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Lyn hard mode promotion??


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I have a lvl 13 Sain with these stats and am on the last chapter of lyn hard mode.



skill--6 :facepalm:





B lances, C swords.

Edited by Silver Harpoon
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If you're asking for advice, it's up to you. Both promoting Sain early and not doing so are completely viable options, and can each yield spectacular results depending on your playstyle.

Edited by Othin
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As the "early LM promo sain" person, I say do it. Using the LM Crest on him makes him incredibly good, and 7 more levels won't really change anything compared to the effect of promotion bonuses. In addition to that, it gives more time to build up Axe rank, which is nice. Also, having an additional Knight Crest in the main game means you have the luxury of promoting Oswin or Lowen early and still having the later KC for Kent.

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TBH, I don't see why not. I don't think that waiting to promote him so much later in the game will help your endgame team much. And considering how many extra chapters of an extra paladin you'd get if you promoted him early, seems like a no-brainer to me.

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Considering how speed blessed your Sain is, and that he isn't too far away from his strength cap, I'd say do it. Sure, he COULD benefit from those 7 level ups, but promoting him now will essentially give him the same stats as if you raised him 7 levels. That and it allows you to promote Oswin/Kent/Lowen with the C17 crest without any major penalties to Sain's performance(and you really aren't swimming in Nite Crests.)

As an example, my Sain was at like 8/0 so he couldn't use the crest. By the time he was at the required promo level, I had Oswin promoted. As a result, Sain had to wait until Chapter 24(he's useless in the desert map and the only melee units I'm bringing to Genesis are guys who can buffer magic damage better than Sain.) Had I gotten Sain to around ~15/0, I would've been able to crest him in Chapter 10, allowing me to promote Oswin with no penalty whatsoever(as Lowen and Kent were benched a long time ago.)

Edited by darkandroid125
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Sorry for replying, been busy.

promoted Sain early, and he ran around the entire playthrough ohkoing everything with 11 skill and axes.......

I can't see why other sites say he's bad

Cuz they crazy!

I have no idea if Sain's 20/20 stats are comparable to other unit's, but a lot of people only use those measurements to determine who's good. For whatever reason. So I guess that could be how they're measuring?

Edited by Aethereal
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I usually use Sain (or Kent) and not promote him until hes level 20. Hes usually pretty good that way. I did promote him early a couple of times and he wasnt that great. Mostly because his speed and defense didnt measure up. I really cant recall his 20/20 stats either...

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Very late, but better late than never. Using that knight crest also gives you a lower fund ranking on lyn's mode which in turn means a lower gem when you get Lyn again in Eliwood/Hector modes. Worth considering for ranked runs.

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