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If anyone can convince me to vote for someone, I will do so. Just saying, this will likely not happen because lynching day 1 in OC games is retarded when no one did anything last night.

The mafia recruited someone last night, IIRC. Now would be a good time to find out who.

How do we know we'll A, have a Mislynch later in the game, and B, need it?

There's no way we know if there isn't a Serial Killer or if a vig will kill people. Plus there's items everywhere that can kill people. We can't tell how many people will die a phase so that we can safely estimate when we have an option for mislynch. Hell, 5 people could die within this round. We don't know. It's better to do it know when we are currently in better standings.

Psych, kindly shut up. That's not the kind of info you want out in public.

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The mafia recruited someone last night, IIRC. Now would be a good time to find out who.

Psych, kindly shut up. That's not the kind of info you want out in public.

Why would we not want out in public? I have no killing items, I'm not mafia. I see no reason to ignore a very good possibility.

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Going to bed but I am going to ask how you plan on doing this with any chance of success.

We could always just ask them straight up.

In all seriousness, I'd like to know the same thing. Seems like its going to be harder to find mafia, or the thieves even, in this game than in other games.

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Going to bed but I am going to ask how you plan on doing this with any chance of success.

Lots and lots of talking. Everyone's still alive, so if everyone talks, we've got a better chance of seeing how everyone reacted to things once people start dropping dead.

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Going to bed but I am going to ask how you plan on doing this with any chance of success.

Well, you could you know, try. This kind of attitude is not going to get us anywhere.

In other news, ##Vote: Psych. If we're going to get rid of anyone this phase, we might as well get rid of the troll.

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What am I supposed to say that's useful? There's not a whole lot of useful info available ATM.

There have been 9 pages of text at the time you popped in to say nothing, which is plenty to develop at least minor reads on people.

To help, here are some questions you should answer:

1. Why did you vote Sho?

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

(ftr: I do not think Sho is mafia atm)

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Anyone else can answer these questions if they feel like contributing.

And zorbees, why is it a bad idea to try to develop at least leads NOC-style even in an OC game, especially one as unclear as this one?

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1. Why did you vote Sho?

I didn't.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho? (ftr: I do not think Sho is mafia atm)

Not sure how to answer this, as I don't see a good reason to vote for Sho. I think one of the mafians might be hiding among those votes, but I'm not sure who.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

I wish he'd stop whining long enough for me to figure out what he's trying to say.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Kaoz. I know how good you are at this! Runner-up would be zorbees, for not being particularly well-known around these parts.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

Psych. His stupidity levels are what I'm accustomed to seeing, which means someone smarter than him isn't calling the shots.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

It wouldn't surprise me if one of those sheep votes belong to the mafia.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Kevin, if you have time to whine in Ivalice, you should be able to say something here. Dunno where the hell Blitz went. I believe Anouleth is the only one with an excuse, because he's on vacation (or will be shortly).

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1. Why did you vote Sho?

I didn't vote Sho.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

Same as above. But I don't understand why people are voting Sho. Plus sheeping is dumb without good reason for the initial vote. Though its still possible for 2 people to see shos posts as scummy and both vote him for that reason, not necessarily actually sheeping.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

If you're going to suspect Proto being guilty for that I think you should at least hold other people who posted something similar equally as guilty. Though I do believe it makes him suspicious, as many things could make many people suspicious.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

RD or Kaoz probably. RD is generally good and Kaoz is not someone I would want to be town if I were mafia, hes too good at analyzing and thinking things through. Eclipse, Life, and Snike are too obvious no matter how good or useful they could be.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

So far i haven't talked to people enough yet, i'm not one to make fast judgements in mafia and I suck at scumhunting.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

So far i haven't talked to people enough yet, i'm not one to make fast judgements in mafia and I suck at scumhunting.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Psych. But its Psych. Me. SoberEmoGirl I guess. Blitz hasnt said anything? But of course I dont know what people are saying through OC.

Edit: All I did was bold the questions and move a sentence that was supposed to be under 1a from question 2.

Edited by Strawman the DucksawDucky
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6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Kevin, if you have time to whine in Ivalice, you should be able to say something here. Dunno where the hell Blitz went. I believe Anouleth is the only one with an excuse, because he's on vacation (or will be shortly).

Please reread the definition of actively lurking. "posting but not actually contributing. I've made all of 4 posts so far, one was to say I'll be away for a day and a half, anotehr questioning core on him joining the pariah bandwagon, which is an important question. Another was me laughing at WoMC's success, which is not contributing, I'll give you that. And another was me explaining why just because WoMC and sho voted pariah doesn't mean these two are not on the same team.

1. Why did you vote Sho?

I don't believe I've voted anyone.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

They look just as bad.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

Could be scum, could be town. At this stage it's too early to tell, as I wouldn't lynch someone for just that.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

Eclipse probably. That is, if she wasn't mafia already.

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

Tough question. Eclipse's argument for psych makes the most sense, so i guess I'll go with that.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Core, his random bandwagonning confuses me.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

If eclipse didn't answer your question, I'd probably say her. Pariah and paperblade are worse though.

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Psych, kindly shut up. That's not the kind of info you want out in public.

Am I missing something here? Because it's a fairly important point that killing items would make it necessary for us to be extra cautious when the end of the game comes around, and to assume lylo earlier.

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Cannot resist surveys

1. Why did you vote Sho?

-His reasoning for voting Kay was suspect.

1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?

-They could be troll rolling as Psych suggested, or be mafia trying to mislynch.

