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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup Take 2

General Horace

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Credit goes to Hippoman for the general rules, I changed some up a bit though.

It's gonna be a standard Draft competition of FE11, but with one significant catch.

As soon as possible after aqquiring a unit, you must:

Go to the reclass menu and roll two dice.

Press the right direction on the D-Pad that many times.

That is the end all, be all class of that unit. (If you fall on a class you cannot reclass to, roll again.)

Yeah, it's gonna be pretty deep seated in luck, I know, but still. It should be interesting, and a nice break from most normal playthroughs.

General Rules: Marth, Nagi, Xane, and Julian are free. Standard 4 turn penalty for using an undrafted unit. Undrafted units cannot equip weapons, but they may shop, meatshield, and recruit characters.

Tiki, Bantu, Rickard, Xane, Beck, Jake, and Nagi are exempt to the random reclass rule. Units you get before reclass is unlocked may stay in their original classes until you can reclass them. Upon recruit, units may stay in their normal class FOR THAT CHAPTER ONLY. This does not apply to units not recruited on the battlefield (Elice, etc.)

No Warp.

Gaidens: Mandatory, 20 free turns. Generics cannot equip weapons. Each prologue chapter has 20 free turns.


Originally, I thought no forging, but since some people got ridiculous stuff like Myrm!Norne and MageMatthis last draft, I am going to allow forge with the following rule:

- Only units with Strength/Magic less than or equal to 12 can use forged weapons. Units with those stats can use them as they please.

- Only Iron Weapons and Fire Tomes can be forged, to a max of +5 might. You can go crazy with crit if you want though.

- Any unit can use forges, as long as their attack does not exceed 20.

No Wi-fi shop, as I don't have access.

Game Mode: Normal.

So, let's get this crazy show on the road, Draft Order is standard fare (A,B,C,D,E,E,D,C,B,A,A,B,C,D,E,E,D) Etc. Everyone gets 11 units.

Let me grab the unit list from Integ's topic...

[spoiler=Units Avaliable]






1. mmKALLL - Frey, Norne, Hardin, Caesar, Wolf, Dolph, Beck, Macellan, Tiki, Est

2. Whitefang - Abel, Navarre, Draug, Midia, Lena, Vyland, Darros, Linde, Boah, Arran

3. Horace - Cain, Ogma, Sedgar, Jagen, Gaggles, Matthis, Bord, Horace, Etzel, Ymir

4. Quintessence - Caeda, Catria, Cord, Radd, Palla, Castor, Jake, Elice, Rickard, Lorenz

5. Clipseykitty - Barst, Merric, Orange (Roshea), Athena, Green (Tomas), Purple (Roger), Wendell, Astram, Maria, Minerva

Dice Roll Simulator

Edited by General_Horace
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I'll go frenzy with this, *may I try again? or leave others the opportunity to do it* Nah let's go with it once again, this time no warp will be somehow slow, but whatever, I'm not used to use warp so often so it'll be similar to my regular play throughs. Once again, 3rd, just as a sandwich. I'm in and let's see how this will be in comparison to my last and first one. :awesome:

Umm, Horace, you can use Hippo's same roll dice link (Random Reclass Roundup Thread, page 1, post #...whatever). Waiting for the feast to commence. :newyears:

Edited by Quintessence
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Umm, Horace, you can use Hippo's same roll dice link (Random Reclass Roundup Thread, page 1, post #...whatever). Waiting for the feast to commence. :newyears:

Alright, I'll add it in the OP. Also, I didn't mention, the drafting order is random, not the order you join in. Sorry for the clarification.

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Alright, I'll add it in the OP. Also, I didn't mention, the drafting order is random, not the order you join in. Sorry for the clarification.

Well, not so unfortunate though, double-edged might suit better. Um...aren't 11 units too much? In my last draft I felt some units were...useless in most chapters, however I'm fine with anything.

Edited by Quintessence
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I'm getting 404 not found on the dice simulator. Can I use random.org?

I found the problem, an extra http// is in the url.

Here are my 11 numbers.












Edited by Whitefang
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Well, not so unfortunate though, double-edged might suit better. Um...aren't 11 units too much? In my last draft I felt some units were...useless in most chapters, however I'm fine with anything.

