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List the ways you are different from how society wants.


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But I'm a dirty, Chinese foreigner to them! =[

That is sad. Ethnic differences can be hard to overcome. Perhaps you should try! A great deal of Japan is beautiful places, to that I can attest without feeling that I am leaving something out. Indeed, in the mindset where geography matters more than human contact, one misses that country and the shrines 'round Kyoto with what I can only refer to as passion.

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I'm a weeaboo.

But "weeaboo" has a negative connotation to it....

As for me...

  • As many of you know, I am proficient with computers and still learning. And I'm African.
  • I have a fetish for giant beach balls (please don't ask >_>)
  • I'm an atheist living in the Bible Belt
  • I detest pizza and vegetables.

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But "weeaboo" has a negative connotation to it....

As for me...

  • As many of you know, I am proficient with computers and still learning. And I'm African.
  • I have a fetish for giant beach balls (please don't ask >_>)
  • I'm an atheist living in the Bible Belt
  • I detest pizza and vegetables.


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He asked politely for you not to ask! IS FORCEFUL INTERROGATION THE WAY OF A TRUE KNIGHT!? Don't you think I too was curious as to his beachball fetish? But I held my mouth firmly shut and said not a thing. Perhaps you had better reform your code of chivalry to act in a just and honorable fashion towards beach ball lovers, since you forget so often to treat them with the respect they deserve.

Edited by Blue Mars
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Think about it. How stupid is the average person?

Now keep in mind half the people in the world are stupider than that.

I'm thinking about it. Considering the nearly 7 billion people we have on earth, I have no fucking clue how intelligent the average person is.

Moreover. Intelligence is not static, therefore we have no way of knowing for sure if intelligence will spike as time goes on. Moreover, intelligence is relative, so we have no way of measuring it that actually makes any sense, so to even assert that people are stupid or intelligent is stupid. A person on SF who acts idiotic could live a competent life in the real world.

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But, I'm 6'6" tall, and size 17 feet....I'm also suave, by the words of many.

There goes my mental picture of erk...

I have a fetish for giant beach balls (please don't ask >_>)

WHAT THE... on second thought, just leave it alone.

I have developed such apathy for what people think about me(Which is why people like me, cause i genuinely don't give a fuck) that when I talk to a person whose opinion matters to me(Girl I like etc.) I'm a total mess.

That's really the only situation I can think of which I'm socially awkward, unless it's just a goddamn awkward moment, like a couple years ago when my dad saw porn on the search history.

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How is playing Pokemon 'socially awkward'. Really.

1. I got food instead of an application on a hiring day at McDonald's

2. I watch cartoons and anime(aren't they the same)

3. I wear one jacket everyday between fall and late spring and I never wash it

4. I buy video games instead of clothes

5. Video games > some party

6. Video games > some sports game

7. Soda > some alcoholic beverage someone will try to force on me on my birthday

8. I use proper grammar

9. I correct people on their poor grammar

10. I have an afro

11. I bring my DS with me everywhere

Oh wait, people love me for it.

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5. Video games > some party

6. Video games > some sports game

7. Soda > some alcoholic beverage someone will try to force on me on my birthday

8. I use proper grammar

9. I correct people on their poor grammar

You seem a lot like me.

10. I have an afro

11. I bring my DS with me everywhere


... are you a clone of me?

Edited by shadowofkitty
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How is playing Pokemon 'socially awkward'. Really.

3. I wear one jacket everyday between fall and late spring and I never wash it

9. I correct people on their poor grammar

Oh wait, people love me for it.

These are the only two of yours that I find strange.

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You seem a lot like me.


... are you a clone of me?


These are the only two of yours that I find strange.

Coming from the guy who wears four jackets all year round and is a walking dictionary.

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I suffer from crippling indecisiveness, a tendency to mutter and a second tendency to be muttering to myself. I also bite my nails, which isn't so much socially unacceptable as personally inconvenient.

I do fairly well for myself considering.

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1. I'm a pirate in the internet.

2. I'm asian and proficient with computers. Generic and nerdy...

3. I have a quiet, soft, somewhat high voice. No one can hear me half the time.

4. I'm a bit maso. (Which is creepy by itself)

5. I play pokemon.

6. I can't hum on tune. I sound retarded.

7. The average person can't comprehend my IRL vocabulary range. People dont understand what I say sometimes.

8. I walk superfast. No one can keep up with me to socialize with me when I am headed somewhere.

9. Long Hair <3 (I like long hair both on me and women. Sometimes makes it look like I'm a lesbo girl)

10. I wear the same 4 jackets all year. Normal people have multiple types of outfits.

1. How the hell did you get /in/ the internet?

2. I thought you were wh--/shot

3. I have a deep, soft, and almost inaudible voice. Mostly because of the fact I'm afraid of how people will respond to me.

4. If you find it creepy, how are you... never mind

5. So do a lot of people.

6. I'm tone deaf. You lose. 8D

7. I used to use words like "perspicacity" and "emendations" in everyday speech. Then I got better.

8. I walk so fast that when people tell me to walk slowly, I walk backwards.

9. Psh, all hair is great as long as it's done right.

10. I wear the same /one/ jacket all year. :>

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I have a slight tendency to sneak up on people when they least expect it. I also do not have a facebook account and never use my mobile phone. I am also completely oblivious to anything deemed "important" by anyone else.

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How is playing Pokemon 'socially awkward'. Really.

1. I got food instead of an application on a hiring day at McDonald's

2. I watch cartoons and anime(aren't they the same)

3. I wear one jacket everyday between fall and late spring and I never wash it

4. I buy video games instead of clothes

5. Video games > some party

6. Video games > some sports game

7. Soda > some alcoholic beverage someone will try to force on me on my birthday

8. I use proper grammar

9. I correct people on their poor grammar

10. I have an afro

11. I bring my DS with me everywhere

Oh wait, people love me for it.

Regardless of whether these things are socially awkward, why wouldn't people love socially awkward people?

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