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Bizarro Mafia- Game Over



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I like how 3420398432 people were suspicious of me but nobody ever acted on it

This is why you lynch, people.

By the way, I killed eclipse and SEG.

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According to Rein, you changed your mind and shot Kaoz instead of eclipse.

Also I kind of got subbed out because Psych is a moron.

Edit: I actually just remembered this conversation and had to go find it

01[18:23] <Paperblade> I think actions targeting Bizz fail

[18:23] <clipseykitty> Hmmm. . .you're probably right.

01[18:23] <Paperblade> "Hey, Proto!

01[18:23] <Paperblade> Did you try to target me? /; "

[18:23] <clipseykitty> Why would Proto target her, anyway?

01[18:23] <Paperblade> idk

01[18:23] <Paperblade> I think she was responding to the

01[18:23] <Paperblade> "omg who hooked me"

[18:24] <clipseykitty> I see. I find it weird that Rein even mentioned that.

01[18:24] <Paperblade> mentioned what

[18:24] <clipseykitty> Proto slept in.

01[18:24] <Paperblade> ah

01[18:24] <Paperblade> yeah idk

01[18:24] <Paperblade> I think people are overthinking it

[18:25] <clipseykitty> I hope that's it, because I do not like bastard mods.

01[18:25] <Paperblade> I targeted Bizz N0 and got no "Paperblade slept in" result

[18:25] <clipseykitty> That would've been most amusing.

[18:27] <clipseykitty> Imagine if all roles that targeted Bizz had that result.

01[18:27] <Paperblade> lewl

[18:28] <clipseykitty> So how is she supposed to be killed, then?

01[18:28] <Paperblade> lynched

Edited by Paperblade
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According to Rein, you changed your mind and shot Kaoz instead of eclipse.

Also I kind of got subbed out because Psych is a moron.

oh right I forgot

... who killed eclipse?

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also actually I changed my mind because I knew eclipse was mafia at this point and I thought getting rid of all of the mafia would have been detrimental to me, because I was going to be the only threat left to the town

but mafia might have killed me, so I should be thankful

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I like how 3420398432 people were suspicious of me but nobody ever acted on it

This is why you lynch, people.

By the way, I killed eclipse and SEG.

We all knew you were SK, but we needed more night kills so we didn't actually want you lynched yet.

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I shot eclipse, but I originally planned to shoot bal until I changed my mind at the last second.

Also Kaoz, i'm so sorry, I lied about using my doctor protection. I saved it for that night to protect blitz, because I thought for sure that the SK would shoot him because he was the doc. Luckily for Bizz though, Blitz went conveniently inactive at that time.

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I guess I underestimated the probability of the SK shooting me that night. Though I'm still curious whether I would have been notified when a vest broke... Rein?

Also Kaoz, i'm so sorry, I lied about using my doctor protection. I saved it for that night to protect blitz, because I thought for sure that the SK would shoot him because he was the doc. Luckily for Bizz though, Blitz went conveniently inactive at that time.

Well, you had no way of knowing it'd screw us over like that, so w/e.

Though you could have totally ninja'd the update just in case you die :p

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I guess I underestimated the probability of the SK shooting me that night. Though I'm still curious whether I would have been notified when a vest

you would have

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According to Rein, you changed your mind and shot Kaoz instead of eclipse.

Also I kind of got subbed out because Psych is a moron.

What did he tell you?

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We all knew you were SK, but we needed more night kills so we didn't actually want you lynched yet.


which is the reason why I changed my mind at the last second for killing eclipse

because I needed more night kills too

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[spoiler=misc notes]

There is absolutely nothing bizarre about Bizarro Mafia.

Bizarro Mafia is not complicated. It's really supposed to be a revisit to the very foundation of our little game. The very core is two roles going head to head, counterclaiming: Agent J and Robocop. Ideally they would 'compete' to lead the town in the direction they chose. Obviously, this didn't happen because Psych died N1, but that was the ideal setup.

Ironically enough, the first two people who signed up got these roles.

Role comments-

Mafia and 3rd parties:

Bizarro was originally a 1 mafia game with 18 people and a mafia of 5 (with Fatima as a witch, Mr. T the interceptor, Snake as a Rolefinder, and a roleblocker I've since forgotten), with Luka as a Killer simply immune to non-fatal night actions. Life objected to town vs mafia, so I made it 20 people 2 mafia of 3. Luka became roleblocker for the second mafia, or the Retribution, that consisted of herself, Snake (as he is), and Fatima (as a witch). The Sin Covenant was Miku (as she is), Mr. T the interceptor, and Robocop as rolefinder (Agent J was town). Macbeth featured as the serial killer. Then I decided I didn't really care about Life's opinion, and made the mafia into what it was as a game. Luka was originally a bit better- the nonfatal actions part from earlier still existed, plus the fatal action resistance and her D1 lynch immunity.

