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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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"Thank ye, but I think I'll pass. Just finished some form of delicious meat so I want th' taste t' stay in me mouth for a while," Gytha replied being in a generally good mood.

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''Nature? Yeah, that's what they say.'' John answered. ''Although, if so, why give up then? It would have continued to pull it up in that case.'' That's right, did it resisted being dragged upwards then? Just then Ranyin began giving away some sweets.

''Sweets? Nah, I think I'll pass.''

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Ranyin shook his head in disappointment at how no one wanted the sweets he bought. Then he recalled the Fallen they caught apparently responding to his earlier question.

Speaking in an angry tone, Ranyin said, "Hey, if nobody wants the sweets I've bought, I'll feed them to the Fallen so as not to waste them."

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Shadrak smiled at Siv. "<Sweets, they're meant to taste good, and make you feel better. I'll take a couple Ranyin.>" Shadrak said politely, noting what Raquel had said. "<and yes, that is 8 seasons at the least. I'll be honost though, I don't want to stay in one place for too long, it's my place to travel, and learn about the world. Settling down... just isn't something I'm interested in.>" He said, flipping to another note page.

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As the rocks started to lift off, something caught Robins eyes. With the people filing closer to see them rise, she could see the outskirts of town much easier, and it was out there that several targets had been set up, doubtless for a archery contest! As soon as the rocks had risen up, Robin quickly hurried over to the various targets only to find, much to her own shock, that no one was there!

Confused, she looked about to try and see some sort of official or any one who could tell her what had happened. Beside her, at her feet, the ground was chewn up while several shafts of arrows dotted the ground between the starting line and targets. Though the targets themselves seemed to be clear, many small holes and broken shafts still rested inside of them. As Robin approached the targets, wriggling one of the broken shafts only to find it was firmly lodged in, she quickly realized what had happened. There had been a archery contest earlier that day for sure, but it had long since finished, possibly before the group had even arrived.

Muttering a curse under her breath at the cruddy luck, she turned about, finally ready to head back to the camp. The stalls were largely full of artsy junk and things for the children and the disappointment from missing the contest was simply too much to bear. It didn't take her long to find the groups resting place, thankfully, but even as she approached the cart it was clear she was put out.

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Hearing Shadrak's offer to take some, Ranyin happily unloaded a fist full of it on Shadrak's notebook.

"There's more if you need them!" declared Ranyin cheerfully. He took one out and unwrapped it before tossing it into his mouth to enjoy its chewy texture and sweet creamy taste.

OOC: I forgot candy apples :>_<:

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"I highly doubt that the organization which goes around kindapping people on a regular basis and trying to kill us every time we meet them would give up Raquel's father just because we said we lost the emblem. Come to think of it, they didn't even bother trying to barter with Raquel's father in exchange for the emblem- they just attacked. Though that all was a while ago...we haven't seen anything of them since that Silvia woman attacked Amon back in Europa. Maybe the emblem isn't as important to them as we thought..." Veronika said, somewhat sadly.


"Maybe you're right, not the place for common folks such as us to know how the gods do things," Nadya responded to the stranger, shrugging. "Oh, they're not goin' to fall down, stop worryin',: she said to Luca, patting his neck. "If they were goin' to come down people wouida been smart enough to get out of the way a lot sooner I think," she said, doubting her own words a bit.

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"We're in serious danger either way." Raquel added after Veronika. "Even if the emblem is essential to them, they're still stronger than us. Until we're ready to face them, they could just show up out of the blue and kill us for it. They could just be letting us roam a little longer before they come and take it ..."

Atsuko and Siv

"Settling down? Ugh ... just ugh. You're not 'settling down' to start some new life, you're resigning yourself to being a pampered slave."

Ignoring Atsuko's rant, Siv said <"I want them. Give me any of it that no one else is going to eat."> speaking of the treats. There was no way she could let all that food go to waste.

Amon and Luca

Luca had never trusted most humans to be smart enough to get out of the way of falling objects. After all, they rarely look up. Nadya was able to calm him somewhat, but he still wanted to find somewhere a bit safer and kept his eyes open for one.

"Mmmaybe we should get back to the others. Unless, there was something else you wanted to do ...?"

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''If you ask me, if they can really just take it from us, they'd have done it already.'' John said. ''They don't think of us as that much of a threat in that case, but that's fortunate for us. Either they're trying to lure into a false sense of security or they really don't think of just dealing with us already, as long as we take any chance we have to even things out, we may get at least increase our chances of success.''

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"A'course they wouldn't listen t' us. That's why we wouldn't tell'em. They'd just find out on their own. That's what I've been sayin'. They're well-informed -- they'll find out on their own if it's been taken someplace where it can't be taken back," Gytha clarified. Of course it'd be dumb to expect the organization to believe them. That's why she never suggested it. Though none of this seemed to bother the mariner. No, she was completely relaxed, figuring she'd take things as they came. "Well, sounds like we'd better keep workin' on ourselves. Th' more we think o' ourselves as a crew and less as people with our own objectives, th' better we'll do. And it goes without sayin' that we have t' keep gettin' stronger. Our weapons have t' actually land hits, fer one. They have t' do decent damage fer another. And we have t' be able t' survive counterattacks if we can't avoid 'em. Once we can do all that without too much difficulty, we'll be ready, as I see it."

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"Maybe they're not interested in killing us at all. If you think about it- why did they even bother taking Raquel's father? They didn't bother using him as ransom and they certainly had the means to kill him right there in Sergio...ugh this organization makes no sense. We have almost no information on them- how many there are, where they are, what they're really after. Maybe Weyland knows something, if not- well then I don't know what to do. We have no way of meeting thwem on anything but their terms right now and there's no way we can win if they control every battlefield," Veronika said, crossing her arms.


