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Are you interested in doing a good deed through the internet?

Super Mecha Death Christ

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I want to do something, but me alone isn't enough. It needs lots of people together to get it to work. I want to see how many people are interested in doing this. It's something you can do electronically with maybe 3 clicks of the mouse through youtube.

The basic run down is to flood people into JewWario's youtube account to get him more subscribers and views so he can become a youtube partner. I'm in no way associated with the guy, but I'm a fan and I want to do something to help. The poor guy smashed his finger crushing his bone closing his garage door and doesn't go to a doctor because he can't afford it. That and it's true that there isn't anything a doctor can do, but having more people subscribe to him and get him more views so he can get a youtube partnership seems like a nice thing to do for the guy, you know. Nobody needs to donate a penny and you're still helping a guy out. Also would help to spread the word you know.

Oh and he didn't ask his fans for it either. I just felt really bad when I saw his live stream talking about how he broke his bones and shrugged it off like a boss because he couldn't afford it.

1. We know for a fact the guy is trying to earn extra through youtube partners. The man does have a job, but it doesn't pay much. He needs more subscribers and views to get in. Subscribe to his channel and click on his videos. If you don't like it, just give a click and close it. That wastes maybe 5 seconds of your time? Chances are, you guys might like his work. He talks about import games. He recently helped my friend get more exposure by putting the Fire Emblem Retrospective on his site. My friend didn't ask him, all he did was ask JewWario for advice on how to make it better, but the guy immediately fell in love with the videos and wants him to have it on his site so my friend's videos can get more views. Helping JewWario will also help yourself (if you're a fan of course) since this supports him and allows him to continue making his videos. The problem is, we don't know how much he needs to earn a youtube partnership so we're taking a stab in the dark here.


2. He also has videos on blip where can can earn revenue. This isn't as much of a stab in the dark as youtube, but youtube also gives him a bigger audience. Clicking on his videos and letting the ad play and clicking on it will waste 15-30 seconds of your life.

3. Help spread the word. Post his videos on other forums and stuff. I've been submitting his stuff to gonintendo for a while now.

The catch to doing this good deed?

We're probably gonna need long term dedication into this to really make a difference and also the reason why I can't do this alone. So this isn't a one time time. I'm hoping we can at least keep this up for a few months. Not a problem for me since this is basically me doing what I've always been doing, but not sure if others want to do this, which is why I was vague at the beginning. I didn't want to do this if only 3 or 4 people are willing to do this. I want to help the guy and also help spread the word for his work.

What do I get out of this? NOTHING. Well, maybe more videos to watch and the satisfaction that I helped someone. Actually, I was kinda hoping this thread will be hidden so Justin wouldn't stumble into this plan by accident. I originally started submitting his videos simply because I like them. Now after seeing last week's live stream, I've been thinking about ways to help, and this is all I can think of.

Edit - Hell, I'm removing the link to his site right now because I don't want him to find out about this. Plus, it would suck if he stumbles into this and sees no one wants to help either. Which is why I've been so vague from the start. I don't know if I can pull this off.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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Nope, doesn't involve donating money or money of any kind.

Well I guess being vague is a problem, but I don't feel like doing it if not a lot of people want to join.

The basic run down is to flood people into JewWario's youtube account to get him more subscribers and views so he can become a youtube partner. I'm in no way associated with the guy, but I'm a fan and I want to do something to help. The poor guy smashed his finger crushing his bone closing his garage door and doesn't go to a doctor because he can't afford it. That and it's true that there isn't anything a doctor can do, but having more people subscribe to him and get him more views so he can get a youtube partnership seems like a nice thing to do for the guy, you know.

This is why I can't do it alone. That and I'm already subscribed to him.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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I tried to do the good deed, but I'm worried about the fine print so I just clicked the link and left it at that.

Always read the fine print? Eh, what do I have to worry about it! Hopefully my visit gave him a hit/view that he needed.

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Hmm. Your instructions were that if I don't like it, I should just click the link and close it, right? Do you think it would be more virtuous to follow off of that? Or to just support his videos even though I don't like them? I'm asking you cuz you're super mecha death christ, and I like christ.

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Hmm. Your instructions were that if I don't like it, I should just click the link and close it, right? Do you think it would be more virtuous to follow off of that? Or to just support his videos even though I don't like them? I'm asking you cuz you're super mecha death christ, and I like christ.

Well, hopefully, people that want to do this will also put in the dedication to follow through and continue doing this for a few months. An extra 20 clicks today isn't going to make a difference.

I guess the best way is to watch his stuff first and decide if you really like this guy and want to put in the bit of effort to help out.

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Honestly, I don't see this being that hard. I mean, heck, if Youtube is trying to offer me a chance to give me money just for this...


Then surely it won't take THAT many people to give him a partnership, right?

It is. Angry Joe has a bigger fanbase and he got rejected plenty of times. I heard he got rejected around 10 times.

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I usually subscribe to people with genuinely interesting content/entertainers. This guy is neither but I feel bad for him so I'll subscribe. By the way, YouTube only makes partnerships with those who make "quality content" so he might not make it anyway.

Edited by Agromono
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What I coincidence. I subscribed to him yesterday, with no influence from this topic, after seeing his youtube channel linked from his website.

Wow, that sucks. Jewwario is such a nice guy. I think I'm going on a YCPT binge...

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Hopefully, we can help spread the word and help his fanbase grow. He really deserves it. This isn't a pity the poor guys thread either. He really is just a genuinely nice guy and deserves to be more well known.

Remember, spread the word. Just 5 or 6 of us isn't going to make a difference.

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