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where should the series go from now?


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Not sure how well a remake would go, but a new saga or an addition to Magval would be nice, I agree. And yes, good, in-depth support convoes like in FE7-FE9 (there are probably more but I haven't played any FEs made before FE7) should return. Not whatever happened in FE10. Also, I'd like to see the reclass system trashed but the My Unit is a very good idea. They should continue on with something similar to that imo.

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Personally, a new saga would be a nice bet; also, Fir Emblem has left behind too many interesting gamplays and features and not looking at them again. The fatigue system is nice and allows you to train your team in a new way, mixing the support and lovers system would also be interesting, there's also the MU one that can become a favorite IMO.

Then again, remakes with something "new" as Marth's games have been would be a nice touch too.

Edited by Kristyakitty
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I don't mind the traditional gameplay and story lines. That's part of the series' charm. And besides, each game has enough fluctuations within to differentiate one another.

Though I wouldn't mind an actual gaiden-game. But, Japanese fans seem to have this taken care of: there's one or two JRPG versions of a Fire Emblem game floating around which are pretty nifty.

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I would like to see support conversations return (ideally at base like it was in FE9) while keeping the generic/semi generic 'talks' that would show up between supported pairs. Like say if Leo and Edward had a support, after the first 5 maps they could have had a traditional support that would raise it up to C rank. Then on the next map 'talk' would appear when Eddie gets near Leo where you would hear things about Eddie wanting to take on everything and Leo saying that he's got his back. Then the next chapter maybe it would be Leo's turn. Both of these would be decrease the total number of turns needed until the next support can be unlocked. After all, having them chat for a few seconds per battle did break up each turn. As far as reclassing goes, I'm against it. I would prefer if they went back to branched promotions and maybe give us non sucky trainee classes back (like the first 'group' that you get and those in the prologue(s) might be trainees where say the trainee with a sword could become a mercenary, thief or myrmidon, the lance recruit could go soldier, cavalier, knight etc. That way we could have a little control on how our units grow, but not enough to literally shift around everyone each chapter and make the entire 'usefulness' of a character be based on when they join since essentially everyone is the same now baring 1-2 points per stat. I also like the idea of a My Unit character, especially if he or she was given the options for supports (perhaps based on the initial choices made about ones background, current and future so its no all about getting the stats and growths you want). I also liked FE11's forging system (increasing the power of existing weapons) as opposed to the other types along with the option of using cross bows as introduced in FE10.

As far as where the series should go, I would like to see a new world. Ideally we remove laguz and replace them with the Manaketes of the former games. However the idea of them being able to 'transform' based on a gauge instead of semi rare stones would be nice though. Of course, certain things could make it easier like A: automatically transforming if attacked when at full gauge, giving dragons 1-2 range, having 'strike' go up based on level instead of use and maybe making it where at 'half' of the maximum that these units could transform or they could keep gaining points in the gauge to stay transformed longer later on. Story wise, I'm fine with just about everything. However if IS decides to use the 'two sides of a conflict' design again, they should make sure that both sides are given the same amount of chapters AND similarly leveled enemies that way one side (GM's in FE10) aren't 10 levels higher than the other (DB).

But that's just me.

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I don't understand the hate for the reclass system. I just don't. It's, IMO, one of the best additions to the series.

Where I live, they say because that allows you to take advantage up to some point of the soldiers you carry and the chapter you face. I also like it, it makes you use different strategies than the ones you use the most, like adapting to the fight.

Oh, I wouldn't mind the return of skills like in and FE4, FE5, FE9 and also with new additions to it. The reclass system would also be welcome too.

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Actually, I wouldn't mind an ActRaiser/SoulBlazer-esque addition for the next game, where you can allocate funds into building a base or something like that. Each game generates its own unique gimmicks, usually which exist for the duration of the world (FE1/2/3, FE4/5, FE6/7 [8-separate team]/FE9/10/FE1DS/FE3DS).

So the next new-world game could concentrate on something about building a reserve. It'd be option, of course, and it wouldn't have a huge impact on whether one can finish the game or not, but collecting enough funds and expanding could open new side missions, create new enemies, adjust the story/chapters slightly, and affect what sort of equipment your units are outfitted with and made available to. Even which units might be desiring to join your cause. A slight concentration on developing an influential base, with options like more civilian protection, magic research, weapons training, all that sort of jazz. It could make for an interesting diversion which is still entirely compatible with the Fire Emblem traditions.

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That sounds like a very interesting idea.

I prefer FE9/10's forging, myself, and I'd like to see that come back. FE12/11's is basically "tada my effective weapon pwns everything." FE9/10's was much more interesting to me. I'd also like FE12's support system. Capture coming back would be good. I'd like reclass, although perhaps more limited (the class pool is limited for each individual unit) and I'd like everyone to have unique models/sprites. If crossbows come back, I'd like them to be more like real life crossbows. Slow, but not requiring much training. Maybe make them a ranged option available to everyone. Although, if that was done, then there should be some advantage to using them over javelins/hand axes/wind edges if they're brought back. Maybe increase the range of (cross)bows? It would certainly help archers to be more useful on both sides. That's all I can think of right now.

