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(FE4) Tag-Team Draft


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Honestly, I don't see what you can complain about in that team. On the other hand, I've been a casualty of my own scheming AND that of dear old Luka - may I remind you of the draft where I said "oh lu just draft me whatever you will" and I ended up in C4 with Sigurd, Holyn and Briggid? Oh, that draft. You'll be fine.

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This is just me thinking waaaay ahead, but is there a penalty for anyone other then Integ if they use Leaf to recruit Altenna in Ch. 9, and then having her neutralize Arion in the final chapter?

Nope. Because as long as you have Leaf not enter combat, Altenna will get recruited. Keep her out of combat, and you just got a green Arion. And curse you for exposing my plots.

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Prologue: 18 turns/18 turns

I feel like this could be better.

Chapter 1: 26 turns/44 turns

why am I doing so badly

At least I got Jamka and the Return and Warp Staves. Most people (AKA everyone except Sigured) got stuck around 4 or 5. Skipped the Hero Axe.

Chapter 2: 30 turns/74 turns

I get Lachesis the Elite Ring. That and some Return spam plus healing gets her to 20, but she doesn't get to promote till next chapter. Beowulf and Midir did good too, and Azel hit 12. Levin got me the Bargain Ring and Fury, and Aideen missed out on the last half of the chapter, but she got all the villages in the center. Sigurd got a shit load of rings and the two staves too.

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I'm sorry, but what does "26 turns/44 turns" mean? Is one an average and the other the actual turns you took?

Chapter turncount / Total turncount

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Darros, If you really don't like Tiltyu, I'd be happy to take her and Levin for Alec and Briggid!

Hahahahaha! I don't like Tiltyu, but it's for the benefit of the team.

And I do like Levin.

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Stop posting about unrelated tripe and get started, slave.

I can't until tomorrow (tonight if I'n REALLY lucky) because I'm still room-locked. DX

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And then my parents decided to go out.



Ardan is my hero. :')

Fin was cool and actually dodged stuff, Ethlin provided healing, Sigurd spent a turn getting the Speed Ring, but =all in all, it was good. No Midayle (the failure) penalties this time! 8]




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Honestly, I don't see what you can complain about in that team. On the other hand, I've been a casualty of my own scheming AND that of dear old Luka - may I remind you of the draft where I said "oh lu just draft me whatever you will" and I ended up in C4 with Sigurd, Holyn and Briggid? Oh, that draft. You'll be fine.

sorry :P:

anyways, team comments I suppose

Gen 1:

Fury- A good unit and has two good kids. And flies.

Sylvia- Dancer and dancerkid. Why's she always lastpicked, anyway?

Lex- elite for leen and corpul I guess. Also a fantastic unit in his own right.

Noish- charge and critical for Sety and Fee, and not too bad himself.

Cuan- He's a good unit to have around for P-3.

Jamka- Has a good offense, I suppose.

Gen 2:

Fee- feeeeeeeeee. She's a great unit who flies. There's really not much more to ask for.

Sety- Can't go wrong with Sety, really. Heals and kills.

Corple- ;/ If I bother with him, he's at least another healer. Which might be kinda good. But

Leen- Dancers are good, so I'm glad to have her. Once again, I question her lastpickedness.

Shanan- I will be needing this man's offense, I think. gogogo Balmung

Mana- A necessary healer. Great to have around.

Tristan- Adds some offense to my team, I guess. No Pursuit is kind of awkward, but I don't suppose anyone else needs the Pursuit Ring except...

Johalva- No horse hurts him, but he'll be an asset vs Thracia. He probably will lose out on Pursuit Ring to Tristan.

last and certainly least

Sharlow- won't exist

probably wouldn't get recruited anyway

Overall, a good team. I think I'll lose out to Integ because of Levin!Arthur, but I feel I can do solid otherwise.

Edited by Luka M
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Recruited Ayra because it's kind of easy to (funny because on my first ever FE4 PT this gave me so much trouble) and for later on Hero Sword. Killed Jamka, though the bastard kept frigging dodging. Diadora gained Strength and then promptly died right after she leveled up. She did manage to silence Sandima though.




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Why do you all keep thinking Sharlow costs turns. You have to seize his castle, and once you do he's an auto-recruit.

If Hannibal is dead, Sharlow/Corple doesn't get recruited. And people like to plow through Hannibal.

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Prologue: Crash's Other Half! 13 turns

Man, I really wanted Lex! No matter, I actually send both Alec and Sigurd downwards, Alec absorbing a good number of hits. After two good level ups, Sigurd captures Jungby on turn 6. Considering 5 is my best, I'm not too disappointed.

