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Are Hilda and Lamia related?

Lews Therin

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It's just a recolour, they're not related.

They're not a recolor at all. They're two entirely different sprites, which makes it a bit surprising, considering that Lamia has her own unique sprite which happens to be very similar to Hilde's.

It's a fair coincidence, but personally I'd just call it a stretch. I don't remember Lamia coming in with any holy blood or other indications, and I don't quite remember Hilde's family having any financial troubles that would warrant mercenary work. I'd assume she could act out of her own willingness for bloodshed--but there's no other evidence to back up a connection between her and Hilde. So she very well is just some person.


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My favourite boss is chapter 8's zombie King Shagall.

lol Muhammad is gonna get you! That was dumb, a general with his squad crossing a forest. It's like the Lenster knights stuck in Yied and your Thracia.

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Perhaps they were planning for a young Hilda to appear but changed their minds? It's just a wild guess, but they do look pretty similar.

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Ridale (sp? It's been a while. That Harold Paladin with 4 command stars in chapter 9? 10?) was another one I felt could've used a custom. I mean, hell, he actually showed personality. Kinda.

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At least it's not as bad as the one unit portrait with his eyes closed. His head is used at least 7 times. Yes that's 7/12 chapters in this game.

It's done in a pretty funny way as well. If I remember correctly he's appears in chapter 3 and 5, then 6,7,8,9 and 10, you kill someone with his portrait in every chapter except the last one during the second gen.

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I don't think he's in Ch7. I also liked how he is from Thracia on two occasions (Ch3 and Ch8), then when you're finally battling in Thracia he comes from the Empire.

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I'm pretty sure when he is from Thracia he uses the same lines too. Isn't he from Thracia in chapter 5 too?

I think you maybe right too about not being in chapter 7. However, he does show up in chapter 2 as the guy at the end with the horse slayer.

So, I believe that is chapters 2,3,5,6,8,9, and 10.

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