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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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I want someone to beat him though, that way Haar isn't banned. We can do it! :D:

Red Fox will probably beat me. She's far more patient than I am.

Seriously, I'm going to say 'screw it' very soon at this rate.

EDIT: And right after I post that, Nephenee finally kills Yeardley.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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What exactly has been holding you back? The Laguz's AI focusing on killing nearby enemies instead of moving forward/Arriving?

Yeah, mostly. Like on turn 1, I have no idea what determines it, but sometimes Skrimir will kill an enemy Halberdier in a way that gets him as far as possible from the Arrive point while killing an enemy, and then other times he'll kill a different enemy that actually advances him a bit. I had to get that, and at the same time I had to make sure that the General who would attack on turn 1 would attack Ike and not Mia. He had Provoke, but even then the General would sometimes attack Mia. Ike had to kill him with Adept or a crit, also, and that's after first killing the Swordmaster that would otherwise prevent the General from attacking Ike in the first place.

And that was 1 turn.

Although, after that there wasn't nearly as much luck required. Mia had to crit most everything she attacked but doubling with ~30 crit isn't so bad. Ike had to kill another General, but yeah. The Laguz stuff mostly went off without a hitch after that as long as I killed the right enemies with Ike and Mia. All I had to do was make sure they dodged some Fire Mages. Right now I'm at the boss and it's actually taking longer than I expected it to, but as long as I pull this off and as long as Skrimir actually Arrives instead of, like, attacking a different enemy, I've got it in the bag.

So yeah, in the end, a lot of it was actually getting the exact positioning down rather than RNG manipulation, but there's still necessary abuse to pull it off.

We all knew (or at least, should have knew) that I was going to win before we even started drafting. That didn't seem to stop people from signing up, though.

Well, that is still to be determined, particularly with Soul's team.

Playing for fun is the whole point, after all.

In general, although we do have another goal on this one.

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Recently though I liked 4-4 it was very fun ^^'

I was surprised at how useful Vika could be there too, when I used her.

Yeah, mostly. Like on turn 1, I have no idea what determines it, but sometimes Skrimir will kill an enemy Halberdier in a way that gets him as far as possible from the Arrive point while killing an enemy, and then other times he'll kill a different enemy that actually advances him a bit. I had to get that, and at the same time I had to make sure that the General who would attack on turn 1 would attack Ike and not Mia. He had Provoke, but even then the General would sometimes attack Mia. Ike had to kill him with Adept or a crit, also, and that's after first killing the Swordmaster that would otherwise prevent the General from attacking Ike in the first place.

And that was 1 turn.

Although, after that there wasn't nearly as much luck required. Mia had to crit most everything she attacked but doubling with ~30 crit isn't so bad. Ike had to kill another General, but yeah. The Laguz stuff mostly went off without a hitch after that as long as I killed the right enemies with Ike and Mia. All I had to do was make sure they dodged some Fire Mages. Right now I'm at the boss and it's actually taking longer than I expected it to, but as long as I pull this off and as long as Skrimir actually Arrives instead of, like, attacking a different enemy, I've got it in the bag.

So yeah, in the end, a lot of it was actually getting the exact positioning down rather than RNG manipulation, but there's still necessary abuse to pull it off.

...Can I just say I'm glad you aren't the one with Titania?

Well, that is still to be determined, particularly with Soul's team.

I'm a little worried about 3-1, but otherwise I think I've got him in Part 3, Part 2 and am at the very least competitive for Part 1, which only leaves DB Part 3 and Part 4.

In general, although we do have another goal on this one.


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All that manipulation and guess what I get? Skrimir decides to go kill the healer instead of taking the clear path to Arrive!

Seriously, if he absolutely had to completely waste a turn, he could have at least attacked the General and gotten more Strike EXP.

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Seriously? Wow. I'll admit his AI has caused me trouble in the past, but never because he didn't Arrive when he had the chance.

You'd think they could make him like the enemies on a Defend map. More than once in different games I've seen enemies take the Defend point instead of attacking when they could have easily done either. But no, Skrimir is too thick-headed and bloodthirsty.

So yeah, don't try to get 3-P done in 7 turns with just Ike unless you're ready to start cutting yourself.

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You'd think they could make him like the enemies on a Defend map. More than once in different games I've seen enemies take the Defend point instead of attacking when they could have easily done either. But no, Skrimir is too thick-headed and bloodthirsty.

So yeah, don't try to get 3-P done in 7 turns with just Ike unless you're ready to start cutting yourself.

I happen to be rather attached to my sanity, so yeah. Thanks for the input.

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Seriously? Wow. I'll admit his AI has caused me trouble in the past, but never because he didn't Arrive when he had the chance.

He used a stone after killing the boss... It made me sad... i wasn't mad... I was just sad at it ;_;... Even with 4 units Skrimir still manages to screw me over....

Edited by SlayerX
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I hate 2-1 V.V (not there yet but I dislike that map)

I don't like it either.

It's one of my least favorite maps in the game (along with 1-8, 2-2 and 4-3).

Not fond of 1-8 either, but I especially hate 4-4.

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I happen to be rather attached to my sanity, so yeah. Thanks for the input.

