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Seven Deadly Sins

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Excellent, it was a good game, and the Town deserved to win as they did because Life destroyed us, Paper chose to side with the Town for no reason,

No, you are not going to keep spreading this.

I gave you every opportunity to talk to me. Remember this?


It's come to my attention that you told Core that Psych and Proto were inspected by Proto and Kay respectively, which contradicts the information you gave me about Kay's inspect and Proto's item.

If you want me to work with you, you need to be honest with me. So: who are you lying to and why?

And if you are mafia: don't even think about killing me, because it'll be you swinging from the gallows if you do.

Bolded for emphasis.

You weren't honest with me. I talked with every single member of your faction at at least one point in the game and not one of you tried to actually form an alliance: Life screwed the mafia over and the rest of them just kind of durdled. If you had, maybe things would have been different. But you didn't, so I upheld my agreement with Snike: I got the Iceberg and helped the town.

How am I supposed to help the mafia if I don't know who they are?

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You're neutral. You don't have to pick sides. And at that point, you guaranteed your own victory by fleeing, so you really had absolutely no reason to side with the Town. I understand you have no reason to side with the Mafia, but that doesn't stop you from being neutral.

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Proto, I can't possibly fathom how wrong you are there. That exchange has a number of issues with it.

1: You knew he was a thief and made no attempt to work with him. Thieves aren't designed neutral- they're meant to essentially work with the highest bidder. That's part of the reason that there were so many "these are valuable only to thieves" items. It wasn't to dilute the pool (though it worked well that way), it was to give people bargaining chips with which to vie for the attention of the thieves. Instead you brushed him off.

2: By the time that PM was sent, Paperblade had already figured you out, so you lost nothing by confessing to him. His statement boiled down to "I know you're lying to me, if you stop lying to me I will work with you." Once that statement was already on the table, a confession was clearly the only route to take. If you confess, he then has one of two options: either work with you and win you the game (thus winning him the game in the process), or rat you out to the town for no tangible gain. The problem is that you never bothered to put the "work with you" option on the table, thus leaving him with essentially only one option: rat you out, since he already knew you were scum at that point- the confirmation was a formality. Refusing to work with him made you three things to him: a liar, a jerk, and an enemy. When you make an enemy of the smartest guy in the room, you're headed for disaster.

3: He sided with the town because even after the town heard / deduced / whatever that he was a thief, they were still willing to work with him and talk with him, which is much more than what you were willing to do. The fact that his victory was clinched due to a hilarious turn of events has no bearing on the fact that the town showed loyalty and trust in a way that the mafia refused to.

4: Once you confess to Paperblade, do you really think he wants to rat you out afterwards? The ramifications of such an act would go far, far beyond just this game. Actively screwing over someone who is trying to work with you as a neutral is the fast track to never getting any information from anyone again on the board, and a win for a faction that he's not even a part of seems like one hell of a pyrrhic victory.

Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,

Is the immediate jewel of their souls.

Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing;

'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;

But he that filches from me my good name

Robs me of that which not enriches him,

And makes me poor indeed.

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Excellent, it was a good game, and the Town deserved to win as they did because Life destroyed us, Paper chose to side with the Town for no reason, and Kay figured out I was Mafia and ruined my whole plan. Despite all of that, I am still annoyed at SDS for being so selective about phase extensions (saving zorbees, but killing Reinfleche), allowing us to give items to Joshaymin when he didn't exist, and for allowing us to kill him.

But still, Town played very well, and Mafia was cursed for having Life in it, so it all turned out the way it should be. Also, I really enjoyed this game and would definitely sign up for your next Itemafia.

When did Kay figure out you were mafia?

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Day 3 was when I was sufficiently sure of it. For those who don't already know, "trusting" Proto was, at that point, a ruse to make myself seem useful to the mafia, and a chance to see what mindgames Proto was trying to play.

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I would like to nominate Blade for town MVP

and as for strawman, the answer to your question

13:55 Gaia well, she never supported Psych

13:55 Gaia from what I know

14:01 Ducky_Straw sure seemed like it in the thread

14:11 Gaia well, I mean in itemafia, she seemed to go against Psych in everything

14:11 Ducky_Straw yeah

14:12 Ducky_Straw I guess. But they were on different sides then

14:12 Ducky_Straw well

14:12 Ducky_Straw assuming

14:13 Ducky_Straw anyways

14:13 Gaia yeah

14:13 Ducky_Straw its like 4 o clock in the morning here

14:13 Gaia we cannot decide yet

14:13 Gaia WOOOOOW

14:13 Gaia that is LATE

14:13 Ducky_Straw yeah lol

14:13 Gaia oh well

14:13 Ducky_Straw i need to go to bed

14:13 Gaia good night

14:13 Ducky_Straw i dont even know what ive been sayin half the time

14:14 Ducky_Straw good luck in the games going on right now lol!

my nick was Gaia

Lol yeah as soon as I said that to you in chat I was like "well I just screwed that up."

But of course I wasnt going to admit to knowing what you were talking about.

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Day 3 was when I was sufficiently sure of it. For those who don't already know, "trusting" Proto was, at that point, a ruse to make myself seem useful to the mafia, and a chance to see what mindgames Proto was trying to play.

And this wasn't useful info for me or anyone else? It all went well, anyways. I guess.

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And this wasn't useful info for me or anyone else? It all went well, anyways. I guess.

My original plan was to shoot you that night, while roleblocking Blitzy, who was supposed to be protecting you. This would result in Blitzy keeping his Guardian Wand, but you'd die and make Blitzy look bad. But then Kay came to me and pretended like you didn't have any items (false), and convinced me that she was still on my side (also false). I assumed you were no longer a threat and decided to make Blitzy waste his Guardian Wand, and killed zorbees instead. You then came up with a Guilty result on me that night and were able to destroy me, but only because Kay was able to set it up so that I couldn't escape justice.

If she let you know her suspicions, you probably would have reacted a little more about it, probably to the point that I would have reconsidered killing you.

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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