That's normally how Shadow Dragon drafts are. You can win easily (in normal mode anyway) with Marth, Jeigan, Cain/Abel/Frey/Shiida, a decent combatant like Hardin/Ogma/Barst/Cord, and a decent filler unit like Bord/Draug/Nabarl. The rest of the units are pretty irrelevant. Remember, you don't actually need to use all your units.

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12 seems kind of high for forge limits seeing how Mage!Merric (I have him drafted in RRR1) doesn't even reach 12 mag until level 20/3 on average. And he's in his best class that way.

Edited by Spykitty
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Since we can only forge iron weapons and fire tomes, why not just say that you can use a forged weapon up to X atk value when equipped, that way the forge becomes less important later in the game and helps prevent RNG screwage. It's quite a shock to go from an effective 17 STR to 13 STR, don't you think? The forge is pretty cheap after all.

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12 seems kind of high for forge limits seeing how Mage!Merric (I have him drafted in RRR1) doesn't even reach 12 mag until level 20/3 on average. And he's in his best class that way.

Yeah, you're right...

I like Whitefang's idea of it being based on might, how does a 20 might maximum say to you all?

In case you didn't pick up on it, this is weapon mt + str + weapon rank bonus, not might of the weapon itself.

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That's normally how Shadow Dragon drafts are. You can win easily (in normal mode anyway) with Marth, Jeigan, Cain/Abel/Frey/Shiida, a decent combatant like Hardin/Ogma/Barst/Cord, and a decent filler unit like Bord/Draug/Nabarl. The rest of the units are pretty irrelevant. Remember, you don't actually need to use all your units.

Well I'll stack with anything though, my last draft was with Frey n' Cord.

Since we can only forge iron weapons and fire tomes, why not just say that you can use a forged weapon up to X atk value when equipped, that way the forge becomes less important later in the game and helps prevent RNG screwage. It's quite a shock to go from an effective 17 STR to 13 STR, don't you think? The forge is pretty cheap after all.

I suppose a 15 max mt wpn might suit your request?

Edited by Quintessence
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I assume if you leave a forge on a 12-strength, say, Myrmidon Tomas (though gods know how he'll get that strong), and the enemy phase happens, and in the middle of it he levels and gets strength...and kills another guy with the forge the same phase, I'm ASSUMING that isn't penalised.

Just taking care of technicalities.

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I assume if you leave a forge on a 12-strength, say, Myrmidon Tomas (though gods know how he'll get that strong), and the enemy phase happens, and in the middle of it he levels and gets strength...and kills another guy with the forge the same phase, I'm ASSUMING that isn't penalised.

Just taking care of technicalities.

Nah, no penalty there. Nothing you can do about it.

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Interesting enough, and enough reason to register here.

Put me in.

My numbers would be:

10, 9, 10, 12, 10, 5, 4, 11, 8, 7, 5. High roller today, I see.

Edited by mmKALLL
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First, welcome, mmKALLL!

Got a PM from Horace yesterday stating he won't be here today (he sent me a list of stuff he wants, so I'll be going off of that). Looks like we got everyone, so. . .


- Horace

- Whitefang

- Quintessence

- Clipseykitty


Next, the draft order will be randomized thanks to random.org, which spat out the following:






This means the draft order is:

1. mmKALLL - Frey, Norne, Hardin, Caesar, Wolf, Dolph, Beck, Macellan, Tiki, Est

2. Whitefang - Abel, Navarre, Draug, Midia, Lena, Vyland, Darros, Linde, Boah, Arran

3. Horace - Cain, Ogma, Sedgar, Jagen, Gaggles, Matthis, Bord, Horace, Etzel, Ymir

4. Quintessence - Caeda, Catria, Cord, Radd, Palla, Castor, Jake, Elice, Rickard, Lorenz

5. Clipseykitty - Barst, Merric, Orange (Roshea), Athena, Green (Tomas), Purple (Roger), Wendell, Astram, Maria, Minerva






All done (I think)!

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Alright, I'm back. ...only three picks? I am disappoint. Clipsey, I work during the day for the whole week (and weekend) so feel free to draft for me if i'm the one holding things up. I'll edit the OP when I can.

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