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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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John had already mounted Gil and were back airborne. Looking down he watched as the horses tried to move in the mud. ''Good thing we can just fly, eh Gil?'' He asked, and received a grunt in reply. ''Yeah, doesn't save us from the rain.'' 'At least I have a helmet.' he thought. ''Well, time to move out.''

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"She? Oh you must mean Layla, she's the only around around here right now giving orders to anyone. Wonder what she wants with this guy- silver hair and violet eyes just like she is, maybe they're long lost siblings or something," Clara said, putting a hand on her chin. "Do we have any better leads than this report? It's a few days old."


Seeing that the horses seemed to have worked themselves out, Nadya turned her attention to the argument inside the wagon. The shaman and the Kigenese mercenary were both arguing in Kigenese now, Nadya wasn't incredibly well versed in the language, but she knew enough to get the gist of what they were saying.

"Shadrak, if you're that desperate for a girl, couldn't you find someone a little less likely to bite your face off? I know she looks helpless all tied up like that, but if she were untied she'd be eatin' you alive. Literally," Nadya said, laughing a little.

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"Siblings? Huh. That would be something. Well apparently he was heading east, so that's where we'll start our search. By the way, do you know where Cloe disappeared to? Because this report is a few days old, we should make haste."

Atsuko and Siv

<"If that were the White Devil tied up there, you might open your eyes."> she replied looking away. As she looked away, she noticed Ranyin rather close by and looking in an obvious direction. <"... another one ..."> she muttered to herself. Are all men who haven't fought fallen before this stupid? she thought to herself.

Siv stared right back at the mage. Unable to say anything, staring was really all she could do ...

Finally, someone gets it. Atsuko thought in response to Nadya's comment.

On The Road Again

Once everyone had disembarked from the Al-Lyrae, the ramp was pulled back up, and the anchors with it. From the deck the crew waved goodbye to the party and set sail heading east. With the ship heading out into the channel, Raquel got the wagon moving again and sighed at the long road ahead.


The party quickly learned that fallen sometimes had to relieve themselves too. Despite Atsuko not caring, Shadrak was able to convince Raquel to stop long enough for them to handle that. It was Raquel and Atsuko however who had to actually deal with it though.


The party next learned that fallen needed to bathe as well. Atsuko's suggestion was to simply dunk Siv in a lake for a little while and then move on while she air dried. Deciding that was too harsh, Raquel recruited Zel and Nanahm to help keep Siv from trying to escape while her ropes were undone. Her wings were bound in the back and her hands were bound in the front, and while Atsuko and Veronika kept a close watch over her, she was allowed to clean herself up. The moment she was finished, her original restraints were put back on, and she was hurried back into the wagon.


It was a long day of travel, but they eventually reached Urden village. Things were looking a bit different this time around however. Sunset was only about an hour away when they arrived, and all over the place were people and travelers, mostly concentrated around food stands and strange massive boulders covered in decorations. From her seat on the wagon, Raquel's eyes lit up a bit. "Oh wow, Urden holds the festival too? And this big?"

"The festival?" Amon echoed quizzically from atop the wagon.

"The ascension festival. They don't have it in Rex-Avaz?" she asked looking over her shoulder.

"Our holidays revolve more around giving men a much needed break ... to put it bluntly."

"Oh, well in the spring and the fall people will set up these really huge rocks and in the early evening they'll just randomly fly up off into the sky. It happens for an entire week too. It's amazing. I used to celebrate it with my father every year ..." she paused having brought up something she regretted. "... yeah ... with my father." Darn it. Where is he? Is he alright?

"Rocks flying into the sky? Is that even possible?"

"People stopped asking whether it was actually possible after the upteenth thousandth time it happened, I bet." she replied. "I didn't think small villages would hold festivals this large though. There's about twenty rocks set up out there. Usually the cities have the biggest turnouts and people come from everywhere. I guess I figured the villages provided most of the travelers ... and I must have figured wrong."

Hmm ... well something must be causing it. I guess for now I'll just watch and see what happens when we get there. Amon mused.

OOC: Information for characters who realistically would already know about this festival.

This is the Ascension Festival, a holiday primarily celebrated by Ursium and Neviskotia.

