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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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Ranyin continued eating his sweets and watched the rest of the group continue discussing. He had no worthwhile information to add, hence he decided to keep to himself and glance around to see if anyone else was not busy doing anything.

He contemplated feeding the Fallen sweets, only because it was something else to do, but her sharp teeth looked dangerous, and he had enough injuries to look forward too in battle. Maybe when I have too many leftovers...I have yet to ask everyone from the group yet, thought the Kigenese mage as his hopes soared, knowing there were still some people who had not returned to the wagon.

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Robin returned to the wagon, the sourball she had stolen still rolling about in her mouth as she sucked on it. As she arrived, the first person she saw was not Raquel or Shadrak like she had somewhat expected, or even Domo whom she half-expected to be out flying. Instead it was the mage from Kigan, a man whom she had not thought much of in the past, with a small pile of candy by him. She looked at the sweets in interest, slowing her walk enough so that she could glance at them for a moment.

"Excuse me, are those your candy?" she asked, unsure of the plural for 'candy' in common.

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Raquel and Amon

The emblem was shining back then ... and we already figured out why that happens. It starts shining like the sun in the presence of another emblem piece, or at least that's what we concluded. If they really do have a piece themselves then tracking us down wouldn't be as hard I guess. Raquel thought to herself.

"Lulu's one of the maidens. The most important one actually. Unless Lady Aisha decides to go public with an announcement, everything comes through Lulu. Basically a spokesperson. Anyway, I met her when I moved into the palace." Amon explained. "As for the emblem, Lady Aisha's a goddess, so I never really question her knowledge of things.

"Didn't we meet an apparent goddess on the Al-Lyrae? Fira didn't seem like much for one." Raquel commented in a low voice.

Atsuko and Siv

<"Shadrak, beyond a certain point, some things just don't matter. I mean who cares if they aren't mindless killing machines? No matter how sophisticated or near-human you may think them to be ... hell, even if they actually are near-human and almost civilized, they still treat humans like slaves, livestock, and I guess in the little demon's case here, pets. One person's not going to change their culture, and because of that, we'll never be able to be at peace with them. No government is going to be friendly with people like them.">

<"Thank you for calling us people. Shadrak, I want another one."> She opened her mouth again once she was positive she couldn't get her hands loose.

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"Ye live in a palace?" this fact had never really registered with Gytha before. Probably only because she'd only heard of palaces. "Those're giant houses, aye? Why'd ye move into someone else's giant house?" The only reasons she could think of were that either Amon had been taken in for one reason or another or that he simply moved in for conveniance due to working there. The latter seemed to be the case but the former wasn't impossible. Still, she'd pictured the desert being a giant ocean of sand without much solid land to serve as islands. Was it possible that this "palace" was actually the name of a big flagship in a community of sand-ships?

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Shadrak smiled. "<Well, we're making progress atleast. I see methods for peace, even satisfying there apeprant need of human slvaes with a problem that we have in all countries I'm sure. I see it might be possable to work out some form of agreement to send in the murderers, thieves, and otherwise general scourges of society to them in exchange that they don't take what they need by force, or atleast. Something to it. As for one man effecting their entire culture, well, this is the perfect oppurtunity for it. Siv, you're the to-be wife of your people's leader, yes?>" Shadrak asked, unwrapping another candy and setting it into Siv's mouth, getting out one for himself to munch on.

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He lives in the palace? John thought. Impressive. So he does have a high position in there. Well, he sure is carrying some big responsibility then. That sure is quite the contrast against some of us. He let out a small laugh.

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Raquel and Amon

"Uhhh it's more than just a giant house. It's more like a pretty castle." Amon explained, leaving out the fact that the Rexian palace was absolutely massive, making up for roughly a tenth of Sanctuary. "They wanted me to work as a messenger. That had always been my job, but working for the palace staff came with some perks. They didn't want me living on the streets anymore so I was moved into the palace. It almost wasn't even my choice, but I do like it there."

"Well of course. Who would mind being surrounded by maidens all the time." Raquel said teasing a bit.

"I-it's not like that ... honestly."

