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Mechanics that you want


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Just did some thinking and game up with a few new status-effects. Assume bosses and leads are immune unless stated otherwise and can be broken by a status-healing stave.

Mind Control: Pretty basic in of itself. You cast the spell, it hits, you mind-control the target for X turns. Bosses and leaders are immune, but everyone else is fair game. Thinking the only ways to break it are 1) Kill off the controller. 2) Have a unit with a A support talk to them. 3) Use a status-curing stave on them. 4) Mind control them BACK!

Plague: Identical to poison, except when the unit dies, if there is another unit (own side prioritized over opposing) within three spaces, it spreads to at least one other unit. If a unit from own side ends the turn within three spaces, it spreads to them.

Hippymancy Pacify: When a unit gets hit, they can not preform any 'aggressive' action such as attacking, using items/weapons that affect the enemy, stealing, and such.

Siphon: When this ability strikes a unit, that unit become immobile. From that point on, for every two damage dealt to the target by any source, they will drain 1 HP from the target(s). Enemy-only. Affects leaders

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Against player characters, it sounds a lot like Berserk except with the character not attacking enemies and having more ways to cure it.

If Berserked characters wouldn't attack enemies or other Berserked characters, L'arachel and Gerik wouldn't have died in Ch14 of my FE8 no-resets run.

Edited by Othin
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Why not just make two types of it? One that's "mind control" and one that's "super mind control" (obviously with better names) and have the first only have two uses and be available to the player, but have the second have like 5-10 uses and be available to enemies only. Kinda like how rewarp in FE10 has like 30 uses.

How about something like mind control and possess.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Mechanics that I want? Ok. Here I go.

Branch Promotions: I LOVE this feature. A choice between two classes? Awesome. As long as BOTH are actually useful and not another class in 'guise like FE8 Mage Knights that were just Valkeries with a different name. And if I could get branching classes for lords... YESZ!

Tiers: Introduced in Gaiden and Radiant Dawn. I loved this in Gaiden. When I heard this was in Radiant Dawn I have to admit I was excited for but when played it I thought they were doing it wrong.

Supports: As much as I think FE4 is awesomesause this is much better.

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I mean.....it be kind of neat. Since the replay value would sky rocket.

If it actually had that many relevant options. Which it wouldn't.

You noted that you didn't think all of FE8's options were satisfactory. Do you really think that not only could all of those options become relevant, but then split into even more relevant options for a third tier?

On the other hand... hm, perhaps with the amount of options Berwick Saga's system offers... I think I can come up with something that might work.

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It'd be quite odd with both a third tier and promotion branches. Let's say FE8 had a third tier and a couple more branches. Third Tier Paladins,Great Knights and Generals are Silver Knight, Gold Knight and Marshall.

Then we have Amelia. wouldn't all these intersect?



Trainee: AK, Cavalier

Cavalier: GK, Paladin

Great Knight: Marshall, Gold Knight

Paladin: Silver knight, Gold Knight

AK: GK, General

Great Knight: Gold Knight, Marshall

General: Gold Knight, Marshall

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Yea. It's not like branching and triple-tiers can't work. Here. I'll even do one right now.

Base: Mymerdion

Promotion 1 (mymerdion): Swordsmaster (+10 critical) / Mercenary (higher caps)

Promotion 2 (Swordsmaster): Saintly warrior (capable of using Holy Weapons/bonus damage against monsters) / Blademaster (Critical + 20)

Promotion 2 (Merc): Hero (access to axes) / Sword Lord (access to bows)

Now this is making the obvious assumption of overall balance, but it's not that hard to do. Could even up it to three branches if I really pushed it.

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Yea. It's not like branching and triple-tiers can't work. Here. I'll even do one right now.

Base: Mymerdion

Promotion 1 (mymerdion): Swordsmaster (+10 critical) / Mercenary (higher caps)

Promotion 2 (Swordsmaster): Saintly warrior (capable of using Holy Weapons/bonus damage against monsters) / Blademaster (Critical + 20)

Promotion 2 (Merc): Hero (access to axes) / Sword Lord (access to bows)

Now this is making the obvious assumption of overall balance, but it's not that hard to do. Could even up it to three branches if I really pushed it.

Myrmidon to merc? I do not approve. Merc should be a tier 1 or not in at all.

If it actually had that many relevant options. Which it wouldn't.

You noted that you didn't think all of FE8's options were satisfactory. Do you really think that not only could all of those options become relevant, but then split into even more relevant options for a third tier?

On the other hand... hm, perhaps with the amount of options Berwick Saga's system offers... I think I can come up with something that might work.

I'm sure there would be irrelevant choices, but if they can work in more useful classes....then I wouldn't mind seeing it happen.

Edited by Griffen78
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It'd be quite odd with both a third tier and promotion branches. Let's say FE8 had a third tier and a couple more branches. Third Tier Paladins,Great Knights and Generals are Silver Knight, Gold Knight and Marshall.

It works pretty well in many other games. Langrisser has a few of these and I always enjoyed them. Then again, Langrisser isn't as linear as Fire Emblem is either.

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Just to let you guys know, branched third tiers even with the addition of a couple new weapon can and would make sense...

I added a couple extra statistics to STR and MAG and all that to help differentiate the feel of them all... Mainly their use is determined by the skills they have though.


Here's the PNG. so you can get an idear.

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Just to let you guys know, branched third tiers even with the addition of a couple new weapon can and would make sense...

I added a couple extra statistics to STR and MAG and all that to help differentiate the feel of them all... Mainly their use is determined by the skills they have though.


Here's the PNG. so you can get an idear.

I like it. Though I am curious why you didn't just do fire/thunder/wind. I'm guessing sky magic would be like wind, but do earth and ocean magic serve different purposes or are they just different names?

Speaking of earth magic, that's one thing I was thinking about, though this would probably be more appropriate for the weapon topic. Have earth magic, but it's more support magic, like you can use it to do area damage to non-flying units, or you can use it to increase/decrease movement costs or defense/avoid bonuses on certain terrain squares. It would have a few attack spells, but not many, like one or two.

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That's not really tier 3s though, that's tier 0s being prolific and standardized. Not that that's a bad thing, it's much easier and simple to add a tier below 1 than above 2.

Kind of boring that every t0 only has 3 t2 choices though, because their t1 options share a final class. That's something I didn't like in an earlier post with the Paladin and GK sharing a t3 (and General :R). Ewan did the best in that regard, other than the suddenly losing Anima bit. Or if there was a t0 that promoted to Merc or Myrm, using the FE8 promotion choices that would give a wide range of options for that character.



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A class I really want is an archer with bow/knife that has an ability that lets them switch to the best weapon type for the situation. like they equip a knife and bow and switch between them. making the archer less sucky. It wouldn't be op because knifes are not great.

explain this necromancer class to me. and why summoner/necromancer lacks dark magic.

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