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I hate how every post in the Fire Emblem portion of the forum is a draft or a LP. (FE12 has the translation thread up right now, but... Oh, FE10 is a tier list right now. It was a draft earlier though.) :/

Edited by Bryan
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When drafts first started popping up I was a bit annoyed myself at seeing them everywhere. Instead of complaining, I decided...to join one. And now they don't bother me at all! So my advice: before you complain (too late, but yeah), actually try one for yourself.

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When drafts first started popping up I was a bit annoyed myself at seeing them everywhere. Instead of complaining, I decided...to join one. And now they don't bother me at all! So my advice: before you complain (too late, but yeah), actually try one for yourself.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.

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complaining about something that you've never done is reaaaalllllly fun though!


There used to be topics with actual discussion. Now there's just drafts.

Is it not clear I made this topic to Bawwwwww?

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Would anyone be interested in starting up a new FE 12 draft? I just got it and want to try my hand.

Okay. H3 mode, final destination.


There used to be topics with actual discussion.

What do you expect? After 3 years it shouldn't be a surprise that there's not much left to talk about as most subjects have basically been dried up.

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Don't you just love your fellow forum members?

I do.

Complainers about lack of non-gameplay based discussion...anyone who wasn't in the FE7 thread missed the excellent quintessence thread, where we basically went apeshit trying to tear FE7's plot to pieces. (I would like to think I did a good job resolving a few holes, since no one chased after me for them.) I'm sure it's still going, actually, so maybe I'll stop in again after I'm done with FftF.

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I do.

Complainers about lack of non-gameplay based discussion...anyone who wasn't in the FE7 thread missed the excellent quintessence thread, where we basically went apeshit trying to tear FE7's plot to pieces. (I would like to think I did a good job resolving a few holes, since no one chased after me for them.) I'm sure it's still going, actually, so maybe I'll stop in again after I'm done with FftF.

Hey, that topic is pretty cool.

Drafts tend to have a lot of discussion.

Maybe I'll read one sometime. I'd started too, but never had the full amount of time.

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Ya, I contemplated doing a draft a few times, but I think I realized I wasn't really that interested and other users realized it too. I'm just not an FE gameplay nerd in the way some of you guys are. (and I'm not knocking that)

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