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Hurricane Irene


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My parents in NJ have no power because I guess like a million trees went down or something. They've been told not to expect it to come back on until September 4th. Yay New Jersey.


Sorry I know I shouldn't gloat, but whenever my state is bashed I feel a little bit bigger on the inside.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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A guy I used to know, I'd like to say friend, is currently stuck somewhere where the water level is rising, and I have no idea what the fuck to do about it. Looked for jetskis online and they are out of price range. I guess he's OK since he still has power but this is shit.

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Well, that wasn't so bad. I still have electricity and such.

People blew it all out of proportion.

5-8 foot flooding=not blown out of proportion.

Don't only think of yourself, because there were people who live in less fortunate places.

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You can't have hurricanes in sweden as hurricanes, by definition, form over the mid atlantic ocean near the equator.

Hmm, I guess I was thinking about tornadoes then, sorry, I'm not a specialist in that area ^^'
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Let's hear what Representative Michele Bachmann has to say on the matter!

"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending."

That's either really fucking stupid or really inappropriate given the circumstances (since it was a joke apparently).

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Disregard my last post on page 2 of this topic. I got nothing which I'm glad for.

Really unfortunate to see the victims suffer from it though :(. I know some people who live in the US, get their basement flooded, their water system knocked out and their electricity dead too which must really suck for them.

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Actually, I just realized that this was the wrong place to post this, so I'll go with something else.

As much as how much damage Hurricane Irene did, I do feel that it was blown out of proportion prior.

Edited by Hazukitty
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Lol if I were being localized about these things.....

When Ike came almost nothing happened. I was perfectly able to stand outside and unharmed. I looked up at the sky and waved saying "Hi Ike!"

I could say, this storm isn't so bad!! Not at all!

Buuuuuuuuuuut that's because Ike got weak by the time it/he reached Indiana.

Knife did you read about the other people who actually some pretty bad damage in this topic at all? xD

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Knife did you read about the other people who actually some pretty bad damage in this topic at all? xD

Agnaktor you are forgetting english as far as I know it. "the other people who actually some pretty bad damage". That being said, I don't have the attention span/language to explain why it's wrong because I'm not the grammar police. But that is ok. Anyway, consider that they perhaps received no damage and that it was their wealth, their material externalities, that received damage. (I read the topic but I didn't notice whether anyone actually received physical harm...)

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