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Bizarro Mafia- Game Over



14 members have voted

  1. 1. do i win guys (read: did you enjoy this game)

    • Yes
    • No
    • No for reasons that couldn't be controlled by host
    • It was fun but it could've been balanced better
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Say something.

I don't wanna!

Proto, I'm going to ask you, because assuming stuff sucks. Was the request for a safeguard on N0 a joke or not? Because some people think it is and others don't.

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I don't wanna!

Proto, I'm going to ask you, because assuming stuff sucks. Was the request for a safeguard on N0 a joke or not? Because some people think it is and others don't.

Okay, then, I'm going to say yes, it was a joke, because if I were to say no right now, I don't think it's going to make things any easier for me.

So if I'm going to say yes regardless, what was the point of asking?

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I;ll catch up dring night phase, right now, 9 pages of discussion is disheartening and i have been procrastinating my studies because of the resistance topic. I'll be back before the morrow (not really).

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It's way too quiet in here.

Let's try something different...

1. If you voted for someone, why did you vote for them?

1.1 If you voted NL/didn't vote, who would you vote for if you had to?

2. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

3. Who do you think is more likely town?

4. Can you identify anyone who is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Answer these questions that I most certainly didn't copy from anywhere else or something...

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Of course you didn't copy them, just like you didn't--*is shot repeatedly*


1. If you voted for someone, why did you vote for them?

I didn't much care for Proto's actions earlier. This should sum it up nicely. I was really unhappy about other stuff, too, so that probably leaked over to this mafia. My apologies.

1.1 If you voted NL/didn't vote, who would you vote for if you had to?

Right now? I don't have a vote on anyone, but I'll explain who I'm pseudo-voting for at the end of this survey.

2. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Everyone that isn't me or RD (not sure if thinking Proto might be SK counts as "being mafia"). If you can't tell yet, I really suck at NOC.

3. Who do you think is more likely town?

See the answer above, but reverse it. In other words, talk, dammit.

4. Can you identify anyone who is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

That Shakespearian thingy. . .sheesh. I know I'm guilty of my own share of spamming, but I did the worst of it on N0, where we're not trying to decide a lynch target.

-->Not a vote (yet): Wen Yang

You were on for quite a bit in chat (at least an hour), and that discussion about drafts was really amusing. . .but can you say something in here? This is the phase when everyone needs to talk! I think I can make it back before the phase ends, but just in case, I'd rather not inadvertently start a bandwagon.

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1. If you voted for someone, why did you vote for them?

Wen Yang. He's often in ip.chat and posts periodically to show he's still here, but isn't really talking.

1.1 If you voted NL/didn't vote, who would you vote for if you had to?


2. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Not sure.

3. Who do you think is more likely town?


4. Can you identify anyone who is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Hm... Slayer, Wen, Snike?

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1. If you voted for someone, why did you vote for them?

I have not voted.

1.1 If you voted NL/didn't vote, who would you vote for if you had to?


2. Who do you think is more likely mafia?

Snike trusted Proto's vig claim extraordinarily quickly, which is about the only thing I can use as a scum tell. Also, SEG is quite quiet.

3. Who do you think is more likely town?

Probably Bizz and maybe PB.

4. Can you identify anyone who is actively lurking (posting, but not actually contributing)?

Snike was for the majority of this phase. Eclipse has gone into spam mode and really has done a lot. Although I guess I shouldn't talk when all I've done is say why meta-gaming is good.

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It doesn't matter if Proto is a vig or a SK. Either way, he's basically got two choices now: follow orders or get lynched. If he's the vig, great, by not lynching him, we avoid losing a townie. If he's a SK, doesn't matter, because we can always lynch him later if we don't like who he's shooting. For now, he's useful.

Proto, I assume based on the phrasing of your argument that you are able to idle? If so, are you willing to idle unless told to do otherwise? If this is the case, I see no reason not to keep him around, at least for today.


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It doesn't matter if Proto is a vig or a SK. Either way, he's basically got two choices now: follow orders or get lynched. If he's the vig, great, by not lynching him, we avoid losing a townie. If he's a SK, doesn't matter, because we can always lynch him later if we don't like who he's shooting. For now, he's useful.

Yeah that worked out so well in falloutDT.

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It doesn't matter if Proto is a vig or a SK. Either way, he's basically got two choices now: follow orders or get lynched. If he's the vig, great, by not lynching him, we avoid losing a townie. If he's a SK, doesn't matter, because we can always lynch him later if we don't like who he's shooting. For now, he's useful.

I made that same argument back in pokemon legendaries and it was cut down because apparently the town can't control people like this.

I don't like it, but when we get to the latter day stages we can always just assume him into the numbers of mafia (so basically, treat him as SK/scum).

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The reason why the vig was lynched in Pokemon Legendaries was because. . .

1. It's Life, who has told me time and again that he prefers them dead.

2. Pokemon Legendaries was OC, meaning that the odds of the SK betraying are significantly higher, because the town isn't privy to all communications.

IIRC, Ether was caught in FE8 on an inspect, which is why he had to cooperate.

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i'm always quiet. i barely get on here, when i do i talk tho.

who the fuck is eclipse btw, all you furries and your cat names confuse the shit out of me

anyway, the guy with the baker FE dude as avatar strikes as particularly active lurking. he seems unable to voice strong opinions whatsoever, i don't like him much atm.

in regards to proto, it seems like on epicmafia infinite shot vigs are the shit, so maybe he's telling the truth, especially once you realize nobody cc'd vigil

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Phase End.

Nobody could come to a conclusion on who to lynch, and it was agreed upon to not act today. The sun set, and Night One has begun.

Day Two begins Friday, September 23rd 3 PM EST.

Edited by Luka M
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I shall get caugth up by today...

No homework! :newyears::newyears:

Efficiency in lunch. Also, that bio test was brutal... glad i studied though, would have been so much worst... :unsure:

Anywho i will read all these pages sometime today then come here with some sort of really short ummary about it...

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