This festival lasts for roughly a week, and occurs twice a year. Once in the spring, and once in the fall(c what I did thar?). This festival originated in ancient Ursium when people began to notice a strange phenomenon. At certain times of the year, most of the spherical shaped boulders(roughly) that weren't buried under the ground(however rare they were) would rise up into the sky and disappear around sunset. In Ursium the phenomenon is explained as The Goddess Nature taking some of the earth for herself, and many people began decorating the massive rocks(mostly with natural things like wreaths) or writing messages and prayers on them before they ascended hoping that would both please her and make their prayers even easier to see and consider. Since boulders of mostly spherical shape are difficult to find to begin with, many will begin carving any massive rocks into those shapes, and over the years, finding the right sizes and dimensions that would result in a rock being taken up became an art form. Magic was even used to create larger more suitable rocks when there was a severe shortage of them.

The practice did not die out in Eastern Sardius after the formation of Neviskotia, but instead took on a less religious facade. Instead of the majority of participants writing prayers for Nature, in Neviskotia, the majority will write wishes instead. This is done so that any God, Goddess, or divine entity can potentially grant them. In Ursium a small workaround to this is to write a specific prayer for a specific God or Goddess hoping the Goddess Nature will relay the message for them.

The Science: In modern times, researchers have become more and more skeptical about the entire process. Since the invention of the telescope, they have speculated that the rocks that ascend from the earth stop somewhere near the asteroid belts that orbit the earth, and in essence are added to the belt. Another thing some will note is that occasionally asteroid strikes are triggered by debris falling from the asteroid belts. They believe that this is what keeps the asteroid belts from becoming noticeably denser or larger over time. Til this day however, there hasn't been a proven explanation for just what causes these particular rocks of a certain shape and size to suddenly lift up into the sky, though if the phenomenon is caused by psychic energy as many studying it believe, then the entity causing it could very well possess the most powerful telekinetic abilities ever known. Because of that, many believe it is as the old legend say "Nature is taking some of the earth back for herself."

Edited by Phoenix
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Clara shrugged. "No clue really. Some mornings I see her in the stables, others I don't. Maybe she decided to sleep in today? Can't blame her if she is, I wasn't expecting a mission today either. Hmm, I guess I'll have to pack soon," she said, sighing. I was just getting used to manor life too, much easier than living out on the road...

Veronika and Connor

In addition to watching Siv periodically, Veronika kept track of Axel as best she could. He was still sealed tight inside his armor and had not moved except for breathing since the explosion.

As they approached Urden, Veronika asked Connor "Are you sure you can't get him out of that armor? That her survived the explosion seemed...rather miraculous, but he can't live without food and water forever."

Connor sighed "Like I said before, the only way I could get him out would probably involve cooking him alive and he seems to have done enough of that to himself. I didn't have anything to do with this suit and helmet, Uncle Seth designed this without me. We'll just have to ask him what to do when we get back to the manor," he replied, slightly exasperated.

"Hopefully he can hang on until we get there. To live through the demons just to die of hunger would be...unfortunate to say the least," Veronika said, sighing heavily.


"So the gods take these big rocks as some sort of offering ? Better than takin' cows or somethin' useful like that...I could go for some beef now that I mention it. Do we get some free grub for this festivals in Nature's name?" Nadya asked Raquel, since she seemed to be the most knowledgeable about what was going on.

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Hearing the description of the festival sparked Ranyin's interest immediately. As a boy, he loved listening to folk tales and the sort. Being able to add new ones to his repertoire on a journey was almost worth failing his exams. Of course what better way to learn about the festival than being part of it?

Getting closer to Nadya, he asked, "Hey, want to make our own boulders and write stuff on them? My tome has a technique of Wind magic described that allowed me to use the wind and fill it with sand to smoothen a rock. It should be easier than finding one on our own."

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OOC: Curse my sleeping habits and your tendency to post while I am asleep!

IC: Robin looked up from the small pebble she was working on as Saken spoke to her. Crude etchings of triangle mountains and square homes were now upon the rock she had picked up. "Okay." she replied as she pocketed the stone before getting up to move over to Saken. As the group started to move off, Robin seemed quieter, more distant. With the rising and setting of the sun she would be looking off to the Northeast, while at night she would look up at the stars, slowly muttering words in Neviskotian as she traced over them with her fingers.