Also, that thing about reclass making everyone the same shows you clearly have not used it much.

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on a related note, what is the part of the series that if changed would make a game "not fire emblem"? or put another way, what do you think essentially defines the fire emblem series? is it essential for the series to have a medieval setting? i think essentials for me would be:

- grid-based gameplay

- large cast of playable characters (w/ lots of colors of hair) and their relationships

- large range of classes each with distinctive abilities

- physical and magic attacks w/ weapon triangles

- epic story

that still sounds a bit generic, though. i could imagine a FE game set in a futuristic world, but i'm not sure what other really drastic changes the games could undergo.

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The games are largely connected by their piece-based gameplay. It's as if a generic engine and base was created, then filled in. Everything is done through the use of the available pieces. There's not really a large, individual, driving force that outweighs or overshadows the piece-based gameplay--it's always central to utilizing and achieving an outcome through the use of said pieces.

If the piece-based gameplay disintegrates, it starts to fall into the well of any SRPG, rather than "a Fire Emblem."

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I like how the Magval map was and the fact that you could actually train your units in the Tower of Valni. It's be nice if you didn't have to restart the tower every time, though, instead choosing which floor to train on. Of course, the list of floors you could travel to would be dependant on which floors you've already cleared, so when you first enter the tower, you have to clear floor 1. Then after that you can choose to either return to floor 1 or move on to floor 2 after you leave the tower. Or, chapters could be formatted similarly to how they were in FE4, but included in the castle/town currently being used as a base would be a barracks. In my mind, the barracks' mechanics could go one of two ways.

1: The barracks be a place where you could leave your trainees/student-type characters to actually train with a mentor (higher-level unit/mentor-type character.) I.e., I could leave Shinon and Rolf in the barracks while I send some other units out to take care of the chapter objectives and main map. Shinon and Rolf already have a mentor-student relationship, so Rolf gains more exp and weapon-type(bow, in this case) exp per turn than if he was by himself or trying to lear from, say, Astrid and exp growth would be the same as though he was by himself if I had Soren in there as the "mentor" since they are completely different kinds of units. Also, certain "mentor supports" that give no in-combat benefits (but still have conversations similar to the support conversations of FE7-9, mainly backstory revelation, character development and strengthening the relationships between the mentors and students) could be accessable depending on how long the mentors and students are in the barracks.

2: The barracks could be a place with a set of minigames that are class-specific and that increase characters' stats based on guages (each stat having it's own guage which you earn points for to gain +1 for a full guage). Points awarded depend on how well the player does in the minigames. However, a character must be entered into the barracks in order to play the minigame and only 1 minigame can be played per turn. 5exp is awarded the character for each turn he or she spends in the barracks and there is a maximum capacity for how many characters can be in the barracks sections (library/church for magic units, stables for mounted units, training ring for physical units and archery range for ranged units.) Also, yes, the barracks' minigames are effected by the battlefield's weather conditions if the minigames are outdoors (i.e., if it's foggy, horsemanship minigames would be locked and archery would gain a harder difficulty, locking the easy mode on the target practice.)

Either way, I like the class-up system in the Tellius games, where you don't need an item to promote your characters.

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1: The barracks be a place where you could leave your trainees/student-type characters to actually train with a mentor (higher-level unit/mentor-type character.) I.e., I could leave Shinon and Rolf in the barracks while I send some other units out to take care of the chapter objectives and main map. Shinon and Rolf already have a mentor-student relationship, so Rolf gains more exp and weapon-type(bow, in this case) exp per turn than if he was by himself or trying to lear from, say, Astrid and exp growth would be the same as though he was by himself if I had Soren in there as the "mentor" since they are completely different kinds of units. Also, certain "mentor supports" that give no in-combat benefits (but still have conversations similar to the support conversations of FE7-9, mainly backstory revelation, character development and strengthening the relationships between the mentors and students) could be accessable depending on how long the mentors and students are in the barracks.

I don't really think a game mechanics should be structured about not using units. If I like using Shinon and Rolf, I don't want to have them sit out just to see their support conversations.

2: The barracks could be a place with a set of minigames that are class-specific and that increase characters' stats based on guages (each stat having it's own guage which you earn points for to gain +1 for a full guage). Points awarded depend on how well the player does in the minigames. However, a character must be entered into the barracks in order to play the minigame and only 1 minigame can be played per turn. 5exp is awarded the character for each turn he or she spends in the barracks and there is a maximum capacity for how many characters can be in the barracks sections (library/church for magic units, stables for mounted units, training ring for physical units and archery range for ranged units.) Also, yes, the barracks' minigames are effected by the battlefield's weather conditions if the minigames are outdoors (i.e., if it's foggy, horsemanship minigames would be locked and archery would gain a harder difficulty, locking the easy mode on the target practice.)

