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So today I got my wisdom teeth out.


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Dear forum, yesterday morning I was informed I was getting my wisdom teeth out in less than 24 hours. I kind of freaked out because it was such short notice, but then realized this way it'd be done before school.

This morning I was woken up at 6:50 (and I am not a morning person!!) to be ready to leave for 7:15. As always whenever I wake up in the morning, I laid there like a log until I decided to actually get dressed and do my teeth. Because of the surgery I had to skip breakfast! e_e

So I drove to the clinic with mother (who works there) and she went to Tim Horton's and ended up being 5 minutes late. nbd.

I sat around in the lobby admiring the paintings and laughing at the stupid people signs (Caution: Fireplace is hot when fire is on), when my mother called me in. I thought I was going to go right away whwn she called me but first I had to take impressions for whitening trays. Well, that went over not so well. The impressionist had a nice chat with me, but then we discovered my teeth were in between sizes, so I had to have too-large impressions taken in my too-small mouth. The bottom teeth weren't much of an issue, the impressions came out good on the first try, but when it came time for the tops, the impression turned out badly. Just as we were about to try again mother called me into the surgery room for the removal of my wisdom teeth, meaning I'll have to retake the impressions. >_>

I was led to the surgery room and had to take a mouth rinse which apparantly tasted terrible according to Mom and her friend/coworker but I kind of liked the taste. Next thing, I was lying down on the dentist chair, and I was talking. Mom got ready to poke me with the needle, and her coworker blindedfolded me as a joke when mom said "It'll hurt more if you look!" but I said I wanted to look amyway, and they let me. Well, a lot of blood came from that one small poke, it was cleaned up and the IV needle was taped on to me.

Then mom took my blood pressure, and I commented on how I didn't feel slightly sleepy from the fluid. She told me that it isn't in yet and all that's going in my bloodstream is water. After saying that she put in the anastesia. I remember her talking to me briefly, but not a thing after that until I got home.

Next thing I knew I was sitting on the bench at home. Dad gave me some ibuprofen, and I took it, having trouble with my frozen lips. Apparantly I ended up spilling water all over myself and changing shirts, but I don't remember it. I am wearing a different shirt now though, so..

Then I went back to bed, ice on each cheek. I need to keep it there for pretty much all day. After I woke up, Dad offered me Alphagetti, and I had a small bowl, and ate it carefully to not make a mess. Then I went on SF and typed up this monster.


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Eh, not really. I'm just really tired and my lips feel like they stretch for a few inches.

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Eh, not really. I'm just really tired and my lips feel like they stretch for a few inches.

That's good, my sister was coughing up blood when she got home =/ hope you don't have anything like that.

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My wisdom teeth were extracted last week, and it sucked.

The only memorable part of my surgical experience was the fact that I saw My Little Pony coloring book pages pinned onto the wall, including Pinkie Pie.

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drooling blood at all?

Not that I remember. I have no memories from just after the IV went in (I remember mother speaking to me) until I got home.

Edited by Darros
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seriously, you are lucky, no bloody drool. I remember everything from when the put the needle in to when I woke up in the chair. They expected me to be all wobbly, but I was fine lewl. I also remembered snatches of them talking during the procedure...which sucks.

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seriously, you are lucky, no bloody drool. I remember everything from when the put the needle in to when I woke up in the chair. They expected me to be all wobbly, but I was fine lewl. I also remembered snatches of them talking during the procedure...which sucks.

Yikes, that would freak me out. But I don't even remember getting in the car to go home. Apparantly my sister wheelchaired me into the car. I didn't say any shit in front of my family, so go me.

tee~hee you're stupid now

....you mean I wasn't before?

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Got mine out (granted: only one) out in line Grade 10 years ago, do you live near a medieval style dentist? Cause all they did for me was freeze my mouth and pried it out, it was kind of cool than anything feeling all that pressure. That, or I live near a trashy dentist and they didn't put me under.

Then next day, I amused myself by making popping sounds with the big gaping hole in my gum with my tongue.

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Got mine out (granted: only one) out in line Grade 10 years ago, do you live near a medieval style dentist? Cause all they did for me was freeze my mouth and pried it out, it was kind of cool than anything feeling all that pressure. That, or I live near a trashy dentist and they didn't put me under.

I don't live near any mdeieval type dentists, my mom put an IV in me and administered... something that caused concscious sedation, but I fell asleep halfway through. They froze it too. I also have no memories from when the procedure started until at least when I got home..

My cousin got his pulled the day before Thanksgiving.


Wow, that would be terrible! D:

IIRC i don't have to get mine taken out :newyears: Although i have to get braces...

I already had braces. x_x

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Yeah, although according to mother who does this thing daily it hurts more a few days after the treatment then initially. Painkillers are my BFFs

Thanks crash! :D

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I'm scared.... -__-

Aww, please don't be scared, hun! *hug*

I was awake the whole time during my procedure last week, so I heard and sort of felt it all! It's really not too bad, although the pain afterwards is probably my least favorite part of it.

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