Atsuko and Siv

Siv nodded and began eating another piece of candy while Atsuko put her palm to her forehead and moaned. <"It's not that simple. There are a lot of issues both sides would have to deal with first, like their current slaves who any fair government would want released. The demons would want to keep their current slaves even though they're innocent people, and would probably make a big argument about how much letting them go would slow down whatever they're currently doing. There would never be an agreement or any progress. On humanity's end, there would probably be human rights protests against any government even considering sending off people to be slaves for the rest of their lives. That kind of problem is just too complicated to fix. Forget the fact that the little dove here only seems to like you and probably doesn't care about any of this.">

<"If Lord Valdimarr takes over the world, then there won't be anymore arguing, only sheer authority. That would solve that."> Siv commented.

<"Then all humans would be food or slaves ..."> Atsuko coldly shot back.

<"You can't have everything, so you might as well let Lord Valdimarr rule over you all. Then you could request only enslaving criminals without all the arguing."> she replied.

<"Like he would listen to a conquered race ... this is exactly why your people need to just die.">

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Gytha was getting clarification on some things and confusion on others. "Thought clastles were the same as palaces," she comented, really only confused by that point. They're just big houses where rulers live, right? That's how it was explained to me...

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"So if the organization can locate the emblem like Amon can, does that mean they have some sort of...Aisha equivalent on their side? That would be a significant problem," Veronika said, putting a hand on her chin.


<"Yeah I don't think people would take as kindly to your supreme feathered overlord as you might think,>" Nadya interjected to Siv in slightly clumsy Kigenese. <"Folks don't like bein' told what to do, 'specially by those they consider foreign. Not exactly comfortin' to know that the Fallen have world domination plans, I thought they just liked killin' people,>" she said, frowning.

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''Well, as I mentioned before, if they have a way, it's fortunate for us that they haven't taken much initiative in taking it from us.'' John said. ''We might as well take advantage of it, as we're doing having done these jobs so far.''

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"D'ye think the emblem glows when it's around these things that glow when they're around it? And d'ye think the things that glow around th' emblem glow arouch each other? Maybe if they start glowin' brighter, it's a warnin' that we're near another...thing..." Gytha puzzled out aloud, not really sure what to call the glowing things that were not Raquel's emblem.

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Hearing Robin's words, Ranyin immediately raised the bag holding his sweets and said, "Yes! Here take as much as you like! I bought them all thinking off sharing...but people don't seem to be in the mood for them."

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Robin looked at the bag of sweets, trying to identify them from the sweets she had seen at the market today. She then reached in and grabbed one. "<Thank you.>" she said in Skotian before sitting down and starting to eat. "Thank you." she repeated again, this time in common. "I tried to buy some of these earlier, but I kept getting merchants who tried to greed offer me iron tools, thinking they could make more money from them. Stole a candy eventually. We have seen each other before, but never shared names. I am Robin; Country girl. You are?"

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Emblems and Other Stuff

What on earth? What kind of merchants would be selling both candy and iron tools AND at this festival? ... Is it even statistically possible to run into more than one? And what happened to rule number one? Hmm ... they must be stand ins or something trying to impress the owners. Raquel thought to herself before recalling the conversation she was in. "The emblem doesn't start shining around Amon's trinket. If I remember right though, Shadrak thought the emblem would only be shining when another piece was near. As it turns out, it was doing that very thing on the day we first got attacked in Sergio. It happened at the church in Ursentius too ..."

"... if that's true ... then we'll know if another piece is close by, right?" Amon spoke up. "I mean, I'd love to use my trinket for that, but it hasn't dimmed since I joined the group. It's too close to the emblem so it'll never stop glowing. If another piece was near, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference even if there was one."


<"Nope. I don't know a lot about humans, especially not the northerners. Do I need to? Once Lord Valdimarr takes over, they'll all belong to the empire anyway.">

<"Shut up and dieee."> Atsuko groaned out the words.

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"<Well, I'm pretty sure it would be good to see a little about the people that you think you're going to take over, but let me ask again, why do you want to take over?"> He asked again, ignore Atsuko... who really by this point didn't really seem like she cared anymore.

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"I am Ranyin," said Ranyin standing up to give a slight bow then resume sitting and said, "Odd, no one tried to sell me iron when I was buying these sweets."

