didn't use up BEXP on her, at least not until Rhys was solid enough. Instead I baby sat her for a chapter or two. She's ok to have around. She needs rend because she'll never get to SS strike, it took forever getting her to S strike. I was training both Ulki and her at the same time it felt longer for her but I think its because she lacks canto. I did focus on him more though and I opted for letting her fight untransformed in 3-7 just to have more enemies for both.

Vika- She's a great mid-late pick. Flight is very helpful, Tear+adept is her main fighting force and she really shaved turns whenever she was available. Canto+flight helps alot, I definitely found her more useful than Lyre.

Geoffrey-He's a good free character, need a bit of baby sitting when he came back. For Endgame he was one of the least useful characters, his speed cap doesn't help. Good thing I blessed Brave Lance he really helped against the spirits with it.

Lehran- Good thing he's free, he's a really good chipper in 4-E-5 but if he wasn't free he would be a very bad candidate since he's only in 1 chapter. Nice to have ^^' I'd prefer he chips because he doubles.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Bravo, Elincia. This draft is putting up so many great turncounts. I only hope mine is decent...

Speaking of which, I'm still stuck on 3-11. Kieran can't stay alive.

Then leave him in the back :mellow:... Gatrie, Soren and Ike should be able to do everything themselves...

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