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gettin' down on friday


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Well fuck you!

what part of eating cheerios and listening to burzum and taking naps suggests that I am a homosexual?

To be completely honest with you the penis disgusts me so much to the point where I cannot watch Pain Olympics comfortably.

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Oh god tonight I witnessed a car crash for the very first time in my life. We were parked at the time and (I think) one person ignores a stop sign and the other is coming down the intersecting road at what looked a little quickly. Luckily nobody got hurt though since the person who was driving fast hit towards the back of the car and nobody was in the back seats. What made it scarier though was how it made the other car spin around and skid in our direction. I was shaken for quite a bit.

And what's with the pokemon advertisement?

Annnnd I found out it's not friday anymore for me =o So last night then.

Edited by Agnaktor
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Yesterday was one of the best days of my life.

Which means today is fucking awful. I've never had a hangover before

I have once, I didn't think it was too bad. To be fair, I've never really understood the glories of drunkenness compared with say, being stoned.

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Yesterday was one of the best days of my life.

Which means today is fucking awful. I've never had a hangover before

How is getting drunk one of the best things in life, if you don't remember anything the next day, and have a massive headache as well?

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Spoken like a man who has never forgotten one of the greatest nights of his life.

I have never gotten drunk really. The most alcohol i have taken is a little bit of champaign for new years. It taste bad and hurts my throat.

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I have never gotten drunk really. The most alcohol i have taken is a little bit of champaign for new years. It taste bad and hurts my throat.

A man who doesn't like champagne...

*shaking his head sadly*

I love you anyway, but do the words mean as much to you as they do to me?

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Then you can't really tell for sure if being drunk is great. Also maybe it is bad to you. Experience and opinion is individual.

Yeah alcohol isn't for me. I don't like the idea of losing control, and the not remembering about it.

A man who doesn't like champagne...

*shaking his head sadly*

I love you anyway, but do the words mean as much to you as they do to me?

It depends on the champagne... I mean i cna't remember very well but the champagne on the last new years wasn't that bad, it was okay and at least it didn't make me send it back into the cup.

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