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I would like some input from the four players who voted that "% doesn't matter for results," as to why they picked this option?

Mainly because percentages do not guarantee a specific player will win the match. Statistically, the team with the lowest % should win, yes, BUT, SSBB is not about statistics and "predictable events" but about skill and how good you use a character and how cunning and tricky you're with your opponent. And I must say by experience that unpredictable moves are mostly the most certain ones.

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I would like some input from the four players who voted that "% doesn't matter for results," as to why they picked this option?

I voted no because some characters go down at different times. For example, MK will start dying a lot earlier than Bowser, so even if the Bowser has a higher percentage than MK, that doesn't mean MK is winning.

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I will not be able to finish my matches it seems... My wii seems busted. The light won't turn on, and its plugged in and everything. This must have been after my dad went downstairs and touched what he shouldn't have causing the house to have a power outage and then have power come back again seconds after...

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Round 1 starts in two days. Xanderdog and Core, you guys need to post your team color and name. Since you two were paired kinda suddenly, I'll give you till the start of Round 2 to come up with it. Preferably you can get this decided by Round 1, but if you don't "Undetermined" with be your temporary team name. You are still participating in Round 1 however.

BTW, your only available colors are:



The rest are too light or shades of colors that are already being used. And I hate brown.

The rules will be finalized tomorrow night.

Also, any team want to get some practice matches in tomorrow? We're pretty free most of the day.

Edited by Knitty
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It's pretty obvious that there aren't going to be any more rule disputes, so just go ahead and finalize them, as long as you give clear rulings to planking. It's pretty much unavoidable in a 1v2 situation, since you need all the advantage you can get - but planking with such a high time limit isn't for using time, rather to unnerve the opponents to use bad options.

At any rate, maybe the best thing you can do to prevent planking for time is to simply put a Ledge Grab Limit. If the timer ends and either team has come over the LGL (say, 90 in total), they lose. If both teams went over the limit, a rematch. You can't stall 6-10 minutes with only 90 ledge grabs, very easily. And there isn't a point either - it's boring as hell. This will prevent all the "bad" camping, and so be a good solution. Please notice that the LGL rule only can be applied if the match goes to time. I say that a second time, since people often go jumping to conclusions without reading.

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I'm sure no one will actually bother counting the number of times the other player ledgegrabs, so I think I'll just go with that 5 max ledgegrab limit in a row. I don't see you'd ever need to ledgegrab more than 5 times in a row anyway, you shouldn't need more than that to edgeguard. Planking is not very useful in this tournament anyway, see next paragraph.

Stalling is severely nerfed anyway if Team Healer is on. By stalling, you're allowing Team Healers time to respawn and therefore allowing the other team to heal themselves. Also, if your teammate is still alive, you're basically sending them to hell by allowing the other team to double team them. So stalling is not very favorable anyway, only when it comes down to 1v1.

I'll go ahead and finalize the rules. I recommend all of you add each other's FCs now, saves a lot of time when it comes to match time. You will basically be playing against everyone anyway, so why not?

Once again, does any team want to play some practice matches today? CPUs aren't much of a challenge.

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I'm sure no one will actually bother counting the number of times the other player ledgegrabs, so I think I'll just go with that 5 max ledgegrab limit in a row. I don't see you'd ever need to ledgegrab more than 5 times in a row anyway, you shouldn't need more than that to edgeguard. Planking is not very useful in this tournament anyway, see next paragraph.

You can check the amount of ledgegrabs after the game, however, since there is a countdown online I'm not sure how well that would work out in practice.

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I'll do some matches with whoever wants to. I'm not sure if kirshe is available though...

I am very very busy with classes, so I'll likely only play for 30-50 minutes.

Sure. I think Quintessence is available too, so I'll try and see if anyone else can join your team.

You can check the amount of ledgegrabs after the game, however, since there is a countdown online I'm not sure how well that would work out in practice.

It's kinda useless to check after the match, isn't it?

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Sure. I think Quintessence is available too, so I'll try and see if anyone else can join your team.

It's kinda useless to check after the match, isn't it?

I can play a few matches if you need someone. You know where to find me...

How so? If one player exceeds the limit and a timeout happens, he loses.

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You know that the game records the amount players grabbed the ledge?

When you press attack twice on the results screen and scroll a little down you can see it.

Overall, again, it should seldom be a problem, since your time limit is long, and team attack is off.

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Quintessence won't be available till later, so we can play from 5:00PM to 8:00PM central and from 9:00PM to 11:00PM central. If anyone is available during those times, let's play practice team matches.

Good point, but it still would be no good in practice. The offending player might "accidentally" press start and his results would go away. He then could feign ignorance (or be genuinely ignorant, who knows) and walk away with a win or draw.

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First Round matchups:

Waha Quintessence vs. Dragon Slayers

The Senators vs. ChaoticBlaze

Finnish TechSkill vs. Xandercore

Remember to be specific about your time zones. I recommend you start PMs for all four members and say what times you'll be available, and find a time where all four of you are available. Some of you will experience a little lag, but that's normal. If you don't have enough time to finish the match in one sitting, try breaking it into sessions. If the lag is unplayable, let me know. You have till the end of Sunday, September 11th to finish your matches.

Edited by Knitty
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