When the group reached Urden village, however, Robin's demeanor seemed to change entirely at the sighting of the festival preparations. She almost leapt off of the cart before bolting as fast as she could towards the town, a bright and happy look on her face. She rushed down the streets, her eyes scanning the various stalls and places for smaller versions of the spherical orbs, and she was not disappointed. As quickly as she could she hurried towards the boulders being prepared for the festival, eager to see them for herself.

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With the arrival at the village, John had Gil descend near the wagon and dismounted. 'The Ascension Festival already?' He thought, looking beyond at the village. 'Well, guess I was right back then, things are really starting to look up.'

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"Alright then, I'll look around for her and let her know that we'll be leaving soon. Just make certain you don't forget anything." she replied before turning to look back at the manse and putting a hand on her chin. Now where might she wander off to in a place like this.


"I doubt we'll be getting free food at this festival. With so many people around, local chefs always want to set up little food stands and sell their best 'on foot' meals to people. On the bright side, they can't charge us a lot more than what we'd normally pay even though it's a really good price jacking opportunity. We've got massive competition to thank for that. But if there's beef, you can bet it's the best recipe the chef running the stand knows." Raquel explained with a smile. "To be honest though, I haven't really been to an Ascension Festival outside city limits. There's usually thousands of people all mashed together for those in you've gotta get there hours in advance to sign a rock too. This is looking like less of a hassle."

When Ranyin asked Nadya about making rocks of their own, Raquel couldn't help but cut in saying "Ohhh you'd need more time, I think. It's almost sunset. The smallest rocks that ever get taken up are at least fifteen feet in diameter, and some of the largest ones are as big as houses--err only city people bother making those--Besides, it's easier to make rocks with more than one kind of magic. Like, fire and wind for shaping and then ice for rapid cooling ... and I guess five or six dark users to keep it in place while the others do all that stuff ..." Thinking about what she'd just said, that seemed to her like a hope dasher so she quickly added "But don't worry about it. Rock 'owners' aren't greedy so we could just use someone else's. They're big enough for at least hundred people to write on." And I already know what I'm going to write~

I have never seen her talk this much. She sounds like one of my tutors oddly enough. Amon mentally commented.


From the air, Gabbie had caught sight of the festival awhile ago and was gazing out at the rocks in deep thought. Like usual, she wasn't even properly seated, instead lying across Ringo's as if he was a couch. After she finished thinking, she immediately came out and said "Welp, toime to wish for the sexiest man aloive and then get back to work."

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Shadrak smiled out towards the festival from his position on the carriage. Oh yeah, I forgot it was happenning soon, kinda silly, wrting your names on boulders that fly into the sky for no reason, but it's fun all the same. I never did bother with it, but it is still fun to watch a several ton rock just HURTLE into the sky...


"Yes! We didn't miss a chance! Thank Mercy!" Zel said, cheering into the sky with sheer glee. He LOVED the Ascension, it was always such a thrill and everyone else was always so happy to see it. It was times like this that he appreciated his life.


Krystal blinked. The Ascencion? Oh yeah, I remember reading about that, it's a Northener Thing... apperantly these boulders end up flying into the sky or something... eh, I'll believe it when I see it. She glanced around for someone equally as bemused... she didn't want to be alone in her confusion.

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When they arrived at the village Saken saw the sights that reminded him of a minature version of the Ascensions he saw back in Europa and Ursentius. He smiled though he would have preffered being in Ursentius for the Ascension, lots of wallets and everybody is distracted.

Not like I can work under these circumstances anyway Saken thought to himself. If anyone from our group hears anything about anything being stolen I'll be the prime suspect. Well at least I have an idea about what I am going to write anyway.

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Robin hurried through the streets, trying get as close as she could to the spheres. She had been to these festivals once before in her life, when she was younger, and she recalled it having been very fun. The anticipation to see if the orbs would really rise, the shock and awe as the first of the spheres suddenly started to hover off the ground and rise into the air. She remembered it with much fondness. As she tried to get closer to where the spheres had been gathered together, anticipation of the upcoming event filled her body.

