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Dragon Quest X: The MMORPG


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Stayed up all night to get this tidbit of information, and I am definitely upset right now. Yes, I am a Dragon Warrior purist, yes, I nitpick the DS remakes to no extent, but changing the actual RPG system of Dragon Quest? That scares me more than when Hassan became an Australian Pirate with a pun related name to match his backstory in VI DS.

Anyway, what are your thoughts? I'm sure it's not going to be as bad as I am ranting about, but after the Chernobyl-rific FFXIV, why is SE still pumping out the MMOs? D;

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GOD. FUCKING. DAMMIT. Fuck SE and their shitty dragon quest game. It's like they are trying to make FFXIV all over again. I was actually looking forward to this game, and we get this shit? No one will want to play an MMO on the Wii. Maybe the Wii U though. But still! Fuck and all that other mad stuff.

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...I don't know what to say towards this. Although everything for DQ went downhill for me after DQ VIII (Which is my favorite one). I never tried IX, which is why I won't even say anything about it. But nonetheless, these video game companies themselves are going downhill nowadays.

Edited by Magnus Blade
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Just saw the gameplay when I woke up, I knew Dragon Quest IX was a bitch for this project :P I am glad they pulled out a lot of the real-time elements from the DS game though... it looks like they wanted to push it all into X.

A lot of fans are going to be whining because their decades-long tradition isn't appearing here quite as much as it has before. But this isn't all that different from a mix of VIII and IX. Think of it as Dragon Quest III and Phantasy Star Online. It's not going to be huge MMO game. Hell, it's not even gonna be hard to play the game entirely in single-player mode and enjoy it. They took the ambition of the early models of IX and sort of lopped them all into this. Check back on the early footage of IX to see what I mean if you don't remember or don't know.

I just wish I had a bother to own a Wii :/

Then again, I thought VIII was complete and utter shit. It's alrightly done, and paces at a good one, but the overall flow is pretty dead after you leave the first port. And everything takes so. fucking. long. I stopped playing a few years ago right after I got the ship, 'cause it was so bad. About a month ago I started playing it with my brother, he plays two characters and I play the other two, and it's not any better. We're almost done, but goddamn I've never sat still and done absolutely nothing enthralling in all my life. Half the gameplay time has been just sitting in battles watching animations... it reminded me of the FF online games.

Different teams working on it. What's worse is squeeeeenix knew how bad they fucked up FFXIV. But they released it anyways. It was a blind attempt and capitalizing on money and players from the first online one. I swear the entire thing had to be pushed by greedy investors. I'm gonna bet, considering the dev time of the game, DQX and FFXIV are on entirely different ends of the ship.

Edited by Celice
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It took Simon and Lewis 15 videos to try and give the game a chance. It's 17 videos too much.

XI wasn't much better, but it was only 70% crap. XIV takes taht 30% alright-ness and shits on it, and shits on it again, until there's nothing left.

Edited by Celice
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Okay, first someone's going to have to tell me how awful FF 14 was. Compared to, like, Vanguard. I don't play MMOs or SE games anymore, but I'm intrigued.

Vanguard's early alpha testing was better than FF14 just before launch.

Edited by Integrity
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  • 5 weeks later...

I have hope for those who might be looking forward to Dragon Quest X.


Although it's only rumored and nothing seems to be set in stone yet, it appears as if playing online is an option and you can beat the game purely offline if you wish to. That's right, I said beat the game, as in a final boss. DQ X looks like it will not be trying to be a true MMO and instead imitate the style similar to how DQ IX did but this time take it up another notch.

I wouldn't be surprised if they made a true MMO with DQXI if they ever make one though, just to be ironic or something.

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Then again, I thought VIII was complete and utter shit. It's alrightly done, and paces at a good one, but the overall flow is pretty dead after you leave the first port. And everything takes so. fucking. long. I stopped playing a few years ago right after I got the ship, 'cause it was so bad. About a month ago I started playing it with my brother, he plays two characters and I play the other two, and it's not any better. We're almost done, but goddamn I've never sat still and done absolutely nothing enthralling in all my life. Half the gameplay time has been just sitting in battles watching animations... it reminded me of the FF online games.

Really? I played the old DQ games to death when I was a kid, and I think VIII is the best of the series even without the nostalgia factor. The battles can be a bit slow, but I felt the characters and story were much better than any other installment save possibly VII (story-wise), which actually is dreadfully long. I want to replay VII, but I just don't have the 100+ hours to do it anymore. I also preferred the weapon system to the class system of previous games.

Yangus is possibly the greatest DQ character ever :P:.

Anyway, I really don't like the sounds of X, and it was my only reason for possibly getting another Wii. Xenoblade has also been tempting though, Vincent keeps raving about it and I want a great RPG :(.

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@Maji and everyone else agreeing with the topic title

Why do you thnk Dragon Quest became a MMORPG? Just because it's going to get an online system? You -choose- if you want to do it, and it's not like you need it to complete the game/quests/enjoy it to it's fullest.

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Well, there was some confusion at first that the entire game was online only. A translation of some info showed that only the first tutorial mission was able to be played offline, and after that, everything was online-only.

The problem was the lack of context and clarity--it wasn't possible to know if that meant all missions were online-only after the tutorial mission, or if the online play only started after you finished the tutorial mission. That sent most people into a worry--and the everyone else panicked because they don't know how to read the original source and have only sensationalist newsites and fanboys to go by.

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