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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Zoey stepped out of the carriage clutching her arm... she noticed Ken was walking away from the tent that was prepared for them, with no one better to ask she decided to approach. "Hey... have you seen my equipment?" She asked.

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Western Nialp

Ken stopped in his tracks when he was questioned and answered Zoey, "Yes, I've put them inside the tent," cocking his head towards the tent in case Zoey did not know which one was he refering to.


Qaahir went to the tent...and immediately fell asleep with his arms and legs spread out as he proceeded to snore loudly. Omair shook his head and walked off to find out if he could share a tent with Chaen Lang instead.


Lord Tzang was pleased to have his carriage back to himself as sleep was sought after by all in the camp. Entering the rooms with bunks he gently tap Roune on the shoulder and whispered, "Roune, are you awake?"

Roune turned to face his father and nodded.

"Did you hear everything?" asked Lord Tzang. Roune sat up and pointed to a few parchments lying on a table nearby. Lord Tzang picked them up and started reading them.


No further attacks visited the camp, to the relief of the wary soldiers who were on watch. Night transitioned to day break peacefully and the entire camp quickly set to work in keeping the tents and readying the various caravans owned by individual traders. The non-Tsaens in tents that did not wake up immediately were shaken awake by some of the soldiers...

Edited by Rothene
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Alena was lucky enough to find a deserted tent, so she quietly took that, curled up, and went to sleep. It had been a very tiring day, indeed.

This is only the beginning. I need to work hard, or I won't be able to get enough to support my family for good.

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Although Rine had a hard time on finding the camp by noon, the light and the smoke showed him the way as night came. If it weren't for the firecamp, he'd still be looking for the right place in the map, and even with a map the task itself wasn't easy: He had to be sure that this camp was the right one, or else he'd be screwed, and the only different things next to the marked place were some hills and few rivers. The landscape finally matched with the one shown in the map, so he rushed for it without doubts. His Wyvern was tired from the long trip, and so was he, but it wasn't the time to rest. "Just a little longer, Ragnos buddy, just a little longer".

He drew closer and closer to the rendezvous site, hopping that there would be no ambushers lurking around. Why would Chaen Lang recruit an army if there were no threats? Because there were threats, obviously. And his mount could be seen by anyone close by: Something in the sky, bigger than a bird, moving faster than a cloud and with a dragon-like shape. If any hostile Nialpians saw him, they'd surely play "Shoot the Target" with their bows and make bets about who kills it first, who hits it first, or who misses less. For his relief, they were close enough to the camp, and there were soldiers guarding the sides. He ordered his Wyvern to land next to them, noticing the scattered bodies around it as he came closer to the ground. After landing and dismounting, he turned his face to the guards.

- Hello. I'm a soldier from Tsae, and I've been requested to join commander Chaen Lang's troops. May you let me in? Also, what happened there? I know about the assault, I just want to know about our troops current state. And please do it fast, my armor has become 2 times heavier and I don't really want to collapse infront of you...

[*cough*edit*cough*]And that was how Rine got to join the party.~[/*cough*edit*cough*]


No further attacks visited the camp, to the relief of the wary soldiers who were on watch. Night transitioned to day break peacefully and the entire camp quickly set to work in keeping the tents and readying the various caravans owned by individual traders. The non-Tsaens in tents that did not wake up immediately were shaken awake by some of the soldiers...

Lol, you pwned me. *edits fast*

Edited by Lorddomu
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Western Nialp

While everyone was sleeping...

<"Oh, you,"> remarked one of the soldiers on watch in Tsaen while his companion ran off to get Chaen Lang,< "We were informed that we would be seeing you sometime. You missed the fight.">

The soldiers just needed to see the wyvern Rine rode to know he was on their side. No other nation fielded wyvern riders.

Not long later, Chaen Lang came running out, annoyed to be woken up from deep slumber. <"Rine!"> exclaimed Chaen Lang as he saw the wyvern...assuming correctly that a wyvern rider would have no real business being out of Tsae.

<"Unfortunately there isn't much room inside the circle of caravans. You'll need to spend the night outside the camp with your wyvern. I'll get some men to prepare a fire for the both of you,"> said Chaen Lang. It did not take long before a small fire was set up for Rine and Ragnos.

Also...Nialp is open grasslands with a few hills...they have barely any forests...if any end especially not anywhere near the desert nation of Emocni.

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As the sun rose and the camp began to stir, Cora woke and began to prepare herself for the day. She tried washing her face and smoothing out her clothes, to at least look presentable. Hopefully she would be allowed to continue to travel with this group a little longer. Cora washed out her dinner bowl from last night, and went to go look for the man so she could return it.

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Alena shook herself awake. Her arms protested greatly. She definitely overdid it! The flat grasslands didn't look like they gave much in the way of bathing spots, so she quickly made herself presentable and peeked outside of the tent.