"E-Exucse me." she muttered as she brushed past a man and his son, some sort of festival food in their hands. "Pargon me." she muttered in poor common as she stepped between two people. She wanted to see those stones and, damn it, nothing was going to stop her!

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Darn it I was hopin' to get some free stuff outta this a well at least it's not more expensive. "You can make a rock outta wind Ranyin? Even if you can't make one big enough for this festival things, I gotta admit that sounds pretty cool," she said to Ranyin.


"All right Mom, I'll be sure to pack clean clothes and everything," she answered Cecily teasingly before leaving to stable Perseus.

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Hearing Nadya praise him made the short Kigenese mage feel happy. Ranyin was always up for being told how good he was at doing something.

Puffing his chest forward slightly to appear a bit taller than he was, Ranyin proudly declared, "Ha, well no surprise that I can do neat tricks with my magic. While most people spent time trying to master how to cast spells or the most efficient way to bring down their enemies, I focused less on the nitty gritty details of why spells do stuff and rather how can I use them to make life easier!"

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"Oh you ..." Cecily commented as Clara left. "Right then, time to gather up Cloe. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to check our rooms first ..."


Seeing Robin rush off toward the festival left Raquel a bit surprised. "I guess you're not the only one that likes this festival ..." Amon commented with a blank face.

"I guess so ... I sure hope she doesn't try to muscle past the people waiting to write on the rocks. They probably won't be happy about that ..." Raquel replied.

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"Hmm, maybe you're right. My clan had a few mages, but mostly they would just make cookin' fires or change the winds to make the weather nicer, stuff like that. Most creative thing I ever heard of was old Nuri supposedly using elder magic to make cleaner stitches. That mighta been just a rumor by some of the other ladies outta jealousy though," Nadya responded to Ranyin, shrugging.

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When it was time to leave the ship, Gytha was sorry to have to go. It was a nice crew on a good ship, but doing the right thing was more important and that meant continuing to help Raquel find and rescue her father. The first morning since leaving the ship, Gytha had Krystal watch as she tended to Maw. Or at least that was the plan. The feline refused to cooperate while the frightening not-entirely-a-bird-and-not-entirely-a-human-bigger-than-a-cat thing was watching. So Gytha had to tend to Maw after sending the Dark Avian away. The next morning, she tried a new tactic: stuffing the Avian into a tree so she could watch silently and out of sight while Gytha tended to Maw's lack-of-eye. It went well enough since by the time Maw realized there was a MASSIVE thing with wings in the tree, Gytha was already bandaging the cat's head. The third morning, Krystal still didn't have Maw's trust at all and the cat insisted on making sure she and Gytha were really alone before she let the human tend to her. So, Krystal couldn't watch that day. Later that day, though, they arrived at a village running a festival.

"Ascension Festival? I heard about it; never really understood why rocks flyin' into th' sky was so amazin'. Catapults do that all th' time, after all. Think I was at sea for most o' 'em, but mighta been at some o' th' fall ones," Gytha happily mused, "Not that they aren't fun. Any festival's great! Maw doesn't like 'em, though."

Norbert had been riding Rizen on the gound as opposed to in the air. He didn't seem happy at all. Actually, he was kind of grumpy about the whole ordeal. I'd love festivals if I had the money to spend and if it wasn't so dangerous to fly at the Ascension festivals. Looks like we're grounded until morning. Augh, why do we have to stop here now? The food smells so good... "Raquel, do you mind if I meet up with you and everyone later? Shouldn't be hard to find you since there are wyverns around," asked the pegasus rider, keeping his head down and sounding almost ill due to his weaker-than-normal tone.

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Without looking to Bert directly first, she replied "Uh sure ... but ..." As she looked at the pegasus rider something seemed off but hell if she would get that out of him. "Just be careful I guess ..." she added with a concerned tone. With that settle she stood up in the driver's seat and addressed everyone else who hadn't dashed off unexpectedly. "Okay so there's still some time before sunset so I'm going to go see if there's an inn that'll hold all or most of us and also keep the wagon. After that I'm going to see if there are any rocks left. It's kind of last minute but I don't want to have to wait until tomorrow. We're kind of in a hurry after all ...