I don't really like the idea of playing stupid minigames.

Plus, letting character gain exp just by waiting in the barracks sounds really abusable.

Edited by Anouleth
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minor features that I liked:

-- Mounting/Dismounting (... I'm probably the only one)

-- Reclassing


-- This isn't a feature, but classes like the Mage Fighter that uses both magical and physical weapons

-- A Musket or Rifle with bayonette. It'll be basically like a weaker Crossbow from a distance, and it'll be like a weaker Rapier up close, and I guess Snipers can wield it.

-- Forging

-- Info conversations

I also didn't like the way FE DS games handled difficulty. I'm not sure how Lunatic does it, but I know that the same enemy density with massive stats didn't feel like the right way to go about it. I liked the way FE10 did Hard mode in Part 1, except where they disabling locking/checking enemy movement range. You could say "play better and learn to count" but terrain disadvantages were irritating for me and it's just an irritating way to spend like an extra 10 minutes.

I liked BEXP to some extent, but it's pretty abuseable.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I also didn't like the way FE DS games handled difficulty. I'm not sure how Lunatic does it, but I know that the same enemy density with massive stats didn't feel like the right way to go about it. I liked the way FE10 did Hard mode in Part 1, except where they disabling locking/checking enemy movement range. You could say "play better and learn to count" but terrain disadvantages were irritating for me and it's just an irritating way to spend like an extra 10 minutes.

The only thing FE10 changes for Hard Mode is enemy stats, weapon triangle and BEXP, so I'm not sure why you say you like that but don't like FE11 HM. In FE12 HM, there are more enemies, some enemies are in different positions, warp staves are removed (replaced with Fortify), in addition to buffing enemy stats and weapons. There might be other changes.

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@ Minigames: It's not mandatory gameplay, just there for those who like it. My sister likes minigames, for example. I think it'd be good for reaching a broader audience so I don't see why the vehemnence towards them.


@ abuse: It depends on the gameplay style. I like the written aspects of FE the most as opposed to the challenge. Actually, I try to make the game as easy as possible for myself, so that means having a well-balanced team, making sure I recruit as many units as possible, do the sidequests and milk the chapters dry. Also, tower abuse. I'm not the only one with this playstyle either. Abuse is an objective of mine so that the chapters are as easy as possible. It's just how I play it so I see abuse possabilities and opportunity for more conversations as plusses.

Edited by Mercakete
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The only thing FE10 changes for Hard Mode is enemy stats, weapon triangle and BEXP, so I'm not sure why you say you like that but don't like FE11 HM.
I might like FE10 NM's design better in general, but FE10 HM reducing BEXP and removing the weapon triangle on top of boosting enemy stats, while being numerical changes, were scaled better than FE1 DS' way of doing stats for Merciless. As for Lunatic, I wasn't sure about how it worked, so thanks for that.
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i think the idea of exploring mentor/student relationships could be interesting. but please for the love of god no minigames!!!

Well, the mentor-student relationship sounds fine for me. As for minigames, it would be a nice touch. If IS happens to make a survey and minigames take a great influence in it take for sure they will add it to see if results were accurate and it works out fine, but only if there are enough good responses to minigames (or anyother feauter they may think of).

@ Minigames: It's not mandatory gameplay, just there for those who like it. My sister likes minigames, for example. I think it'd be good for reaching a broader audience so I don't see why the vehemnence towards them.


@ abuse: It depends on the gameplay style. I like the written aspects of FE the most as opposed to the challenge. Actually, I try to make the game as easy as possible for myself, so that means having a well-balanced team, making sure I recruit as many units as possible, do the sidequests and milk the chapters dry. Also, tower abuse. I'm not the only one with this playstyle either. Abuse is an objective of mine so that the chapters are as easy as possible. It's just how I play it so I see abuse possabilities and opportunity for more conversations as plusses.

Seconding this. Abuse I find it as a useful trick newcomers or beginners have to get through the game challenges, as well as starting to know how to play, make strategies, see which units are better above which, etc. I used this when I started playing FE, I tried to see which units gave good resutls, which strategies played well for the units I train, then started increasing the difficulty to see if what I have learned was good enough. Abusin RNG, arena, tower/ruins, all of this is just another way to play, you're not forced to do so, so its up to the player to choose if use it or not.

In a side not, I would like to see a training option for your units (kind of what FE3 DS has) but with your own units. For example, pitting Ike against Boyd while in base. This to earn weapon exp and just a bit exp. Obviously, limiting the number of times a unit can spar while in base to avoid it being used too frequently.

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