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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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Free units

Ike - 152 kills (2nd Place)

Kinda Luck blessed, but only average Resistance wise. And he was in Worst Bio yet again during 4-E-5. Thankfully, Heaven support exists.

Micaiah - 58 kills

Ironically, her shining moment is Part 4. One of these days I'll get lucky with her Speed instead of "lucky".

Sothe - 129 kills (3rd Place)

Even after Part 1, he still had a crucial role in most chapters he was in. He saved a bunch of turns as always.

Geoffrey - 22 kills

Practically soloed 2-3 and 3-9, then found himself performing utility tasks for the rest of the game. His only kill in the Tower was the Blizzard Sage in 4-E-1.

Lehran - 1 kill

He actually dealt the finishing blow to an Aura for a change. And the Ashera Staff is amazing.

The Draftees

Haar - 203 kills (1st Place)

Trivialized every chapter he was in, which was most of them. Even 4-3 was less of a headache than it usually is... I still think he should be banned, comparing my turncount to the past RD drafts, but I know Red Fox will do her best to give him a run for his money.

Ilyana - 104 kills (5th Place)

She sacrifices a little bit of stats for lots of availability; She takes a lot of resources to get going, but this is a trivial matter in a draft. Once she does though, she's great. Usually found herself clearing one half of a map while Haar cleared the other. Definitely worthy of a second or third at worst pick.

Nailah - 49 kills

I usually used her more for taking out problem enemies rather than clearing large sections of maps, and this was reflected in her kill count. Still, lots of clears would not have been possible as quickly without her. I'm not sure she deserves to be drafted so much earlier than Muarim though, when she really only has 4-1 and more damage against Endgame bosses over him.

Meg - 127 kills (4th Place)

She took over Sothe's role as my main DB fighting force after Part 1, and she performed admirably. She loses out a little in terms of stats and turns compared to Nolan, Jill etc., but as I've said before she's more than adequate to carry the Brigade. She's a great choice if you tend to focus on GM units more.

Lucia - 39 kills

I'd hoped she would continue to be useful after 2-2, and she was. Despite almost never cleanly 2HKOing anything after 2-2, her chances of killing an enemy anyway were still high enough to be easily abused. She was great against Ashera as well, only losing out to Nailah in terms of damage. She turned out better than I expected.

Ranulf - 45 kills

I can only imagine he was picked so late due to his lack of flexibility in Part 4 (and Cat gauge), but when properly planned out that's not a problem at all. While he mostly played second-fiddle to Haar in Part 3, simply having an extra combatant saved turns in some maps. He also proved his worth in the Tower with his high Speed, for activating Adept/Rend and being able to double Auras. A great pick for any team that could use more Part 3 and 4 help.

Makalov - 57 kills

He saved a turn in 2-3 and 3-E, then didn't do much of impact until Part 4. You're mostly getting just more Part 4 help with any non-Marcia CRK, and Makalov delivered. An good pick, especially considering when I got him.

Volke - 7 kills

I drafted him mostly because he could double Auras, although he had some use in 4-5 and 4-E-1 as well. Still, units that can double Auras are pretty nice to have.

Kurthnaga - 16 kills

He surpassed my (admittedly extremely low) expectations, saving a turn in 4-E-1 due to BEXP abusing his level ups. I then had fun finding other uses for him, like taking on a bunch on enemies in 4-E-2 or finishing Dheginsea. He dealt good damage to Auras too, although his accuracy was horrible (~44%).

Honorable Mention

Boyd - 21 kills

He needed a lot of Speed procs, but he eventually managed to solo most of 3-1, saving me a penalty. He didn't really deserve many of the things I said about him during my many, many resets in that chapter.

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Woops I meant 8 turns ^^' on turn 5 everything was cleared except the last two rooms. I think I can finish in 7 turns but those archers give Vika/Rafiel trouble. 8 turns is still very fast since I usually finish in 10.

Convoy item sending is very useful

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I just had another Fail in this draft :facepalm:, I thought I was updating all my logs here but I DIDN'T! >.<' If its ok I'll just post stats for every other log of Part 3's to save time ^^'.


2-P: 8 turns

I followed Vicious Sal's strategy again and de-transformed Nealuchi and had him tink-tanking? enemies to raise his strike level and he did :^_^:. This strategy is very good, i'm eternally grateful for it, because Nealuchi is 1000 times better with it. The undraftees stayed away from enemies. I didn't keep track of his stats but I think he got a level up. Nealuchi has S strike by now (he's now building to SS)

Unit		Lvl  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Nealuchi      ????????????????????????????????????????

2-1: 4 turns

Back when I thought I could beat RK i was trying to save as many turns possible ^^' so don't make fun of me for not recruiting Heather! Nephenee killed the boss on turn 4, I didn't wait for Heather and I think I had Brom help against the boss. Now that I'm in endgame I do regret not having that extra Pass skill QQ.

2-2: 5 turns No Lucia Penalty :B):

This chapter was SO MUCH FUN! I found a strategy to 5 turn this map with Nealuchi and my free unit Mordecai, if you wan't it I'll give it to you. All he needs is S strike and be able to ORKO one of the early generals, and him and Mordy finish three stones in this map only ^^' (2 for NEaluchi and 1 for Mordy). I start by transforming Mordy, Nealuchi then trades him the stone and uses it. Leanne Vigors both. Nealuchi kills the general and moves to the right area and Mordy takes the spot where the general died. After that Nealuchi cleans up many enemies on EP. After that it was a bunch of attack and move or grass up and move to certain tiles preventing everyone else especially Leanne to get attacked. By turn 3 or 4 Nealuchi kills the crossbow guy and he's vigored by Leanne to use stone or grass up and move forward next to general blocking boss, after that Nealuchi kills him either on EP or PP and Leanne could vigor him for the boss kill. I can't remember exactly the strategy right now but I wrote it down ^_^. Nealuchi is one of my favorites now <3.