I'm beginning to wonder if I still am, and if not, how far gone I've become...I would not be exaggerating when I say that I may have gone into the triple digits on resets throughout my entire time in 3-P, manipulation and just finding the right positioning. I really hope there won't be any more maps that require so much patience, and there shouldn't be, all things considered. At least I got two good levels out of Mia for it, though.

He used a stone after killing the boss... It made me sad... i wasn't mad... I was just sad at it ;_;... Even with 4 units Skrimir still manages to screw me over....

And he didn't Arrive? That's odd. This time included, I've often seen him use a Stone and Arrive at the same time. I find it funny because you can't do something like that with Laguz under your control.

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I'm beginning to wonder if I still am, and if not, how far gone I've become...I would not be exaggerating when I say that I may have gone into the triple digits on resets throughout my entire time in 3-P, manipulation and just finding the right positioning. I really hope there won't be any more maps that require so much patience, and there shouldn't be, all things considered. At least I got two good levels out of Mia for it, though.

At least now it's over though, right?

And he didn't Arrive? That's odd. This time included, I've often seen him use a Stone and Arrive at the same time. I find it funny because you can't do something like that with Laguz under your control.

Yeah, I don't know how he's able to do that. I think it's more likely that the game just checks whether or not he's on the square, rather than Skrimir actually uses the Arrive command.

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No, RD, don't ragequit. 8[ You will just be one of those guys who have a powerful unit that don't finish.

Oh don't worry. I'll get subpart turns before I ragequit, but hopefully it won't come to that.

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And he didn't Arrive? That's odd. This time included, I've often seen him use a Stone and Arrive at the same time. I find it funny because you can't do something like that with Laguz under your control.

No... atleast thats not what happened (or what i remember happening)... I also hate it when some tiger blocks the boss when Ike, or skrimir could stand on that block to kill the boss later.

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Part 2 is done. Now I have to deal with 3-P and 3-1. Fun...

Prologue - 8/70

Elincia and Marcia kill the enemies that come at them before Haar shows up and goes for the boss' Short Axe. He actually manages to get a level here, somewhat surprisingly.

Chapter 1 - 5/75

Taking the south route, Nephenee had to be put into Wrath range before turn 3, so she could Wrathcrit the Myrmidon guarding the eastern stairs. Brom recruited Heather while Nephenee Wrathcrit Yeardley twice, after needing to dodge twice. It took a while.

Chapter 2 - 5/80

Lucia gets a level of BEXP for Strength so she can 2HKO Archers with the Wind Edge.

I use Mordecai as my free unit. On the first turn, Lucia handles the initial northern enemies while Mordecai distracts the eastern units before heading west around the top on turn 2 thanks to Leanne. Lucia needed to ORKO the Archers so A: I could get the droppable Torch (Ike will need it in 4-1 since I drafted Nailah) and B: Leanne could continue to help Lucia and Mordecai. I needed to land an 11% critical on the General in front of the boss with the last use of the Wind Edge to Arrive on turn 5, but the game decided throw me a bone for a change and gave it to me on the first try.

Chapter 3 - 6/86

I bought the Hammer and gave Geoffrey all of my BEXP, getting him 2.92 levels, and a point of Speed.

Geoffrey needed to get Speed on his level up to double the Warriors and Speedwing Halberdier. I don't think this is possible in 5 turns while getting the Speedwing, but I could be wrong. Anyway, Geoffrey charges up the center with everyone else trailing behind. He gets the Speedwing on turn 4 and breaks down the door on turn 5, killing the boss and sending the Brave Lance to the convoy.

Endgame - 1/87

Haar gets the Speedwing and BEXP to level 18, capping Strength, Skill, Speed and Defense.

Haar gets Vigor'd by Leanne and ORKO's Ludveck with the Hammer.

Part 1 total: 62

Part 2 total: 25

Overall so far: 87 turns.

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@rk- the game counts 2-p as 9.

I finished part 1 in one sitting just now. 68 turns, post log tomorrow cause in 3 hours ill be gone for the rest of the day. My turncount is no match for rk xd.

i got 5 in 1-p, 6 in 1-1, 6 in 1-2, 7 in 1-3, 7 in 1-4, 6 in 1-5, 4 in 1-6-1, 2 in 1-6-2, 6 in 1-7, 5+4 tormod (9) in 1-8, 4 in 1-9 and 6 in 1-E. Totaling 68 in part 1.

Volug micaiah and sothe alone couldnt handle 1-8. I wish they could. Btw my micaiah is ridiculously blessed. 19 speed + resolve+ sothe support = dead throne room in 1-E. Volug reached s strike. Sothe is also speed blessed. I want to get neph but i cant play for the rest of the day. Note to self: trade marcia's javelin and steel lance to nealuchi >_>.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Personally, I think we should count it as 8. It finishes before it gets back to your turns, and every new person to drafts assumes it's only 8.

Well to avoid mix ups people should use the complete turncount the game gives and then add penalties.

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68 turns is still really good for Part 1 PegKnightLover, so good job.

As for 2-P (and 3-7), it depends on what Red Fox wants to count it as. I usually count them as 9 and 13 in my drafts, but I know most people count them as 8 and 12, so...

Regardless, I'll be redoing 2-3 and 2-E, since I just remembered I drafted Makalov, and I think he can save a turn in 2-3.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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