Atsuko and Fallen

Both of them overheard Raquel's announcement from within the wagon. As usual, Siv's reactions were restricted to little more than eye movements. Atsuko just looked up listening and eventually muttered to herself. <"... I wonder if wishes could grant some peace of mind ...">

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"So who's seein' what's written on these rocks anyway? Nature? I guess she can read any sort of language, right?" Nadya asked the group as a whole.


"I'll go with you," Veronika offered to Raquel. "Ascension festivals can be fun, but don't actually accomplish much of anything so I don't mind missing it. Plus, we should probably let our explosion victim sleep in a bed sooner rather than later," she said, jerking her head towards Axel.


"Ascension festival? With all that's happened, I had forgotten it was coming up. What are you going to wish for Gabbie? Having your lance brought back to you? Though you'd probably be better off asking Uncle Seth than Nature for that one..." he said, putting a hand to his chin.

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"I'll go with ye," Gytha offered from her usual place atop the wagon, having raised an arm as an added sign of her voluntiering. As Raquel gave her speech, Bert only half-listened as he rode Rizen away at a steady walk, towards a woodsier area away from the town and its festivities.

Once this is all over, I'll have Splinter and Crunch back. Then I can start getting as much of an income as I can back again. I hope the bandits haven't been causing too much trouble since I've been gone. I may be just one man with a pegasus, but I know I have some effect. The patrols watch the roads but the military is such a big organization that they need strict regimens... It's efficient to a degree but they don't find the sources well enough to stem the attacks. Especially further north where there aren't any big cities. I guess the closer they are to the military, the stronger the bandits will be. They have to be strong enough to challenge the patrols, after all. Further north it was easier. The bandits weren't as organized and they weren't as strong. They didn't have military breathing down their necks all the time like the ones closer to the large cities do. They also don't get as many targets since people travelling north by land isn't very common unless people are visiting relatives or something. It isn't a wealthy area. ... I'd hate to do it...but I might just have to report what I know to a guardhouse and let them handle the bandits. This might be too much for me alone. Norbert tightened his grip on Rizen's reigns as he felt the agitation at admitting his limmits rising. I have a reputation, but I'm not good enough yet. Keeping an empty belly only keeps me weak, too. These mercenaries...have it pretty good. ... Curse it... What do I do? The deal's going to end soon! I'll have Splinter and Crunch, but is that all I want?! Grrrr!!

Rizen gave a soft snort, distracting Bert from his thoughts for a moment. He'd gotten quite tense, not paying attention to where he was directing Rizen. He could tell where the festival, was, though. The distant sounds still hung in the air, but the scents were fresher. It was quieter -- calmer. Likewise, Norbert began to relax, breathing deeply and steadily. "...Swallowing my pride will be the best thing I can do, won't it?" he eventually sighed. As he dismounted, he continued talking to Rizen, "And the unthinkable has happened since I've been helping that pink-haired merchant: I've actually gone and made friends." Rizen murmurred as only an equine could as her reply. Norbert took the map the bandit gave him out of the pegasus' saddlebag and looked it over in the dimming light. "... I'll have to take a drastic turn in my life again, won't I, Rizen?" A light bray sounded from the pegasus. "First I flew away from the only home I'd ever known and took up my little war against the local bandits, then I decided to try flying southwest to new territories... And now what am I going to do? Go back north? I met Valter and Ranyin -- good people I guess I'd call friends -- fought monsters across the southern border, talked to women with wings, did battle against artificial humans, rode across a river on a ship with red sails, visited a military weapons cache, met up with one of my sisters durring a battle in a church... ... What do you think? Should I go back to a meal every few days, constantly facing the prospect of dying unknown and alone in the wilderness somewhere and having everything pillaged off my corpse? It's not just that, though: it carries a unique freedom. No social restraints or obligations, I can let my temper go and channel it into something useful without worrying about employers like mercenaries or procedures like soldiers... It's a good life...if you can survive it."

