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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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''And what, resort to violence?'' John said. ''We would have to be careful when dealing with them. Who knows how would they react in that case.''

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"Yoohoo...?" Bert looked over to the one who'd called over to him: Ranyin. It was...a new way of getting attention, yes. "Does she like...?" "Not that I know of. She usually just grazes," he explained.

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"Aww...I see. Well, I haven't been talking to you much lately, can't remember if I offered you the various long lasting sweets I got from the festival back then. I still have some left..." said Ranyin beating around the bush as he did not want to straight forwardly declare 'I wanna ride Riz NOW!!!'

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"That sounds handy. Even if there's a long stretch of time without food, we won't be out if we keep that around and have something to eat without worryign about it spoiling. Are you offering a piece?" Norbert asked Ranyin, somewhat hopeful. He'd had candy sometimes when he was little, but that was fairly rare and he usually worried about vegetables, bread and meats for his food money when he was on his own.

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Hearing Bert's words, Ranyin immediately took out his bag of sweets. Not much left after the few days, but there was still a fist full of it.

"Here, I was hoping they were finished on the day I bought them, but not many were interested," said Ranyin holding it forward to offer, Bert, Robin, Nadya and whoever else was around at that time.

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Norbert took a piece. It was wrapped in thin paper, twisted on both ends. So, the pegasus knight unwrapped it carefully enough to make sure he didn't drop the candy inside to the ground. It was round and orange. Curious, Norbert popped it into his mouth. It was slightly chewy but mostly hard and had a potent grapefruit flavor, sweetened with...something...was that syrup? It'd been such a long time since he'd tasted it. It was almost too punjent, but Bert kept it in his mouth. Overly sweet in his opinion -- too strong. Still, if it was more mild, it would have been quite tastey.

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Quickly Robin grabbed one of the candies and quickly unwrapped it, popping the sweet food into her mouth. "<Mmmmmm... So good.>" she sighed to herself as she let the sweet flavor invade her mouth. "<Why don't more people make candy? It must be hard, but it is so delicious!>" she then took a deep suck on it, happily enjoying the strong taste of the candy. "Very good candy. How do you like it Ms. Nobert?"

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"Ms....?" Norbert stared at Robin in a very confused kind of way for a moment before -- while holding the candy in place in his mouth with his tongue -- swallowing his sweetened saliva then responding, "I'm a man. And I think it's too punjent, but if it was milder, it'd be really good."

Edit: Italicies.

Edited by Mercakete
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Hearing the offer of free food, Saken stepped outside of the wagon and plucked a piece of candy from Ranyin's hand.

"Thank you very much," he said before plopping the sweet into his mouth.

Saken found the sweet to be quite to his liking, savoring it before swallowing.

This certainly was a welcome reminder of that festival. Saken thought, as that had been the highlight of his journey since he was got by Veronika.

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"You ride a pegasus, you are a woman." said Robin in reply, sucking on her candy some more. "And I like strong-tasting foods. Cheese sharp enough to cut, meat spiced enough to water eyes, strong food. I do not get to eat much on a hunt, so what food I bring needs to be healthy and does not taste too good. I like strong food because it tastes different than healthy food."

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"... My body disagrees with you," Norbert replied to Robin, wondering why she thought riding a pegasus determined gender. Ooookaaaay, I've been teased for riding a pegasus before but no one has mistaken me for a woman because of it. I guess she's just...really narrow-minded? I don't know.

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Violence probably shouldn't be our first resort, but I wouldn't shy away from using force if necessary. If they're working with the organization, they're probably not the most virtuous people to begin with," Veronika responded to John.

Nadya just raised an eyebrow at Robin. Are northern folks just bad at tellin' guys from girls? Maybe I better make sure... "I'm a gal, in case anyone was uncertain or wonderin' or anythin," she decided to clarify to those nearby.

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"<What next? You're going to tell me that the first Pegasus knight was a man who slew some three-headed, fire-spewing beast?>" muttered Robin under her breath. "I am sure you are a woman Miss Nadya, as is Miss 'Nobert'. Only women can approach a pegasus, Nobert rides a pegasus, so Nobert must actually be a woman. Common sense. Even a country girl like me can figure it out."

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"Hey, Robin, Bert's obviously a guy, and pegasi aren't...sexist," said Ranyin finding it odd that Robin would use such bizzare logic to deduce Bert being a female, "and Nadya...I think all of us know what's your gender."

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''Well, as long as it wasn't us who make the first move.'' John said. ''The organization may be not the only thing they are in contact with. Least we want is potential trouble like back in the church.''

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"Thanks, Ranyin," Bert replied to his friend before turning his attention back to Robin, "Look, I am a man, I have always been male and I think I know my sex better than you. If I could think of an appropriate way to prove it to you, I would. So, how can I convince you that I am not female?" By this point, Norbert's arms were crossed and he was staring down the Neviskotian archer. He didn't need her ignorance. It was getting annoying.

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"Ah right, those religious fanatics. Hopefully we've seen the last of them...though from our history with Ursium the fanatics tend not to stop crusading until they get what they want," she added as an aside to John, frowning.


"Well that's a relief. I didn't wanna have to go around provin' I'm a lady. That'd probably get Amon fired from his job or somethin'," Nadya responded to Ranyin with a smirk.

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"Thank you," he was only somewhat irritated. At least it was mostly overwith, but it was still somewhat annoying that this woman thought he was the same gender as she. "And it's just 'Norbert' or 'Bert.' I don't have a surname so no point in adding a 'Mr.'"

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''Either stubborn or very determined, makes no difference either way.'' John added. ''They should just accept not everyone is willing to share their views. Unfortunately, it isn't happening soon. Not with their military in the same mindset as well after all.''

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"Nobert... No...beert... Nerrrbort... Noooordbert... Nobert." various contractions and odd sounds came out of Robins mouth as she tried her best to pronounce the name. "Noorbert? Is that close enough?" she asked after a moment, getting it decently close to correct.

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"Sounds like you can at least say 'Bert,' so call me that," Norbert replied to the Neviskotian archer. I know "Norbert" is an Ursian name, but it has similar sounds to Neviskotian words, doesn't it? Why's she having such a hard time with it? Whatever. At least she's proven she can say my nickname.

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"Well, at least if it does get violent, we're better equipped now, far better than before at least." Raquel added. They aren't stocking up on things very often though. I wonder if my prices are still too high. Urgh, even if they were that doesn't change the fact that I'm barely getting by. Weyland's payouts are pretty huge but my business still makes less than it spends at the moment which is a problem.


"Lose my job? Hey, what do you mean by that?" he asked, though already forming some scary thoughts of his own.


<"Umm ... I don't know."> she replied, not really having anymore answers. She's never been asked these kinds of things before.


"Nothin' wrong really. It's been years. Still hard to shake the feelin' that somethin' pretty bad must've happened though. Don't have any relatives either. That's a bad soign in and of itself." she explained.

Edited by Phoenix
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So, Robin thinks that the yellin' man is a woman, Ranyin still has candy from th' festival, Jerry, Raquel and Veronika're talkin' 'bout th' organization, a wolf has amnesia and things with wings make dark magic people make weird sounds. That was Gytha's assessment from where she was listening, which was sort of in the middle of everything though she didn't quite catch everything. A little here, a little there and she didn't understand Kigenese.

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