2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

-I made the same mistake so I can't really fault him too much

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

-zorbees, eclipse, Kaoz (listing 3 due to possibilities of higher priority targets already being scumbuddies)

4. Who do you think is more likely town?

-Me, duh.

5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

-eclipse, Life, Kaoz--known good players are likely mark targets.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

eclipse. She's talking a lot, but she's not saying anything.

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Am I missing something here? Because it's a fairly important point that killing items would make it necessary for us to be extra cautious when the end of the game comes around, and to assume lylo earlier.

I got to this in an earlier IP.Chat, and I'll explain it again here:

The fact that Psych mentioned this means that either someone was dumb enough to tell him that they had a kill item, or he has the kill item. Regardless, this makes him a huge target, and I don't think I need to explain why.

There is a very minuscule chance that someone is telling Psych to act like a moron most of the time, and mention a killing item so that he looks clear if there's a watcher and/or tracker item out there that catches Psych killing someone. I doubt this greatly, as it seems like a hell of a lot of work for an illusion.

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1. Why did you vote Sho?


1a. If you're voting Sho because he appeared to sheep, what do you think of the people sheeping Sho?


2. What do you think of Proto and the no role pm deal?

Well, given that I asked for another explanation, I was obviously very suspicious at first. The explanation he gave seems fine though, I even checked his post history, so at the moment I wouldn't want to assume too much because of it.

3. If you were mafia, who you recruit?

eclipse or WoMC (scratch that, just noticed he was subbed in after N0) most likely, maybe Paperblade or Snike. All of them could probably complement my playstyle very well.

4. Who do you think is more likely town? & 5. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

I'll combine these and just go through the player list I guess...

1. Kaoz (Chaoskitty)

Was suspicious of Proto at first, made some other posts regarding the merits of a D1 lynch.

2. eclipse (Clipseykitty)

Some rather minor contributions, but for the most part told Psych to keep quiet.

3. Anouleth Weapons

Some pressure votes so far and tries to get people to talk more in general which is good.

4. Paperblade (Paperkitty)

Posted quite a bit, but not much of substance. Some things were rules clarifications.

Suspicious of Sho.

5. Ho.M.the.Money

Seems lynch happy... that's about it.

6. Kiku-ichimonji

Of course that post.

In favour of a NL.

7. kirsche

Eh... not much I think?

8. Snike (Snikitty)

Suspicious of Sho.

Made some posts regarding lynch vs NL.

9. Radiant Dragon (Radiant Kitty)

Had a debate at the beginning of the game regarding how lynch ties should be resolved, probably doesn't mean much if anything.

Tried to get a discussion about thieves going, but only three people (eclipse, Sho, Kaoz) responded before it was derailed (by Core). We should probably get back to this at some point.

Laptop crashed, expects to contribute less because of that.

10. Core

Seems to be quite undecided regarding votes.

11. The Magnificent Psykini

Made some contributions so far, they seem to be better than what a lot of other people did until now.

12. SlayerX

Nothing of substance.

13. zorbees

In favour of a NL, not much else besides that.

14. Pariah

Nothing of substance really, but voted for Sho. Also noteworthy that the posts were within a short period of time.

15. Strawman (Strawman the DucksawDucky)

In favour of a NL.

Made some contributions regarding D1 lynch vs NL.

16. Life Admiral (Zaphod Beeblebrox)

Only one post on N0 so far, that post had nothing to do with the game though.

17. Sober Emo Girl

Contributions consisted mostly of votes, not much but better than nothing.

18. Blitz kitty

Only one post on N0 so far, that post had nothing to do with the game though.

4. Too early to say really, maybe RD.

5. Hmm possibly Core.

6. Can you identify anyone is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

eclipse, Paperblade, Sho, Core, zorbees. I wouldn't say it means much though, given that this is an OC game.

On the matter of Life being marked, I would consider that his inactivity probably makes that less likely to happen. As good as he is, if he doesn't actively play, it doesn't help the mafia. That's only what my thought process would be though, maybe the mafia thinks differently.

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The fact that Psych mentioned this means that either someone was dumb enough to tell him that they had a kill item, or he has the kill item. Regardless, this makes him a huge target, and I don't think I need to explain why.

Eh I wouldn't say that's necessarily the case. Vigs are relatively common roles, so the probability of there being an item (or a combination of items) that allows for kills is rather high. Same with inspections, guards etc.

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I suppose my voting patterns have been suspicious, I'll try to be more explicative from here on out. I voted for Pariah at first because she seemed lynch happy, but I think I mostly misunderstood her intentions.

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More than 24 hours have passed that I was inactive. I didn't have internet in my house for two days, which is why I was afraid that I might have been subbed out in all the Mafia games. There's no way you could have found me in the IP chat at that time. That's why I didn't know how long the thread was up. In fact, I didn't even realize that I got the time wrong until now. I actually changed my timezone recently in order to send Paper a fake Ivalice role PM with Anouleth's timestamp. Paper should be able to confirm this. My displayed timezone must have been 12 hours behind, so it appeared that the thread was only there for an hour.

As for me not reading the rules, well, I already mentioned that I was very impatient for this game to start. And SDS kept us waiting for longer than we expected, and I wanted to see my role PM. I was actually reading the rules while posting in a separate tab. I honestly did not think that posting would somehow go against the rules nor did I expect the lack of a role PM to be perfectly normal for someone playing a Mafia game. And I WAS genuinely worried that I would be subbed out, because I even called Blitz to tell everyone that I'll be inactive for an indefinite amount of time. He apparently couldn't do it, but can still confirm that I asked him to.

Actually Proto is telling the truth here

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