The pegasus squeaked a short, chirplike whinny. "That's right: there's nothing at all wrong with wanting to live freely. Social pressure is gone and all that's left is survival. So, why should I conform to society when all I have to do is keep on surviving?" Rizen snorted. "... What? You don't think I should get a normal job and a house in a village somewhere and start being subject to taxes, do you?" Rizen shook her head, braying seemingly in disgust at the idea. "Just what I thought. What else is there anyway?" The pegasus swivvled her ears back towards the village where the rest of Raquel's party was. "... Them?" Rizen gave a quiet snort. "You think I should keep helping Raquel after I get Splinter and Crunch back or something? ... I guess this is the first time I've made friedns. ... And Raquel's not as bad as she was when we first met... And I do get to eat more regularly... And I could earn my pay more easily... And I have been getting stronger, probably... You don't mind them too much, do you?" The pegasus butted her head against her rider with a small puff of air blowing from her nostrils. Bert couldn't help but smile. "Tch. Yeah, whatever. I'll have to keep my temper more than I'm used to, but at least I can still crush some skulls in this business, eh? Those mercenaries had better not think it's 'cause I like them or something, though." Rizen whinnied, half-spreading her wings as she brought her head back and raised one of her front hooves somewhat.

"Alright, I'll tell them later. I'm not the only one who'll have to sacrifice, though, since this is for your good, too. I'll keep my temper back when I have to and you'll have to not complain so much about getting blood on your coat. And stop the separation anxiety." Rizen wasn't exactly thrilled with this bit of news. "Separation" was always bad and it usually meant that Norbert wouldn't be under her watchful care. Immediately she lowered her head and took a few, brisk steps wforeward, doing her best to sort of hug Bert protectively between her wing and her neck. Then pegasus rider couldn't help but chucke a litte as he stroked her mane, trying to reassure her. "It's alright; I'm right here. There's nothing dangerous going on right now. For now, lets just relax and enjoy solitude for a while."

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"Okay so that's Veronika and Gytha ..." Raquel noted aloud. "I'm hoping we can get the same inn as before but with all the people here that might not be possible ..." I should probably check on Atsuko sometime and make sure she's fine sitting back there with Siv the entire time. She's pretty dedicated but it's getting to the point that I'm worried about her mental health ...


"Lance ... guess that's one way to--" Shit! "Uh-yeah! I'm totally gonna wish for my lance ... lance back ..." Gabbie said, looking in some other direction with an awkward look on her face. Welp, time to change the subject as quickly as possible. "So, Connor, are you gonna make a wish ...?"

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"Well, it is a pretty cool weapon, I wouldn't mind doing some experiments on it sometime," Connor said. "My wish? Well Nature doesn't really have much to do with transmutation...it's not exactly "natural" in that sense, so I'm just going to wish for Uncle Seth to have good health. It's not much really, but well, it's the same wish I make every Ascension Festival," he said to Gabbie, shrugging.


"Well it's not as if we all have to sleep inside anyway. We're all getting used to camping out on the road I think...though that doesn't mean we all like it," she added as an aside. "And do you think it's a good idea to bring uh, "Feathers" into the inn with us? People might not get along with her very much," Veronika said to Raquel, trying to keep things discrete given the possibility someone might overhear them.

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"Hmm, Siv is going to be a hassle in urban areas. I mean we can't really untie her so people will think we're kidnapping someone ..." Absolutely true but that's beside the point. "We're probably going to need to just keep her in the wagon the whole time we're in places like this ... which more of Atsuko playing a bloodhound ..."

Overhearing that, Atsuko called out from inside the wagon saying "I'll do what I must to ensure she is delivered to Weyland alive."

"Yeah ... I know." Raquel said, hanging her head a bit.


"Man ... nothin' like a selfless wish to make ya feel greedy, hahah." Note to self, get the man exercising ...

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"That is how the legend goes anyway," Saken said after Nadya asked her question. "Nature takes part of her earth back and reads the prayers that people that people write on the rocks. That is why the majority of prayers go to her but some people write prayers to the other gods hoping that she'll deliver it for them."

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'Hmm, well, what to do?' John wondered. 'I haven't participated in an Ascension Festival since, well, that. Maybe it isn't a bad time to participate in one again?'

Raquel had then announced going to look for an inn. 'I guess that would be more important at the moment.' He thought. 'Although, with this many people, would there even be still room available? One to way to find out I guess.'

''I'll go with you as well.'' He said.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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"Well, we could take turns watchin' th' Fallen. Can't be too hard since she's tied up like she is," Gytha suggested. The idea seemed quite natural to her since it was one of those jobs that had to be done fairly constantly.

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