There was never a cult, nor was I at any point in time considering there being one.


Pretty constant, actually. Mostly it lost a lot of roles that were ridiculous- v 1.0 featured Haruhi, who functioned as a ridiculously good delayed inventor who picked 3 people. Powers included a nightskip, a vig on # 3, investigator on # 2, double safeguard (1 and 2), doctor on #1, double alliance checker (1 and 3), and double roleblock (2 and 3). Notably, the first 2 priorities of each night were hers: The second one she chose her 'wish', and the first one, the wish from the previous night came true. So she was an untrackable unwatchable unhookable hitman vig doc safeguard investigator cop roleblock nightskipper who didn't know what she was doing. But balance is why we can't have things like this. Oh well. On the less absurd side was Goombella, a townie who could ask questions about the game (this aspect was merged into Freddie, as Ether pointed out Announcer by itself was weak in NOC). Freddie Mercury was added in the second version.


Psych did more damage than dying N1- he talked too much to Paperblade after death, and heavily implied the identity of the SK (Levity). Paperblade had to be subbed out due to this- otherwise, I would have been forced to modkill 3 town players along with Paperblade. Had this happened, their wincons would not have been changed. Psych was, after this event, posthumously and secretly modkilled (the role PM was changed sometime in October).

Town was kind of overpowered. Everything was either killing, investigative, protective, was Lightning and did all of the above, or was the announcer. 4 total kills is silly in a game so small, which ended up in a different person killing mafia each time. A grand total of ZERO anti-town were lynched. ;/

Role distribution and the cards...


... Everyone still thinks cards are priorities




N3 info for Kaoz


"The cards don't mean anything."


"You discovered that the cards mean absolutely nothing and are just there because I wanted a fucking card on everything.


I thought maybe you shuffled those cards together and that's how you determined roles

[8:43pm] Paperblade

but didn't actually mean anything for gameplay


I was going to do that just for fun

[8:43pm] LukaMegurine

but ended up not doing it




I win

[8:43pm] LukaMegurine

because it's easiest to just screenshot the list of people, and point to the number in front of every role


because Psych


somehow is under the impression


that I handpicked some roles








that was not RNG


it was


the rest maybe


but that one


I will never believe


she randomly got SK


when you're the host


and it's her favorite role


I almost redid it because


People would be skeptical


That I actually rngd it


but I'm not


going to redo shit just because people are going to bitch and complain about everything and bias that did not, in fact, exist


I don't think it's bias to give people roles they fucking want



[8:46pm] Paperblade

Bizz's role isn't even that good as far as wolves go


it'd be bias to handpick one role, and not the rest


I don't think so


well, I do


and people are going to complain about it anyway


but that's their deal

[spoiler=Player reviews, as by request]First off, I'd like to say I don' think anybody outright performed badly. Some people made some questionable moves, but there was at least fairly solid logic behind their thoughts. So, with that in mind, reviews!

0. No Lynch (Hidden Independent Survivor- lynched D1 and D5): The exception to above. No lynch is the worst mafia player ever.

1. Paperblade (Agent J, SIN COVENANT Rolefinder- subbed N2): Anti-town MVP. Paperblade's hobbies include investigating powerful roles, narrowing down the SK to two people, and taking advantage of softclaims unlike virtually everybody else. Had he not been force-subbed, I feel he probably would have went on to win the game for his team. Fakeclaim was alliance checker, and was going to say Psych probably only got roles.

2. Psych (Robocop, FORSAKEN Rolefinder- killed by Levity N1): Technically, Psych did pretty good. He investigated eclipse N0, which is a solid move, and would've found mafia had she not been Miku specifically. N1 he investigated Slayer, another mafia, but died on Levity's whims. That's a pretty bad string of luck. He was much less impressive post-mortem, and managed to get himself modkilled for ruining the game for Paperblade. gg.

3. Radiant Dragon (Freddie Mercury, FORSAKEN Announcer- subbed D1): Asked if Forsaken is town, made an announcement, claimed most of his role PM, and had to be subbed out. I would've liked to see what he did with it, personally. Oh well.

4. Strawman the Strawman Shaman (Silver, FORSAKEN Watcher- killed by eclipse N1): Asked whether he was mafia or if it was a faction game, softclaimed an info role D1, and was noticed by Paperblade, who suggested him as kill. :(

5. eclipse (Hatsune Miku, SIN COVENANT Overseer- killed by Kevin N3): eclipse sort of got told what to do by Paperblade, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing since Paperblade's really good. She was going to fakeclaim an odd form of Miller by investigations failing on her, but later changed it to Bulletproof. Her role was supposed to be similar to godfather, but ultimately was kind of worse. Increased her Snike deathtally by 1.