I could really use a change of clothes. This set has bloodstains and other stuff on them.

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Western Nialp

Chaen Lang woke up earlier than anyone else, apart from Ken, who seemed to beat the battle mage all the time. As usual, he would march to the Tzang caravan and wake little Roune up to begin some daily exercises, both physical and magical as a proper teacher would. They continued their exercise until the sun rose and he left to make sure the other traders were up and ready. The sooner they left the unruly grasslands of Nialp, the safer they would be.

Setting apart some bowls for breakfast, Chaen Lang wondered why there was he short of a bowl. Then he remembered he left it with the Nialpian healer the night before. Reminding himself to get it back from her, he took two bowls of congee, one for himself and another for Rine as he set off from his tent.


Getting up, Qaahir was dismayed to note that no one else was in the tent he slept in. He did not know if it was due to his snores...or that none of the other girls felt comfortable spending the quiet night with him. After counting the gold he had just earned, the fighter walked out of the tent to follow the scent of food he smelled coming from the traders preparing their breakfast. Hopefully they don't try to take advantage of us, thought Qaahir as he noted that some traders had deliberately prepared more food than they seem to need.


Omair sat in Chaen Lang's tent and studied his tome while blowing the scalding hot congee the man had given him.

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Any thoughts she had about bathing flew out of her mind the moment she saw. . .that. It was big, scaly, and. . .sleeping? Part of her wanted to reach out and touch it, but another part wanted her to run before it ate her for breakfast. Would the smell of blood set it off? She carefully tiptoed behind a pile of provisions, and watched the thing sleep.

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Zoey was already up and going when her tentmate decided to wake, he seemed to following his nose, much like she did at first... though she stopped wondering if it was the right thing to do, considering that she was an outsider and didn't know the morning procedures. "Good morning, Sleep well? Your snoring would say yes normally." She asked with a giggle as he indirectly approached.

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Western Nialp

"Morning...erm..." crap, I forgot her name, thought Qaahir panicking, "Erm...morning Letamite. Heh, yes I can't help but snore...it's a sign that one's tired."

Taking out some gold, Qaahir asked for what appeared to be steaming white buns. Handing over two gold coins, Qaahir grumbled a bit of the over priciness of the food as he bit into it. Hmm...sweet pork, thought Qaahir...followed by...Hot! Hot! Hot! As he used every shred of his will power to stop himself from dropping his breakfast while he left his mouth open to the cold Nialpian air to cool it.

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Rine woke up as soon as the camp began to gain life and noise. He was still tired and so was his Wyvern, seeing that he hadn't woken up already, but he couldn't give wrong impressions, it was already enough to see that he came late and didn't help them in the battle.

He lift from the ground and made himself presentable before going to find something to eat.

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A man walked up to the strange creature, then walked away. Was that its owner? Her stomach growled in response, so she reluctantly stopped watching the sleeping giant, and went to find something to eat. One of the merchants sold an odd ball of rice with. . .something in it. As it was late, and the merchant was trying to sell them off, she haggled her way down to two for a gold coin. Score! She bit into one, and tasted something vaguely familiar. These balls were filled with seaweed? It wasn't a bad combination. The second ball was filled with something sickly salty, and sweet. She frowned, but ate the odd thing anyway. No use letting food go to waste.

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Rine eventually found a merchant selling something that looked like a... pork soup? As weird as it sounded to him, he decided to eat it nevertheless. The bowl was hot, so he guessed the soup would be even hotter if he mixed Tsaean spice as it's ingredient. And he was right. "Tsaean people are born to be strong, seriously. I'm not sure which is harder to go through, the battles or the food. At least it's kind of tasty...".

Guessing by the time he took to eat 1/9 of it, he'd stay here for an entire hour. So he forced himself to eat it faster, drawing the attention and laughter of some that were close by.

Edited by Lorddomu
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Zoey giggled, buying her own cheap little breakfest... toasted bread, and began to munch on it, she noticed that there was a Wyvern with the group now... odd... she began to wander around the grounds, waiting to either get yelled at, or for something to happen...

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Cora took her bowl in hand, and wandered around camp for some time, trying in vain to find the mage from last night. She happened upon a few people having breakfast and sat down, taking some. She noticed the girl from last night she had helped, and there seemed to be a large wyvern in camp too. There seemed to be another girl not too far off eating some sort of rice, and if she was traveling with the group for a while, Cora thought it important to introduce herself. Cora walked over and waved.

"Um, hello. Didn't I meet you last night? I don't believe I caught your name. I'm Cora."

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"Hi. Name's Alena. Nice to meet you." She noticed the distinct lack of food in the bowl the other girl carried. "If you haven't, go get something to eat before everyone packs up."

This Cora character seems nice, but why does she dislike food so much? She skipped out on last night's meal, too.

