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Schoolboy Mafia


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Released new update for Schoolboy Mafia.


*Core posted a single image of the person the town killed, and has since been contributing, this was not inkeeping with his claimed highly restrictive PR that involved images. This has been rectified.


*Removed Eclipse's Modkill Strike, it has been replaced with Imprisoner of Rainbows

*Core's Bullshit AOE has been reduced by 2.

New Content.

*Added more weapons for Psych

*New unlockable costumes for Eclipse and Pariah, now you can fight as MAGICAL CLIPSEY and THE TERMINKAYTOR!

To be honest I'm coming down hard on Core because that PR claim of his is basically the ultimate fake PR claim for mafia, you can do nothing to help the town and get away with it as long as people believe you, and I don't believe him since it's so ridiculously vague and he doesn't even seem to be following his own "rules".

Edited by Hazekitty
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[spoiler='Rules, sorta copied from Duel Terminal, AND PROOFREAD BY NO OTHER THAN SHO]0. This game is NOC. This means all talking must be done in the game thread (unless I tell you otherwise). Deal with it.

1. Living people can talk to other players about the game in the game thread only. Dead people, follow rule 14. Information cannot be passed from the dead to the living.

2. Everyone will get a role PM with a character name, some flavor, a role, a posting restriction, and a win condition. All of you will have italicized text in your role PM. The italicized information is not to be shared with anyone, and all italicized text will NOT be published until postgame. You may post/claim everything else in your PM, starting from D1. If you ABSOLUTELY want to say "My role is X", you may do so on the first night.

3. Follow your post restriction. Or else.

4. Don't screenshot. Please.

5. This game begins on N0, and no kills will take place on N0.

6. A vote counts as ##(your choice of verb): (someone), with (your choice of verb) being "Vote" or something more creative, and (someone) being who you want to vote for. If you want to change your vote, you must ##Unvote first. You may edit your posts, but if I missed your vote because of a ninja edit, deal with it. You may vote for role names, but if there's a majority on a role that doesn't exist, it's a No Lynch.

7. Speaking of post edits, I'll be somewhat lenient with things like grammar and punctuation, but don't make it a habit. If I hear reports of entire chunks of information missing, or if I notice a ton of edited posts, you'll have a lot of explaining to do.

8. In case of a lynch tie, one person will be randomly lynched. Maybe.

9. Each phase will be roughly 48 hours. I will post times in terms of HST and GMT. Note that Hawaii does not observe DST. Unless I say something BEFORE PHASE END, the phase will end at the scheduled time, whether I am present or not. Phases may end early if a majority is reached during the day, or if I get all night actions in at night.

10. If you have a night action, and do not want to do it, reply to your role PM with Night X - Idling.

11. Items exist, and all pertinent item info is contained within the item itself. Your inventory limit is 1. If you would go above the limit, tee-hee~! If you die holding an item, the world will never know.

12. If you miss a day and night, you are eligible for auto-sub-out/modkill, whichever one is deemed more appropriate. If you need a sub, say so in the main thread. I am not your mother, so stay on top of things.

13. I made a nice little priority list, and I will post it once the game is over. Save your RAEG for then.

14. If you end up dead, you get one last non-informative post. What you say is up to you.

15. Punishment for breaking the rules will range from nothing to modkills. If you feel that the risk of punishment is worth it, go for it, but be warned that things will probably not turn out the way you want it to.

16. If in doubt, follow your role PM, or whatever I tell you in reply to your role PM. Pay attention, or you might miss something important~!

17. If you see your user name in the flavor, it means I randomly chose you to do something, so don't sweat it. If you see your role name in the flavor, it's for a reason.

18. If you have been modkilled, your win condition is "You win by being the last one alive".

19. If you ask a question, and I respond with "Tee-hee~!", it means you're not getting a straight answer until postgame. There is a reason for this.

20. If you want to share your thoughts, I welcome them. Reply to your role PM if you wish to do this.

21. I hid priorities for a reason. Do not mention them directly. Do not mention them indirectly. Do not ask anything, ANYTHING about them (except in your role PM).

22. If I tell you to do something, and you don't listen, you probably aren't going to like what will happen next.

23. If you feel the need to complain about some aspect of the game before the game is over, please do so in your role PM. Dead players are free to bitch about whatever they want in their role PMs, and only their role PMs.

24. You're dead when you die. I'm not going through the trouble of exhuming anyone's corpse for this game.

25. If I can't figure out what you're trying to say in the game thread in under a minute, you'll have quite a bit of explaining to do.

26. If I think of anything else, I'll put it here.

Why Dont you just go RTFM of your own game... I can't believe such complete retard is even allowed to host games. No wonder you can't even do your own upgrades

EDIT PR fail kinda

Edited by Sho.M.The.Panty
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I think I'm done!

A slight drizzle has started. Luckily, you're all in the school cafeteria, so you're not getting wet. Strawman does a quick head count of everyone. . .and it seems that someone is missing. A quick search of the school turns up nothing. The good news: No one is dead!

1. It is now Day 4. Day 4 ends on Tuesday 8:00 PM HST/Wednesday 7:00 AM GMT.

2. Sho has been kidnapped. Don't bother voting for him.

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Alright, since Sho is gone I guess I have to step up.

Whine about PR

I followed Roth last night, but he didn't visit anyone....from what I could tell. It says something appears to be up with my reports, but I wasn't roleblocked.

Edit: Typo

Edited by arachnidsGrip
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Don't you think that if Roth was the Watcher I would have seen him following someone?

Whine about PR

This means we now know there's a role that messes with results. In addition with a silencer and kidnapper.

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You fool. If you follow wathcer you just get to see the person watcher followed. What do we need any other confirmation that Roth is truly watcher? After all three people seen visiting you last day admitted that they did?

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Heya Folks!!!

I'm glad you checked on me Psych. It lets me know the limitation of my role ability. I checked on Sho last night. He got kidnapped and this is what I got:

Your result:

You saw Strawman visit Sho.

I believe we have a suspect?

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Well, Silencer and kidnapper has to be one and the same role? Or they can be two different roles...?

Or I recall you suggested that silencing might be an item ability?

So asuming that Silencing is a separate role ability, than it's ok to assume for now that Starwman's a kidnapper, but if a kidnapper has the choice of silencing or kidnapping the target then it'll be annoying. Note that every night, someone gets kidnapped. But Psych's case is the first of Silencing.

N0 Haze, N1 Kevin, N2 Pariah, N3 Sho.

On N2 Pariah was kidnapped and Psych was Silenced. How can the kidnapper and silencer be in two places at once?

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