6. Sho.M.the.Panty (Fatima, SIN COVENANT Roleblocker- subbed D1): Was pretty pleased he got mafia, then had to be subbed out, This marks the first of the previously mentioned "questionable decisions": idling N0. The point he was using to support it was to not alert town to their being a hooker immediately.

7. Kiku-Ichimonji (Crono, FORSAKEN Vigilante- lynched D4): Idled N2, the night he implied he wanted to shoot (would've been roleblcoked anyway), then shot N3. Proto also made a questionable play in hiding his shot limit, and a different one in including a random extra snip. Still, technically didn't play bad at all.

8. Kirsche (Lightning, FORSAKEN Jack-of-all-trades- killed by Levity N4): N1 Libro Snike, N2 Libro Kay, N3 Thunder eclipse, N4 Libro Blitz. Kind of pulled Bal out of his ass N3 (Blitz is the safest lynch), then changed it to eclipse (read: still different from in thread top suspicion). He made a risky move trying to get SK to hit Blitz while hiding a Libro, which ended up not working out for him and confusing Kaoz, though it technically was a pretty good play.

9. Kopfjager (Sir Lancelot, FORSAKEN Guardian- lynched D2): Host mistake number 1- forgot 'dear' in role PM. The combination of a CC, inactivity, and that didn't work out too well for him and he got lynched. IIRC, at least he always sent in action.

10. Blitz (Guile, FORSAKEN Defender- subbed D6): Was pretty inactive and generally stuck with safe moves like saving Proto, which again isn't technically a misplay but he could've played a bit more riskily. Was missing for like a week when it mattered the most.

11. Levity (Luka Megurine, SOLO Wolf- survived): Won, so obviously did well. :D Made some kind of silly kills, but it all worked out for her in the end. Couldn't think of a name for fakeclaim, so I did that.

12. Core (Miyamoto Musashi, FORSAKEN Blademaster- lynched D3): Like a two night version of EM blacksmith. Really easy to fuck with, though. He picked RD, which worked out pretty well for him, then got lynched.

13. Snike (Snoopy, FORSAKEN Tracker- killed by eclipse N2): Claimed tracker D2 without full role PM. Nobody seemed to care and thus he was wrecked by Paperblade- though they couldn't have done anything about it if they did care, was he was pierce shot.

14. Darros (Balthier, FORSAKEN Radical- killed by Levity N5): Was inactive. Fun fact: His idle was assumed unless he said otherwise. Shot Slayer for whatever reason (though that turned out to be pretty good for him since not only did Proto idle, he was also roleblocked).

15. Kay (Neku Sakuraba, FORSAKEN Psychic- killed by eclipse N3): Tried to get Proto both nights she acted, what a surprise. Here lies host mistake number 2- Forgot to link Proto to the quicktopic for D2. This kind of solved itself by Kay forgetting her N2 action and me giving it to him D3 instead. According to Paperblade, would've got hooked a lot had Slayer lived longer.

16. Sober Emo Girl (Solid Snake, MAFIA Infiltrator- killed by Levity N2): Didn't do too much. Interestingly enough, was the only person to fakeclaim a different character: Princess Peach, who was both a princess and virgin, the latter I added in because I thought it would be more believable than a strictly negative role.

17. SlayerX (D1 Sho.M.the.Panty sub- killed by Darros N2): His fakeclaim was BG: this existed already under a different name, so he got the same exact wording. Picture link broke. Made sensible moves in general.

18. Kaoz (D1 Radiant Dragon Sub- lynched D6): Town MVP. Got things straight all game, and was generally just right even through endgame. Though the logic for Proto lynch was kind of questionable, I think it was because he was trying to make sense of the two snips in Proto's PM. Only Kirsche's lie about his N4 protect really threw him off, but even then he was confident Bizz was scum. He found the information part of his role a lot more useful than the announcement part.

19. Balcerzak (N2 Paperblade sub- killed by Proto N3): Thrust into a tough position as mafia and couldn't manage to be super active to make up for it, and sadly was thrown under suspicion for it. Didn't get to do much :(

20. Anouleth (D6 Blitz sub- survived): Hammered on the last day incorrectly. Was thrust into a pretty awkward situation.

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Kind of pulled Bal out of his ass N3 (Blitz is the safest lynch), then changed it to eclipse (read: still different from in thread top suspicion).

I did think about blitz, and he was the safest decision. But the safest decision sometimes isn't the best, and eclispe moaning about her role didn't sit well with me at all.

Although looking back I was far more critical of Bizz at the time.

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