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Western Nialp

Chaen Lang sighed in dismayed when he found Rine already eating breakfast. <"Hoy, Rine! Sorry, for being late,"> said Chaen Lang in Tsaen holding out a bowl on now cold congee, <"I was bringing you your breakfast, you didn't have to spend your gold.">

<"It's a shame to let this food go to waste..."> remarked Chaen Lang, <"Anyway, the group should be moving out in an hour, make sure your wyvern's ready by then.">


Ken walked to the edge of the now dismantling camp. So that's what a wyvern looks like up close, thought Ken admiring the impressive sight the backbone of Tsaen military was made off. Although wyvern riders comprised of only a fraction of full Tsaen military might, their symbolic strength and resilience was something every Tsaen took pride in. Bowing respectfully to the sleeping creature before walking away.

Seeing Zoey wandering around, Ken tapped her on the shoulder and reminded her, "Hey, camp moves in an hour, make sure you have all your gear."


Finishing his torturous ordeal in eating his pork bun, Qaahir gaped in awe at the sight of Rine's mount. When did that thing appear? Is it safe? wondered Qaahir. He had heard of tales of Tsaen mercenaries who had their wyverns eat whole cavaliers...mounts and all. Due to the protective nature of Tsae to it's national creature, few wyvern riders ever ventured out of Tsae or even received the permission to.

Whoever owned that wyvern should consider himself lucky, thought Qaahir jealously, must be comforting to have such a large companion.

If you all want to spend the one hour time frame interacting with each other, do so and just remind me through PM when you're ready to move on for a TS to Aman, because there will be no events for the trip to the outpost.

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Rine stopped eating his incredibly hot and spicy soup, sighing as he saw his commander bring him food. "Ah, sir, I'm sorry. I didn't think you were going to bring me it. And to know that it isn't as hot and spicy as this soup... Well, thanks anyway".

He could see Ragnos from afar, a dark red wyvern beginning to open his eyes that soon began to move his head in search of Rine, not really caring about the others around him. Since he couldn't find his owner, he growled in response, and then stood still, looking around. "I should go before they think he's going to eat someone. Excuse me...". Without wasting anymore time, he brought his bowl with him, left it on the ground next to the camp where they slept in the night and opened his backpack, taking some kind of big and gross meat from it. "Here's it, buddy. I hope you slept well, it seems we'll have a long day again."

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Cora smiled. "Thanks, but I already got some. I haven't been that hungry lately. I'll probably be traveling with this group for a little longer, so hopefully I'll get to know you better. I think we may be leaving soon, so I better go get my things packed and my horse situated." Cora finished eating her food, before going and cleaning the bowl again, trying to find the man from last night before the group had to leave.

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Western Nialp

With Rine leaving and considering his mission accomplished in feeding an old friend's son, Chaen Lang raised his own bowl of congee and drank the now cold contents it held as he searched for his missing bowl in the hands of a certain Nialpian troubadour.


Finished with his studies, Omair readied his gear. He was already informed that the group would be moving out soon. Now all he needed to do was make sure his employees were not making a fool of themselves.


Qaahir searched the crowd. Resting his eyes on the only Aesean in the entire camp, Qaahir walked to Alena and asked jovially, "Hey, Alena! Enjoying Tsaen hospitality so far?"

I leave it to Cora to find/bump/whatever into Chaen Lang

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"Huh? Oh, uh, thanks Ken..." Zoey said to the man... her shield and spear was strapped to her back... her sword to her side... her helmet just transitioned from her belt to her head... yep, she was good to go.

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"You said that these guys are being more generous than usual, right? I'll do my best not to get too accustomed to this. . .though, it is nice." She gave Qaahir a small smile before turning back to the scaly beast, who was busy downing his meal.

This creature is so completely unlike the pegasi at home. Those stupid horses never pay attention to us seafolk anyway. Maybe this one will be a little less discriminatory.

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Western Nialp

Finding his two employees, Omair approached them and said, "I trust that the two of you have been behaving. Chaen Lang told me that this camp would be ready to head off soon. So I'd like us the be saddled up by the time these merchants have finished packing their wares."

Qaahir nodded and told Alena, "Come on, lets get to Badem, he's probably cowering among the other horses if he could see the wyvern.


Spotting Cora wandering around looking for something, Chaen Lang strode to her and asked, "Hey, girl, may I have my bowl back?"

my next post would probably be anything to end all conversations...and then a TS to Aman. Psych, just have Cora hand over the bowl and get her on her mount at least in your next post

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Rine finished eating his soup, probably one of the toughest things waiting for him on the day. His wyvern stood still for a while, looking at Rine, but he decided to look around soon, bored. Nothing caught his interest, apparently. "I wish I could do something about it, but I can't leave the camp. We're leaving soon. I may as well search for something to do...".

He picked his steel axe and began striking the air, practicing with it by using just one hand. That caught his pet's attention for a while, before he laid on the ground again, waiting for something to do.

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