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Soren (possible story spoil)

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honestly i highly doubt he was ashnard's son. How can you prove fatherhood without a blood test anyway? And did you notice Soren doesn't look anything like Ashnard?(except if this is like star wars where Luke just knew that darth vader was his father).

that and i think Almedha is never in an clear state of mind to make such a judgement.

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honestly i highly doubt he was ashnard's son. How can you prove fatherhood without a blood test anyway? And did you notice Soren doesn't look anything like Ashnard?(except if this is like star wars where Luke just knew that darth vader was his father).

that and i think Almedha is never in an clear state of mind to make such a judgement.

That's your opinion, but the game strongly suggest it.Anyway, if he isn't Ashnard's son, he's definfitely a goldoan. His FE9 sprite looks a lot like Rajaion and Kurth.

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He definitely is to me. Dark green hair like the dragons, branded mark(that doesn't look like a bird/beast brand) and he definitely resembles the dragons in some way.

His ruthlessness and ambition resemble Ashnard.

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but its pretty much fact by now anyway, i see a slight resemblance between fe10 soren and fe9 ashnard too. since when do sons look exactly like their fathers? Ike only has a couple *hints* of greil in him (though his FE10 resembles Greil far more) and he looks enough like Rajaion and Kurthnaga to make her Almedha's branded son.

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Yes he is.

It's too bad he never even found out about it while he was alive.

Wait, when does Soren die?

@topic, I find it pretty obvious that he's supposed to be Ashnard's son. The scene where Almedha notices him has no other purpose. Like, why would the developers put it in there other than to say, "Yep, Soren is Ashnard's son?"

i'm so glad your smart enough to tell what an opinion is, did you also know that the grass is green and the sky is blue?


Oh boy, we've got another one.

And don't fuel the fire.

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Ike only has a couple *hints* of greil in him (though his FE10 resembles Greil far more) and he looks enough like Rajaion and Kurthnaga to make her Almedha's branded son.

To me, Fe9 Ike looks a lot like greil, and FE10 is a copy/paste.

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And did you notice Soren doesn't look anything like Ashnard?

Ehh, he looks VERY much like Almedha though. The faces have a very strong resemblance. Same with Rajaion and even Kurth. I would say the black hair came from the Goldoa side. In fact, the Goldoa side has the strongest resemblance in Soren.

Ashnard.PNG + Almedha.PNG who is siblings with Rajaion.PNG and Kurthnaga.PNG whos father is Dheginsea.PNG = Soren.PNG/Soren.PNG

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^Yeah, hes referred to by Ike as "I saw a raven haired boy about my age..." And raven color is a bit bluish. Thats probably why people theorized he was a Raven branded way back when. Funny thing is, Soren does look the most like Rajaion out of all of them.

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Though that kinda stuff makes sense, I have a 16-yr-old cousin that looks exactly like some random other 35-year-old cousin I have (both are on my dad's side, and both are my dad's siblings' children, but different siblings for each; the 35-yr-old is my dad's sister's son and the 16-yr-old is my dad's brother's son).

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No I happen to think he looks like Kurth the most :o: I see a big resemblance, I wonder though Kurth is so nice but Soren is so mean, he must of gotten it from his grandfather and father.

When you're abused and left for dead, it tends to happen.

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No I happen to think he looks like Kurth the most :o: I see a big resemblance, I wonder though Kurth is so nice but Soren is so mean, he must of gotten it from his grandfather and father.

He does look like Kurth and i did notice this way back in FE9 (before FE10 came out.) But if you really look hard, Soren is starting to resemble Rajaion in the FE10 portrait. Does that mean Soren is gonna look a bit more like that when hes older? :drool:

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He does look like Kurth and i did notice this way back in FE9 (before FE10 came out.) But if you really look hard, Soren is starting to resemble Rajaion in the FE10 portrait. Does that mean Soren is gonna look a bit more like that when hes older? :drool:

You mean look like a homeless addicted to drugs? Sorry I just don't see how he's attractive or anything -_-

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For me, I never thought that before I saw the 3 portraits/faces(?) (Soren/Kurth/Rajaion) together.

I just said OMFG !

But now it sounds like an evidence.

Soren and Pelleas seem to have around the same age ; it's pretty an evidence that Soren is a Goldoan ; the story says that a Goldoan going out of his country is pretty unlikely, the only one who did that was Almedha, and the only one who ... fucked for fun made love with a Beorc and had a child was Almedha, and this Beorc was Ashnard.

You can't be 100% affirmative, but hey, the story pieces are matching well I think.

Soren's (innate?) personnality is unfriendly (or was it because he was left in his childood, or both, we'll never know), like (and that's a metaphor) Ashnard.

May be Ike had a hint about all of that, and let Soren be with him during the rest of their life (Soren was the only character who were still with Ike (? I'm not sure about that)

Edited by Repulsif
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