"Eh fine by me, all this stuff seems pretty overpriced anyway," Nadya said as she began to lead Luca back to where she thought the wagon was.

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''Well, they were after the emblem, they probably thought he had it with him.'' John suggested. ''So they didn't counted that it would be Raquel. They probably held him alive to figure that out. After that, who knows.'' He shrugged. ''They probably think that if he is still alive, Raquel would try to rescue him, and by default, bring it to them, saving them the trouble.'' Come to think of it, maybe it isn't that far out from the truth. He thought.

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"I'm not sure if they took my father because he might have had the emblem ..." Raquel said thinking about it further. "At least, they didn't seem interested in capturing him at first. He was fighting with that Hayato guy and then the black one ... mmm it must have something to do with him. How did they even find us and the emblem in the first place? Urgh." She went from speculation to frustration in the space of a few seconds. Like Veronika had said, it didn't make sense, at least not from their perspective. They didn't have a lot of information and it was becoming painfully obvious.

Returning to the Wagon

Amon nodded and followed after Nadya and Luca. Eventually they arrived back with the others. The conversation they'd come back to was a little depressing. "Hi, everyone." Amon said quietly.



"Do you remember anything else about Silvia?" Raquel asked hoping to glean something new and useful.

"Not really. She really wanted us to join her though, which I thought was a little odd ... especially since she stabbed me and threw me off a building ..." Then again, I don't get northern women at all. The variety is huge out here. Though Gytha, Chelsea, Aneda, and Silvia are definitely taking the cake on strangeness so far.

"... hmm."

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"Ahoy, Amon," Gytha greeted, "How've ye been? Been a while since we've talked much." Really, this was perhaps the most pressing concern to Gytha. To her, the organization wasn't anything worth discussing anymore at this point. It'd be better to wait until they saw what Weyland found for them. Though she didn't direct;y voice these thoughts, which she probably should have.

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More Speculating

"I still can't figure out how they found us in the first place ..." Raquel sighed. "Whatever it is, it's probably how they're keeping an eye on us ... assuming they are ... but how does that work exactly? They didn't just comb every city until they found me and my father, did they?"

"That's what I did ..." Amon muttered regretfully as he pulled out his trinket. It was still shining just like it always did being so close to the emblem.


Then Gytha greeted him and he nervously agreed saying "Y-yeah, I guess things have been a little tense lately. Not that I'm good conversation material to begin with heheh."


Siv leaned over trying to pick up some of the candy but couldn't get around Shadrak's arm, so she quickly gave up and asked him straight. <"I want some too."> she asked with pleading eyes and an open mouth.

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"HAHARR! What're ye talkin' 'bout? Silly sand-sailor! A'course ye make good conv'rsation! Fer example, where'd ye pick up that? Did ye find it at the fair or somehwere in that sand-sea ye come from? Sure glows a lot," reassured the jolly seafarer.

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Amon's Trinket Thing

"This?" he asked, holding up the trinket yet again. Like Gytha said, it was shining alot. Not as blindingly bright as the emblem at times, but still not something one would want to look directly at for too long. "A friend of mine, Lulu; she gave it to me before I left. Without it, there would be absolutely no way to find the emblem unless I just asked every living person I came across. Even with this I was expecting it to be some years before I ever found it." he explained.


Odd that this came up since I've been spriting Lulu for the past few hours. She is ... so beautiful :sob:

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''So that thing reacts when it's near the emblem?'' John asked. Interesting. He thought. ''Wait, so that means it has some connection to it?''

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Shadrak smiled and unwrapped one for Siv and popped it into her mouth. "<I'm sorry, I didn't think of that sooner.>" He said. "<But uh... yeah, less than interested in being your pet for right now, I'd only want to stay for a awhile. learn some things, and then leave to spread the knowledge to the world. The only reason I think all this senseless fighting is going on is because we don't understand each other... I wanna help solve that.>"

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"I'm not really sure how it works. I know just enough basics of magic to put up slight resistance and that's it. It probably has to do with the sand inside though. Lulu said that Lady Aisha made this herself, so it doesn't surprise me in the least that it does what it does. With the mission I'm on it's got to be able to do at least that much ..."

Atsuko and Siv

Siv frowned bit while chewing her food.

"They kill, eat, and enslave humans. Not necessarily in that order. What else is there to understand?" Atsuko said, giving a genuinely curious look. "What do you think would happen if we tried to live in peace with them? They sure as hell won't give up their current practices. You know ... 'their practices'? The ones that violate human rights on every level imaginable?"

<"You talk in common so I never get to defend my kind, but I know you're bad mouthing us because that's all you ever do."> Siv said while sill chewing. She quickly swallowed and then added <"Speak your own language, coward.">

<"Go to hell, you twisted abomination ... after we hand you over to Weyland of course.">

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Shadrak rolled his eyes. "<with an attitude like that, it's not wonder the world is constantly at war. Really, there's more to them than you think... you just need to look past your Kigenese biases...>" Shadrak said, scribbling one last bit of notse down and putting away his book.

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"Hmm. Wonder if that organization has somethin' like it, if this sort of thing can be made. Who's Lulu, though? She's yer friend, ye said, but how'd ye meet'er?" At this point, Gytha was only half-contributing and more just talking with her friend. She didn't know much about him, though.

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Lady Aisha? I guess that makes sense. John thought. ''So, I take it she's familiar with the emblem then?'' He asked. ''If she could make that thing.'' He pointed at the trinket.

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