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have you ever tried to convert someone to FE?


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i went out of my way to try to get my SO interested in FE, but it was pretty much a bust. i'm going to try it on my nephew next (FE:SD), although he might be a bit young (he's 9) and i'm not sure he has the attention span. just wondering if anyone has had any success stories and if so with what game?

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My friend went from "how can you play such a complete pile of bullshit? It doesn't even have battle system" to "I can see why you like these games but they aren't made for me"

All I had to do is bet a chocolate bar that he couldn't beat chapter 6 of FE8 HMhack I was playing around.

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Got my brother to play Blazing Sword all the way through. Though, first had to get an European version since his back then his English wasn't good. Though by now he no longer needs it, heh. Eventually he lost interest, though.

However, he still has interest in watching or hearing out whenever I play. He was even willing to play again, and did with the Trial Maps of Path of Radiance... if he hadn't been more interested in using all my untrained units, unequipped, and see them get killed. :mellow:

But yeah.

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I started my sister off on FE3 but she soon got stuck/bored. I also tried to get a friend of mine interested, perhaps FE4 wasn't a good choice.

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My neighborhood friends all like FE, and there is one school friend who I showed FE and he enjoys it. All he has is a PS3, though. I have some other friends at school who like FE, but I actually learned that after we became friends.

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I'm trying to convert two of my friends using pictures of the many very foxy men of Fire Emblem.

So far, it's working.

Tried this method. Got my cousin to get FE9. She still loves the content, she just doesn't have the time/want to play through the chapters. She preferrs hearing about the plotlines/support convoes from me. She doesn't have FE9 anymore, I don't think. Effective method (depending on your target) unless the person you're trying to convert doesn't have the time/want, as Acacia pointed out.

Edit: I just remembered attempting to get an old friend to play/like FE. She said she remembered playing a bit of FE10. I immediately told her that she should play FE9 first. Not sure what happened after that. She lives kinda far away.

Also, I did encounter some people who played/liked FE at school. It was awesome but I haven't seen them since except for one of them once at Subway.

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I'm kinda a convert. Was in GameStop and saw SS, and remembered a friend of mine enjoying it, so I bought it. Loved it. Lost it. Got Radiant Dawn. Meh. Found SS. Loved it. Played a draft. Hated it. Played an RD draft. Loved it. I got my cousin's brother in law to play RD, and he loved it.

Tried with another one, and he seemed to enjoy it after playing the RD prologue, but I doubt he'll get one...

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I was converted by a friend in '06. I got FE8 and 9 for Christmas and found them enjoyable. Ironically he doesn't play FE anymore, though.

I tried showing it to a couple of friends, but they were uninterested.

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my quandary right now is that i was going to give the DS game to my nephew b/c it's easier to play than, say, FE9, but the characters and story are so much less interesting. i happened to get an extra copy of sacred stones, though, so i might have him try that first instead, although it means i either have to get him a GBA, or a GBA player for the gamecube.

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I've only ever tried to convert one person and it was with FE7 not long after it came out. He got to like chapter 5 (whichever one it is where you get Erk) and then told me it was too difficult - he only had 2 units left, Lyn and Sain. ohmy.gifohmy.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

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I once recommended Fire Emblem to my stepbrother shortly after Path of Radiance was released. He said he might give it a try, but I don't think he ever did. Otherwise, I haven't tried to get anyone else to play it. I've been having a hard enough time convincing myself to play Fire Emblem lately... :Knoll:

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Somehow I've managed to have success with younger kids. One was a fourth grade girl and the other was a boy who was younger than that. Funnily enough, I was just playing by myself when they came up and asked to try. I told them they'd probably hate it and it was really boring but they loved it. I let them play Lyn mode.

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A long time ago when I was slightly less picky/not much of an SNES purist and played the later series, I got my sister into FE 8 and 9, now I'm trying to convince her to try FE12 and 4, although she doesn't like the concept of 4 from what I explained to her with the pairings and such and if she thought 7 was too hard, I'm not even going to try to get her into 5 -_- .

I was converted to FE however by a friend in high school if that's anything notable.

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I haven't tried to get anyone to play Fire Emblem. Some of friends know I play it but they don't seem at all interested in the series.

Then again I've been losing interest in the series as of late.

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