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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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That she has RK's same turncount in an earlier chapter, therefore she lost. Her efforts were in vain XD.

EDIT- I think this draft is proof enough that Haar should be banned.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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That she has RK's same turncount in an earlier chapter, therefore she lost. Her efforts were in vain XD.

EDIT- I think this draft is proof enough that Haar should be banned.

I don't think Haar can actually save that many turn on a non-abusive draft.

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I don't think Haar can actually save that many turn on a non-abusive draft.

He actually still saves alot of turns without abuse, even unequipped (which I was thinking of doing in the draft where I got Haar just for fun) he potentially saves turns in 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, and 3-11.

Edited by XanderSalamander
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I don't think Haar can actually save that many turn on a non-abusive draft.

In a non-abusing draft. The other ones also cant save that many turns ;). Part 1 is really short and Micaiah and Sothe can usually handle it themselves except 1-8. Bad case scenario, you have to eat a penalty (which is only 4 turns) or u get Ilyana, Nailah or a LEA to help you out in that chapter. You need a DB for part 3 maps though, but its guaranteed you will get at least one of Meg, Fiona or Leonardo for that. He really breaks drafts.

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3-P: I don't remember. 8 turns, I think, but I might have gotten a 7.

3-1: 7 turns. Shinon as my free, rushed up with him and Soren while Gatrie pwnt all of the armors. Ike went to the middle. I tried a couple different ways after that, but I think Gatrie ended up being the one to take on the recruits, as he had a short spear. I got the Gem and the Robe.

3-2: 3 turns. Forged max Crt/Mt with a +10 hit (due to a coin) thunder tomb for Soren and gave him Celerity. A couple of shoves and he destroyed everything.

3-3: 10 turns. Rhys was my free (I'm obviously not taking Ilyana), and he was killed on the second turn. Ike had Celerity and Soren and Gatrie both had Pass. Ike went left while Gatrie and Soren went right. Gatrie got the furthest pile. Got the Crown and the Hammerne (I'll probably just sell it...) and let the Senators go.

3-4: 8 turns. Promoted both Gatrie (Bexp) and Soren (Crown at level 16) so they could double everything. Stupid 23 cap. Anyway, Soren had Celerity and rushed everything. Nobody else did much...

3-5: 2 turns. Soren is much more of a tank than Gatrie. Between flare and dodging, I demolish everybody on EP turn 1 and attack with the last 2 uses of my forged Thunder Tome. Adept followed by a Flare finished it.

3-6: 8 turns. Bexp abused Edward's defense and HP like mad. Sothe went right, Edward went up. Micaiah didn't do much until last turn.

3-7: 12 turns. Had the Black Knight attack me. Gatrie had Celerity so he could get some exp. Pretty boring.

Current Part 3: 57-58

Current total: 145. I have a feeling this could be lower if I wasn't so bad.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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I don't think Haar can actually save that many turn on a non-abusive draft.

I never needed to abuse in any chapter I had Haar. 4-3 would come closest due to Resolve+Miracle!Micaiah, but since I got rid of the biggest threat to her (a Sniper in Best Bio), her chances of death were pretty small. And that wasn't even Haar's fault, anyway.

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Geoffrey likes Blossom more than Resolve

WrathMiccy+Sothe is useful when you need more units to double (for example Laura and Rhys in my team)

Laura/Rhys need Resolve and or Adept

Sothe can only live if he attacks mages

Oscar NEEDS Adept

Mist NEEDS Adept

Vika NEEDS Tear (and she takes forever to get to S strike)

Lyre NEEDS Rend (she's never going to reach SS strike)

Nealuchi NEEDS Tear in endgame

Never forget to give Nihil to Ike on 4-E-2 :facepalm:

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Alright, I'm trying to 8 turn 3-4, and all I need is to get Luna to activate and a 21% crit. With battle save abuse, that shouldn't be too hard, right? Wrong. I've been trying for a half an hour to get this to work...I don't know what's wrong.

Gatrie: Normal biorhythm. Skill=25. Luck=18. Attacking with a Javelin (I assume Luna can activate off of a Javelin...I can't find anything saying otherwise).

Dude he's attacking: Good biorhythm. Luck=16.

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I like how I have everyone in suspense.

The rest of this post is a lie.

It took a hell of a long time to pull this off, but here it is. I'm still polishing the logs so I'll post those later, but for now I want to get my turn counts out there.

4-P: 2

4-1: 4

4-2: 5

4-3: 5

4-4: 5

4-5: 2

E-1: 2

E-2: 1

E-3: 1

E-4: 1

E-5: 2

Part 4 total: 30

Overall total: 199

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Umm...wow O_O. Congrats. Btw, Im restarting ^^. This time with LOTS of abuse. Because I kinda forgot I could abuse anything in this draft in my first run.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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