Unit		Lvl  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Nealuchi      25.08  54   12   4   9  19  27  11  10

2-3: 5 turns

This chapter was so easy :lol: Geoffrey is that good!(well kind of). I didn't wait for the speedwing because I was in Wrath mode against RK ;w;. Normally I would wait and get them for someone else in my team. I don't even remember but I think I gave Geoffrey a Bexp level.

Unit		Lvl  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Geoffrey      17.24  38   25   8  24  21  20  19  15


If Haar and Elincia are picked I can bet you that either Nealuchi, Callil or Marcia are the next best choice but I'm pretty sure Nealuchi is the best one ^^'. I bexped Nealuchi to level 26 iirc or close to that, can't quite recall. All the items are given to the ferry bots (physic/recover being most important). On turn 1 I have Nealuchi use a stone, Leanne vigors him. Nealuchi then moves to the tile diagonal to the one where Elincia moves (because if he's in Lincy's tile an archer from above shoots at him and all the attacks accumulating cause him to detransform and die). After EP is done he detransforms on PP, he moves back to the mid-layer and uses a stone, Leanne vigors him and Nealuchi finishes off the boss :newyears: . (Nealuchi is underrated he deserves non-low tier spot). I didn't keep track of his stats here either :sob:

Unit		Lvl  HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Nealuchi      26.49 ????????????????????????????????

Part 1: 61

Part 2: 24

P3 later ^^'

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I believe both Pass scrolls are necessary to get rid of both Sleep staffers in 4-E-1 on turn 1 without a flier with 1-2 range. Is that what you regret not having it for?

From the look of it, Nealuchi is definitely underrated, considering all of the turns he saved you in Part 2 (along with Lucia and Elincia penalties). I can't imagine it's especially difficult to get him up to speed for Part 4, and he can go to any route and he flies.

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Nealuchi in Part 4 didn't stay behind among my team the only ones that lagged behind were Sothe and Laura to an extent. Nealuchi was definitely one of the better ones ^^', he got SS strike around mid 4-3.

I think he's > Tibarn/Naesala but i'm not sure if he's > Ulki/Jannaff, but it is definitely a close call.

All birds are useful regardless but right now in my eyes its.

Nealuchi > Ulki > Vika > Jannaf > Tibarn > Naesala

even if thats wrong in many ways ;w;

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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All birds are useful regardless but right now in my eyes its.

Nealuchi > Ulki > Vika > Jannaf > Tibarn > Naesala

I wouldn't put anyone in between Ulki and Janaff, since Vigilance isn't that useful and Janaff has a Strength lead.

As for the others, it's hard to make definite placements since often who would be better for your team depends on who else is already in your team. I'd rather have Tibarn over Vika if I already had Nailah or another LEA, and I'd probably rather have Naesala over Nealuchi if I had a strong 2-2 and 2-E.

That's what I love so much about RD drafts - traditional 'weak' units can suddenly become so much more useful than before, and every single non-last-pick unit you choose can save you quite a few turns. You don't see that to this extent in any of the other games, where the last few rounds are usually spent on scrubs that can maybe help clear a Rout map or something.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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As if the strength lead matters in a draft. The vigilance is definately over the strength lead, since they are likely to face a lot of enemies (and this makes it easier for Ulki to carry ike over the bridge with halfshift, while Jannaf has to take many risks)

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As if the strength lead matters in a draft. The vigilance is definately over the strength lead, since they are likely to face a lot of enemies (and this makes it easier for Ulki to carry ike over the bridge with halfshift, while Jannaf has to take many risks)

I never said the Strength lead was more important than Vigilance (I would argue it is, but that's not the point), although I've ferried Ike over the bridge with Janaff before, and he didn't have to take any risks. I forgot how I dealt with the Crossbow guy, but still.

However, it has to be noted that Janaff can get some ORKOs that Ulki misses in drafts that don't allow an infinite amount of reset-abuse. Strength is Ulki's lowest growth (albeit tied with two others), so BEXP won't help him. It's only a 25% growth, so good luck reliably procing it without abuse in or out of base. There's Adept, but again you're relying on abuse to make sure he activates it on every enemy that he needs it on.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Ulki can use blossom/str boost? I always prefer Ulki because of vigilance ^^' he has an easy time against everything including crossbows. So does Nealuchi so I don't doubt Jannaff can too.

Maybe i'll try Jannaff someday.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Well, I don't know what his effective growth rate with Blossom is, unless it was ever pinpointed exactly how the game determines level ups with it. I can't imagine that it would be high enough to completely eliminate the need for abuse, however.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I remember reading that somewhere but I wasn't sure if it was ever confirmed. That being said, ~44% is better than I expected, but it's still only 2 points every 5 levels, and he levels extremely slowly.

I don't remember Janaff having any durability problems against non-crossbow users, either.

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2/5 is a bit low. It's practically 45%, so find someone with a 45% growth (Jill has 3) to see how much he can expect to gain on average. What I usually do is give them Blossom and enough BEXP to level up at the start of the map. NM BEXP is abundant enough for this to be reasonable.

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Maybe that's why my Jills always get screwed...

I have been assuming he gets BEXP to .99 at the beginning of each map. This still only allows him to level up once a map though, so he's only getting a point of Strength every 2 or 3 chapters. Is this fast enough for him to ORKO non-Generals? It also depends on when he gets S Strike, though.

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