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''Wait, you say that it did while back in Sergio?'' John said. ''Well then, that explains it, they have a piece of their own.'' He concluded. ''And then at the church, if they are trying to find them... wait, does that mean they may target the church sooner or later, if not so already?''

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"You do not walk around wearing animal hide clothes and have stone arrowheads." pointed out Robin. "It is nothing new for me. Merchants back home would try to sell us iron tools all the time, often times offering up their own personal tool in the hopes of a sale. It usually took them two visits to realize that, while we do want iron tools, we can tell when they are jacking up prices and telling us that the tools we worked so hard to make are inferior is a poor selling plan."


Customer is always right didn't come around until the 1800's or so. Before then merchants would indeed try to push off merchandise for more than it was actually worth and ignore the actual needs of the customer. There are records in my local town museum of a woman trying to buy a new pair of gloves, but the salesman trying to offer her a new, and much more pricey, hat.

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"But why would a food stall sell iron?" asked Ranyin puzzled. It seems this girl probably is 'blessed' with bad luck to get offers to buy iron tools from a food stall.

"Merchants do not go out of their way to purchase items that they do not usually sell. You do not see butchers selling tomes, blacksmith selling paintings. True a blacksmith might try to sell you a sword even when all you need is an axe, because those are things they sell, and they want to sell as much as they can. For a food stall to sell iron tools, they need to first buy it off a blacksmith as it is not their talent to do so. My father never tried selling swords to people at the inn, because it was not worth going through all that trouble since it was always cheaper for people to buy the swords off the blacksmith who made them," explained Ranyin, "Maybe you went too a blacksmith who so happens to have cooked too much food for the family and wanted to get rid of it somehow...since any family has someone who cooks, while the opposite does not apply as smithing is a skill that requires much more dedication and costly materials."

You seriously do not go out of your way to buy something you can't make to sell it off back in ye olde times. Especially selling tools, it costs a ton back then since supply was limited to blacksmiths who made limited number a day. Selling away your tool, even 'excess' ones meant you can do your job...leading to loss of income and starvation.

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Emblem Stuff

"I don't know. We don't know for sure if it shined like that because of other pieces ... it just seems like the most likely cause. It's as dead as a doused lamp right now ..." Raquel explained.


<"Umm ... because we're supposed to ...? I don't really question it. You should ask someone who knows more, like my sisters.">


One: Likelihood of merchants being universally compelled to push iron tools/iron weapons/iron character development on Robin. Extremely low. See Raquel.

Two: Likelihood of every food stall Robin could possibly go to for food trying to sell irons instead? Ridiculously low.

Three: Likelihood of encountering multiple merchants pushing the same thing at a festival having nothing to do with iron tools? Preposterously low.

My basic point here is that even though it was a legitimate concept, time and place coupled with taking it to the extreme killed any chance of it making sense.

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''I see. Still, we shouldn't rule it out just yet.'' John said. ''I mean, just look at before, when it almost went away. I'm sure there could be other things it would react upon.''

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Shadrak chuckled. "<Well, Siv, I'm pretty sure they don't know either, and that really, no one knows, because you're not meant to. The Gods made this world for everyone to live in peace and harmony, and before you say it, Lord Valdimarr taking over everything and ruling with an iron fist isn't living in peace and harmony. We're meant to co-exist on even grounds, NOT, fight for dominance of a planet we all share.>" He said. "<Siv, I know you love your sisters, and your people, but I don't want you to follow them blindly. Your a young, smart girl, and you deserve to make your own decision about life and what it's worth, learn about this world, and what it means to it's people, before you actually make a mjor decision about your life...>" He told her, with a very gentle, caring smile...and Atsuko flipping out in 3...2...1...

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Emblem Stuff

"Well it wasn't shining when it was getting pulled ... it was just ... getting pulled. I'm just lucky it stopped ..." Raquel said while lowering her gaze to her bag.

Atsuko and Siv

<"... are you kidding me ...?"> Atsuko muttered.

<"No, I'm sure my sisters know why the fallen have to conquer everyone else. I don't like history so I can't remember."> Siv replied. <"I don't think we can live in peace though. My people like to fight. Even I get bored if I don't challenge Svan every now and then.">

<"Svan? Which one was that?">

<"The beautiful one in the red dress who was vaporizing the evil humans from your clan."> Siv replied bluntly.


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