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Bizarro Mafia- Game Over



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  1. 1. do i win guys (read: did you enjoy this game)

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Well that's interesting. I just got a message saying that I need to be scanned this night or something. Unfortunately, my mind-reading powers are failing me and I can't fathom what this means. Hopefully it will be resolved by the end of tonight.

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Hey, I have a power outlet!

"Baiting" is to craft your responses such that the other person reacts really badly to it, then point to it and go, "SEE, THAT'S SCUMMY, THAT PERSON'S MAFIA!", and getting people to vote based off of that.

Kevin's role should have him quote either the rules or the phase end time. :facepalm:

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Regardless, I'm of the opinion that this might be the do-or-die phase, so let's lynch smartly. I've kinda gone off a Bizz lynch, and Darros' and Core's claims seem legit, so I'm thinking Blitz/Eclipse/Balcerzak for the three anti-town roles.


Only eclipse has really contributed a lot, although Bal has started to contribute, but that might be more of an attempt to seem town. Blitz is probably the safest lynch.

##Vote: Blitz

What did I ever do to make you vote for me(even though it is a night phase)

If you want me to role claim you are out of luck cause that is the last thing I am gonna do because if I role claimed, there wouldn't be a point for this role anymore,

but I can guarantee I am a town aligned role.

This being said, do whatever you want

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What did I ever do to make you vote for me(even though it is a night phase)

I was ninja'd. Hnece the post below it saying "I was ninja'd" >_>

Regardless, you've done a fat lot of nothing this whole game.

Kevin's role should have him quote either the rules or the phase end time

I don't get it. I knew it was phase end, but I thought I could get a vote in beforehand, but got ninja'd.

If you want me to role claim you are out of luck cause that is the last thing I am gonna do because if I role claimed, there wouldn't be a point for this role anymore,

but I can guarantee I am a town aligned role.

This being said, do whatever you want

Imagine if every mafia member did this and town believed them.

Also, I want FoSes and thoughts from everyone this phase. No just sitting around doing nothing please.

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I don't get it. I knew it was phase end, but I thought I could get a vote in beforehand, but got ninja'd.

Sense. This makes very little. If the dude in charge says it's phase end, it means it's phase end. Why would he go back and count your vote? Unlike some of the other NOC mafias, we can talk at night, so trying to ninja a vote seems kinda pointless.

I think you know what that reference to rules was~! :P:

Also, I want FoSes and thoughts from everyone this phase. No just sitting around doing nothing please.


You are not my mom.


According to Kaoz's info, the current state of the mafia is 2-6-1, which seems like pretty good odds. If Core was telling the truth (why he'd lie about this is beyond me), then we have a super BPV in Kaoz, who I think is town. Two more people will be dead come morning, so best-case scenario is 1-6-0, and worst is 2-4-1. If Proto decides to shoot, it means anything from "the town wins" to "we're down to three townies, two mafia, and a wolf".

A minor FoS on Blitz for that "why me" after your "vote", and a WTF (not a FoS, just a simple WTF) on you for thinking that ninjaing the host during phase end was okay. As someone who's hosted. . .that's not cool.

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Sense. This makes very little. If the dude in charge says it's phase end, it means it's phase end. Why would he go back and count your vote? Unlike some of the other NOC mafias, we can talk at night, so trying to ninja a vote seems kinda pointless.
Oh ninja'd.

I hope you know what ninja'ing means, it means that someone posted while you were posting. That means he posted before I did.

You are not my mom.

Do it anyway, good for the town.

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At this point... I'm kinda suspecting Proto to be the SK tbh... it still doesn't make any sense to me that he apparenlty idled... furthermore I'm somewhat suspicious because he apparently has two extra abilities, even though Vig itself is already a powerful role...

Also ffs Kay, would you be so kind to explain to us why you thought Wen was town?

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Also, I want FoSes and thoughts from everyone this phase. No just sitting around doing nothing please.

which is exactly what I've been trying to do/say

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I hope you know what ninja'ing means, it means that someone posted while you were posting. That means he posted before I did.

A roughly half-hour ninja? And you knew the phase was gonna end?!

Here's a tip for the future: Hit Preview/Use Full Editor before posting.

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If I had to put a FoS on someone right now, it'd be Eclipse and Bizz~. Their fight seemed kind of odd to me.

Kind of an FoS on you, Kevin as well.

Demanding FoS' from everyone else seems kind of scummy and looks like it's trying to take attention off of you.

But my scumhunting skills kinda suck.

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If I had to put a FoS on someone right now, it'd be Eclipse and Bizz~. Their fight seemed kind of odd to me.

Demanding FoS' from everyone else seems kind of scummy and looks like it's trying to take attention off of you.

That's... hardly something to be suspicious over, considering I wouldn't call it a 'fight'. Plus, I always get into at least one 'argument' when I play a game, but you wouldn't know that because you can't meta me and therefore that makes me suspicious by default.

Demanding FoS' from everyone else seems kind of scummy and looks like it's trying to take attention off of you.

This is also hardly something to be suspicious over, Darros. <____<

You seem to dwell on this adamant mindset that aggressiveness = mafia, which is... not true. It's true sometimes, but not all the time. You have to take action in NOC.

Anyhow, um, I'd think I'd agree with Kevin, actually; I'm not so sure about Blitz, but Bal and Eclipse definitely don't look like town to me

everyone else keeps claiming random things about their roles that I've probably missed. They just seem to be the only two keeping things under lids right now.

(although I miss a lot of things, so)

I mean, I'm frivolous about my role information when I'm town, and it seems a lot of you are, too! In fact, I'll let you in on a little know: my role effect wears off after tonight, and afterwards I'm completely useless. (:

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/shrug yourself. I'm surprised you gave up on your convictions about night-talking yourself, to be honest, Bizz.

It feels wrong doing it, but I think this is the last game period that I'm playing on SF, anyway. ):

And not talking at night isn't going to make them change the rule. Too many people insist on the rule staying, so you or I or SEG going against it just isn't going to be enough to persuade these people isn't doing it. So they can be stubborn, and I'll only be hosting from now on.

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oh wait and the shrug wasn't meant to be an insult to you bal ):

it was an apology/'sorry that I gave up and joined the dark side' shrug

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I guess in that case there's no point being the sole holdout is there.

Oddly enough, like Darros, I have suspicions on Bizz and eclipse, but I don't necessarily think they're teamed. I also get strange feelings from Blitz, especially when considering his latest outburst.

Also Kaoz, you really don't need to lean so hard on Kay.

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oh wait and the shrug wasn't meant to be an insult to you bal ):

it was an apology/'sorry that I gave up and joined the dark side' shrug

Completely misread it. Oops.

Well, when I host and when you host, I guess we can have nights the way we like then, eh?

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Completely misread it. Oops.

Well, when I host and when you host, I guess we can have nights the way we like then, eh?


ily bal <3

I'm so sorry that I offended youu, I didn't mean toooo

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Sorry for not posting earlier, and sorry, no, I don't feel like explaining how I cleared Wen right now. I will say, though, that I can't be relied upon to clear anyone else.

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