Alec becomes bait once again whilst Midale escapes from the exploding Jungby. Sigurd has to hold out for a turn on the church with 9hp, facing evil bow users. Alvis is nice enough to visit him, so he's got a sword for when he's healed.

Sigurd then gets horribly unlucky and only has 11HP to face whats-his-face. And is one strength short to avoid one of the counter attacks. Thankfully, Alec burns RNG's, as well as getting the speed ring, to save the day! Capture on turn 13!

Sigurd  12 24 43 18 00 14 15 10 12 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Alec	03 87 33 10 00 09 10 04 07 00 Iron Sword, Speed Ring



Chapter 1: Open wide! Say Ayra! 23 turns

Sigurd leaves the arena unfinished, Alec manages it though! Both plow through that other axe guy, reaching the castle together. A javelin from Alec means that Sigurd can capture before Ayra murders them. Turn 5!

Dew spent his time chipping against the captain, he needs the XP. The team then laugh at the next army, who struggle to get hit rates above 20%. Turn 12 capture!

Again, with very little regard for his team, Sigurd storms ahead. He is reduced to 3HP by Jamka. Sigurd proceeeds to cut him into pieces. Ayra and Dew hit the arena. Dierdre appears, silences then dies. Sigurd's manly enough for a turn 23 capture!

Sigurd  18 28 48 22 00 17 18 13 15 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword, Steel Lance, Skill Ring, Magic Ring
Dierdre 05 39 27 00 15 10 13 06 03 16 Aura, Silence
Alec	09 26 37 13 00 12 12 06 08 00 Slim Sword, Speed Ring, Iron Lance, Javelin
Ayra	08 67 34 14 00 18 19 03 07 01 Iron Blade, Iron Sword
Dew 	05 21 30 04 00 07 17 15 03 01 Iron Sword



Chapter 2: The Eternal Sprint - 32+3 turns!

Ayra recruits Holyn, everyone else fails to some extent, except for Sigurd who keeps some arena goodness for later. I save Nodion in style, Sigurd heads of to capture the next castle by himself. Herhein is captured on turn 10!

Sigurd really doesn't care if he needs any help, he storms ahead, only aided by Alec briefly, meanwhile, the others get ready for the next castle. Sigurd gets Voltz, him being the 50th kill on the Silver Sword, then Macbeth. A fantastic turn 17 capture!

The others hold out until Sigurd arrives, via Return Ring home, and actually do some damage to the Lance knights. Dierdre is sacrificed to silence Clement, resulting in a turn 27 capture.

I'm not smart so I have to use Ethlin to guard the castle, adding a 3 turn penalty. However, I rush Sigurd forward for a turn 32 capture!

EDIT: Forgot to mention I got both the Bargain and Knight Rings.

Sigurd  25 49 56 25 01 20 21 17 17 03 Silver Sword, Skill/Return/Barrier/Elite/Shield Rings, Light Sword
Dierdre 09 56 31 00 17 10 13 06 03 20 Aura, Silence, Live
Alec	14 29 40 15 00 13 13 06 09 01 Slim Sword, Speed Ring, Iron Lance, Javelin
Ayra	12 81 37 16 01 21 22 04 08 01 Iron Blade, Steel Sword, Steel Blade
Dew 	06 89 31 04 00 07 18 16 04 01 Iron Sword, Slim Sword
Holyn   15 72 43 16 01 20 18 01 11 02 Iron Blade, Steel Sword


Edited by Dokutayuu
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You think I'm gonna waste money on the Sleep staff to recruit Sharlow?

EDIT: Wait. WAIT. Alvis will Talk to Sigurd on his own?

Edited by Integrity
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Two Words

Sleep Staff

You'll still have Yuria at that point too.

Sharlow is ultimately not worth 40,000 gold (30,000 to buy the staff, and 10,000 if I ever want to repair it, which I do if I'm bothering buying it).

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Prologue (21 turns)

Oh god. I got horribly unlucky in this chapter. Sigurd kept getting hit and he risked death against all the hunters, so I had to have him stay back until he got his Silver Sword and got some church healing. Afterwards, no problems.

Lacking a healer can be a bitch. Anyway I hope to do significantly better. That wasn't a good start. :>_<:

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EDIT: Wait. WAIT. Alvis will Talk to Sigurd on his own?

..you didn't know that?

The problem is having Alvis reach Sigurd due to like 3 mov difference.

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I really hate lacking a healer until Deidre, so Chapter 1 will make annoyed.

On the plus side. I get to kill Ayra! Hah! No more mister nice guy Ayra. You've given me so much trouble recruiting you on non draft runs, I don't care what happens to you anymore.

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