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Anti-Horse, Anti-Pegasus and Anti-Wyvern Playthrough

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Not sure if I'm doing the right thing when making a thread for a playthrough or even using the right terms when doing this but I've looked at those drafts, tiers and playthrough threads where you guys play and must finish the game under those conditions and I was like, "This is interesting, I'll see what I can do."

As a challenge to see what I wanted to do, I went the no horse people, pegasus or wyvern riders at all. To some, it may not sound like a challenge or you may find it stupid but for me, I'm actually really heavy on these guys, especially the cavalier classes, ranger classes or any horse riding class and I use those guys all the time. Literally half my party has a horse or at least something to ride on and now, I'm going to exclude them and only use the classes that walk on foot! D:


Difficulty: Hard

Route: I'm considering Eirika's since I've played Ephraim's route a lot more but I don't know. I'm probably going to choose to go with Eirika.

Turn Count: I'm not so keen on getting low turn count. I'm more towards making sure that all my units are okay and avoid dying a lot.

Time: I'm not keen on this either. I just prefer to beat the game fulfilling my conditions.

Rules and Conditions

1. As I said plenty of times, horse, pegasus and wyvern riding classes are not allowed to be used in game.

2. If a user is going to be promoted, it must be the class that doesn't have a horse, pegasus or wyvern. (Example: If I were to promote Gerik, I'd have to choose Hero as rangers ride a horse which is not allowed).

3. Chapter 1 is where reinforcements come in where Seth stands, I will only use Seth to move him out of the way.

4. Of course, also applying to the no-horse rule, Eirika and Ephraim aren't allowed to promote as the promoted classes have a horse.

5. The tower of Valni is not allowed but the skirmishes are. (Unless you want to have an opinion on that?)

6. Shopping on the world map is allowed.

7. Just realized that chapter 5x is Ephraim and 3 horse riders. I'll give priority to Ephraim as much as I can but this chapter may have to have it's exceptions unless Ephraim can manage to solo this map.

8. I'll take the items of the horse, pegasus and wyvern classes as well or sell them.

I'll post screenshots and record my status as I play and go along. If there's anything I forgot or if there's anything that needs revising, tell me on the thread and I'll see what to do.

Edited by Zenester
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Is Myrrh going to be used? Because she also technically flies.

It's going to be interesting to see what you'll be doing without high-use units like Seth, Franz, and Vanessa. I wonder who'll be getting what.

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I would say do Eirika's. You get Innes and Saleh instead of Duessel, and Knoll only shows up a few turns later than on Ephraim's route. This will be interesting since I also use almost exclusively mounted units. In fact, by the end of the game, only my main staff user isn't mounted generally.

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Oh yeah. I'll get Saleh and Innes instead of Dueseel and Cormag. I'll do Eirika's then.

I only have two chapters finished because I didn't have enough time. It's going to take a while to tackle the third chapter as I only have 3 out of 6 units that I can use can't use Vanessa to pick up Ross >_>. Either I'll have to get lucky to see him alive in time or kick butt faster and reach Ross before anything else happens.

Edited by Zenester
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7. Just realized that chapter 5x is Ephraim and 3 horse riders. I'll give priority to Ephraim as much as I can but this chapter may have to have it's exceptions unless Ephraim can manage to solo this map.

He can solo it just fine, it will just take forever. You'll need the others to do some trading though because of the inventory cap, and you'll want to put Orson's Silver Sword on one of the others obviously.

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Myrrh, however, can't canto. She can only rescue sage Lute and sister Natasha, and no one else.

Phantoms also have flier movement, but no canto.

Phantoms can't rescue people at all, although they can do everything else associated with carrying units.

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  • 1 month later...

Ch 5 may also be difficult if you're gonna try and save all the villages.

Use Rute~

I figured out a long time ago that the best way to complete chapter 5 and get all the villages is to send ALL of your units on the right-most path All the bandits come from that direction and the only tricky village to get on that route is the one in the top-left. Plus you can quickly kill saar

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