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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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Im playing real bad im at 4-3 and im doing a lot of mistakes. Maybe its because i have no chance anymore. My turncount is pretty bad. Anyway, 4-p was 3 turns, 4-1 was 5 and 4-2 was 7. Im having trouble with 4-3 thanks to volug's gauge and durability problems. 26 def transformed in lv34, rly volug? Hell, mic and calill handle their sides better.

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Im playing real bad im at 4-3 and im doing a lot of mistakes. Maybe its because i have no chance anymore. My turncount is pretty bad. Anyway, 4-p was 3 turns, 4-1 was 5 and 4-2 was 7. Im having trouble with 4-3 thanks to volug's gauge and durability problems. 26 def transformed in lv34, rly volug? Hell, mic and calill handle their sides better.

I don't know what you're looking at in 4-3, but otherwise those turn counts are pretty good. And 13 Def for Volug at level 34 is at least above average.

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Im playing real bad im at 4-3 and im doing a lot of mistakes. Maybe its because i have no chance anymore. My turncount is pretty bad. Anyway, 4-p was 3 turns, 4-1 was 5 and 4-2 was 7. Im having trouble with 4-3 thanks to volug's gauge and durability problems. 26 def transformed in lv34, rly volug? Hell, mic and calill handle their sides better.

Shouldn't volug be dodging most things anyway?

Edited by SlayerX
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Yeah but even if hes above average, he still cant take too much at once. I need to kill the purge guy quick so that leanne can move around freely to vigor volug every turn. But when i kill the purge guy he gets ganged up on, detransformed and killed :/. Maybe i should just take it slower with volug.

@Ulki- hes facing 45-55 display hit. I have bad luck so thats pretty much guaranteed :/.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Im playing real bad im at 4-3 and im doing a lot of mistakes. Maybe its because i have no chance anymore. My turncount is pretty bad. Anyway, 4-p was 3 turns, 4-1 was 5 and 4-2 was 7.

Give me those everyday.

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The turncounts themselves arent bad. I still played terrible and took a lot of tries due to dumb mistakes. Like miscalculating range and getting rafiel killed in 4-1. Nephenee coming 1 space short of killing the last priest and stuff like that. Then there's 4-2, that took 5 tries due to forgetting brave axe on tauro. Then, i forgot celerity on reyson and stuff like that lol.

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Same for me. It's pretty rare for me to find the right strategy in the first few tries, much less the very first try. I only ever do it right the first time if I already know the strategy. How long do you think it took me to make those 1-3 and 1-9 strategies :P:?

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I hate 3-11 :(:

Lyre, Mist, and Rhys sharing BEXP was not nice on me :'( Now its just Mist getting BEXP though, but sharing between all 3 was a hell in early part 3. Rhys took priority though and then Lyre.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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This is so wrong in so many ways and it's scaring me.

I'm on 4-P and trying to find a good method that doesn't require a very low chance of success. Not working out well.

Wrong Smiley ^^'

I meant this one -> :(: i've been using :lol: too much ;;'

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I can get back to this tomorrow And hopefully ill finish already.

Rfof- 169 turns after part 3.

soul- 175 turns after part 3.

Me- 200 turns after part 3. O_O Ouch.

You guys are way too good XD.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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I may take awhile to get back to this. I'll be moving apartments next week, and that and preparing for my thesis defense has been keeping me busy. Depending on how my new roommates work out, and TV sharing details, etc. it may not be able to happen immediately, but I am dedicated to getting this finished. Just, as soon as life will comfortably allow it.

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Im gonna play now :3. I expect 4-3 to be 6 turns, 4-4 to be 7-8, 4-5 to be 3, 4-e-1 3-4 turns, 4-e-2 1 turn, 4-e-3 1 turn, 4-e-4 1 turn and 4-e-5 3 or 4 turns. Added to 3, 5 and 7, i should get 39-40 turns in part 4 if all goes as planned. 240 turns would beat my previous record of 258 :). But thats if things go as planned.

btw fox, if u have marcia in silver army and ur mic is good enough u should be able to 3 turn 4-P. Just give her adept vantage + max mt javelin forges. And make sure to kill the longbow paladin and the pacifist general. Now that i think about it, that map would be possible in 2 turns if it werent for that troll pacifist "Intelligent" Systems put there >_>.

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Woot. Finally starting on this.

Prologue: 5 Turns

Straightforward Edward/Micaiah with a Wrath Crit on the boss.

Chapter 1: 5 Turns

I've done this one the same every time, but I ended up switching Edward and Nolan so that Nolan defends right while Edward goes left, which got Edward way more exp, and Micaiah could clean up the right side after Nolan had fought them off. I even got the hand axe, as I need it to get Thani on Chapter 2.

Chapter 2: 5 Turns

Wooooot. I thought I was going to have to take an extra turn to get the energy drop, but Edward had much better stats and could take on some more guys. Nolan attacked the axe guy and Edward went to his right to lure a soldier and fighter. Miccy blocks. Fighter kills himself on Edward, Soldier lets Edward use Wrath. Nolan then goes over and attacks the guy below the ledge, while Edward finishes off the soldier. Fighter suicides on a wrathful Edward, two soldiers attack Nolan, and the ledge guy kills himself on Nolan. Edward and Nolan take both soldiers, Sothe kills a soldier. Had to proc a hit with a hand axe to kill the Myrmidon on EP Turn 4. Shoved Laura with Leo. Do some other stuff. Grabbed the energy drop, arrived!

Chapter 3: 6 Turns

Edward got waay more exp and I cut off a turn from last playthrough. Good thing I restarted. Went to the right. Pretty self explanatory from there, although I had to dodge a steel lance with Edward...that wasn't fun.

Chapter 4: 4 Turns

Took some battle save abuse, but finally got 'er done. No Angelic Robe. Oh well...

Chapter 5: 7 (right?) Turns

Ran around and killed stuff. I'm really glad Volug was free. Edward jumped up on the ledge to kill some stuff.

Chapter 6: 4 & 2

Took a lot of resetting that fourth turn. Miccy had to dodge the three armors and two pegasuses, one of which had the best biorhythem. All the others had 50% hit, so it was just a matter of them all doing it at one time.

Chapter 7: 6 Turns

Savior to Sothe who runs off with Micaiah. Didn't bother wasting a turn to recruit Tormod.

Chapter 8: 4 Turns

Celerity on Sothe, who proceeds to take out the east side while Edward goes Northwest, Tormod hangs out near the south, and Miccy takes the middle.

Chapter 9: 4 Turns

RFOF, you weren't kidding about battle save abusing to dodge those soldiers. Took me forever.

Unit		Lvl	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Micaiah		16	95	26	4	20	12	14	18	6	19
Sothe		7	54	37	22	7	25	25	20	15	10
Tormod		5	37	34	13	17	16	20	14	12	14
Edward		2	20	32	22	2	22	21	19	13	6

Rafiel is at base.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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Unit		Lvl	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Sp	Lck	Def	Res
Micaiah		4	99	17	2	10	10	9	11	2	7
Sothe		1	36	Base
Edward		9	24	23	14	0	15	15	12	5	0

Haven't used the Dracoshield yet. I can't decide if I should give it to Miccy or Edward. Probably Eddie...

Eddie should get the robe and the draco. Miccy should wait for Rafiel's Robe, if you are going to attempt a miccy 4 turns in 1-9. IMO...

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Do you guys think I should start over so I can 5 turn 1-4 with a Beastfoe and an Angelic Robe? I didn't even think about how many turns Beastfoe will probably save in 3-6...and it's not like I'm that far in. I just don't want to waste all the time I put into this today.

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Part 4:

4-P 3/3

Resolve daunt calill goes north then east. In PP 2 she kills the steel longbow archer. Turn 3 PP she kills the pacifist general. Resolve miracle miccy thanid the enemies to the east. Volug did almost nothing except clear the way.


4-1 5/8

Ike goes south with torch. Rolf to the west. Neph to the east. Paragon made sure ike got to 33 spd before catalena. Rolf had aqqar and taksh with paragon. Neph a bunch of forges and adept.


4-2 7/15

Tauro promoted and given brave axe and hand axe forges. Kysha handled southern enemies then headed back to handle reinforcements. Janaff killed a bunch of stuff in boss area including boss. Crossbow guy missed then tear'd :). Tauro with hand axe forges + paragon was awsum. He took care of the western 2 range enemies. Elincia ran with pelleas who i recruited for his miracle.


4-3 7/22

volug's lack of 2 range costed me a turn. Calill and miccy roflpwned everything with resolve. Calill <3. Sothe and volug had to chug pure waters. Sothe found beastfoe and nothing else.


4-4 9/31

:/ imposible to do it faster with ike/rolf/neph only team. Neph got fortify. Ike pure water'd then went to oliver's room with pass. Rolf went west then handled reinforcements.


4-5 3/34

janaff tauro and kysha guard reyson on turn 1. Celerity miracle reyson survives a hawk on turn 2 ep. Janaff kills an enemy blocking izuka on turn 3. Reyson vigors and janaff ends the chapter.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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